Category: Open body language

Body Language of Wide Arms

Body Language of Wide Arms

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Wide Arms 1Cue: Wide Arms

Synonym(s): Arms Apart, Catching The Applause.

Description: The arms are spread wide apart, palms even (neither up nor down) and eye contact is established with the target or targets.

In One Sentence: Wide arms is a long distance embrace-indicator.

How To Use it: Use the wide arms posture to collect adulation from other people at a distance. Presenters, politicians, entertainers, and so forth, should use the wide arm posture to connect and build bonds with many people at the same time.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m opening my arms wide, palms flashed to catch all your applause and adulation – I am your star.”

Variant: See Palm Up Displays or The Rogatory Posture, Arms Up Posture.

Cue In Action: The president approached the audience, flashed his palms out and circled the stage with wide arms held just above his head. He was soaking in the adulation like a rock star.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Wide arms are a long distance embrace-indicator. Entertainers frequently perform this gesture toward their audience after completing a routine in order to catch their applause and adulation. We also see politicians do the wide arms gesture to collect them all in one big long-distance hug.

The posture shows others that they have a positive attitude as it defies gravity, that they are dominant by taking up more space, and that they wish to be noticed.

Other times, the wide arms posture is used to calm an audience. This gesture appears more as a palm moving in an up and down movement.

Cue Cluster: Watch for a big smile, head held high, palm flashing, waving, a swagger, eye contact with the audience, blowing kisses, bowing, pointing to people that are recognized, shaking hands, kiss hello and hugging.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Gravity defying body language, High confidence body language, High confidence hand displays, Leadership body language, Open body language, Palm power, Up nonverbals.


Andric, Michael ; Solodkin, Ana ; Buccino, Giovanni ; Goldin-Meadow, Susan ; Rizzolatti, Giacomo ; Small, Steven L. Brain function overlaps when people observe emblems, speech, and grasping. Neuropsychologia, 2013, Vol.51(8), pp.1619-1629

Alibali, M.W., Heath, D.C., and Myers,H.J. (2001). Effects of visibility between speaker and listener on gesture production: Some gestures are meant to be seen. Journal of Memory and Language, 44, 169–188.

Allen, Jill; Sarah J. Gervais and Jessi L. Smith. Sit Big to Eat Big: The Interaction of Body Posture and Body Concern on Restrained Eating. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2013. 37(3): 325-336. DOI: 10.1177/

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Beattie, G., & Shovelton,H.(1999). Mapping the range of information contained in the iconich and gestures that accompany spontaneous speech. Journal of Language and social Psychology, 18, 438–462.

Biau, E., & Soto-Faraco, S.(2013). Beat gestures modulate auditory integration in speech perception. Brain and Language, 124(2), 143–152.

Bartholomewn, Morgan E.; Sheri L. Johnson. Nonverbal Dominance Behavior Among Individuals at Risk for Mania. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2014. 159: 133-138.
Carney, Dana R. Carney; Amy J.C. Cuddy; Andy J. Yap. Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance. Psychological Science, 2010; 21 (10): 1363-1368.

Beattie, G., & Shovelton,H.(1999). Mapping the range of information contained in the iconich and gestures that accompany spontaneous speech. Journal of Language and social Psychology, 18, 438–462.

Biau, E., & Soto-Faraco, S.(2013). Beat gestures modulate auditory integration in speech perception. Brain and Language, 124(2), 143–152.

Bartolo, A.,Cubelli,R.,DellaSala,S.,&Drei,S.(2003).Pantomimes are special gestures which rely on working memory. Brain and Cognition, 53, 483–494.

Bernardis, P.,& Gentilucci,M.(2006).Speec hand gestures are the same communication system. Neuropsychologia, 44, 178–190.

Buccino, G.,Vogt,S., Ritzl, A., Fink, G .R., Zilles, K., Freund, H. J., et al.(2004).Neural circuits underlying imitation learning of hand actions: Anevent-related fMRI study. Neuron, 42, 323–334.

Balzarotti, Stefania ; Piccini, Luca ; Andreoni, Giuseppe ; Ciceri, Rita “I Know That You Know How I Feel”: Behavioral and Physiological Signals Demonstrate Emotional Attunement While Interacting with a Computer Simulating Emotional Intelligence. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2014. 38(3): 283-299.

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Cuddy, Amy J.C., Caroline A. Wilmuth, and Dana R. Carney. The Benefit of Power Posing Before a High-Stakes Social Evaluation. Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-027, September 2012.

Cashdan, Elizabeth. Smiles, Speech, and Body Posture: How Women and Men Display Sociometric Status and Power. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1998. 22(4): 209-228.

Cuddy, Amy J.C. ; Glick, Peter ; Beninger, Anna. The dynamics of warmth and competence judgments, and their outcomes in organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior. 2011. 31: 73-98.

Carney, Dana R.; Amy J.C. Cuddy; Andy J. Yap. Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance. Psychological Science, 2010; 21 (10): 1363-1368.

Cesario, J., & McDonald, M. M. (2013). Bodies in context: Power poses as a computation of action possibility. Social Cognition, 31, 260–274.

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Dick, A.S., Goldin-Meadow,S., Hasson,U.,Skipper, J.I., & Small, S.L. (2009). Co- speech gestures influence neural activity in brain regions associated with processing semantic information. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 3509–3526.

Desteno, David ; Breazeal, Cynthia ; Frank, Robert H ; Pizarro, David ; Baumann, Jolie ; Dickens, Leah ; Lee, Jin Joo. Detecting the Trustworthiness of Novel Partners in Economic Exchange. Psychological Science. 2012. 23(12): 1549-1556.

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Fabbri-Destro, M.,& Rizzolatti,G. (2008). Mirror neurons and mirror systems in monkeys and humans. Physiology, 23, 171–179.

