Category: Threat displays

Body Language of The Chin Jut and Chin Lift

Body Language of The Chin Jut and Chin Lift

No picCue: Chin Jut

Synonym(s): Chin Lift, Jutting The Chin, Lifting The Chin, Pushing The Chin Out.

Description: Pushing the chin out and up by slightly tilting the head backwards.

In One Sentence: Jutting the chin out and away from the body tells others that one is ready to confront rather than conform.

How To Use it: Use the signal to show your dominance and to intimidate others. In competition you can use the chin to taunt your opponent and tempt them into submission by demonstrating your pride and smugness. The cue can also be done during normal conversation to issue a challenge of another person’s authority. As the cue is subtle, it is often registered under conscious awareness, but the message will be received as an insult against another person and their position.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m sticking my chin out to say hello there, I see and acknowledge you.” b) “I’m sticking my chin out to tempt you into punching me and fighting me. It is a challenge as I’m not going to back down.”

Variant: See Chin Stroking, Chin Tuck, Head Lowered.

Cue In Action: a) When passing each other on their bikes, the two riders tilted their chins upward as an acknowledgement. b) It almost came to blows; he stuck his chin out, balled up his first and made threatening remarks.

Meaning and/or Motivation: When the gesture is not done as a greeting or acknowledgement gesture, jutting the chin out means smugness, confidence, pride and confrontation. It is a challenge display, almost like a dare to attack. Lifting the chin exposes the neck to attack but it also puts the chin on full exposure. During physical conflict, a quick jab to the chin often puts people unconscious because it compresses the nerve that runs behind the jaw. Just ask any professional boxer! Keeping the chin tucked, on the other hand, keeps it protected and reduces it as a target making it a submissive posture.

a) A greeting gesture done by quickly forcing the chin outward and returning it to its origin. It is done to acknowledge someone else without having to directly interact with them and done most often by dominant individuals. It signifies superiority, fearlessness and arrogance. b) This is a signal used to display pride, confidence and smugness because it exposes the vulnerable neck to attack. This can be a gesture done subtly as a slight protrusion of the lower jaw.

Cue Cluster: When the chin jut is used in conflict it is accompanied by other threatening language such as balled up fists, arms either lose at the side of the body taunting, or raised and batoning.

Body Language Category: Greeting gesture, Aggressive body language, Anger, Closed facial gestures, Emotional body language, Hostile body language, Negative body language, Power play, Expansive movements, Threat displays, Up nonverbals.


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Body Language of Chest Thumping

Body Language of Chest Thumping

No picCue: Chest Thumping

Synonym(s): Thumping The Chest.

Description: A smacking of the chest with the closed fist either lightly during low emotion or quickly and forcefully during high emotion.

In One Sentence: Chest thumping is a primitive gesture done to show animal-like dominance.

How To Use it: Use the chest thump to draw attention to the self after winning a dominance competition. It is applicable especially in sports, but it can be used when competing intellectually as well. During an argument between lovers, a single chest thump can show that you are sincere about your assertions. Chest thump can be used to show high passion. Caution should be used as the gesture is quite primitive and can backfire by appearing too animal-like.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m smacking my chest because I want to emphasis something I’m saying that’s important to me.” b) “I just scored a goal or did something important, that was me that did that, I’m important, I’m the boss.” c) “I’m thumping my chest like a gorilla in a show of confidence and dominance.”

Variant: See Batoning Gesture.  The fist may also pounding a table or the hand might chop violently.

Cue In Action: a) He wanted to make his point heard so when he asserted that he really needed to go fishing, he smacked his fist against his chest (each time he referenced himself) and said “I, me, I, need to get some time to myself or I’m going to explode.” b) While talking about his the recent passing of his wife, he pounded his chest with his fist as if emphasizing what he lost and how it felt to him. c) They neared blows. Clothing was removed and chests were thumped. The drunken fools acted like gorillas.

Meaning and/or Motivation: A primitive throwback to chimpanzee behaviour. Thumping the chest is a high authority and high aggression display meant to intimidate others and draw attention to the prowess of the person delivering it so as to collect adulation and attention from others as the context warrants.

Other times, chest thumping is done lightly to emphasis something that is important and dear to the heart.

Cue Cluster: Chest thumping is associated with other dominant cues such as expansive movements, arms out and away from the body, high gesticulation, arms akimbo, angry or happy facial expression, loud voice, gravity defying behaviour such as jumping up and down (in celebration) and chest puffing or broad side displays.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Anger, Authoritative body language, Confident, Dominant body language, Enthusiasm (nonverbal), Frustration or frustrated body language, High confidence body language, Hostile body language, Power play, Threat displays.


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Body Language of The Chair Straddler or Seat Straddling

Body Language of The Chair Straddler or Seat Straddling

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Chair StraddlingCue: Chair Straddling

Synonym(s): Seat Straddling

Description: A sitting posture where a person sits on a chair backwards with their legs spread wide open and the forearms rested on the back of the chair.

