Category: Amplifier

Body Language of Suckling

Body Language of Suckling

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Suckling 1Cue: Suckling.

Synonym(s): Mouthing An Object, Chewing On A Pen, Pen Sucking, Sucking On A Pen (or other), Oral Fixation.

Description: When any object including pens or fingers are brought to the lips and chewed or sucked on.

In One Sentence: Suckling indicates a need for self-soothing due to negative feelings.

How To Use it: While suckling can help produce comfort, it is not considered a cue that should be used in full view of others as it is unlikely to produce a desirable impression.

Context: a) General. b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m in need of an oral fixation to calm my nerves so I’m suckling – on my finger or pen, as I did when I was a baby.”

Variant: See Hand to Mouth, Lip Chewing or Chewing The Lips, Hair Play, Nail Biting.

Cue In Action: a) Debbie was a shy, timid person, she kept her gaze low, easily blushed, and was quiet around strangers. This was especially so when put on the spot or questioned. At her desk, she habitually mouthed pens, paper clips, or chewed on her fingers. a) During the exam, the student mouthed her pen as she suffered through a question she wasn’t familiar with. b) Debbie was thinking about Mark and subconsciously tapped the end of her pen against her lower lip. The pen was a phallic replacement.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The mouth and lips are full of nerve endings which, when stimulated, provides tactile gratification and comfort. However, anytime the fingers go to the mouth such as playing with the side of the mouth or lip, it’s a retrogressive action indicating insecurity. These types of gestures are called “pacifying behaviours” because they are designed to reduce anxiety when someone is exposed to something distressing. Pacifying language tells us that the mind is not at ease, and it is attempting to restore the body’ natural state.

Suckling body language essentially turns us back into babies or at least indicates to others our need for self-soothing due to emotional stress.

Adults that are tense or anxious will play with their mouth or lip. Mouthing a pen, cigarette, hair, and even a piece of gum during emotional distress are substitutes for the mother’s breast. They remind us of early childhood mouthing. Sucking, like plucking, picking or chewing the lips or rubbing them with a finger or thumb are all forms of auto touching. Confident individuals would never consider using these types of security blankets.

Alternatively, an object to the mouth can represent a phallic purpose. Subconscious controls can lead one to bring an object to the mouth during sexual thoughts. The pen for example, can be a substitute for a penis during arousal.

Cue Cluster: Watch for other negative emotional cues such as pinching the skin, scratching, smoothing clothing, eye aversion, head lowered, blushing, trembling, attempt to exit (escape movements), ventral denial, turning the body away, sweating and so forth.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Auto contact or self touching, Boredom body language, Courtship displays, Displacement behaviour, Embarrassment (nonverbal), Emotional body language, Idiosyncratic body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Low confidence body language, Oral displacement activities, Pensive displays, Pseudo-infantile gestures, Pacifying body language, Security blankets, Shy nonberbal, Worry body language.


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Body Language of Stealing A Look

Body Language of Stealing A Look

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Stealing A Look 1Cue: Stealing A Look

Synonym(s): Eye Darting, Darting Eyes.

Description: Stealing a look is a quick left or right dart of the eyes so as to avoid detection. The head normally remains motionless to reduce the changes of being noticed.

In One Sentence: Stealing a look indicates the desire to see someone or something, without others noticing.

How To Use it: To steal a look, use sunglass if possible. Keep your head oriented away from the target, and shift your eyes only, in their direction. If your target is a person, and they make eye contact with you, but you are wearing dark sunglasses, rest assured that your eyes are concealed. At this moment, you should avoid shifting the head away suddenly as this give you away.

Eyes can also steal looks without sunglasses in the same way but since the whites of the eyes are highly visible, you will run a greater risk of being discovered. Researchers believe that the whites of the eyes tell others where our eyes are looking because eye orientation is highly important as a signaling device in social contexts. Therefore, whenever you try to steal looks, be conscious of this.

Stealing looks shows others that you are interested in them but are timid about your curiosity. This comes across as suspicious behaviour and is not well received. Therefore, stealing looks is not a cue that should remain covert.

Context: a) Dating b) General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m curious and interested in what’s going on over there so my eyes dart without turning my head so I can evade detection.”

Variant: The eyes can dart when seeking exits when in undesirable circumstances, when nervous, excited, or even when thinking. See Looking Askance for an eye cue that signifies contempt.

Cue In Action: a) He was attracted to the girl in the subway, but didn’t want to make her feel awkward. He kept darting his eyes in her direction without moving his head. b) He kept glancing quickly over his shoulder at the angry girl. When she looked up, he quickly snapped his head back and continued the conversation with his buddy. He didn’t like her and certainly didn’t want her to know that he had noticed she was there, lest she come over and confront him.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Both sexes do it to check out a sexual prospect, a rival while at the same time remain safe from detection. When someone evades detection it is because they are not prepared to pick a battle or are merely collecting information about what is going on. This type of eye pattern is seen as cowardly and an indication of low confidence.