Fogassi, L., Gallese,V., Fadiga,L., & Rizzolatti,G. (1998). Neurons responding to the sight of goal directed hand/armactions in the parietal area PF (7b) of the macaque monkey. Society for Neuroscience, 24, 257.5.

Fatt, James P. T. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.(nonverbal communication). Communication World. 1999. 16(6): 37(4).

Fischer, Julia; Peter Fischer; Birte Englich; Nilüfer Aydin and Dieter Frey. Empower My Decisions: The Effects of Power Gestures on Confirmatory Information Processing. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2011. 47: 1146-1154.

Gorkan Ahmetoglu, Viren Swami. Do Women Prefer “Nice Guys?” The Effect Of Male Dominance Behavior On Women’s Ratings. Social Behavior And Personality, 2012; 40(4), 667-672.

Gentilucci, M., Bernardis, P., Crisi,G., & Dalla Volta, R. (2006). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of Broca’s area affects verbal responses to gesture observation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 1059–1074.

Goldin-Meadow, S. (1999).The role of gesture in communication and thinking. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3, 419–429.

Goldin-Meadow, S.(2003). Hearing gesture: How our hands help us think. Cam-bridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Gräfenhain, M., Behne, T., Carpenter, M., & Tomasello, M. (2009). One-year-olds’ understanding of nonverbal gestures directed to a third person. Cognitive Development, 24, 23–33. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2008.10.001

Guidetti, M. (2005). Yes or no? How do young children combine gestures and words to agree and refuse. Journal of Child Language, 32, 911–924. doi:10.1017/S0305000905007038

Huang, L., Galinsky, A. D., Gruenfeld, D. H., & Guillory, L. E. (2011). Powerful postures versus powerful roles: Which is the proximate correlate of thought and behavior? Psychological Science, 22, 95–102.

Hubbard, A.L., Wilson,S.M., Callan,D.E., & Dapretto, M.(2009). Giving speech a hand: Gesture modulates activity in auditory cortex during speech perception. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 1028–1037.

Hansen, Jacqueline. Teaching without talking: teachers need to be aware of more than just the words they speak to children. They also need to monitor the nonverbal messages that they’re sending to students through proximity, eye contact, gestures, and touching. Phi Delta Kappan. 2010. 92(1): 35(6).

Holle, H., & Gunter,T.C. (2007). The role of iconic gestures in speech disambiguation: ERP evidence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 1175–1192.

Holler, J., Shovelton, H.,& Beattie, G.(2009).Do iconic hand gestures really contribute to the communication of semantic information in a face-to-face context? Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 33, 73–88.

Hubbard, A.L., Wilson, S. M., Callan, D. E., & Dapretto, M.(2009).Giving speech a hand: Gesture modulates activity in auditory cortex during speech perception. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 1028–1037.

Kelly, S. D., Barr, D. J., Church, R. B., & Lynch, K.(1999).Offering a hand topragmatic understanding: The role of speech and gesture in comprehension and memory. Journal of Memory and Language, 40, 577–592.

Kelly, S. D., Creigh, P., & Bartolotti, J.(2009).Integrating speech and iconic gestures in a Stroop-like task: Evidence for automatic processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 683–694.

Kelly, S.D., Kravitz, C.,& Hopkins, M.(2004).Neural correlates of bimodal speech and gesture comprehension. Brain and Language, 89(1), 253–260.

Knutson, K.M., McClellan,E.M., & Grafman, J.(2008).Observing social gestures: An fMRI study. Experimental Brain Research, 188, 187–198.

Krahmer,E., & Swerts, M.(2007).The effects of visual beats on prosodic prominence: Acoustic analyses, auditory perception and visual perception. Journal of Memory and Language, 57, 396–414.

Krauss, R. M., Dushay, R.A., Chen,Y., & Rauscher, F.(1995).The communicative value of conversational hand gesture. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 31(6), 533–552.

Koppensteiner, Markus ; Grammer, Karl. Body movements of male and female speakers and their influence on perceptions of personality. Personality and Individual Differences. 2011. 51(6): 743-747.

Koppensteiner, Markus ; Stephan, Pia ; Jäschke, Johannes Paul Michael. From body motion to cheers: Speakers’ body movements as predictors of applause. Personality and Individual Differences. 2015. 74: 182-185.

Leonard, T., & Cummins, F.(2010).The temporal relation between beat gestures and speech. Language and Cognitive Processes, 26, 1457–1471.

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Straube, Benjamin ; Green, Antonia ; Jansen, Andreas ; Chatterjee, Anjan ; Kircher, Tilo. Social cues, mentalizing and the neural processing of speech accompanied by gestures. Neuropsychologia. 2010. 48(2): 382-393.

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Body Language of Wave or Waving

Body Language of Wave or Waving

No picCue: Wave or Waving.

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: The hand is raised and moved back and forth palm facing out.

In One Sentence: Waving is a long distance greeting gesture.

How To Use it: Use the wave to signal “hello” or “goodbye” over a long distance or when vocalizing words is impractical.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m flashing my palms over a long distance as a greeting gesture to prove that I carry no weapons and mean no harm.”

Variant: See the various forms of Handshakes.

Cue In Action: a) When approaching the drive on a country walk, his neighbour and he exchanged a wave to say hello. b) While mowing the lawn, Nancy waved to Bill who was claiming his mail from the box.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Waving the hand back and forth is a greeting gesture done over long distance. Compare the wave to a handshake, hug or kiss-hello for example. Waving is appropriate when saying goodbye or hello. Those that live in the country habitually wave rather than shake hands as they are not as accustomed to allowing people into their personal space, as those who reside in the city.

