Category: Courtship display

Body Language of The Parade

Body Language of The Parade

No picCue: Parade (the).

Synonym(s): (the) Catwalk.

Description: The “parade” occurs when a woman walks with an exaggerated swinging or rolling of the hips, back arched, stomach flat, breasts protruding, and head held high.

In One Sentence: The parade is a way to showcase sexuality to others.

How To Use it: Women can use the parade most effectively. For men, this is called swagger. If women wish to be noticed for their sexual assets, they should swing their hips in full view others, especially the ones they wish would notice most. This can be done by walking, but equally, can be done by rolling the hips in a fixed position. Men find an exaggerated parade to be highly visible and difficult to ignore so women can effectively use it to solicit men.

Caution is in order when using the signal since the parade is considered a broadcast signal, and therefore, difficult to anchor to a specific person. In other words, the cue casts a ‘wide net’ potentially drawing in men of lesser quality. However, the cues’ strength relies on this by drawing in many potential “male orbiters” whom are ready to do perform various services for a shot at romance. Women therefore, can use the signal to solicit general attention and then simply refuse those advances which do not meet her criteria.

Context: Dating.

Verbal Translation: “My hips are the focal point of my sexuality so I’m swaying them hypnotically up and down to draw your attention to my sexual bits – I sure hope you notice!”

Variant: The hips are a source of great power in female sexuality. Any draw to the pelvis indicates a desire to showcase a woman’s virility for the admiration of others. A bare midriff is particularity alluring because it exaggerates the hip-to-waist ratio. Incidentally, the tight flat stomach is the first casualty of pregnancy, which reduces the hip-to-waist ratio significantly. For this reason, a bare midriff is normally always reserved for women in the pre-childbearing years of the late teens and early twenties or those in peek physical fitness.

The same effect is accomplished with skintight dresses, and also bikinis or adornments such as waistlets and belly button piercings. They serve to draw the eye to the relative difference between the hips and waist. See Hip Tilt.

Cue In Action: She was newly single and feeling positive. You could tell she was prowling because she appeared confident and vibrant. When she walked, she commanded attention and the boys couldn’t help but look. It was obvious by the way she pranced that she was available and advertising.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Women naturally have wider hips than men in order to accommodate childbirth and it is the exaggeration of the differences between men and women the makes them sexy.

The parade is a way for women to attract attention by emphasizing their hips. Studies show us that women out of committed relationship naturally walk in this manner to attract attention.

For this reason, runway models are also instructed to walk with a hip tilt but in a much more exaggerated way. The hip emphasis posture is pervasive in fashion and advertising. We see women slouching to one side forcing their hips out to emphasize their curves, or walking in an exaggerated way, bouncing their hips up and down as if on a pendulum. Their hips are seen swaying high from the left side, dropping, then right side, dropping.

Picturing this parade or “cat-walk” in the nude and you get the sense that there is an obviously hypnotic purpose to the method. Because the hips move about a center pivot, the eye is drawn front and center to the woman’s genitals – acting like a beacon.

Out of consciousness the parade is not overt or striking, but now that you understand the characteristics, you can watch for it. Women can also roll their hips while standing. This draws attention to their pelvic region.

Cue Cluster: The gesture might be accompanied by a sideways glance and slightly parted wet lips, which could be unconsciously exaggerated by saliva or lipstick.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Courtship displays, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Leaked or involuntary body language, Metronomic signals, Micromessaging.


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Guéguen N. Gait and menstrual cycle: ovulating women use sexier gaits and walk slowly ahead of men. Gait Posture. 2012; 35(4): 621-4.

Givens D. The nonverbal basis of attraction: Flirtation, courtship, and seduction. Psychiatry. 1978. 41: 346.

Goetz, Cari D.; Judith A. Easton; David M.G. Lewis; David M. Buss. Sexual Exploitability: Observable Cues And Their Link To Sexual Attraction. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2012; 33: 417-426.

Goetz, Cari D.; Judith A. Easton; Cindy M. Meston. The Allure of Vulnerability: Advertising Cues to Exploitability as a Signal of Sexual Accessibility. Personality and Individual Differences. 2013. 62: 121-125.

