Author: Chris

Body Language of Nose Crinkle, Nose Turning or Nose Shrug

Body Language of Nose Crinkle, Nose Turning or Nose Shrug

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Nose Crinkle 1Cue: Nose Crinkle

Synonym(s): Half-Sneer, Nose Shrug, Nose Turning, Nose Twitch, similar to a sneer.

Description: The nose momentary twitches to the side. Imagine a half sneer where the nose moves to one side rather than flexes in a full sneer.

In One Sentence: The nose crinkle signals a negative thought.

How To Use it: The nose crinkle is highly effective when used as a microexpression to show distain. Following a statement you disagree with, crinkle the nose by flexing the muscles around it forming an expression similar to disgust. This should be held only momentarily and follow the statement immediately. Since the cue is held for such a small amount of time, flashing it shows your true feelings, but since it’s not vocal or persistent, carries less weight and therefore puts you at less risk to scrutiny.

The signal can also be used between two parties whom wish to share a secrete dislike. For example, eye contact toward a friend coupled with a nose crinkle upon the entry of a new associate indicates dislike.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I don’t like what I’m seeing or hearing and it’s forcing my nose to crinkle up as if I’m taking in a particularly offensive odor.”

Variant: The nose might do a full sneer with both sides of the nose flexing in unison.

Cue In Action: When it was suggested that the lunch hour be reduced from a full hour to half that in order to boost productivity, the associate shrugged his nose to the side in a half-sneer. It was obvious that he wasn’t in favour of the motion.

Meaning and/or Motivation: A signal of dislike or disbelief as if a person is moving their nose away from a disagreeable smell.

Cue Cluster: The nose turning is associated with other negative body language, watch for eyebrows to come together in grief, eye rolling, head turning away and eye contact toward supporters rather to the presenter of the information. The body might also be turned away from the presenter of the information.

Body Language Category: Automatic gesture, Closed facial gestures, Dislike (nonverbal), Leaked or involuntary body language, Microexpression, Microgestures, Micromessaging, Negative body language, Rejection body language.

Body Language of the Nervous Smile

Body Language of the Nervous Smile

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Nervous Smile 1Cue: Nervous Smile

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: A fleeting smile that quickly shows and disappears, the eyes are tensed and darting and the lips may quiver in fear. Other times the smile is long-lasting – more than ordinary.

In One Sentence: A smile that flashes suddenly and then disappears signals nervousness.

How To Use it: It is usually not advised to demonstrate nervousness when one wishes to present as confident and in control. However, a nervously flashes smile can tell others that you are pushing your limits and are struggling emotionally. If a sympathetic viewer catches on to your body language, they may work to help resolve your negative emotions. This is why it’s important to use body language accurately, rather than suppress it. A person seeing a nervous smile, such as before a presentation, in a friend, should be motivated to offer a hug, pat on the back and words of encouragement. Therefore, a nervous smile can be used to attract sympathy, care, and encouragement.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: I’m scared and feel awkward but I’m going to smile and try to put on a good face to mask my unpleasant feelings.

Variant: A nervous smile often appears like a smirk but they are not to be confused. The smirk has accompanying dominant body language such as head back, shoulders back, open postures along with dialogue riddle with exuberant pride. The smirk will happen too when someone is under direct verbal attack. It’s the sort of face that makes you want to say “Wipe that grin off your face”. Sometimes though, the smirk is due to the stress of being put under fire and isn’t always an attempt at questioning authority.

See Smiling, Fear Smile, Friendly Smile, Frown (the) or Downturned Smile, Honest Smile or Duchenne Smile, Jaw Drop Smile, Nervous Smile, Polite Smile (the), Uneven Smile Or Lopsided Smile, Upper Lip Smile, Artificial Smile or Fake Smile, Nervous Smile, Honest Smile or Duchenne Smile, Contempt Facial Expression.

Cue In Action: She was about to give her big presentation, her eyes seemed as though she was a deer in the headlights. The edges of her mouth curled upwards trying to mask her fear.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The nervous smile indicates that a degree of fear or awkward feelings are present, but that a person feels the need to put on a positive face to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

Cue Cluster: A nervous smile is usually accompanied by fidgeting, pale or blushing face, sweating, shortness of breath, voice cracking or inability to speak fluently, tucking the hands in pockets, turning the body away and lowering the head.

Body Language Category: Doubt or disbelief body language, Embarrassment (nonverbal), Emotional body language, Fearful body language, Low confidence body language, Microexpressions, Nervous body language, Stressful body language.


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Golle, Jessika; Fred W.; Mast and Janek S. Lobmaier. Something to Smile About: The Interrelationship Between Attractiveness and Emotional Expression. Cognition and Emotion, 2014. 28:2: 298-310. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2013.817383.

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Body Language of Nervous Feet or Nervous Hands

Body Language of Nervous Feet or Nervous Hands

No picCue: Nervous Feet or Nervous Hands

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: Nervous feet are more jarring with heel bumps, kicks, and grinding. Angry feet can be even more aggressive and stomp. Hands that shake, quiver, or fidget indicate stress through a surge of adrenaline.