The wave, as a long distance greeting, probably has roots in showing that we aren’t carrying a spear, sword, or bow and arrow. Having the hands deep in a pocket or carried behind the back can be a sign of aggression or passive threat, and our evolutionary history tells us that someone who is hiding something is someone that we shouldn’t trust. While they probably carry no weapon, the hands behind the back produces images other than the hiding a bouquet of flowers.

Showing open palms, facing up, or the “palm flash” is essentially what would have happened thousands of years ago when two foreign tribes met.

Even today we might guess that a stranger approaching us on the street was up to no good especially if they hid their hands at their backs or tucked inside a jacket.

Cue Cluster: A wave has meaning onto itself with no need for supportive cues.

Body Language Category: Greeting gesture, Honest body language, Open body language, Palm power, Rapport or rapport building, Recognition gestures.


Axtell, Roger E. Gestures: The Do’s and Taboos of Body Language Around the World. 1997. Wiley.

Andric, Michael ; Solodkin, Ana ; Buccino, Giovanni ; Goldin-Meadow, Susan ; Rizzolatti, Giacomo ; Small, Steven L. Brain function overlaps when people observe emblems, speech, and grasping. Neuropsychologia, 2013, Vol.51(8), pp.1619-1629

Alibali, M.W., Heath, D.C., and Myers,H.J. (2001). Effects of visibility between speaker and listener on gesture production: Some gestures are meant to be seen. Journal of Memory and Language, 44, 169–188.

Beattie, G., & Shovelton,H.(1999). Mapping the range of information contained in the iconich and gestures that accompany spontaneous speech. Journal of Language and social Psychology, 18, 438–462.

Biau, E., & Soto-Faraco, S.(2013). Beat gestures modulate auditory integration in speech perception. Brain and Language, 124(2), 143–152.

Bartolo, A.,Cubelli,R.,DellaSala,S.,&Drei,S.(2003).Pantomimes are special gestures which rely on working memory. Brain and Cognition, 53, 483–494.

Bernardis, P.,& Gentilucci,M.(2006).Speech hand gestures are the same communication system. Neuropsychologia, 44, 178–190.

Buccino, G.,Vogt,S., Ritzl, A., Fink, G .R., Zilles, K., Freund, H. J., et al.(2004).Neural circuits underlying imitation learning of hand actions: Anevent-related fMRI study. Neuron, 42, 323–334.

Chandler, Jesse ; Schwarz, Norbert. How extending your middle finger affects your perception of others: Learned movements influence concept accessibility. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2009. 45(1): 123-128.

Dick, A.S., Goldin-Meadow,S., Hasson,U.,Skipper, J.I., & Small, S.L. (2009). Co- speech gestures influence neural activity in brain regions associated with processing semantic information. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 3509–3526.

Fabbri-Destro, M.,& Rizzolatti,G. (2008). Mirror neurons and mirror systems in monkeys and humans. Physiology, 23, 171–179.

Fogassi, L., Gallese,V., Fadiga,L., & Rizzolatti,G. (1998). Neurons responding to the sight of goal directed hand/armactions in the parietal area PF (7b) of the macaque monkey. Society for Neuroscience, 24, 257.5.

Fusaro, M., Harris, P. L., & Pan, B. A. (2012). Head nodding and head shaking gestures in children’s early communication. First Language, 32, 439–458. doi:10.1177/0142723711419326

Gentilucci, M., Bernardis, P., Crisi,G., & Dalla Volta, R. (2006). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of Broca’s area affects verbal responses to gesture observation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 1059–1074.

Goldin-Meadow, S. (1999).The role of gesture in communication and thinking. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3, 419–429.

Goldin-Meadow, S.(2003). Hearing gesture: How our hands help us think. Cam-bridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Gräfenhain, M., Behne, T., Carpenter, M., & Tomasello, M. (2009). One-year-olds’ understanding of nonverbal gestures directed to a third person. Cognitive Development, 24, 23–33. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2008.10.001

Guidetti, M. (2005). Yes or no? How do young children combine gestures and words to agree and refuse. Journal of Child Language, 32, 911–924. doi:10.1017/S0305000905007038

Hummer, P., Wimmer, H., & Antes, G. (1993). On the origins of denial negation. Journal of Child Language, 20, 607– 618. doi:10.1017/S0305000900008503

Hubbard, A.L., Wilson,S.M., Callan,D.E., & Dapretto, M.(2009). Giving speech a hand: Gesture modulates activity in auditory cortex during speech perception. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 1028–1037.

He, Yifei ; Gebhardt, Helge ; Steines, Miriam ; Sammer, Gebhard ; Kircher, Tilo ; Nagels, Arne ; Straube, Benjamin. The EEG and fMRI signatures of neural integration: An investigation of meaningful gestures and corresponding speech. Neuropsychologia. 2015. 72: 27-42.

Hansen, Jacqueline. Teaching without talking: teachers need to be aware of more than just the words they speak to children. They also need to monitor the nonverbal messages that they’re sending to students through proximity, eye contact, gestures, and touching. Phi Delta Kappan. 2010. 92(1): 35(6).

Holle, H., & Gunter,T.C. (2007). The role of iconic gestures in speech disambiguation: ERP evidence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 1175–1192.

Holler, J., Shovelton, H.,& Beattie, G.(2009).Do iconic hand gestures really contribute to the communication of semantic information in a face-to-face context? Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 33, 73–88.

Hubbard, A.L., Wilson, S. M., Callan, D. E., & Dapretto, M.(2009).Giving speech a hand: Gesture modulates activity in auditory cortex during speech perception. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 1028–1037.

Kendon,A.(1994).Do gestures communicate? A review. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 27, 175–200.

Knutson, K.M., McClellan,E.M., & Grafman, J.(2008).Observing social gestures: An fMRI study. Experimental Brain Research, 188, 187–198.