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Sakaguchi, Kikue and Toshikazu Hasegawa. Person Perception Through Gait Information And Target Choice For Sexual Advances: Comparison Of Likely Targets In Experiments And Real Life. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2006; 30:63-85. DOI 10.1007/s10919-006-0006-2

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Sakaguchi, Kikue and Toshikazu Hasegawa. Person Perception Through Gait Information And Target Choice For Sexual Advances: Comparison Of Likely Targets In Experiments And Real Life. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2006; 30:63-85. DOI 10.1007/s10919-006-0006-2

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Body Language of The Once Over

Body Language of The Once Over

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Once Over (the) 1 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Once Over (the) 2 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Once Over (the) 3Cue: Once Over (the)

Synonym(s): Eye Assess, Undressing Her With His Eyes, Catty Eyes.

Description: A sexual or competitive eye pattern that follows the body over its entire form from the toes to the top of the head usually done by men on women (sexual interest) or by women on other women (competition – sexual). When men look women over, they will stop at the buttocks, breasts and face.

In One Sentence: The once over indicates a sexual interest or is meant to issue a combative challenge.

How To Use it: Men and women can both use the “once over” to signal to a partner that they find them appealing. Women should look men up and down pausing on the groin area or buttocks, shoulders and face. Eye contact should be made to anchor the message. A subtle lip lick will produce an unmistakable message. Men can also signal interest by making forays to the rest of the body. This should be done either covertly so as to create the impression of respect or, conversely, aggressively and with confidence to show high dominance in an unapologetic fashion. Mixing the two strategies will result in a poor impression – so choose one and use it wisely.

It should be noted that women generally, do not take well to the once over, at least at a conscious level. Subconsciously, women appreciate being desired. However, many times this is context specific. Being in a committed relationships can sometimes be a moral hindrance to being coveted, other times the once over “compliment” must come from a desirable potential suitor.

Women can also challenge other women by gazing them in a “once over” fashion to tell them that they “have problems.” Looking askance and performing the once over tells other women that they are on their hit list.

If men wish to intimidate and assault women, they may use the “once over” to metaphorically “undress them.” No good results will come from an unwelcome eye pattern, so be warned.

Context: a) Dating b) General/Business/Social.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m looking you all over from your head to your toes stopping at your assets to measuring my interest in you.” [men on women and women on men] b) “I’m checking you out to see if you’re hotter than me and are going to be one of my direct competitors in the sexual marketplace.” [normally women on women]

Variant: Look under Eye Language (category) to see many ways the eyes convey hidden meaning.

Cue In Action: a) Dave and Mary carefully checked each other out over the course of the party so as to not appear overt and offensive. b) The new intern had arrived and Mary, the long time staff member knew full well that she would be trouble. Mary did the once-over on Katie and noticed that her skirt was too short and her cleavage was showing. Mary knew right away that they wouldn’t get along and that she needed to make it known that the office wouldn’t tolerate unprofessional attire.

Meaning and/or Motivation: It has been shown that both men and women both check each other out sexually, but women are able to do so more discretely. Women are rarely caught looking men over due to their superior peripheral vision. Men have hunter eyes and focus intently on smaller areas than women making them easier to catch in the act.

When the once-over signals competitiveness it is usually done by women onto other women looking for a “cat fight” or looking to size other women up in the sexual marketplace. This is a little acknowledged fact. Women are usually terribly conscious of the attractiveness of the other women around them whether they admit it or not. New rivals appear as targets ripe for their judgment and assessment which usually occurs behind closed doors as gossip or subtle meanness. A new associate, particularly ones who are much younger and more attractive will be seen as a potential rival whom must be neutralized and brought up to speed with office norms.

Thus, the once over can be a measure of a woman’s desire to maintain her rank in the female social order. When men perform the once over on women, it can be a sign that he is interested or at the very least verifying his interest.

Cue Cluster: This cue is a stand-alone cue and can happen independently of any other.

Body Language Category: Approach tell, Aggressive body language, Courtship display, Eye Language, Hostile body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Intention movements, Liking, Micromessaging.


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Body Language of Neck Exposure

Body Language of Neck Exposure

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Exposure 1 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Exposure 2 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Exposure 3 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Expousre 4Cue: Neck Exposure

Synonym(s): Exposing The Neck, Showing The Neck.

Description: A cue originating primarily from women in dating and children in general where the neck is exposed by removing long hair or canting to the side.

In One Sentence: Neck exposure is a submissive signal.