In One Sentence: Feet that bump and kick indicate nervousness and excitement – a heightened emotional state.

How To Use it: Bouncing the feet around can give us something to do when we are not feeling particularly relaxed. When actually fixing the problem is out of the question, any movement, even if not productive, can help the body release pent up energy. This can help produce a calming effect.

However, rather than ruminate, it’s advisable to actually take action to fix the problem, or if not possible, engage in a full blown exercise session. This can help really calm the body.

Context: a) General b) Business.

Verbal Translation: “I’m full of adrenaline so my body needs to burn off this energy by kicking or shaking, without fleeing or escape. However, I’m fully prepared to take action if necessary.”

Variant: Related to happy feet or feet that are excited that bounce with joy. Sometimes nervous hands are disguised through clasping or tucked into pockets to prevent them from being noticed by others. See Happy Feet, Fidgeting or Fidget.

Cue In Action: a) The storm was closing in on the shore and Dave’s house wasn’t yet boarded up. His feet bounced up and down as he listened to the forecast. Before the meteorologist had completed the segment, he was up and on his feet – out the door. He converted his nervous energy into action.

b) While waiting to be interviewed, Dave’s feet bounced excitedly in the waiting room. He was confident, but nervous about his prospects – nevertheless, was ready to get going.

Meaning and/or Motivation: When a person is excited, their body produces adrenaline making them feel uncomfortable. In order to mitigate the effects of the hormone, the body begins to move to replace these negative, yet motivating, hormones with soothing hormones produced by movement – endorphins. The body, through movement, can placate itself by burning up some of the excess energy it has stored.

Through our evolution times of stress would have required movement in order to escape or otherwise solve a pertinent issue.

Cue Cluster: Nervous hands and feet are often accompanied by blanching of the face or conversely blushing. The body often moves around uncomfortably accompanied by a deadpan face or one that lacks much affect. A person can be seen soothing themselves such as biting the nails or picking the skin, smoothing clothing, playing with hair, and other pacifying behaviour.

Body Language Category: Arousal, Automatic gesture, Energy Displacement, Excited body language, Metronomic signals, Nervous body language, Stressful body language, Worry body language or worry.


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Body Language of Neck Scratching or Neck Massaging

Body Language of Neck Scratching or Neck Massaging

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Scratching or Neck Massaging 4Cue: Neck Scratching or Neck Massaging

Synonym(s): Scratching The Neck, Massaging The Neck, Neck Massage, Neck Touching, Hand To The Front Of The Neck.

Description: The finger, usually the index, comes up to the neck and scratches. The front of the neck might also be massaged – sometimes vigorously. Sometimes the skin just above the Adam’s apple will be pulled. This is usually a male cue whereas women will usually cover the suprasternal notch rather than massage (see Covering The Neck Dimple or Hand to Lower Neck).

In One Sentence: Scratching the neck is a sign of nervousness or serves to alleviate an itch.

How To Use it: Certain relief from stress can be had by bringing the hand to the back of the neck. Massaging the neck will help relieve tension and create a soothing feeling. Use the gesture when you need to pacify.

Caution however, must be used since others will may read the signal as a stress indicator. If this is an honest portrayal of your emotions, however, and you wish for others to know about it, it can serve to attract sympathy and even assistance.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m nervous and stressed and this is causing blood flow to increase in my neck causing it to tingle slightly, which in turn causes me to scratch.” b) “I’m under stress, discomfort, or I am insecure, and I am pacifying myself by massaging my neck which is full of nerve endings.” c) He had no idea how to solve the math problem. As he worked through the equation he pulled at the soft skin at the front of his neck just above his Adam’s apple.

Variant: See Neck Rubbing (back of neck) or Holding The Back Of The Neck, Covering The Neck Dimple or Hand to Lower Neck.

Cue In Action: The salesman was adamant that the mattress was a good deal, but he punctuated his sentence with a neck scratch.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Scratching the neck is a stress related behaviour aimed at pacifying and also protecting since the neck is a vulnerable part of the body. Scratching the front of the neck is done when under stress and when faced with uncertainty. When someone utters words such as “I completely agree with you, that sentiment is bang-on” but then punctuates the sentence with a neck scratch, it might mean that they in fact believe the opposite. Even a brief touch of the neck can produce and indicate the need for soothing.

Scratching the neck when no itch is present is a way to displace some of the nervous energy created by the lie. It helps distracts them from the pain of their dishonesty. Massaging the neck can also stimulate the many nerves including the vagus nerve which can provide a soothing effect and slow the heart rate.

When stress increases, our face and necks flush with blood and we pull our collar away as an unconscious indication of this process. As blood flow increases to our neck, it stimulates nerves which in turn cause irritation and discomfort. It is the tingling sensation due to an increase in blood flow that gives clues to the underlying meaning. Thus, neck scratching is really due to high stress or anxiety.

Naturally, neck touching can be due to nothing at all and only serve to eliminate a legitimate itch.