In One Sentence: The chair straddler is perceived as cowardly as his genitals are on display, but he hides behind the shield of the chair.

How To Use it: Use this posture to appear timid and cowardly, but also dominant and aggressive. In other words, its use is limited to appearing socially awkward. Perhaps its use is best left to television characters trying to appear socially challenged.

Context: General

Verbal Translation: “I’m going to spread my legs behind this protective barrier showing myself to be dominant, authoritative and yes cowardly at the same time.”

Variant: See Leg Spreading.

Cue In Action: Charles made himself comfortable by pulling up a chair from another table, turning it around and sitting in it. His folded arms were placed on the back of the chair and his legs spread wide open facing everyone else.

Meaning and/or Motivation: A dominant body position where the back of the chair is utilized as a barrier or shield to separate the individual from others. So while leg spreading appears dominant since the genitals are fully exposed, the back of the chair acts like a shield making the chair straddler appear cowardly. Chair straddlers are people who wish to remain protected while interacting with others.

If the straddler is the type who habitually tosses figurative spears or flings arrows from behind his barrier, then he may be read as insecure and lacking in confidence. The chair straddler might defend his seating style by saying “it’s comfortable,” but the body language reader should ask himself “what it is about the posture, that makes the straddler feel so comfortable?”

Cue Cluster: The arms are usually folded across the back of the chair coupled with a crooked smile, leaning in to invade space, and a boisterous attitude.

Body Language Category: Dominant body language, Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Barriers, Defensive, Low confidence body language, Expansive movements, Threat displays, Crotch Display.


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Body Language of The Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion.

Body Language of The Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion.

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion 2Cue: Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion.

Synonym(s): Chest Protrusion, Peacocking, Chest Puffing, Chest Thrust, Chest Arch, Chest Puff, Breast Protrusion, Torso Splay, Puffing Out The Chest, Baring The Torso, Removing A Shirt, Shirt Removal, Protruding The Breast.

Description: A flaring of the torso and chest by bringing air into the lungs to puff out and appear larger. Read more about coding for the expression of pride here:

In One Sentence: Puffing out the chest is a signal that one is dominant and virile and for a part of the universal expression of pride.

How To Use it: Men should use the broadside display to intimidate other men or to express pride. If female, a broadside display can also be used to appear in control and confident, however, the effect will be muddied by the protrusion of breasts which can be seen as sexually inviting. That being the case a confident posture in women can help thwart approaches from lesser quality men whom are not able rise to her level. This can give her the advantage. Overall, this posture should be used with care. It is most useful when one wishes to show that one is proud, healthy, and virile.

Context: a) Dating (male) b) Dating (female) c) Business and General

Verbal Translation: a) and c) “I’m large with a big chest and so I’m dominant and you will submit to me.” “I’m puffing out my chest, see how large I am, you better back down and give me the respect I command.” b) “I am confident, proud of my breasts, youthful with good posture, and therefore I’m a good mate. I want you to notice.”

Variant: See Arms Akimbo, Military Man or Regal Stance, Cowboy Pose Stance.

Cue In Action: a) As he walked by a girl on the beach wearing a skimpy bikini he sucked up his gut, took in a deep breath and arched his shoulders back. b) While waiting for a drink, she leaned back on the bar-top with her elbows, puffed out her chest and looked down submissively as a broadcast signal of her availability. c) The male boxers entered the pre-match weigh-in each with their shoulders held back and chest puffed out. c) A security guard, bouncer or police officer standing guard will perform a broadside display in effort to dissuade an attack. c) We also might see this in business when two conflicting ideas have been presented where each party defends and asserts themselves.

Meaning and/or Motivation: a), b) and c) The intent is to intimidate by appearing larger and therefore more dominant, powerful and also to express pride. It is a high comfort display, opened and bare, inviting challenge and attack that is assumed to never come. a) and b) A sexual or aggressive body language posture depending on the sex.

When done by men, it means dominance regardless of the context as the aim is to impress women and intimidate men. This is meant to appeal to women and repel other aggressive men. In more aggressive contexts, chest puffing is a posture that indicates conflict is nearing and is an advertisement of such. It might seem primitive but chest thumping can find itself during the preamble to a fistfight. Men will sometimes remove a jacket or even a shirt when they prepare for physical confrontation.

When done by women, it is aimed at drawing attention to the breast by making them appear larger and more prominent. Women who puff out their chest are trying to secure the attention of nearby men.