How To Use it: Women benefit best from using the neck exposure nonverbal signal as it tells others that they are willing to submit. In dating, exposing the neck by canting the head to the side is alluring to men as it shows attraction. To amplify the posture, brush hair aside or lightly stroke the neck to draw gaze in that direction. Eye contact helps anchor the cue to a specific person.

Children can also benefit from the posture in much the same ways as women because it shows that they are not willing to put up a fight. This usually elicits a helping response from adults.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m trusting and submissive of your dominance and am showing you this by exposing my vulnerable neck by canting to the side or removing my hair.”

Variant: See Wrist Exposure Displays, Head Tilted or Head Cocked To The Side.

Cue In Action: a) She really wanted a pony so she canted her head to the side, twirled her hair around her finger to reveal her neck as she gazed up at her Dad doe-eyed. b) She really wanted him, so she canted her head to the side, twirled her hair around her finger to reveal her neck as she gazed up at him doe-eyed.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Exposures of the neck are a visceral responses linked to submissiveness and are displayed during courtship by women and by children.

Children are often seen bending or canting their heads to the side in order to elicit a protective response in adults.

Women will do likewise when sexually aroused. In a dating context, women show their trust and willingness to submit to men, by revealing their necks. While the neck is not inherently sexy on its own, it is a way that people signal trust when facing authority. The neck contains many nerve endings so are very sensitive. A woman’s neck is also far less robust, more dainty, longer than mens’, with less musculature. The neck is an extremely vulnerable part of our bodies which we defend rigorously if attacked, and the genes we have as a result of eons of evolutionary history supports this. One well placed bite to the throat by cat like predators instantly immobilizes their prey.

Cue Cluster: a) Children who cant their heads to reveal their necks will also lower their eyes and cast them upwards, the might show a fat lower lip to gain sympathy, they may also bat their eyes, turn their palms up pleading, hug your leg, whine and shrug their shoulders.

b) You can imagine a woman might seductively remove her long hair by bringing it over to one side, or twisting it around a finger then flexing to the side flashing her neck. She might tilt her head to the side by dropping her head and bring her hand up to carefully stroke and caress the skin on her neck just lightly, so as to draw a man’s eyes on her. In more overt cases, woman can even display sexually by coming so close that the neck invites a kiss.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Appease, Courtship displays, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Nonthreatening body language, Pseudo-infantile gestures, Readiness to submit postures, Submissive body language.


Beall, Alec and Jessica L. Tracy. The Puzzling Attractiveness of Male Shame. Manuscript submitted to Evolutionary Psychology. – 2014. 12(x): 1-39

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Guéguen Nicolas. Gait and menstrual cycle: ovulating women use sexier gaits and walk slowly ahead of men. Gait Posture. 2012; 35(4): 621-4.

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Body Language of Loving Circle Leg Cross

Body Language of Loving Circle Leg Cross

No picCue: Loving Circle Leg Cross

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: When lovers, family members, or associates sit on a couch or in chairs close together, and orient their legs toward each other forming a closed loop. The arms can sometimes meet over the backs for the couch. This gives the impression of a system that is closed off from others.

In One Sentence: The loving circle signals the desire to be close and create an intimate area at the exclusion of others.

How To Use it: Use the loving circle to show partners that you are focused wholly on them and don’t want other people to interfere or distract from what is being cultivated between the two of you. This can work between family members, but is best done between intimate couples. Close friends can also use the loving circle to be totally immerse in each others presence. When viewed by other people it signals the desire not to be interrupted so this can work to repel unwanted outside conversations.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “We agree and are close. We are so united that we are forming our bodies into a barrier preventing others from penetrating our social circle.”

Variant: See Leg Crossing and Leg Crossing Direction.

Cue In Action: a) The husband and his wife sat on the sofa with their legs crossed toward one another in a sea of unfamiliar people at a social gathering. They used their bodies to protect themselves from the unfamiliar. Their daughter snuggled up in between them. b) A young couple grew more intimate as the night wore on. Near the middle of the night, they had formed a loving circle by crossing their legs toward one another coupled with hand-in-hand over the back of the sofa.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The loving circle can happen within families, with close friends, associates and between and amongst the sexes. It signifies agreement, unity and commonality.

The legs and arms create a closed barrier which prevents other people from getting close or breaking into the conversation. When lovers perform this posture they signify intimacy and a desire for privacy and isolation from outside intruders.

Cue Cluster: Often the loving circle includes leaning in, eye contact, and touching.