Cue Cluster: Neck scratching is accompanied by other nervous body language such as face touching, adjusting the clothing, licking the lips, high blink rate, avoiding eye contact, or persistent predatory eye contact..

Body Language Category: Adaptors, Arousal, Auto contact or self touching, Emotional body language, Stroking body language, Lying or deceptive body language, Stressful body language.


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Harrigan, Jinni A.; Karen S. Lucic; Denise Kay; Anne McLaney and Robert Rosenthal. Effect of Expresser Role and Type of Self-Touching on Observers’ Perceptions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 1991. 21(7): 585-609.

Heaven, Laura ; Mcbrayer, Dan ; Prince, Bob. Role of sex in externally motivated self-touching gestures. Perceptual and motor skills. 2002. 95(1): 289-94.

Heaven, L ; Mcbrayer, D. External motivators of self-touching behavior. Perceptual and motor skills. 2000. 90(1): 338-42.

Kochanska, G., Coy, K. C., & Murray, K. T. (2001). The development of self-regulation in the first four years of life. Child Development, 72, 1091–1111.

Kochanska, G., Murray, K. T., & Harlan, E. T. (2000). Effortful control in early childhood: Continuity and change, antecedents, and implications for social development. Developmental Psychology, 36, 220–232.

Kirschbaum C, Pirke K-M, Hellhammer DH. 1993. The ‘Trier Social Stress Test’: a tool for investigating psychobiological stress responses in a laboratory setting. Neuropsychobiology 28: 76–81.

Katza, Carmit; Irit Hershkowitz; Lindsay C. Malloya; Michael E. Lamba; Armita Atabakia and Sabine Spindlera. Non-Verbal Behavior of Children Who Disclose or do not Disclose Child Abuse in Investigative Interviews. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2012. 36: 12-20.

Moore, M. M. and D. L. Butler. 1989. Predictive aspects of nonverbal courtship behavior in women. Semiotica 76(3/4): 205-215.

Moore, M. M. 2001. Flirting. In C. G. Waugh (Ed.) Let’s talk: A cognitive skills approach to interpersonal communication. Newark, Kendall-Hunt.

Moore, M. M. 1985. Nonverbal courtship patterns in women: context and consequences. Ethology and Sociobiology 64: 237-247.

Moszkowski, Robin J. ; Stack, Dale M. ; Chiarella, Sabrina S. Infant touch with gaze and affective behaviors during mother–infant still-face interactions: Co-occurrence and functions of touch. Infant Behavior and Development. 2009. 32(4): 392-403.

Maestripieri D, Schino G, Aureli F, Troisi A. 1992. A modest proposal: displacement activities as an indicator of emotions in primates. Anim Behav 44:967–979.

Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S., & Semple, S. (2013a). Displacement behaviour is associated with reduced stress levels among men but not women. PLoS One, 8, e56355.

Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S., & Semple, S. (2013b). Public self-consciousness moderates the link between displacement behaviour and experience of stress in women. Stress, 16, 384–392.

Mohiyeddini, C., & Semple, S. (2013). Displacement behaviour regulates the experience of stress in men. Stress, 16, 163–171.

Marcus-Newhall A, Pedersen WC, Carlson M, Miller N. 2000. Displaced aggression is alive and well: a meta-analytic review. J Pers Soc Psychol 78:670–689. Ingram GIC. 1960. Displacement activity in human behavior. Am Anthropol. 62:994–1003.

Morris, Desmond (1994). Bodytalk: The Meaning of Human Gestures (New York: Crown Publishers).

McGrew, W. C. (1972). “Aspects of Social Development in Nursery School Children with Emphasis on Introduction to the Group.” In N. G. Blurton Jones, ed., Ethological Studies of Child Behaviour (Cambridge: University Press), pp. 129-56.

Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Nolen-Hoeksema S, Aldao A (2011) Gender and age differences in emotion regulation strategies and their relationship to depressive symptoms. Personal Indiv Diff 51: 704–8.

Pease, Barbara and Allan Pease. 2006. The Definitive Book of Body Language Hardcover. Bantam.

Porter, S., & ten Brinke, L. (2010). The truth about lies: What works in detecting high-stakes deception? Legal and Criminological Psychology, 15(1), 57.

Pecora, Giulia ; Addessi, Elsa ; Schino, Gabriele ; Bellagamba, Francesca. Do displacement activities help preschool children to inhibit a forbidden action? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2014. 126: 80-90.

Pugh, George E. (1977). The Biological Origin of Human Values (New York: Basic Books).

Rosenfeld, Howard (1973). “Nonverbal Reciprocation of Approval: An Experimental Analysis.” In Argyle *, pp. 163-72.

Sommer, Robert (1969). Personal Space: The Behavioral Basis of Design (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall).

Schaafsma, Juliette ; Krahmer, Emiel ; Postma, Marie ; Swerts, Marc ; Balsters, Martijn ; Vingerhoets, Ad. Comfortably Numb? Nonverbal Reactions to Social Exclusion. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2015. 39(1): 25-39.