The eyes may also dart looking for ways to exit a particular situation without doing so overtly. This case may arise when someone is in an awkward conversation. Eyes may also dart due to fear. People generally associate darting eyes with lying, but research shows a poor correlation.

Darting eyes are considered be negative body language.

Cue Cluster: Watch for darting eyes that don’t want to be caught looking. The shoulders often remain lowered; there will be no gazing or smiling and no facial expression.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Escape movements, Eye Language, Fearful body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Intention movements, Low confidence body language, Lying or deceptive body language, Microgestures, Nervous body language, Negative body language, Suspicious body language.


Argyle, Michael; Lefebvre, Luc; Cook, Mark 1974. The meaning of five patterns of gaze. European Journal of Social Psychology. 4(2): 125-136.

Argyle, M., and Ingham, R. 1972. Gaze, mutual gaze, and proximity. Semiotica, 1, 32–49.

Argyle, M. and Cook, M. Gaze and Mutual Gaze. London: Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Allan Mazur; Eugene Rosa; Mark Faupel; Joshua Heller; Russell Leen; Blake Thurman. Physiological Aspects of Communication Via Mutual Gaze. The American Journal of Sociology. 1980; 86(1): 50-74.

Brooks, C. I., Church, M. A., & Fraser, L. 1986. Effects of duration of eye contact on judgments of personality characteristics. Journal of Social Psychology. 126: 71–78.

Breed, G., Christiansen, E., & Larson, D. 1972. Effect of lecturer’s gaze direction upon
teaching effectiveness. Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 2: 115.

Baltazar M; Hazem N; Vilarem E; Beaucousin V; Picq JL, and Conty L. Eye Contact Elicits Bodily Self-Awareness in Human Adults. Cognition. 2014. 133 (1): 120-7 PMID: 25014360.

Ellsworth, Phoebe; Carlsmith, J Merrill. 1973. Eye contact and gaze aversion in an aggressive encounter. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 28(2): 280-292.

Foddy, Margaret 1978. Patterns of Gaze in Cooperative and Competitive Negotiation
Human Relations. 31(11):925-938.

Kellerman. 1989. Looking and loving: The effects of mutual gaze on feelings of romantic love. Journal of Research in Personality. 23(2): 145-161.

Kendon, A. Some Functions of Gaze Direction in Social Interaction. Acta Psychologica. 1967. 32: 1-25.

Kleinke, C. L. 1980. Interaction between gaze and legitimacy of request on compliance in a field setting. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 5(1): 3-12.

Leeb. 2004. Here’s Looking at You, Kid! A Longitudinal Study of Perceived Gender Differences in Mutual Gaze Behavior in Young Infants Source: Sex Roles. 50(1-2): 1-14.

Langer, Julia and Rodebaugh, Thomas. Social Anxiety and Gaze Avoidance: Averting Gaze but not Anxiety. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2013, Vol.37(6): 1110-1120.

McAndrew. 1986. Arousal seeking and the maintenance of mutual gaze in same and mixed sex dyads Source: Journal of nonverbal behavior. 10(3):168-172.

Mulac, A., Studley, L., Wiemann, J., & Bradac, J. 1987. Male/female gaze in same-sex
and mixed-sex dyads. Human Communication Research. 13: 323-343.

Moore, Monica. Courtship Signaling and Adolescents: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Journal of Sex Research. 1995. 32(4): 319-328.

Natale, Michael. 1976. A Markovian model of adult gaze behavior. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 5(1): 53-63.

Phelps, F., Doherty-Sneddon, G., & Warnock Educational Psychology., 27, 91-107. (2006). Functional benefits of children’s gaze aversion during questioning. British Journal Developmental Psychology. 24: 577-588.

Rosenfeld, H., Breck, B., Smith, S., & Kehoe, S. 1984. Intimacy-mediators of the proximity-gaze compensation effect: Movement, conversational role, acquaintance, and gender. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 8: 235-249.

Strongman, K. T., & Champness, B. G. Dominance hierarchies and conflict in eye contact. Acta Psychologica, 1968, 2& 376-386.

Williams. 1993. Effects of Mutual Gaze and Touch on Attraction, Mood, and Cardiovascular Reactivity Source: Journal of Research in Personality. 27(2): 170-183.

Surviving Secondary:
Infiltrating Schengen:

Body Language of The Stare, Evil Eye or Unblinking Eye

Body Language of The Stare, Evil Eye or Unblinking Eye

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Staring or The Evil Eye 1Cue: Staring or The Evil Eye.