Kelly, S. D., Barr, D. J., Church, R. B., & Lynch, K.(1999).Offering a hand topragmatic understanding: The role of speech and gesture in comprehension and memory. Journal of Memory and Language, 40, 577–592.

Kelly, S. D., Creigh, P., & Bartolotti, J.(2009).Integrating speech and iconic gestures in a Stroop-like task: Evidence for automatic processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 683–694.

Kelly, S.D., Kravitz, C.,& Hopkins, M.(2004).Neural correlates of bimodal speech and gesture comprehension. Brain and Language, 89(1), 253–260.

Krahmer,E., & Swerts, M.(2007).The effects of visual beats on prosodic prominence: Acoustic analyses, auditory perception and visual perception. Journal of Memory and Language, 57, 396–414.

Krauss, R. M., Dushay, R.A., Chen,Y., & Rauscher, F.(1995).The communicative value of conversational hand gesture. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 31(6), 533–552.

Koppensteiner, Markus ; Stephan, Pia ; Jäschke, Johannes Paul Michael. From body motion to cheers: Speakers’ body movements as predictors of applause. Personality and Individual Differences. 2015. 74: 182-185.

Leonard, T., & Cummins, F.(2010).The temporal relation between beat gestures and speech. Language and Cognitive Processes, 26, 1457–1471.

Lindenberg, R., Uhlig,M., Scherfeld,D., Schlaug,G., & Seitz, R.J.(2012).Commu- nication with emblematic gestures: Shared and distinct neural correlates of expression and reception. Human Brain Mapping, 33, 812–823.

Montgomery, K.J., Isenberg, N., & Haxby,J.V. (2007). Communicative hand gestures and object-directed hand movements activated the mirror neuron system. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2, 114–122.

Molnar-Szakacs, Istvan ; Wu, Allan D ; Robles, Francisco J ; Iacoboni, Marco Robertson, Edwin (Academic Editor). Do You See What I Mean? Corticospinal Excitability During Observation of Culture-Specific Gestures (Gesture Perception). PLoS ONE. 2007. 2(7): p.e626

Marsh, Abigail A. ; Elfenbein, Hillary Anger ; Ambady, Nalini. Separated by a common language: nonverbal accents and cultural stereotypes about Americans and Australians.(Author abstract). Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 2007. 38(3): 284(18).

Namy, Laural. ; Newcombe, Noras. More than Just Hand Waving: Review of Hearing Gestures: How Our Hands Help Us Think. Journal of Cognition and Development. 2008. 9(2): 247-252.

Ohgami, Y., Matsuo,K., Uchida,N., & Nakai,T. (2004). An fMRI study of tool-use gestures: Body partas object and pantomime. Neuroreport, 15, 1903–1906.

Pease, Barbara and Allan Pease. 2006. The Definitive Book of Body Language Hardcover. Bantam.

Skipper, J.I., Goldin-Meadow, S., Nusbaum,H.C.,& Small,S.L. (2007).Speech- associated gestures, Broca’s area, and the human mirror system. Brain and Language, 101, 260–277.

Sherzer, Joel The Brazilian Thumbs-Up Gesture. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 1991, Vol.1(2), pp.189-197

Straube,B., Green,A., Bromberger,B., & Kircher, T. (2011).The differentiation of iconic and metaphoric gestures: Common and unique integration processes. Human Brain Mapping, 32, 520–533.

Straube, Benjamin ; Green, Antonia ; Jansen, Andreas ; Chatterjee, Anjan ; Kircher, Tilo. Social cues, mentalizing and the neural processing of speech accompanied by gestures. Neuropsychologia. 2010. 48(2): 382-393.

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Body Language of Sunglasses Body Language

Body Language of Sunglasses Body Language

No picCue: Sunglasses Body Language.

Synonym(s): Removing Sunglasses, Keeping Sunglasses On, Not Removing Sunglasses.

Description: Wearing and removing sunglasses mean various things depending on the context.

In One Sentence: Wearing sunglasses is a sign that one wishes to protect privacy and reduce intimacy or is simply in need of protecting the eyes from damaging ultraviolet rays.

How To Use it: Wearing sunglasses is a great way to reduce the amount of intimacy shared between you and other people. Sunglasses block the eyes which creates a barrier between you and other people. They are effective in concealing more than just the whites of the eyes, but the eyes in total, which eliminates one of the most important connections between people.

Wear sunglasses whenever you want to be shielded from other people and avoid intimate conversations and when you want to conceal emotions. Poker players habitually use sunglasses, even indoors, to hide telling information about their cards. The same is effective in general life.

See Meaning and/or Motivation to deduce more practical applications of sunglasses.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m keeping my sunglasses on inside this dark room because I want to protect my privacy.” b) “I’m protecting my eyes from the sun and there is no hidden meaning behind my sunglasses.” c) “I’m removing my sunglasses because I want to show that I’m open and honest and want to establish a connection with you.” d) “I’m keeping my sunglasses on because I want to keep my distance from you and protect my privacy – my sunglasses are a barrier between you and me.”

Variant: See Eye Glasses Language.

Cue In Action: a) The celebrity wore his sunglasses from the moment he stepped out of his car until he was out of shot of the cameras b) It was a bright day at the beach and the parents and kids all wore sunglasses to protect their eyes. c) They hadn’t seen each other in almost five years, but as soon as she recognized the familiar face, she removed her sunglasses, said “hi” and gave her a big hug. d) The neighbours struck up a conversation about the loud tenants next door. It wasn’t a particularly sunny day, but both elected to keep their sunglasses on to maintain their privacy.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The main purpose of sunglasses is to protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation, but when they are worn out of this context, they are laden with hidden meaning.