Body Language Category: Barriers, Courtship displays, Indicator of interest (IoI), Liking, Orienting reflex or orienting response (a), Ownership gestures, Seating arrangements.


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Body Language of Lip Licking

Body Language of Lip Licking

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Lip Licking 1Cue: Lip Licking

Synonym(s): Moistening The Lips, Wetting The Lips, Frequent Lip Licking, Excessive Lick Licking.

Description: The tongue is run over the lips usually repeatedly or in succession.

In One Sentence: Lip licking demonstrates a need for pacifying or, in the right context, sexual interest.

How To Use it: While habitual lip licking should be avoided since it shows anxiety, women can use obvious lip licking coupled with eye contact to show sexual interest. The cue must be done in context, with focus gaze, eyes should make eye contact or be looking squarely to body parts they find arousing. When done correctly, the signal can tell men that there is unequivocal sexual interest. This will cause men to pursue if the feeling is reciprocal.

Lip licking can also be used to show others that you are getting ready to speak. This is made obvious as we often moisten the lips to facilitate communication.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m licking my lips to moisten them, to prepare for speaking or kissing, or to sooth myself.”

Variant: When pacifying, the tongue can be run over the teeth to pacify. The tongue sometimes pokes out of the mouth during periods of high concentration and focus. See Running The Tongue Over The Teeth or Lips.

Cue In Action: a) She wanted to interject. Just before speaking, she wet her lips and parted them slightly. a) He was getting ready for the exam and repeatedly licked his lips in anticipation. He needed to sooth his excited nerves. b) She was hot for the guy in the suite. Subconsciously, she licked her lips while her eyes darted toward his mouth.

Meaning and/or Motivation: An increase in lip licking is due to a decrease in saliva production which is in turn caused by high stress. Conversely, high blood flow to the lips is due to sexual arousal in a dating context. Alternatively, licking the lips is in effort to moisten them to speak.

When done by women in courtship lip licking indicates sexual interest especially if done frequently, with eye contact and in the proper context. Lips are said to imitate the female labia and licking them draws attention by both making them shiny, and also by movement – of the tongue. Lips are also licked just before kissing and can be a kiss indicator if the lips are licked while looking at the lips of another.

Repeated or excessive licking serves to pacify and sooth negative feelings. In this gesture, the tongue can be seen darting out of the mouth, swiping the top lip on the way and curling under to swipe the bottom lip as it reenters. A person that licks as part of his idiosyncratic behaviour is usually one that has underlying emotional turmoil.

The lips can sometimes be licked as a prelude before speaking to make communication easier. Other times, lip licking has no emotional meaning at all and only serves a practical purpose – to moisten dry or chapped lips.

Cue Cluster: Cues associated with lip licking will depend on the context. Usually lip licking in dating signifies arousal if eye contact anchors the cue. Eyes that look toward a man’s mouth is a good indication that a kiss is welcomed. Lip licking before presenting to an audience often shows anxiety and stress due to a dry mouth, as does excessive lip licking during a stressful event.

Body Language Category: Auto contact or self touching, Autoerotic touching, Courtship displays, Emotional body language, Stroking body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Intention movements, Microgestures, Nervous body language, Pacifying body language, Stressful body language.


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Body Language of Lip Biting or Biting The Lip

Body Language of Lip Biting or Biting The Lip

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Lip Biting or Biting The Lip 1Cue: Lip Biting or Biting The Lip

Synonym(s): Biting The Lip.

Description: Lightly biting the top or bottom lip with the teeth suddenly and in response to a particular stimuli or habitually and chronically.

In One Sentence: Lip biting is a sign of self restraint.

How To Use it: Women in dating can use the signal to show men that they are holding back “negative” or rather, naughty, sexually thoughts. When done properly with eye contact the signal is unmistakable. To send an even more powerful message, women should cast their eyes to the rest of the man’s body as this signals a desire for more than just friendship.

You might use lip biting in regular context to signal that you are holding back your tongue. This shows nonverbal disagreement without the risk of having to actually speak out.

Avoid chronic lip biting and chewing as this will tell others that you are self harming due to insecurity or anxiety.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m biting my lip to hold myself back because I feel that if I stop biting, my lips might be free to say something I will regret.”

Variant: As the lip bite indicates that thoughts are being held back, a woman may use it in a dating context to signal that she is holding back naughty sexual thoughts. It is particularly salient when combined with eye contact or eyes dropping to his torso, genitals, or rump. See Lip Chewing or Chewing The Lips.