Synonym(s): Stink Eye, Dead Man Gaze, Unflinching Stare, Stare, Gaze Fixation, Unblinking Eye, Eye Threat, Eye Darts, Prolonged Eye Contact, Unwavering Gaze, Power Star (the), Unflinching Stare.

Description: These are unblinking staring eyes filled with contempt. The evil eye is an offensive eye pattern where the eyes remain unblinking and threatening or leer at another person for an uncomfortable length of time. Regular gaze happens when the eyes travel around the face and body of someone we care about. Staring, on the other hand, is unmoving. The eyes are piercing and intense and seem to want to penetrate the eyes of another. An aggressive stare is even more intense and happens by narrowing the eyelids creating a deep focus.

In One Sentence: Staring for prolonged period of time is in effort to reduce a person to the status of an object.

How To Use it: Use staring when one wants to intimidate others. Staring harshly during aggression can belittle and degrade. When it is done in a sexual context, staring can diminish a person to a lesser status as an object.

In dating, men might view staring as being a compliment, however, if the feelings are not mutual, women will feel violated due to their perceived powerlessness. Therefore, men should only use staring (see Gazing adoringly) to support an existing emotional connection.

Use staring when one is prepared for the negative outcome. As a signal of dominance, the cue is unmistakable.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m using inappropriately long and violating eye contact in order to pierce through your exterior in order to threaten and intimidate.”

Variant: See Gazing Adoringly for a more welcome version of The Stare. Also see Eye Avoidance.

Cue In Action: a) Mark was in a stupor and accidentally bumped into a girl. He didn’t know it but she was the girlfriend of the muscle-bound man who immediately threw eye darts in his direction, unflinching and steady. Mark quickly averted his eyes because he knew it wasn’t a fight for him. Despite looking away, he still felt the piercing stare against his body

b) A particularly attractive girl made her way through a crowd, you could see men turn their heads, but one man made the mistake of looking for too long as he followed her through the crowd. She didn’t like the look of him and stared right back. He smiled, but she didn’t reciprocate; only a deadpan face looked back. He quickly averted his eyes.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Staring is built on the assumption that eyes can damage from prolonged looking. It is as if the eyes are able to assault when eye contact is done for too long and without permission. This violates the “moral looking time”, or the unwritten code of conduct we all obey regarding proper eye contact. As a result, it produces negative feelings in others.

a) In most animal species unwavering gaze is used to display dominance and aggression. However, this is only so when it happens between members of the same species. When it happens across species it indicates that a prey has been centered out and the stalk has begun.

Research shows us that a steady stare of more than ten seconds creates anxiety and discomfort especially in subordinates making it a dominant signal especially when this includes direct eye-to-eye contact. When done by two equally dominant individuals it can lead to feelings of aggression and in extreme cases, even produce physical altercations.

b) Eye assault happens when men appear to undress women. In turn, women might appear to give “dirty looks.” We call this “eyeball assault.” Assault is a matter of length and type. Lingering stares of unbroken eye contact is the high of eyeball assault. Eyeball assault, therefore, violates the “moral looking time.” This is an unofficial, but salient length of time by which eye contact (to the body or eyes directly) is permitted and accepted as normal.

When eye contact is welcome, it evolves into gazing which leads to arousal (See Gazing). Sometimes legitimate liking is present and staring is an indication, but it still remains inappropriate and an assault as it is defined by unwavering and an unwanted violation of privacy. Staring can also indicate boredom or disengagement, but only when it is not directed at a person or target (i.e. staring off into space.)

Cue Cluster: Staring eyes are coupled with expressionless or angry faces. The head usually is fixed unless the target is moving.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Anger body language, Boredom body language, Disengagement body language, Dislike (nonverbal), Dominant body language, Emotional body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Liking, Negative body language, Ownership gestures, Space invasion, Threat displays.


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Body Language of Standing Square

Body Language of Standing Square

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Standing Square 1Cue: Standing Square.

Synonym(s): Face-To-Face Standing Position, Head-On Standing Position, Competitive Head-To-Head Standing Position.

Description: When people who are speaking to each other stand or sit facing each other directly head-on.

In One Sentence: Standing square or face-to-face signals direct competition or high intimacy.

How To Use it: Stand square when you are prepared to be isolated from other people while being totally engrossed in the person who compliments your position.

This works well in dating to create intimacy, but also in battle when one squares off against an opponent. Men should avoid standing square with women unless they believe that romance is probable. In most cases, it is best to permit the women to show signs that a squared off stance is permitted. A man may chance a squared posture to see how a woman reacts. This will give him an idea about his current relationship status.

In confrontation, standing square is the highest order of aggression. It pits one person directly against another. Therefore, save this stance for when you feel that you can win the argument and you will not have to make a quick escape.