Sunglasses offer more than protection from the sun, they also protect our eyes from being read. Our eyes hold plenty of potentially hidden information. Those who keep eye glasses on, think celebrities and poker players, while indoors, or in cloudy conditions are telling others that they have a need for secrecy, privacy and to some degree (and in some cases), protection from the bright flashes of the camera.

We habitually see celebrities indoors or in nighttime conditions with sunglasses. This hides the emotion of their face by creating a barrier and also protects their identity. The celebrity is saying, “back off and give me some space and privacy.” When others copy the celebrity-cool-factor by sporting sunglasses indoors it shows that they wish to appear important by feigning celebrity.

Obviously, if we wish to welcome and continue a conversation or increase its effectiveness, we should promptly remove our sunglasses, even in really sunny conditions, so we might benefit from mutual gaze and intimacy. When your counterpart wears glasses, you might both agree to keep them on. However, in so doing, a less intimate encounter will be produced.

Someone that refuses to remove sunglasses is saying that they are a private person and does not want to expose themselves to the judgment and intimacy of others. Wearing sunglasses during a conversation is like hearing the person talk, without really seeing them. It’s like the mythical man behind the curtain where you can never quite get the whole picture.

Conversely, someone that makes a point to remove sunglasses is saying that they want to appear open, honest and create a trusting bond.

Wearing the sunglasses on top of the head can also help to appear cool because it gives the impression of having two sets of eyes. The larger set on top of the head also appear larger with big baby-like pupils. This can work to a person’s advantage.

Alternatively, wearing sunglasses might mean nothing at all. Certain people are particularly sensitive to bright lights and wear sunglasses from the moment they leave the house until they reach their indoor destination.

Cue Cluster: When sunglasses remain on, the face is usually expressionless, the body rigid with body movements controlled and restricted only to that necessary. When sunglasses are removed, expect a person to be full of expression such as smiling, wide eyes (unless the sun is really bright), open gesticulation, and so forth.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Barriers, Blocking or Shielding, Closed body language, Disengagement body language, Eye blocking, Eye Language, Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Open body language or openness, Suspicious body language.


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Body Language of Strutting

Body Language of Strutting

No picCue: Strutting.

Synonym(s): Swagger.

Description: A careless, slow, deliberate gait with shoulders back, chest out, head up, as if swimming through the air. The upper body moves back and forth confidently.

In One Sentence: Strutting is a type of gait displaying supreme confidence.

How To Use it: Use strutting or swagger to show others that good things happen to you and that you are able to control the results in your life. This works well in any context but if done too conspicuously will appear as smug. When using the cue, be sure that it can be backed up with other confident demeanor including a relaxed and slow speech pattern, proper gesticulation and so forth. President Obama is a great example of walking with swagger and he also backs it up with swagger in his speech and gesture. In dating, swagger is highly regarded as it is in business.

Context: a) Dating b) Business.

Verbal Translation: “I’m confident and in control. I walk with my head up, shoulders back, chest puffed out so that others take note of my dominance and show me respect and admiration.”

Variant: See Gait or Walking Styles.

Cue In Action: a) He walked by the girls in full strut, his chest puffed out trying to appear larger than he actually was. b) The boss was confident and this was easy to see. His gait was smooth, deliberate, and effortless. He walked with his head held high, back strait and arms moving smoothly with each stride.

Meaning and/or Motivation: High ranking officials such as presidents and high level business men habitually strut. A swagger occurs while walking and is a display of confidence, dominance and usually sex appeal. Men are said to strut when trying to appear masculine in the eye of women. Women can also strut, but it’s not as typical as it is for men.

If someone is going out of their way to strut, he is likely trying to impress others but might not have the gull to back it up. True strutting appears effortlessly and is backed by real life accomplishments.

Cue Cluster: The strut is a collection of cues in cluster. Head high, back straight but fluid, arms in motion and chest puffed out. Watch for additional cues to verify the honesty of the strut. Those with confidence will also carry open postures such as arms uncrossed and out of pockets, make and hold eye contact easily, touch people freely when appropriate, maintain open postures, gesticulate when appropriate and so forth.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Gravity defying body language, High confidence body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Leadership body language, Open body language, Threat displays, Up nonverbals.


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Body Language of Splaying The Body or Taking Up Space

Body Language of Splaying The Body or Taking Up Space

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Splaying The Body or Taking Up More Space 3Cue: Splaying The Body or Taking Up More Space.

Synonym(s): Taking Up Space, Throwing The Arm Over The Chair, Expansive Body Language, Spreading The Body Out, Arm Spread Out Over The Chair.

Description: Splaying occurs when the arms or legs are spread apart. Usually the arm will find itself over the chair next to the one being sat in.

In One Sentence: Body splaying or expansive body language is one of the main and ubiquitous indicators of dominance.

How To Use it: Whenever you wish that others perceive you as dominant, use body expansion. This can be used in any context, but is particularly effective when leadership is requires such as in business and for men, in dating.

As you take on expansive postures, be conscious of how they make you feel. Should you feel awkward and over-exposed, it is likely that you are doing the posture correctly, but that you aren’t socially and psychologically prepared to deal with the emotions that come inherent with the posture. This will tell you that you’re faking dominance, but if you can stifle the emotion, you’re likely to gain the respect and leadership qualities you desire. In time, it has been said that you can fake nonverbal signals until you “make it.” Your results may vary, but certainly, taking on expansive postures, while working on the emotional repercussions is a proactive way of self-improvement. Be careful however, as dominance postures often invite dominance challenges. Be prepared.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m a dominant individual, be aware of my large presence and give me the space and respect I deserve.”

Variant: See Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion.