Schino G, Perretta G, Taglioni AM, Monaco V, Troisi A. 1996. Primate displacement activities as an ethopharmacological model of anxiety. Anxiety 2:186–191.

Supplee, Lauren H ; Skuban, Emily Moye ; Shaw, Daniel S ; Prout, Joanna. Emotion regulation strategies and later externalizing behavior among European American and African American children. Development and Psychopathology. 2009. 21(2): 393-415.

Seekles, Wike ; van Straten, Annemieke ; Beekman, Aartjan ; van Marwijk, Harm ; Cuijpers, Pim. Effectiveness of guided self-help for depression and anxiety disorders in primary care: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Psychiatry Research. 2011. 187(1): 113-120.

Troisi A. 1999. Ethological research in clinical psychiatry: the study of nonverbal behaviour during interviews. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 23:905–913.

Troisi A. 2002. Displacement activities as a behavioral measure of stress in nonhuman primates and human subjects. Stress 5: 47–54.

Tamres L, Janicki D, Helgeson VS (2002) Sex differences in coping behaviour: a
meta-analytic review. Personal Soc Psychol Rev 6: 2–30.

Troisi A, Moles A (1999) Gender differences in depression: an ethological study
of nonverbal behaviour during interviews. J Psychiatr Res 33: 243–250.

Vannorsdall, Tracy ; Dahlquist, Lynnda ; Shroff Pendley, Jennifer ; Power, Thomas. The Relation Between Nonessential Touch and Children’s Distress During Lumbar Punctures. Children’s Health Care. 2004. 33(4): 299-315.

von Hippel W, von Hippel C, Conway L, Preacher KJ, Schooler JW, et al. (2005) Coping with stereotype threat: denial as an impression management strategy. J Personal Soc Psychol 89: 22–35.

Body Language of Neck Rubbing (back of neck) or Holding The Back Of The Neck

Body Language of Neck Rubbing (back of neck) or Holding The Back Of The Neck

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Rubbing (back of neck) or Holding The Back Of The Neck 1Cue: Neck Rubbing (back of neck) or Holding The Back Of The Neck

Synonym(s): Hand To The Back Of The Neck, Neck Hold, Pain In The Neck Posture.

Description: The hand goes to the back of the neck and is held there, either still, as if covering, massaging or scratching.

In One Sentence: Rubbing the back of the neck is a negative thought indicator.

How To Use it: Massaging the back of the neck while working to solve a problem shows others that you are having a hard time coming up with a solution, but that you are otherwise, actively thinking.

In extreme contexts, you can show your held aggression with the posture. This will tell other people to back off which will give you more space to contemplate your situation.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m wild, angry and carrying negative feelings, so I’m holding myself back, by the scruff of my neck, so I won’t speak out.”

Variant: See Collar Pull (the).

Cue In Action: His boss was furious over the TPS reports as they were improperly filled out once again – this, even after having a lengthy meeting last week to go over the procedure. He paced back and forth across the room holding the back of his neck trying to prevent himself from acting out at his employees.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The neck hold, scratch or rub is a response to negative feelings and is a restraint posture as in “holding one’s self back” as one might do to a wily cat or dog by grabbing them by the scruff of the neck. Only in this case, it is done to one’s self. Grabbing the back of the neck shows that a person doesn’t like what is being proposed so they feel it’s necessary to bottle up their thoughts so they avoid confrontation or aggression.

Touching the back of the neck is not the same as touching any other part of the neck such as the side, which can be used as a filler gesture to pause for thought, or the front which can be used to show sexual interest in a dating context.

Scratching the back of the neck, rather, is a primitive gesture, that is a response to erector pili muscles in the scruff that our body uses to make our hair stand on end. The erector pili are microscopic bands of muscle tissue that connect hair follicles to the skin. When stimulated, the muscles contract and cause the hair to turn upward and perpendicular to the skin surface, or stand on end. While the purpose of the muscles in humans is vestigial, meaning they are an evolutionary throwaway, they were once used to trap air next to the skin to help keep the body warm. Other uses are for display and competition to make the body appear larger and more threatening. You have probably seen a domestic cat put its hair up when challenged by another cat. In porcupines, the muscles contract to bring the quills up as a defense.

As a defense, and for heat retention for people, the purpose of the arrector pili is laughable at best, but our bodies still react to cold and fear, even aggression by stimulating the muscles. A cold chill down the spine and “goose bumps” or “goose pimples” is a reference to the same thing. When we reach for our scruff, we are showing an evolutionary throwaway to a time when our hair would have stood on end!

Cue Cluster: Hand to the back of the neck is usually accompanied by the head down, pacing to burn off negative energy, worried or angry facial expression, eyes wincing, narrowed, blank, or staring intently in a rage. A person might alternate between the neck hold and massaging their entire face with their palms, clenching the fists, erratic movements and gestures and so forth.

Body Language Category: Adaptors, Auto contact or self touching, Clenching and gripping, Closed body language, Disengagement, Dislike (nonverbal), Emotional body language, Frustration or frustrated body language, Negative body language, Stressful body language.