Context: a) General b) Business c) Dating.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m sitting facing you head-to-head because we are in direct competition.” b) “We’re at odds with one another at opposing ends of the spectrum which is why we are facing off against one another.” c) “We are in love and stare blissfully into each others eyes.”

Variant: Standing At Forty-Five Degrees or Casual Corner Sitting Position, Angular Distance.

Cue In Action: a) Dave approached Mark directly, got right in his face and told him in no uncertain terms, “Don’t go near my girlfriend again.” b) The law firms were squared off, one team on the left, and the other team on the right.” c) The lovers looked each other deeply in the eyes before kissing.

Meaning and/or Motivation: It is either a confrontational orientation similar to those nearing, or in physical conflict or an intimate sitting and standing posture. Most people would state that standing square, face-to-face was the most honest and trustworthy position people orient themselves in while speaking with someone, but they would only be half right. In fact, most Americans stand at forty-five degrees or at oblique angles to one another.

Facing someone dead on, is how boxers square off to one another in the pre-show weigh-in or when two men near physical contact at a bar. The head on orientation is reserved for confrontation with just one exception; that is when two people are really comfortable with each other and are intimate.

Legal television dramas popularize this head-to-head seating position. Here each party faces directly across from the other person usually with their allies to their left and right solidifying their flanks. Another word for this position is the “closed” seating arrangement because it isolates people with the use of the desk. In the “open” arrangement a desk is pushed up against a wall and presents no barrier to visitors since they can access every part of a person when meeting with them. Closed positions convey formality, distance and authority, defensiveness and even divisiveness whereas open orientations convey interest and comfort.

Obviously this position should be avoided when cooperation and affiliation formation is desired as it has the reverse effect. The head-to-head position, when it is not expected, creates hostility and shows indifference.

When orienting at oblique angles it sends the message that we aren’t trying to corner each other. However, when we do sit or stand face-to-face it’s a demonstration of extreme comfort and trust. Other cultures don’t feel this way. Arabic cultures, for example, will speak with one another with their faces nearly touching and this often happens during normal conversation. Women in American cultures tolerate such closeness only from another woman. Men who do this to women will be perceived as sexually interested and be seen to be making a sexual come-on. If not welcomed, closeness will be a threat and turn-off, and in an office situation, should definitely be avoided.

Cue Cluster: Many times, the cue defines the context. For example, sitting head-on when sitting side-by-side is perfectly possible, tells the other group that we wish not to be cooperative. We might look to other cues and verbal dialogue to measure level of desire to cooperate or be competitive.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Aggressive body language, Body pointing, Comfort body language, Courtship display, Hostile body language, Liking, Seated body pointing, Threat displays, Tie signals.


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Body Language of Splayed Feet or Feet Pointed Outward

Body Language of Splayed Feet or Feet Pointed Outward

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Splaying The Body or Taking Up More Space 4Cue: Splayed Feet or Feet Pointed Outward.

Synonym(s): Feet Pointed Outward, Duck Feet.

Description: While standing, the toes are pointed or splayed outward away from each other.

In One Sentence: Splayed feet are a dominance indicator.

How To Use it: When trying to appear dominant rather than submissive, splay the feet outward rather than inward. This helps to create a larger expansive profile. This is effective in business as well as any other position where having a high rank is beneficial or desired.

Context: General

Verbal Translation: “When I point my toes outward or splay them, I’m expanding my profile to appear more dominant and authoritative.”

Variant: See Pigeon toes or Tibial Torsion.

Cue In Action: He positioned his arms behind his back, chin up, chest puffed out, his feet splayed. They knew the principle of the school meant business.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Usually the feet of the military man are splayed outward to take up more space and dominance, which is opposite to tibial torsion when the toes point inward to signal submission. When the feet are turned outward, they indicate that a person is upset, being threatened or is threatening others.

Cue Cluster: Coupled with splayed feet are other dominant cues such as shoulders back, head up and chin out, chest puffed out, and arms crossed or behind the back.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Authoritative body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements.


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Body Language of Speech Hesitation

Body Language of Speech Hesitation

No picCue: Speech Hesitation.

Synonym(s): Stuttering, Silent Pauses, Filled Pauses, Delayed Responses.

Description: During speech hesitation a person will usually use filler words such as “hmms” and “ahhs” or “like” that do not offer any use besides filling gaps in speech. Other times, no words are uttered, but there is a noticeable gap in dialogue that is often awkward.

In One Sentence: Speech hesitation is a sign of nervousness.

How To Use it: Speech hesitation, aside from purposefully pausing during a speech does not have a positive application. Its use should therefore be avoided.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m stuttering because I have a speech related pathology. I don’t have any issue at all, but my speech hesitation makes me look nervous and awkward.” b) “I’m hesitating in my speech because I’m carefully selecting my words as I fabricate a lie.” c) “I’m nervous and awkward and I can’t think straight which is causing me to lose my words and cloud my thinking.” d) “I’m pausing because I don’t really know what I’m talking about and I need to buy myself some time to think.”