Cue In Action: a) The boss sat casually at the table with a figure four leg cross coupled with his arms over the back of the table next to him. b) He was a player and consciously sat splayed out with his legs open and his arm on the chair next to him. Presumably, he figured that it made him look more relaxed and in control.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Taking up space is part of dominant body language because it leaves the vital areas of the body open for attack. It also indicates high confidence. In the wrong context, it can show disrespect due to indifference. This is especially the case when around people who are even more dominant than the person doing the splaying.

Having the arms spread wide while on a sofa and the legs apart gives the impression that a person is relaxed and also larger than they actually are. A person might puff out the chest, place the hands on the hips and lean back. Many animals display similarly and nearly without exception; splaying or expansive movements are a signal to others to beware.

Cue Cluster: Usually, the leg is crossed in a figure four or European Leg Cross depending on the person and his status. Other times, the legs are spread wide open for a more dominant seated position. The head is usually held high, the face is relaxed and conversation is kept to that which is necessary.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Authoritative body language, Courtship display, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, High confidence body language, Leadership body language, Open body language, Territorial displays.


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Body Language of Shoe Play or Removing Shoes

Body Language of Shoe Play or Removing Shoes

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Shoe Play or Removing Shoes 2 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Shoe Play or Removing Shoes 1Cue: Shoe Play or Removing Shoes.

Synonym(s): Playing With The Shoe, Removing Shoes, Dangling The Shoe.

Description: A cue usually delivered by a woman where the heel of the shoe is either removed entirely or partially removed and dangled from a toe. Alternatively, the shoes are removed to make a person more comfortable.

In One Sentence: Removing the shoes is a sign of comfort.

How To Use it: Remove the shoes to show other people that you feel comfortable and are not in any rush to leave. When removed at the door to someone’s house, it also serves to show respect as it avoids bringing dirt inside. If uncertain, always ask when entering a home if they wish for you to leave your shoes on or take them off. If you notice that your host has removed their shoes, you should simply remove them unless they specify otherwise. In a relaxed atmosphere such as at a friend’s house, removing the shoes is common practice; however, in a business setting, removing your shoes can be seen as disrespectful. If your feet have a malodor, keeping your shoes on is highly advisable.

In a dating context, woman can remove their shoes as a symbol of their trust in their partner. Dangling a stiletto from the tip of the toe is a great way to show arousal and trust at the same time.

Context: a) Dating b) General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m comfortable in this environment and not going anyway so I feel safe enough to remove my shoes.”

Variant: See Symbolic Stripping or Removing Clothing.

Cue In Action: a) She dangled her tall stilettos from the tip of her toes and bounced her leg up and down while sipping a pinkish drink from the edge of the bar. It wasn’t long before she had her first offer from a potential suitor. She quickly froze at the sight of him, put her shoe back on and gazed across the room hoping to make eye contact with her friends. She was looking for a possible exit. b) They had a full work schedule ahead of them and as the clock ticked on to the early morning hours they had removed their jackets, ties and shoes. The end of the project was still not in sight.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Removing the shoes is a strong indicator of comfort and agreement. It is most salient in a courtship setting when done by a woman because it is a concrete indication of her desire to stay rather than go. Removing the shoes makes “escape” that much more difficult. Shoe play also accentuates the female physic and permits her to bounce her leg up and down showcasing her legs through movement, and drawing in male gaze.

To test this idea, simply startle a woman and if she doesn’t freeze, she’ll pull her shoe back on in short order! Men attuned to shoe language will be able to test an approach. If it goes sour, she’ll casually slip her shoe back on.

In men, shoe removal indicates that comfort is either present or desired and that one is not prepared to leave.

Cue Cluster: Removing the shoe is accompanied by other comfort body language such as open, relaxed facial expressions, smiling, arms uncrossed and gesticulating, touching, eye contact and neck and palm exposure (in women).

Body Language Category: Approach tell, Comfort body language, Courtship display, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Open body language.


Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Body Language of Palm Up Displays or The Rogatory Posture

Body Language of Palm Up Displays or The Rogatory Posture

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Palm Up Displays or The Rogatory Posture 8 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Palm Up Displays or The Rogatory Posture 7Cue: Palm Up.

Synonym(s): Palm Flash, (the) Offered, Open Palm, Rogatory Posture.

: In the palm up display, the hands are turned palm up rather than palm down or hidden from view (such as in pockets). The “rogatory” posture or “prayer-like” posture are terms used to describe outstretched arms with palms up. The palm-up gesture is used throughout the world. We recognize the gesture as an upward rotation of the palms, usually both hands, with fingers partially, or fully extended. The arms are either straight or flexed at the elbow with the wrist flexed or extended.

In One Sentence: Palm up is a cue indicates uncertainty, helplessness, confusion and deference and often accompanies “who,” “what,” “when,” “why,” “where,” and “how” questions.

How To Use it: Use palms up when trying to appear honest. Palm displays signal to others that you want to both offer and idea or accept an idea. This is the cue used when people want to show that they sincerely believe that they are correct and wish to plead with others to accept their opinion.

Palms up while gesturing is also highly effective in building rapport.

Other times, turning the palms up shows that one simply does not know. To make this appear most honest, turn the palms up in unison and with emphasis. Having only one palm up is uncommitted and if they are not uniform from left to right shows dishonesty.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m displaying my palms because I’d like to offer you my ideas and thoughts.” b) “I’m showing you my hands because I want to show that I’m honest and carry no weapons.” c) “I’m holding my hands palm up because I’m trying to gain your trust through honesty – I carry no weapons and I’m trying to offer you my opinion; will you take it? Please.”

Variant: Palm down means the opposite of palm up. Palm down is a power position and shows dominance. Palm up also tends to expose the delicate and vulnerable wrists so coupled with the palm up display reinforces the overall meaning of palm up – offering and submission. See Palm Down and Palm Even, Wrist Exposure Displays.