Cue In Action: She was biting her lip when her boyfriend bought her some really nice flowers, but ones of which she had previously experienced an allergic reaction.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Biting the mouth indicates hidden insecurity, anxiety, embarrassment, vulnerability and a lack of self confidence. It’s main cause, however, is that an idea is being held back – “by the skin of their teeth.” It’s where the saying goes “biting one’s lip” when voicing their opinion is what someone truly desires.

However, when someone bites their lip, they feel that their idea will not be well received or they don’t feel confident enough to stand up to challenges that might raise. Other times a person bites their lip because they are carrying a negative thought they don’t want to share.

When lip biting is done chronically, it can signal persistent underlying negative feelings. In this case, lip biting is in effort to calm and pacify through energy displacement and by offering them a source of control over their pain. It is a milder version of self cutting where high anxiety individuals will use knives to scare themselves because they feel their internal world is beyond their control.

Biting the lip has also been commonly associated with female sexual seduction where the lip is bitten while observing an attractive man. The roots are similar to what is mentioned above, that is, a restraint mechanism, where the woman holds herself back from acting on her sexual impulses.

Cue Cluster: Alongside lip biting expect to see eyes averted, head down, body turned away or loose trying to blend in, hands in the pockets or hidden under a table, neck scratching or holding the back of the neck in restraint.

Body Language Category: Aggressive body language, Courtship display, Clenching and gripping, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Masked emotions, Micromessaging, Nervous body language, Pacifying body language, Stressful body language, Worry body language.


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Body Language of Leg Twine

Body Language of Leg Twine

No picCue: Leg Twine

Synonym(s): Entwined Legs

Description: This female posture is done by tightly wrapping one leg around the other and then twining the foot under the calf.

In One Sentence: The leg twine is a feminine sitting posture which emphasizes the muscles tone of the legs.

How To Use it: Women can use the leg twine in a dating context to showcase their feminine legs. When done correctly, the leg twine will flex the leg muscles and create a tight appearance which will be alluring to men and make other women jealous.

Context: Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m pressing my legs together to make them appear extremely toned to draw the sexual attention of men.”

Variant: See Leg Spreading for an overt sexual leg demonstration.

Cue In Action: She was sitting at the bar with a short skirt, her legs tightly coiled around each other in a crossed position pressing the flesh of her skin taught.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The leg twine is one of the most appealing sitting positions for women. The result makes the legs appear extremely toned as if the body is preparing to engage in sex.

Cue Cluster: Alongside the leg twine, the legs can also slowly be uncrossed and re-crossed, the legs might be stroked, the hair might be tossed, neck exposed, and palms flashed, eyes batted and head tilted.

Body Language Category: Courtship displays, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI).


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Body Language of Leg Spreading

Body Language of Leg Spreading

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Leg Spreading 5 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Leg Spreading 6Cue: Leg Spreading

Synonym(s): Spreading The Legs, Open Legs, Leg Placed Over The Arm Of The Chair, Uncrossed Legs.

Description: Legs that are spread while seated or standing rather than crossed.

In One Sentence: Leg spreading is a sign of dominance as it puts the genitals on display.

How To Use it: Spread your legs when you want others to see you as dominant and authoritative. The posture serves both women and men in the same fashion, but men are afforded more social liberty when it comes to dominance displays.

Men can benefit most from this posture in business and in dating as dominance is a valued trait in these context. Women should resist the urge to display dominance in this fashion, but if they absolutely feel comfortable displaying this way, they must wear long pants. Opening the legs with feminine attire including skirts and dresses, or even shorts can give the impression of sexual easiness and will have quite the opposite connotation to that desired.


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For this reason, leg spreading has two very different implications for men and women. For women, opening the legs permits sexual access, whereas men’s sexuality, while it can be displayed via legs open, is not required to complete the act of sex. Given the aforementioned sexual differences between men and women, legs open is more in line with taking up space in men than it is for women. Recall that taking up space is inherent in all dominance displays. In women, leg spreading, whilst it does indeed function to take up more space, it is confounded with it as an overt sexual access display thereby rending it as less dominant and more sexual.

However, in dating, if women wish to tease men, they might permit men to see the inside of their thigh or even flash men outright by un-crossing a re-crossing the legs.