Variant: N/A.

Cue In Action: a) Bill has always stuttered and should really consult with a speech pathologist to get some help – people really think he has low self-confidence. b) Bill was caught in a lie, but rather than trip on his words, he began to “umm” and “aww” – it was clear that he was fabricating a lie. c) Bill was put on the spot and didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t lying, he just felt awkward retelling his story in front of everyone. d) During the oral exam, Bill slowed noticeably when he reached the questions about the essay – it was clear he hadn’t studied for that element.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Speech hesitation is read by others as a lack of self-confidence because it makes the speaker appear to be at a loss for words. It is also often correlated to lying although it only truly makes its appearance under extreme situations. Only when lies get very complicated do we see effects such as stuttering, pauses, speech errors or corrections. At times, speech hesitation is due to stuttering and is a medical and speech related pathology.

Other times speech hesitation is actually due to nervousness that causes a person to lose the ability to think clearly and coherently. We can verify this cue by establishing a baseline. That is, if a person suddenly begins to stutter or show speech hesitation we can rightly attribute it to the context and conclude that new emotions have arisen causing the person to lose their ability to speak smoothly. Pauses can also sometimes indicate that a person doesn’t really know what they are talking about or that they are taking their time to carefully select their words.

Although the cue itself might outline nervousness or lack of confidence in some cases, it’s actually a poor indicator in and of itself. Rather, it is the stigma surrounding speech pauses that creates a negative impression instead of it being an indicator in and of itself. In other words, if one stutters, one is perceived by others to have low confidence. This is what makes the awareness of the speech pauses much more important if we wish to appear confident and competent in front of others.

Cue Cluster: To have a true meaning as a negative cue indicating nervousness or awkwardness, we should look for other cues in cluster. These include higher pitch, faster and louder speech, speech errors, blushing of the face, neck or ears, an increase in blink rate, fidgeting, dilation of the pupils or sweating, fidgeting, appearing unfriendly or tense, facial fidgeting, shaking, postural shifts or uncomfortable/reserved postures, twitches, shrugs, head movements, playing with objects, sneering, scowling, frowning, smiling, biting the lower lip, pressing the lips together, wrinkling of the nose, increase in perspiration, blushing or turning pale, and increases in swallowing.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Arousal, Audible signals, Fearful body language, Low confidence body language, Lying or deceptive body language, Negative body language, Nervous body language, Regulators, Stressful body language.


Alm, Per A.. Stuttering, Emotions, and Heart Rate during Anticipatory Anxiety: A Critical Review. Journal of Fluency Disorders. 2004. 29(2): 123-133.

Ardila, Alfredo ; Bateman, JoséRicardo ; Niño, Carmen Rosa ; Pulido, Elizabeth ; Rivera, Dora Beatriz ; Vanegas, Claudia Janeth. An epidemiologic study of stuttering. Journal of Communication Disorders. 1994. 27(1): 37-48.

Alibali, M.W., Heath, D.C., and Myers,H.J. (2001). Effects of visibility between speaker and listener on gesture production: Some gestures are meant to be seen. Journal of Memory and Language, 44, 169–188.

Butler, Clare. Identity and stammering: negotiating hesitation, side‐stepping repetition, and sometimes avoiding deviation. Sociology of Health & Illness. 2013. 35(7): 1113-1127.

Collard, Philip ; Corley, Martin ; Macgregor, Lucy J. ; Donaldson, David I. Attention Orienting Effects of Hesitations in Speech: Evidence from ERPs. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 2008. 34(3): 696-702.

Friedman, Ernest H. Speech hesitation pauses as a measure of neuronal activity. Archives of internal medicine. 2002. 162(19): 2251.

Guntupalli, Vijaya K. ; Kalinowski, Joseph ; Saltuklaroglu, Tim. The need for self-report data in the assessment of stuttering therapy efficacy: repetitions and prolongations of speech. The stuttering syndrome. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. 2006. 41(1): 1-18.

Howell, Richardw. ; Vetter, Haroldj. Hesitation in the Production of Speech. The Journal of General Psychology. 1969. 81(2): 261-276.

Koppensteiner, Markus ; Grammer, Karl. Body movements of male and female speakers and their influence on perceptions of personality. Personality and Individual Differences. 2011. 51(6): 743-747.

Lukashevich, I. P. ; Machinskaya, R. I. ; Shklovskii, V. M. ; Venikova, G. P. ; Danilov, A. V. ; Ziborova, E. V. ; Fridman, T. V. Features of Autonomic Regulation and the Character of Convulsions in Stammering Children. Human Physiology. 2004. 30(4): 418(3).