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Harrigan, Jinni A. Self-touching as an indicator of underlying affect and language processes. Social Science & Medicine. 1985. 20(11): 1161-1168.

Harrigan, Jinni A.; Karen S. Lucic; Denise Kay; Anne McLaney and Robert Rosenthal. Effect of Expresser Role and Type of Self-Touching on Observers’ Perceptions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 1991. 21(7): 585-609.

Heaven, Laura ; Mcbrayer, Dan ; Prince, Bob. Role of sex in externally motivated self-touching gestures. Perceptual and motor skills. 2002. 95(1): 289-94.

Heaven, L ; Mcbrayer, D. External motivators of self-touching behavior. Perceptual and motor skills. 2000. 90(1): 338-42.

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Kirschbaum C, Pirke K-M, Hellhammer DH. 1993. The ‘Trier Social Stress Test’: a tool for investigating psychobiological stress responses in a laboratory setting. Neuropsychobiology 28: 76–81.

Katza, Carmit; Irit Hershkowitz; Lindsay C. Malloya; Michael E. Lamba; Armita Atabakia and Sabine Spindlera. Non-Verbal Behavior of Children Who Disclose or do not Disclose Child Abuse in Investigative Interviews. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2012. 36: 12-20.

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Maestripieri D, Schino G, Aureli F, Troisi A. 1992. A modest proposal: displacement activities as an indicator of emotions in primates. Anim Behav 44:967–979.

Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S., & Semple, S. (2013a). Displacement behaviour is associated with reduced stress levels among men but not women. PLoS One, 8, e56355.

Mohiyeddini, C., Bauer, S., & Semple, S. (2013b). Public self-consciousness moderates the link between displacement behaviour and experience of stress in women. Stress, 16, 384–392.

Mohiyeddini, C., & Semple, S. (2013). Displacement behaviour regulates the experience of stress in men. Stress, 16, 163–171.

Marcus-Newhall A, Pedersen WC, Carlson M, Miller N. 2000. Displaced aggression is alive and well: a meta-analytic review. J Pers Soc Psychol 78:670–689. Ingram GIC. 1960. Displacement activity in human behavior. Am Anthropol. 62:994–1003.

Morris, Desmond (1994). Bodytalk: The Meaning of Human Gestures (New York: Crown Publishers).

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Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Nolen-Hoeksema S, Aldao A (2011) Gender and age differences in emotion regulation strategies and their relationship to depressive symptoms. Personal Indiv Diff 51: 704–8.

Porter, S., & ten Brinke, L. (2010). The truth about lies: What works in detecting high-stakes deception? Legal and Criminological Psychology, 15(1), 57.

Pecora, Giulia ; Addessi, Elsa ; Schino, Gabriele ; Bellagamba, Francesca. Do displacement activities help preschool children to inhibit a forbidden action? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2014. 126: 80-90.

Pugh, George E. (1977). The Biological Origin of Human Values (New York: Basic Books).

Rosenfeld, Howard (1973). “Nonverbal Reciprocation of Approval: An Experimental Analysis.” In Argyle *, pp. 163-72.

Sommer, Robert (1969). Personal Space: The Behavioral Basis of Design (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall).

Schaafsma, Juliette ; Krahmer, Emiel ; Postma, Marie ; Swerts, Marc ; Balsters, Martijn ; Vingerhoets, Ad. Comfortably Numb? Nonverbal Reactions to Social Exclusion. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2015. 39(1): 25-39.

Schino G, Perretta G, Taglioni AM, Monaco V, Troisi A. 1996. Primate displacement activities as an ethopharmacological model of anxiety. Anxiety 2:186–191.

Supplee, Lauren H ; Skuban, Emily Moye ; Shaw, Daniel S ; Prout, Joanna. Emotion regulation strategies and later externalizing behavior among European American and African American children. Development and Psychopathology. 2009. 21(2): 393-415.

Troisi A. 1999. Ethological research in clinical psychiatry: the study of nonverbal behaviour during interviews. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 23:905–913.

Troisi A. 2002. Displacement activities as a behavioral measure of stress in nonhuman primates and human subjects. Stress 5: 47–54.

Tamres L, Janicki D, Helgeson VS (2002) Sex differences in coping behaviour: a meta-analytic review. Personal Soc Psychol Rev 6: 2–30.

Troisi A, Moles A (1999) Gender differences in depression: an ethological study of nonverbal behaviour during interviews. J Psychiatr Res 33: 243–250.

Vannorsdall, Tracy ; Dahlquist, Lynnda ; Shroff Pendley, Jennifer ; Power, Thomas. The Relation Between Nonessential Touch and Children’s Distress During Lumbar Punctures. Children’s Health Care. 2004. 33(4): 299-315.

von Hippel W, von Hippel C, Conway L, Preacher KJ, Schooler JW, et al. (2005) Coping with stereotype threat: denial as an impression management strategy. J Personal Soc Psychol 89: 22–35.

