Body Language of Face Gaze

Body Language of Face Gaze

No picCue: Face Gaze

Synonym(s): Gazing At The Face.

Description: A type of gaze pattern where a person directs eyes to another person’s face rather than their eyes or body.

In One Sentence: Face gaze indicates a desire to read someone emotionally.

How To Use it: Use face gazing in a dating context to build intimacy. Gazing for long periods time is common in young couples in order to connect. Gazing is also helpful to new mothers and fathers seeking to bond with their newborns.

Gazing is a way to study the inner workings of another person and build intimacy at the same time. Use it where appropriate.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m studying your face for nonverbal cues and I’m not interested in building any intimacy or rapport.” b) “I’m studying your face to connect with you and build intimacy and rapport.”

Variant: See Mutual Gaze, Eye Gaze, Eye Contact, Friendly Social Gaze.

Cue In Action: She was trying to pick out her flaws so she went over every square inch of her flesh and pours.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Face gaze absent of eye contact and rapport is a form of stealing and judgment. It can also mean lusting and also positive feelings depending on the pattern.

Cue Cluster: N/A

Body Language Category: Eye Language.


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