Logan, Kenneth J. ; Mullins, Melody Saunders ; Jones, Kelly M. The Depiction of Stuttering in Contemporary Juvenile Fiction: Implications for Clinical Practice. Psychology in the Schools. 2008. 45(7): 609-626.

Resnick, Heidi S. ; Oltmanns, Thomas F. Buchwald, Alexander M. (editor). Hesitation patterns in the speech of thought-disordered schizophrenic and manic patients. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 1984. 93(1): 80-86.

Silverman, Ellen-Marie. Speech—Language clinicians’ and university students’ impressions of women and girls who stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders. 1982. 7(4): 469-478.

St. Louis, Kenneth O. Male versus female attitudes toward stuttering. Journal of Communication Disorders. 2012. 45(3): 246-253.

Sturman, Edward D. Invluntary Subordination and Its Relation to Personality, Mood,
and Submissive Behavior. Psychological Assessment. 2011. 23(1): 262-276 DOI: 10.1037/a0021499

Body Language of Smoking Body Language

Body Language of Smoking Body Language

No picCue: Smoking Body Language

Synonym(s): Deep Smoking, Quick Puff Of Cigarette, Cigarette Blown Up or Down.

Description: The method by which smoking cigarettes occurs such as quick or slow puffs, deep or shallow, with exhalation up or down, can indicate hidden thoughts.

In One Sentence: Smoking body language may give off cues of underlying emotion depending on how it is done.

How To Use it: See Meaning and/or Motivation for clues as to how you might signal nonverbally while smoking.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: See Meaning and/or Motivation.

Variant: See Blowing Off Steam.

Cue In Action: See Meaning and/or Motivation.

Meaning and/or Motivation: An addictive habit that sometimes serves as an oral fix to sooth discomfort. Some have said that smoking is a replacement to the comfort brought about by thumb-sucking. Reading the body language of smoking serves to indicate hidden underlying emotions.

A deep inhalation signals the desire to be sedated and calmed when under pressure.

A quick puff show a desire to stimulate the brain and get to work. This person might be seen picking up and putting the cigarette down as if agitated.

Quick exhalation with smoke blown upwards shows positive thoughts, while smoke blown down shows negative thoughts.

Slow exhalation is a sign of an increase in consideration.

Conversely, those who smoke are often conscious of the wind direction and will blow smoke such that it does not waft into the faces of nearby non-smokers. Thus, they may blow smoke in the most contentious way. If this is done, it shows that a person is caring of others.

Cue Cluster: Watch for accompanying signals depending on the way in which smoking occurs to verify the emotional message.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Aggressive body language, Comfort body language, Confident body language, Emotional body language, Negative body language, Pacifying body language, Stressful body language.


Allen, Ben ; Friedman, Bruce H. Positive emotion reduces dyspnea during slow paced breathing. Psychophysiology. 2012 49(5): 690-696.

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Ekerholt, Kirsten Bergland. Breathing: a sign of life and a unique area for reflection and action. Astrid Physical therapy. 2008 88(7): 832-40.

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Geronemus, Hillary. Breathe Through It. Women’s Health. 2010. 7(3): 068

Hunter, Virginia. Clinical clues in the breathing behaviors of patient and therapist. Clinical Social Work Journal. Summer. 1993 21(2):161-118

Holsti, Liisa ; Oberlander, Timothy F. ; Brant, Rollin. Does breastfeeding reduce acute procedural pain in preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit? A randomized clinical trial. Pain. 2011. 152(11): 2575-2581.

Leite, Adriana Moraes ; Linhares, Maria Beatriz Martins ; Lander, Janice ; Castral, Thaíla Corrêa ; Dos Santos, Cláudia Benedita ; Silvan Scochi, Carmen Gracinda. Effects of breastfeeding on pain relief in full-term newborns. The Clinical journal of pain. 2009. 25(9): 827-32

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Oral fixation in the 21st century. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2004, Vol.38(6), p.478-478.

Story, R. Ian Hunt, Howard F. (editor). Effets on Thinking of Relationships Between Conflict Arousal and Oral Fixation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 1968. 73(5): 440-448.

Sand-Jecklin, Kari. Patient Anxiety Levels Related to Gynecologic Examinations: Use of the Color Breathwork Relaxation Method. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 2008. 22(4): 240-242.

Tainsky, Al. Calm, cool, collected: a meditation primer. Inside MS, Wntr. 2002. 20(1): 24(4).

Val-laillet, David ; Nowak, Raymond ; Giraud, Sandra ; Tallet, Céline ; Boivin, Xavier. Nonnutritive sucking: One of the major determinants of filial love. Developmental Psychobiology. 2006. 48(3): 220-232.