Body Language of Neck Exposure

Body Language of Neck Exposure

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Exposure 1 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Exposure 2 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Exposure 3 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Neck Expousre 4Cue: Neck Exposure

Synonym(s): Exposing The Neck, Showing The Neck.

Description: A cue originating primarily from women in dating and children in general where the neck is exposed by removing long hair or canting to the side.

In One Sentence: Neck exposure is a submissive signal.

How To Use it: Women benefit best from using the neck exposure nonverbal signal as it tells others that they are willing to submit. In dating, exposing the neck by canting the head to the side is alluring to men as it shows attraction. To amplify the posture, brush hair aside or lightly stroke the neck to draw gaze in that direction. Eye contact helps anchor the cue to a specific person.

Children can also benefit from the posture in much the same ways as women because it shows that they are not willing to put up a fight. This usually elicits a helping response from adults.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m trusting and submissive of your dominance and am showing you this by exposing my vulnerable neck by canting to the side or removing my hair.”

Variant: See Wrist Exposure Displays, Head Tilted or Head Cocked To The Side.

Cue In Action: a) She really wanted a pony so she canted her head to the side, twirled her hair around her finger to reveal her neck as she gazed up at her Dad doe-eyed. b) She really wanted him, so she canted her head to the side, twirled her hair around her finger to reveal her neck as she gazed up at him doe-eyed.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Exposures of the neck are a visceral responses linked to submissiveness and are displayed during courtship by women and by children.

Children are often seen bending or canting their heads to the side in order to elicit a protective response in adults.

Women will do likewise when sexually aroused. In a dating context, women show their trust and willingness to submit to men, by revealing their necks. While the neck is not inherently sexy on its own, it is a way that people signal trust when facing authority. The neck contains many nerve endings so are very sensitive. A woman’s neck is also far less robust, more dainty, longer than mens’, with less musculature. The neck is an extremely vulnerable part of our bodies which we defend rigorously if attacked, and the genes we have as a result of eons of evolutionary history supports this. One well placed bite to the throat by cat like predators instantly immobilizes their prey.

Cue Cluster: a) Children who cant their heads to reveal their necks will also lower their eyes and cast them upwards, the might show a fat lower lip to gain sympathy, they may also bat their eyes, turn their palms up pleading, hug your leg, whine and shrug their shoulders.

b) You can imagine a woman might seductively remove her long hair by bringing it over to one side, or twisting it around a finger then flexing to the side flashing her neck. She might tilt her head to the side by dropping her head and bring her hand up to carefully stroke and caress the skin on her neck just lightly, so as to draw a man’s eyes on her. In more overt cases, woman can even display sexually by coming so close that the neck invites a kiss.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Appease, Courtship displays, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Nonthreatening body language, Pseudo-infantile gestures, Readiness to submit postures, Submissive body language.


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Body Language of Nasal Wing Dilation or Nose Flaring

Body Language of Nasal Wing Dilation or Nose Flaring

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Nasal Wing Dilation Or Nose Flaring 2Cue: Nasal Wing Dilation or Nose Flaring

Synonym(s): Nose Flaring, Flared Nostrils.

Description: The wings of the nose flexes and flares as if taking in a big breath of air. However, they often remain fixed in place in a more permanent fashion.

In One Sentence: Flared nostrils signals a negative thought pattern and aggression.

How To Use it: Use flared nostrils to show others that you disapprove of them or their ideas. By responding to someone with flared nostrils you can tell them that what they have said is not appropriate or that you disagree. As it is close to disdain, it can be potent. When done at the sight of someone, will tell them that you don’t like them and they are on your bad list.

Flaring the nostrils is a great way to tell others that your aggression is rising. Thus, use the signal to tell others to correct their behaviour before you lash out at them.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “We’ve probably got a problem on our hands, time to load up on oxygen as we might need to fight or take flight!”

Variant: N/A

Cue In Action: His boss came down hard on him and prodded him until he neared his breaking point. His nose flared and his fist balled up. One wrong step and he was fully prepared to act out his aggression.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Nasal wing dilation is part of the fight and flight response because it tells us that someone is actively oxygenating their bodies in preparation to do something important. Our bodies consume oxygen during work, and we can get our bodies ready by loading up hemoglobin which is the carrier of the oxygen molecule, just in case it’s needed for an intense bout of work. As people get ready to fight, their chests can be seen rapidly expanding and contracting as if panting.

Sometimes though, nasal wing dilation is actually in response to doing something physical, be it to move a heavy sofa or taking to a flight of stairs. Other times, nostrils flare when aroused by a potential mate who is seeking to take up an alluring scent laced with sexual pheromones.

However, as mentioned this cue can be very important in certain context as it may provide clues to potential aggression. School aged children should learn this nonverbal cue early on so as to diffuse aggression by bullies.

Cue Cluster: Aggressive body language can happen by clenching the fists, finger pointing, loose or tense body, jaw clenching, quivering lips, frowning, furrowing, lowered eyebrows, dilated pupils, squinting of the eyes, crotch displays, sneering, hands on hips, leaning in or shrinking the distance, flushing,

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Arousal, Aggressive body language, Anger body language, Emotional body language, Hostile body language, Microexpressions, Microgestures, Negative body language, Threat displays.