Cue In Action: a) When trying to explain his position, he turned his palms up, moved them in and out and gestured in synchrony with his thoughts. He was offering his heartfelt view of the situation and desperately wanted to be believed. b) When asked if he knew where the missing doughnut had gone, he shrugged in submission and turned his palms up with enthusiasm. He sincerely didn’t know.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Palms-up, palms-down and palms even all represent different things, from authority to submission. Palms up are a signal of trustworthiness and are a positive, honest, signal. It signifies the desire to build rapport and is nonthreatening and submissive.

The palm-up cue is used to appease and we present it when we’re putting ourselves at risk. For example, we use the cue when asking a question because we realize that we may be ridiculed for our ignorance. Listeners may react negatively to us or laugh at us. We use the posture to show submission and lesson our chances of being challenged. After all, not knowing is a sign of weakness and our weakness is and should be coupled with visible defeat. All this stems from ancient processes which make our bodies take on a smaller, crouched posture, creating a smaller target for potential attack – referred to as “flexation withdrawal.”

In evolutionary terms, the palm display is an important gesture signifying honesty because it is a way to make evident to others that no threat or weapon is present (such as a spear, sword or bow and arrow). Palm flashes are essentially what would have happened thousands of years ago when two foreign tribes met.

Palm and wrist displays have also been noted to be sexual in nature and more frequently flashed by women during courtship likely because it is such a vulnerable part of the body.

The palm up cue is recognized in sign language of the deaf from the U.S. to Colombia and Papua New Guinea. In other words, the cue is likely universal.

Dr. David B. Givens argues that the palm- up gesture originated from primitive pectoral communication (think fish).

Overall, the palm-up gestures, is said by Givens to be a part of a larger shoulder-shrug display. As such, it originates from a crouched posture, or flexation withdrawal. The main actor is the upper trapezius which functions to lift the scapulas. He reminds us that theses muscular movements are incredibly ancient and much like facial expressions, are motivated by emotions. The same nerves that innervates the trapezius (cranial XI), also feeds the larynx. This is why we often accompany a shoulder shrug with a high-pitched, submissive voice tone. In other words, Givens says that muscles that move the larynx and pectoral girls evolved from muscles that originally opened the mouths and gills of ancient fishes.

The palm up gesture is adapted for social communication. The gestures are often paired with words – or vocal roars, drumming sounds (from swim bladders and “singing” which might come from a whale’s respiratory system.

According to Givens, “We do not ordinarily make conscious choices about these gestures. Emotions responsible for palm-up movements are located above the spinal cord in defensive areas of the forebrain’s limbic system (notably the amygdala), passing through basal ganglia and brain-stem links to the spinal cord below. The emotional brain unthinkingly touches off flexor-withdrawal movements designed to protect from real or imagined harm.”

On the other hand, when we view the posture in others, we intuitively decode the message with the help of mirror neurons. These are specialized structures in the brain which subconsciously activate a motor template, or brain blueprint, which help us empathize immediately with the person emitting the cue.

In other words, the entire process is innate, ancient and totally “out of our hands.”

Givens also challenges the idea that the palm up cue is about “offering.” In this metaphor, it is argued that the palms are a container by which we give an idea to someone else. However, he says this explanation falls short. He says that palm up gesture are more about social relationships. Rather than offering and receiving ideas, the posture is more about how one presents the self in relative status to another. When one is asking, pleading, appealing, showing uncertainty, questioning, or acting in deference, then one should accompany ones relative position with a posture that is congruent.

“What you are seeing when you watch a palm-up sign is a continuation of a movement pattern that has survived for hundreds of millions of years. In essence, you see a “gestural fossil” from antiquity that continues to broadcast today,” says Givens.

In other words, the posture is no accident, not conscious or learned, entirely innate and therefore of predictable nonverbal meaning.

Cue Cluster: Palms up is accompanied by relaxed and open facial expressions, relaxed stance, calm breathing and other natural body postures. When stress is evident, but honesty still present, a person might be seen with a tensed face, but the palms will flash consistently and with enthusiasm. The disconnect comes from the misery of not being believed and the worry that comes from potential negative consequences. The enthusiasm with the palm flash indicates a desire to show honest conviction. When lying is present, a person will flash their palms but with low amplitude and lack of symmetry from left to right.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Gesticulation, Honest body language, Nonthreatening body language, Open body language, Palm power, Rapport or rapport building.


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Body Language of The Oddball Handshake

Body Language of The Oddball Handshake

No picCue: Oddball Handshake (The).

Synonym(s): Secrete Handshakes.

Description: Handshake that often include bumps, slaps, flicks and clicks.

In One Sentence: The oddball handshake symbolizes camaraderie and friendship.

How To Use it: Create your own unique handshake to create a strong individual bond with another person whom you share common interests. Players in sports such as baseball can benefit by creating their own handshake to bolster team spirit. Close members of cliques can also benefit since it is a shared greeting that is only known to the members involved.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “Let’s do a weird and unique handshake together so we can build camaraderie and friendship.”

Variant: See Country Handshake (The), Cold Dead Wet Fish Handshake, Double Gripper Politician Handshake or Double Hander (The), Short Grabber/Finger Grabber Handshake, Oddball Handshake, Palm Up, Palm Down and Palm Even Handshakes, Stiff Arm And Thrust Forward Handshake, Death Grip Handshake, Wrench Forward Handshake, Undershaker Handshake, Wrist Hold Handshake, Wrist Hold Handshake and Upper Arm Grip Handshake, Limp Fish Handshake, Teacup Handshake, Arm Twister Handshake (The), Firm handshake, Fist Bumping.

Cue In Action: The baseball player returned to the dugout and did a unique handshake for each player he met on his way back.

Meaning and/or Motivation: This is the sort of handshake your teenage son or daughter comes home with in effort to confusing the heck out of you! It’s the handshake that has you saying “You do what with what, then what?!?” It often includes bumps, slaps, flicks and clicks.