Body Language of Smiling

Body Language of Smiling

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Polite Smile (the) 1 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Honest Smile or Duchenne Smile 1 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Friendly Smile 1 Cue: Smiling.

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: The lips are stretched toward the ears and curled upwards in a u-shape.

In One Sentence: Smiling is a sign of submission and happiness.

How To Use it: Various smiles create various impressions in others. A smile should suit the context as well as your desired end goal. See Variant for the types of smiles and their associated use. However, understand that generally speaking, the smile is a universally signal of submission and appeasement.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m stretching my lips out and upward in a u-shape because I’m happy, fearful, or stressed.”

Variant: See Smiling, Fear Smile, Friendly Smile, Frown (the) or Downturned Smile, Honest Smile or Duchenne Smile, Jaw Drop Smile, Nervous Smile, Polite Smile (the), Uneven Smile Or Lopsided Smile, Upper Lip Smile, Artificial Smile or Fake Smile, Nervous Smile, Honest Smile or Duchenne Smile, Contempt Facial Expression.

Cue In Action: a) Two strangers passed on the street, smile at each other to show that they acknowledge each other, and continued on their way. b) She had a big grin on her face each time she saw her new boyfriend. He made her feel special.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Many biologists think smiles have roots as a fearful gesture, as a sort of “fear grin.” Today though, human smiles are a universally submissive gesture but they can also symbolize pleasure, amusement, aggression, or anxiety (grimace). These other emotions never truly supersede the most common purpose of the smile, which is to show submission.

Smiles are controlled by two sets of muscles: the zygomatic major muscles, that run down the side of the face to connect to the corners of the mouth and the orbicularis oculi muscles that pull the eyes back.

Smiles are our way we to show that we are non-threatening and wish to maintain peace. Those that lack smiles altogether or who smile infrequently are much more dominant and want to be seen as such. Today smiles usually indicate happiness, but they can also be present during fear and stress.

Smiling frequently can sometimes be sexual, but accompanying signals, coupled with the proper context, must be assessed to create certainty. Women will smile for a great variety of reasons and will smile regularly to appease men for no other reason besides habit. Smiling is a natural part of being a woman and while smiling alone is submissive, it doesn’t necessarily indicate sexual interest. Accompanying signals must adjoin smiling for it to be a true sexual signal. However, smiles due tend to appear most from happiness, and as a result of genuine feelings of optimism. They also indicate confidence and hopefulness. Smiling has also even been shown to be infectious.

Cue Cluster: a) Smiling can be a stand-alone signal of appeasement or submission i.e. that a person is no threat which requires no additional cues. b) If smiling is done over a shoulder, with pouting lips and partly closed eyes, as in the sideways glance, it should be taken as a sexual cue, but absent, should be construed only as a regular appeasement gesture and nothing more.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Appease, Courtship displays, Fearful body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Nonthreatening body language, Readiness to submit postures, Stressful body language, Submissive body language.


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Abel, Ernest L. and Michael L. Kruger. Smile Intensity in Photographs Predicts Longevity. Psychological Science. 2010. 21(4): 542-544.
Seder, J. Patrick and Shigehiro Oishi. Intensity of Smiling in Facebook Photos Predicts Future Life Satisfaction. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 2012. 3(4): 407-413.

Colonnesi, Cristina; Susan M. Bogels; Wieke de Vente and Mirjana Majdandzic. What Coy Smiles Say About Positive Shyness in Early Infancy. Infancy. 2013. 18(2): 202–220. ISSN: 1525-0008 print / 1532-7078 online
DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-7078.2012.00117.x

Cashdan, Elizabeth. Smiles, Speech, and Body Posture: How Women and Men Display Sociometric Status and Power. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1998. 22(4): 209-228.

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Gunnery, Sarah D.; Judith A. Hall and Mollie A. Ruben. The Deliberate Duchenne Smile: Individual Differences in Expressive Control. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2013. 37:29–41. DOI 10.1007/s10919-012-0139-4

Golle, Jessika; Fred W.; Mast and Janek S. Lobmaier. Something to Smile About: The Interrelationship Between Attractiveness and Emotional Expression. Cognition and Emotion, 2014. 28:2: 298-310. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2013.817383.

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Body Language of Slouching

Body Language of Slouching

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Slouching 1Cue: Slouching.

Synonym(s): Body Sag.

Description: The head droops, shoulders hunch, feet are turned inward and the face often shows signs of depression or sadness.

In One Sentence: Slouching is a sign of social withdrawal and/or submission.

How To Use it: Slouching can be used to show dominance when used in the proper context. For example, when high status is already secured, slouching down backwards in a chair can boost the perception even further. Slouching, in the context, show that one is not at risk from a metaphorically attack and does not need to carry an engaged and ready body posture.