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Body Language of Nail Biting

Body Language of Nail Biting

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Nail Biting 2Cue: Nail Biting

Synonym(s): Fingernail Biting, Cuticle Biting, Nail Picking, Biting Fingernails.

Description: Biting or picking at the fingernails. Can be so sever that it results in bleeding, disfigurement, or unsightly nails down to the quick.

In One Sentence: Nail biting is a sign of insecurity, anxiety, discomfort and lack of self-confidence.

How To Use it: Nail biting is a negative nonverbal cue. It is not advised that one should do it unless one wishes to feign anxiety.

Context: General

Verbal Translation: “I’m suffering from extreme inner turmoil and anxiety. I need to pacify myself by reverting to childlike suckling or mouthing of my fingers, as a substitute for my mother’s breast.”

Variant: Any object to the mouth indicates a need for to pacify including, thumb sucking, sucking on pens, chewing on the arms of the glasses and sucking on a cigarette. Other tension relieving activities include adjusting clothing when it’s not needed, playing with an object, running fingers through the hair and shaking a shoe.

Cue In Action: Gordon Brown, the UK Prime Minister, has the look of a frequent nail bitter. He likely suffers a great deal of internal stress.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Nail biting is a form of emotional body language, and when present, is usually habitual because of its origins. The habit which is highly unsightly screams “I am insecure.” These types of gestures are called “pacifying behaviours” because they are designed to reduce anxiety when exposed to something distressing.

Nail biting signals apprehension, anxiety, discomfort and a lack of self-confidence. Putting any object in the mouth is a signal of inner turmoil and negative feelings. The mouth is utilized as a source of pacifying as the breast was during infancy and indicates a need to be reassured. Biting the nails also serves as a mouth cover which blocks the mouth from the sightline of others creating additional security and secretiveness, but also creates suspicion in others.

The astute nonverbal reader will carefully observe a person for their unique mannerisms as they are difficult for people to control and hide. This makes a quick check of the nails and fingers for excessive chewing particularly important in gaining insight into a body language target. Nails that appear wider than they are long, called ‘brachyonychia’ is a sure sign that a person doesn’t feel at ease and regularly suffers from extreme tension. A thumb that is frequently sucked might appear worn or have chew marks or indentations.

Cue Cluster: Generally, nail biting is a stand-alone cue that needs no additional reinforcement to have true meaning – though one should watch for additional cues of discomfort and desire to pacify.

Body Language Category: Blocking or Shielding, Displacement behaviour, Emotional body language, Idiosyncratic body language, Leaked or involuntary body language, Low confidence body language, Negative body language, Nervous body language, Pseudo-infantile gestures, Pacifying body language, Security blankets, Stressful body language, Suspicious body language, Worry body language or worry.


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Ghanizadeh A: Association of Nail Biting and Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Their Parents in a Psychiatrically Referred Sample of Children. Child Adolescents
Psychiatry Mental Health. 2008. 2(1):13.

Ghanizadeh, Ahmad and Hajar Shekoohi. Prevalence of Nail Biting and its Association With Mental Health in a Community Sample of Children. BMC Research Notes. 4 (Apr. 11, 2011): p116. DOI:

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Kravitz, Harvey. Lip biting in infancy. The Journal of Pediatrics. 1964. 65(1): 136-138.

Lyon, Lionel Sasson. A behavioral treatment of compulsive lip-biting. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 1983. 14(3): 275-276
Feteih RM: Signs and Symptoms of Temporomandibular Disorders and Oral Parafunctions in Urban Saudi Arabian Adolescents: A Research Report. Head Face Med. 2006. 2: 25.

Pelc AW, Jaworek AK: Interdisciplinary Approach to Onychophagia. Przegl Lek. 2003. 60(11): 737-739.

Tanaka OM, Vitral RW, Tanaka GY, Guerrero AP, Camargo ES: Nailbiting, or Onychophagia: A Special Habit. American Journal of Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2008. 134(2): 305-308.

Body Language of Mirroring or Isopraxis

Body Language of Mirroring or Isopraxis

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Mirroring 3 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Mirroring 2Cue: Mirroring or Isopraxis

Synonym(s): Isopraxis, Synchrony.

Description: In the simplest form, mirroring is copying or echoing the gestures, postures, movements, muscle tension, expressions, voice tonality, breathing, tempo and eye movements of someone else.

In One Sentence: Mirroring is a type of nonverbal behaviour which signals agreement and like-mindedness.

How To Use it: Mirroring has been shown to be highly affective in creating strong bonds and agreement. Mirroring finds its place in business and friendship. Research has found that those who tend to mirror each other most, tend to produce the best creative solutions to problems. Therefore, you might use mirroring in order to show others agreement and help produce cohesion.

In dating, mirroring shows intimacy. Doing so purposely can be used to grow a relationship faster than otherwise possible.