An exaggerated leg spread amplifies the meaning. So to appear highly dominant, spread the legs as wide as possible. To appear overly sexual, also spread the legs out further.

It is ill advised to for men to spread the legs in full view of more dominant people than themselves including bosses, father-in-law’s, and so forth. Leg spreading may be seen by other highly dominant men as a challenge which may invite confrontation.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m dominant and open at the same time so I’m spreading my legs open to put my genitals on open display for others to see and judge. I’m not ashamed.” a) “I’m careless and improper and do not hold gentleman or feminine body postures – or just don’t care how I am perceived.” a) “I’m more comfortable with my legs uncrossed than with them crossed and do not intend to send any particular signal.” b) “I’m a sexually open or liberated (or dominant) woman so I’m keeping my legs open as a sexual invitation.” b) “I’m a sexually dominant man and keep my legs open so you can admire my masculinity.”

Variant: The leg over the chair is as a particularly overt and offensive way of spreading the legs.

Cue In Action: a) He sat at the corner of the couch with his legs spread as wide as he could. Being particularly cowardly, he followed this up by holding his drink between his legs serving as a shield. b) Sharon Stone in the movie Basic Instinct sent a clear message as she slowly uncrossed and re-crossed her legs while being interrogated.

Meaning and/or Motivation: When done by men it is a dominant crotch display, and when done by women usually construed as a sexual invitation or that they have a crass attitude or are “easy.”

Other times, women spread their legs when they are either unaware that it is not socially acceptable or that they have an easy-going personality. In modern times, women have been encouraged to carry more male-like characteristics and are not scorned when they do not close their legs. This has been a recent cultural shift. Generally, as women graduate into adulthood in their late teens, they will adopt more “lady-like” postures on their own, motivated by their own instincts and tend to cross their legs or at the least keep them tightly pressed together unless relaxing in their own domain.

Legs uncrossed is a signal of openness, acceptance and signal of being easy going. This is of particular importance as it pertains to women, as it can taken as a sexual signal or invitation, making women appear easy, “loose” or at best crass or improper. Women wishing to appear dominant will find this posture comfortable, but it will be accompanied by other male typical gestures such as throwing an arm over the back of the chair to take up more space and loud boisterous behaviour.

Men, on the other hand, have the benefit of using the uncrossed legs signal for more than one reason. Men can have their legs uncrossed to display dominance and authority. This is often culturally permitted in men. In men, the meaning of the leg spread is determined by its context and the manner in which it occurs. Men in seated positions spread their legs as a dominance display as it puts the genitals out for everyone to see.

The leg spreading posture is one which is best analyzed by picturing people fully nude as it helps us visualize the image they wish to portray. While we may wish for equality between the sexes, leg spreading is one such posture that illustrates a key difference between men and women’s sexuality and dominance. While spreading the legs shows assertiveness in men, it often comes across negatively when done by sexually mature woman.

The degree to which leg spreading happens is important in both sexes. Spreading is positively correlated with dominance display. That is, the greater the leg spread, the greater is the dominance display. The legs cocked at shoulder width while seated, is comfortable and natural, even for both sexes (while wearing pants), but once the legs break that distance, the signal becomes much more overt. In other words, once the legs meet their maximum angle, it is as if the genitals are yelling at the top of their lungs through a loudspeaker begging to be noticed!

In a standing position, legs spread at or slightly beyond shoulder width signals dominance in a more acceptable way. In fact, having the legs uncrossed while standing is the most appropriate way to stand since it appears open, accepting and confident.

Cue Cluster: The leg spread is accompanied by other dominant body language such as spreading the arms out, such as on the arm of the next chair, leaning back, hands on the hips if standing and hands away from the face and not fidgeting.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Authoritative body language, Courtship displays, Confident body language, Crotch display, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, High confidence body language.

Body Language of Invisible Lint Picker or Lint Picker

Body Language of Invisible Lint Picker or Lint Picker

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Invisible Lint Picker or Lint Picker 1Cue: Invisible Lint Picker or Lint Picker

Synonym(s): Lint Picker (The), Picking Invisible Lint.

Description: When someone in mid-conversation breaks eye contact to remove lint, smooth clothing, apply lipstick and so forth.

In One Sentence: The invisible lint picker is a person who is showing nonverbal distain.