This handshake is fine amongst casual friends but please avoid this on a job interview or with other employees. It does however show a relaxed atmosphere and has its place between friends.

Cue Cluster: The body language surrounding the oddball handshake includes open body language that lacks tension, palms up, loose torsos and relaxed, smiling faces.

Body Language Category: Comfort body language, Childlike playfulness, Friendship touching or friendly touching, Open body language, Rapport or rapport building, Social touching.


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Wesson, David A. The handshake as non-verbal communication in business. (marketing technique). Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 1992. 10(9): 61(6).

Body Language of Military Man or Regal Stance

Body Language of Military Man or Regal Stance

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Military Man or Regal Stance 4Cue: Military Man or Regal Stance

Synonym(s): Arms Behind The Back Posture, Regal Stance.

Description: It is a standing posture that occurs by placing the hands, palm in palm behind the back.

In One Sentence: The military man stance is a way to demonstrate high authority and confidence.

How To Use it: The military man stance is reserved for high ranking individuals so needs to be used with care. High school principles, those actually in the military, royalty, bosses, presidents, and so forth can show that they lack fear of confrontation. Use the posture to demonstrate, not that you wish to gain power, but that you have already achieved it.

The cue is risky in lower ranking people as it may be viewed as a bluff and backfire inviting attack.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m exposing my chest and chin to attack by putting my hands behind my body where they can not serve me. However, in so doing, I warn you – don’t come near me, I’m important and I shouldn’t be touched!”

Variant: The hand gripping the wrist or upper arm in behind the back sends an emotional message of frustration and an attempt at self control, but forms no part of what is said by the military man. See Hand Gripping Upper Arm or Wrist Behind Back.

Cue In Action: The Queen of England and Prince Philip were noted to carry this body language due to their high rank and importance as they greeted large crowds.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Arms behind the back posture signifies a desire not to be touched and a haughty attitude. It is a posture normally held by dominant individuals and leaders who expect no challenge to their authority whatsoever. Royalty, those in the military, high school principals, lawyers, doctors, policemen, and those of high rank will be seen performing this stance.

Power is the main meaning delivered by the military man posture, as it exposes the full front of the body to possible attack and also says that a person is so powerful they aren’t to be touched or approached. Evolutionarily speaking, the military man is a strutting posture. By design, it preemptively avoids potentially harmful physical show-downs between rival men.

Other possible root origins stem from its concealment properties. In other words, a spear, knife or other makeshift sharp object might be cocked, ready to be sprung on unsuspecting challengers – you’d never know, so why risk it!

Cue Cluster: The military man posture is accompanied by holding the chin up and head held back. Usually the feet of the military man are splayed outward so as to take up more space and produce an aura of dominance. The opposite of which is “tibial torsion” when the toes point inward to signal submission.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, High confidence body language, Open body language, Ventral displays.


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Body Language of Laughter

Body Language of Laughter

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Laughter 1 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Laughter 2Cue: Laughter

Synonym(s): Laughing.

Description: Laughs follow a “ha-ha-ha” or “ho-ho-ho” pattern, but never “ha-ho-ha-ho”. We can see other variations though like “cha-ha-ha” or “ha-ha-ho.”

In One Sentence: Laughing is a sign of joy, happiness, and sometimes discomfort or awkwardness.

How To Use it: Laughing is well research. It has proven to be an effective way to keep the body in good spirits and even boost healing and immunity. Laughing is encouraged to build friendships and finds a welcome place in all contexts from dating, to business, and amongst friends. Use laughing to create lasting bonds and break tension.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m so happy and surprised by what you said that I’m showing my primitive panting vocalization.”


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Variant: Giggling is another form of laughter that is more characteristic of children being silly.

Cue In Action: After a few beers it was all jokes and laughter at the party, most of the time no one really knew what caused the laughing spells.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Some researchers pin laughs as a modification of the fear response or as a warning that danger was near. By that same theory, we laugh because our brains are scared or frightened which is why we don’t laugh when we hear a joke for the second time and have predicted its outcome. Laughter usually comes about due to humour and helps clarify emotional context (by defining amusement) between people. Laughter is a way to heal as it releases positive hormones. It is also a way people can share and therefore bond with one another. Laughter in a nonverbal context shows that people are thinking alike and are in agreement and trying to build trust and friendship.

Subordinate people will laugh simply to appease more dominant people, and dominant people exclude themselves from the laugh so as to maintain their dominance. Controlling laugher therefore, can help control our dominance or submission to others, as well as show our acceptance or rejection of others. For example, a polite laugh shows that we are at least “onboard” with a person even though we might not totally agree that what they have said is in fact funny.

Laughter is a form of mirroring and communicates mutual liking and well-being. It can also be used to reduce the harshness of comments or even to take comments back. Humour is an innate vocalization that fosters a sense of community and can help in learning and in creativity. It helps break down walls between different people and can act like a social lubricant to bind people together. Laughter is thirty times more likely to happen in a social setting rather than alone and studies have shown that people don’t really seem to care if the laugh is fake or real, they still tend to like people more when they laugh. Laughing helps us build bonds. Even fake laughs help because at least it shows that a person is trying to fit in.

Cue Cluster: Laughter might be accompanied by social touching, smiling, loose body that lacks negative tension, plenty of “up” non-verbal cues such as arms up, shoulders and head up, toes pointed up, bodies leaning in with engagement and so forth.

Body Language Category: Appease, Enthusiasm (nonverbal), Excited, Fearful body language, Happiness body language, Indicator of interest (IoI), Masked emotions, Nervous body language, Open body language, Nonthreatening body language, Rapport or rapport building, Stressful body language, Surprised body language, Universal gestures.