Mirroring should be done subtly and does not always have to be done synchronously or exactly. In fact, doing so can make people feel uncomfortable.

In business, as in other relationships, mirroring will create liking and trust. This can produce desired results especially when these feelings are important.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “Look at us, we’re all on the same page, we act the same, therefore we are in agreement and forming rapport.”

Variant: N/A.

Cue In Action: a) In ancient times, mirroring would have created group cohesion and identity. Sports groups, riot officers, firemen, and a myriad of occupations all wear the same uniform. It is this dress that formulates the beginnings of the behaviour that eventually leads to a group’s ability to function in unison.

Imagine if policemen all showed up in different dress and tried to control a crowd. To the rioters, they would seem as if they were rogue rioters themselves which would only exacerbate the problem. The rioters would identify the policemen as part of their group instead of part of the police group, which would only lead to additional chaos.

b) As they interacted at the edge of the bar, the couple began to imitate each other’s postures and cues. They each had one leg on the rail of the bar, one hand on the bar top and one hand on their drink. Nearing the end of the night, they laughed in unison, drank in unison, preened in unison. They were in synchrony and the romance was growing.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Mirroring also called “isopraxis” from the Greek iso meaning same and praxis, meaning behaviour. Mirroring is one of the most important aspects of building empathy with people as it establishes common ground and is akin to a communication dance. Mirroring can cut so deep that breathing, blinking, and even our heart rates can beat in unison. Mirroring is such a profound quality of social animals as a whole. Mirroring plays an important part in the ‘mating dance’ as couples interact and build rapport.

Mirroring happens naturally between people we like and with whom have formed a connection. Mirroring is as important to lifelong friends as to strangers meeting for the first time, since mirroring is a way to test and maintain the level of rapport being established between two people or groups of people. When full mirroring appears it is as if each person is looking into a mirror and seeing their reflection. When full mirroring happens, it indicates a high level or rapport, or connectivity between people.

We mirror as a form of bonding with one another, and it happens without our conscious awareness. Children learn to imitate our facial expressions and quickly graduate to imitating our body positions, and then later they imitate us as we carry out tasks. If you’ve even driven with a youngster, you’ve watched them pretend to drive with their arms up, rocking the wheel left and right, or working the stick shift. Imitation has been said to be the greatest form of flattery and in mirroring this is the case.

Mirroring applies to almost every walk of life, in every office or business across the planet. We act and dress a certain way even when we are relaxing with friends. When we go to concerts we clap, sing, stand and drink together. Mirroring says that we are on the same page. It’s like saying look at the two of us, we walk the same, talk the same and our bodies move in unison, therefore we must agree.

Cue Cluster: N/A

Body Language Category: Inborn behaviours, Indicator of interest (IoI), Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Liking, Rapport or rapport building.


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Body Language of Military Man or Regal Stance

Body Language of Military Man or Regal Stance

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Military Man or Regal Stance 4Cue: Military Man or Regal Stance

Synonym(s): Arms Behind The Back Posture, Regal Stance.

Description: It is a standing posture that occurs by placing the hands, palm in palm behind the back.

In One Sentence: The military man stance is a way to demonstrate high authority and confidence.

How To Use it: The military man stance is reserved for high ranking individuals so needs to be used with care. High school principles, those actually in the military, royalty, bosses, presidents, and so forth can show that they lack fear of confrontation. Use the posture to demonstrate, not that you wish to gain power, but that you have already achieved it.

The cue is risky in lower ranking people as it may be viewed as a bluff and backfire inviting attack.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m exposing my chest and chin to attack by putting my hands behind my body where they can not serve me. However, in so doing, I warn you – don’t come near me, I’m important and I shouldn’t be touched!”

Variant: The hand gripping the wrist or upper arm in behind the back sends an emotional message of frustration and an attempt at self control, but forms no part of what is said by the military man. See Hand Gripping Upper Arm or Wrist Behind Back.

Cue In Action: The Queen of England and Prince Philip were noted to carry this body language due to their high rank and importance as they greeted large crowds.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Arms behind the back posture signifies a desire not to be touched and a haughty attitude. It is a posture normally held by dominant individuals and leaders who expect no challenge to their authority whatsoever. Royalty, those in the military, high school principals, lawyers, doctors, policemen, and those of high rank will be seen performing this stance.

Power is the main meaning delivered by the military man posture, as it exposes the full front of the body to possible attack and also says that a person is so powerful they aren’t to be touched or approached. Evolutionarily speaking, the military man is a strutting posture. By design, it preemptively avoids potentially harmful physical show-downs between rival men.

Other possible root origins stem from its concealment properties. In other words, a spear, knife or other makeshift sharp object might be cocked, ready to be sprung on unsuspecting challengers – you’d never know, so why risk it!

Cue Cluster: The military man posture is accompanied by holding the chin up and head held back. Usually the feet of the military man are splayed outward so as to take up more space and produce an aura of dominance. The opposite of which is “tibial torsion” when the toes point inward to signal submission.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, High confidence body language, Open body language, Ventral displays.


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