When a low ranking person slouches in full view of a higher ranking person, this can show willingness to defy authority. For example, should a rebellious teenager wish to instigate a confrontation, he or she simply needs to slouch as he or she engages in verbal combat. Slouching says, “I don’t care about your attempt at authority, I stand for my own ideas.”

Children can show their distain for the ideas of their parents by slouching forward in defeat. This plays on the emotions of their parents because they see that their decisions have created a sense of powerlessness. The parents, therefore, may think twice about continuing in eliciting submissiveness. Therefore, slouching can be used to manipulate more powerful people by nonverbally signaling defeat.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m bored, disinterested, depressed or tired. As a result my body is going limp and losing its tone.”

Variant: N/A.

Cue In Action: a) He was a typical teenager, slouching in his chair without a care for authority. b) After a long day at work, the day-labourer slouched down on the sofa with a cold beer. c) He was going through a tough time in his life and he would often sag into a deep depression, slumped over with an expressionless face.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Taking on a relaxed position and postures when around others, such as slumping in your chair can be a way to increase your status. However, slouching independent of other dominant cues indicates submission – sometimes extreme submission to the world at large, especially when it is persistent across context. Slouching shows others that life gets us down and we have trouble coping with the difficulties it presents us. Slouching shows others an overall withdrawal.

Children often use slouching and pouting to show that they are upset and disappointed. Slouching also presents when people are bored or disinterested. People will be found slouching or sitting low in their seats perhaps awkwardly.

We should be careful about reading emotionally into slouching, because sometimes it just means someone is taking a break or is exhausted.

Cue Cluster: When slouching has emotional meaning, it is usually accompanied by fidgeting, putting hands in pockets, crossing arms, wringing the hands, talking with a hand hiding the mouth, and touching or scratching the face or neck without purpose, the eyes often are blank and the face is expressionless.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Boredom body language, Comfort body language, Disengagement body language, Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Low confidence body language, Negative body language, Nonthreatening body language, Readiness to submit postures.


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Body Language of Skirt Hike

Body Language of Skirt Hike

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Skirt Hike 1 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Skirt Hike 2Cue: Skirt Hike.

Synonym(s): Hiking The Skirt, Pulling Up The Skirt, Lifting The Skirt.

Description: The “skirt hike” happens by fingering and playing with the bottom ridge of the skirt. Other times, the skirt hike happens in a more pronounced way by grabbing the bottom of the skirt and pulling it up slightly to reveal more leg.

In One Sentence: The skirt hike is a subconscious nonverbal cue signaling sexual interest.

How To Use it: Women can use the skirt hike to tantalize potential male suitors. Normally this cue happens subconsciously as a woman plays with the material at the bottom of her short skirt. She may also slightly raise it. However, this can be done on purpose as well. Raising the skirt to show a little more leg while making eye contact should be enough to arouse the curiosity of men of interest. The cue is potent while standing, but it can also be done while sitting. If you see that an undesirable man notices the cues, simply shove the skirt back down while avoiding eye contact.

Context: Dating.

Verbal Translation: “This skirt is really getting in the way of my attractiveness, and way too long to attract the attention of the boys, so I’m going to pull it up a little bit and see who notices. Hopefully someone cute or else I’m going to push it back down in a hurry.”

Variant: See Symbolic Stripping or Removing Clothing.

Cue In Action: a) Newly single, Debbie was with her friends casually enjoying a drink at the bar. One hand clasping her drink, the other dangled loosely to her side while fiddling with the bottom of her skirt. Just then, she noticed a sweaty, awkward man, staring at her. She quickly brought her hand up, grabbed her straw, turned her back toward him and huddled in with her friends. b) Later in the evening Debbie had met a man named Dave. She and he had been carrying on for some time. Dave, an expert on body language, noticed that she was casually playing with the riffled edge of her skirt and would pull it up a bit at a time and then drop it and smooth it back down. He took this as a strong message of coy interest and availability.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The skirt hike is an interesting body language cue because it happens completely subconsciously with usually no awareness at all. It is so subtle though that only those looking specifically for it will actually see it. This motion is usually done toward a man of interest and followed by eye contact, but other times, happens as advertisement of the woman’s availability, generally – an open for business sign, so to speak. If she catches someone else notice this gesture that she isn’t interested in, however, she will quickly force the skirt back down and break eye contact.

Cue Cluster: It is possible that the skirt hike cue happen independent of other cues as a general broadcast signal directed to the room. It may also be anchored to a specific person through eye contact coupled with submissive cues such as eyes cast downward, batting eyelashes, laughing and giggling, touching the hand, forearm or other areas, head lowered or bowed, neck titled to the side, smiling, grooming either the self or person of interest, playing with the hair or hair tossing, and so forth.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Courtship display, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Intention movements, Leaked or involuntary body language, Microgestures, Tie signals.


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