How To Use it: When you wish to send an insult that falls below the conscious radar; pick lint, especially lint that does not actually exist. Removing lint and other self-grooming gestures while listening to another speaks is an obvious insult.

Some moderate grooming in the presence of a date can indicate positive meaning, but should only include things like smoothing and adjusting clothing, fixing the hair, and so forth and not unsightly things like picking the finger nails. A good rule to follow is to avoid breaking eye contact as much as possible while grooming especially when the other person is speaking. This will result in a positive rather than a negative impression.

Context: a) General b) Dating

Verbal Translation: a) b) “I don’t like you and what you are saying so I’m going to act rude and remove fake lint from my body until you shut up.”

Variant: Pimples can be pinched, nose picking, cleaning under the nails, smoothing clothing, applying lipstick, glancing in a mirror. See Eye Aversion, Gaze Avoidance and Wandering Eyes.

Cue In Action: As Debbie was talking she noticed that Mary was much more attentive to her task of removing cat hair from her jacket than she was to her. Debbie got the message loud and clear, broke off the conversation early and carried on with her day.

Meaning and/or Motivation: a) A non-verbal displacement gesture indicating a difference of opinion, disapproval, dislike, contempt, and indifference or dismissiveness which is especially salient when lint is entirely absent indicating that the true purpose is to avoid eye contact. Removing invisible lint shows a critical listener through eye contact avoidance and distraction.

b) In dating, lint picking can sometimes indicate interest through preening to make one appear more attractive, and when done on someone else, is a form of affection. When grooming is a positive signal, it is mostly done in private, thus preparing the self to be viewed. When eye contact is visibly broken, it does however signal disinterest. When lint picking is a negative cue it can be compared to picking the nose, picking the nails or pinching pimples. They all show forms of distasteful grooming that should be done in privacy. Making others witness such grotesqueness is truly offensive and dehumanizing.

Cue Cluster: Lint picking is coupled with eye contact avoidance, overall distraction and a lack of agreement indicators.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Arrogance or arrogant body language, Courtship display, Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Masked body language.


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Body Language of The Intimate Gaze or Triangular Gaze Pattern

Body Language of The Intimate Gaze or Triangular Gaze Pattern

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Intimate Gaze (The) or Triangular Gaze Pattern 1Cue: Intimate Gaze (The) or Triangular Gaze Pattern

Synonym(s): Triangular Gaze Pattern, Seducer Gaze.

Description: If interest is mutual and conversation arises, scanning of the face will take place. The eyes will form a triangular pattern from eye-to-eye and down to the mouth or chin. The eyes will also wander briefly to other parts of the face, but the vast majority of time will be spent looking at the eyes and mouth. Gaze duration during intimacy lasts in bouts of approximately four to five seconds. When the eyes finally do leave the face they will check out the rest of the body, to examine clothing, overall build, jewelry and rings.

In One Sentence: The intimate gaze pattern indicates sexual feelings.

How To Use it: Use the intimate gaze pattern to show others that you are romantically interested in them. This is an effective signal when done by both men and women.

Context: Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I like you sexually so I’m being respectful to check out your emotional cues which are found in your eyes, face and mouth, but I’m also making visual forays to the rest of your body including your chest and privates.”

Variant: See Staring or The Evil Eye, Eye Aversion, Gaze Avoidance and Wandering Eyes, Business Gaze, Face Gaze, Friendly Social Gaze.

Cue In Action: As Bill and Debbie spoke, they followed a characteristic gaze pattern from the eyes to the mouth, but also to the rest of the body.

Meaning and/or Motivation: If the eyes of men and women meet and there is a spark, the eyes will follow specific patterns across the face to form an intimate gaze. When eye contact is broken it usually happens by looking down. Looking down punctuates sexual interest. Looking sideways is a willful indication that one is scanning the room entirely and is not checking someone else out.

Both sexes, despite social norms, will glance over more intimate areas of the body such as the crotch and breasts coupled with the intimate gaze as described above. Men tend to check women out from the ground up, starting from the legs, then to the crotch, torso, breasts, shoulders, then face. The vast majority of women find being scanned by men to be a turn-off, however, studies show that women habitually check men out just as often, they simply do it much more discretely.

Cue Cluster: Expect to see additional courtship cues such as neck and wrist exposure, batting of the eyes, touching the neck, grooming, in women, puffing out the chest, and hands on the hips, in men.

Body Language Category: Courtship display, Eye Language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Liking.


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