Cue Cluster: Chest protrusion is normally coupled with good upright posture. a) Men will often have a swagger in their step and keep gesturing to a minimum with arms kept around waste level, never much higher. b) Women might subconsciously look down, seemingly at their own breasts as a cue for others to do it as well. In the lowered head position women may gaze upward coyly further strengthening the appeal. c) In a business context, chest puffing will appear with more expansive movements such as greater animation in the arms, encroaching on personal space of others, a loud voice, touching to show ownership, fixed unblinking eye contact and a stern face. Usually the back is also arched and the head is held high.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Courtship display, Confident, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, High confidence body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Emotional body language, Threat displays.


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Body Language of Bottom Slapping or Bottom Pinching

Body Language of Bottom Slapping or Bottom Pinching

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Bottom Slapping or Bottom Pinching 1 flattenCue: Bottom Pinching

Synonym(s): Ass Slap, Bum Slap, Bum Pinch, Buttock Clasping

Description: A quick tap on the rear end of another person.

In One Sentence: The bottom slap is a cheeky way to show sexual intimacy or camaraderie.

How To Use it: Use the bottom slap to show your wife that you find her attractive. Women can also use the bottom slap on men they find sexually interesting. The bottom slap is also effective to build trust and companionship between men and women. Therefore, it is useful in a sporting context to build team spirit and create bonds.

Slapping someone on the bum when it is unwelcome can serve to make them uncomfortable and is therefore a power play and an assertion of dominance. This is ill advised as it can result in charges of sexual harassment.

Context: a) Dating b) General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I find you sexually attractive and am paying you an overt compliment.” a) “I own that ass and I’m touching it because I can and you are subordinate to me so you can’t object.” b) “Nice goal you scored there, now we can bond over it with an ass slap in celebration, way to go.”

Variant: Buttock clasping is a sexual display of affection usually done during copulation or while dancing. It is a firm grasping of the rear end. The rear end can be pinched rather than slapped which is universally sexual in nature.

The pinch takes on three forms and has been an Italian “pastime:” the pizzicato which is a quick tweak with the thumb and middle finger, the vivace which is more vigorous and uses several fingers and done more than once and the sostenuto which is prolonged and heavy handed with a rotation.

Cue In Action: a) A man slapped the waitress on the bum as she walked by – it was unwelcomed and was met with an ice cold glare. a) As her husband walked by without a towel after his shower his wife slapped him on the cheeks. b) After scoring a point in volleyball, the two female athletes slapped each other on the butts during a quick embrace.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Usually done by a man on a woman between husband and wife (or vice versa) or dating partners in sexually permissive cultures. At times done to strangers or between people not in a romantic relationship and therefore unwanted and considered sexual assault. It is often done between members of a sports team for bonding.

In a dating context, the bottom slap indicates ownership through touching and sends a sexual signal of interest. At times an ass slap can be seen as a threat display, aggressive in nature and even predatory if unwelcome such as between coworkers in a business setting.

In a sporting context, the bottom slap is to build team spirit and show solidarity and camaraderie. The intent of the bottom pinch or slap is not nearly as important as the feelings attached to it by the recipient and if unwelcome, is a signal of aggression and a threat display, but if welcomed, is a sign of affection and solidarity.

Cue Cluster: a) Usually combined with a cheeky or coy grin and lustful eye contact. When it is unwanted the smile might be more of a smirk with eyes cast toward the person in an objectifying fashion. b) During bonding in sports it is accompanied by other celebration such as arms up postures, excited facial expressions, and loud voices of celebration.

Body Language Category: Courtship display, Enthusiasm (nonverbal), Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Liking, Ownership gestures, Power play, Space invasion, Threat displays.


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The Body Language of Body Raising or Body Elevating

The Body Language of Body Raising or Body Elevating

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Body Raising 3Cue: Body Raising

Synonym(s): Body Elevating, Raising The Body, Standing Tall, Erect Body Posture.

Description: Any action that raises the body in relation to others.

In One Sentence: Body raising is a way to appear more dominant and authoritative.

How To Use it: Use body raising when you want to show that you are in command of a situation. A stage is a good example of the power of raising the body. Make-shift stages in life include the front stoop of a house. To intimidate solicitors simple take on a higher body position by raising one step higher. When friends appear at your front stoop, you may wish to “level the playing field” by taking on the same step height. When gaining a height advantage is not as easily manipulated (you are short, they are tall) taking on a seated position will help create a more even level. Likewise, standing over taller people as they sit has the same effect. Whatever the case, use height to create the illusion of dominance.

Context: a) General b) Dating, c) Business

Verbal Translation: a) c) “I’m raising my body in effort to be viewed as a threat and source of authority so you listen and obey me.” b) “I’m raising my body so you see me as more attractive.”

Variant: Variants include an increase in relative height by overall body and posture, the head raised high for example, standing up from a seated position, or forcing other people to sit. See Body Lowering for opposite cue.

Cue In Action: a) Instead of asking his suspect to get out of the car, the officer, kept him in the car and peered down at him from his standing position to maintain his position of authority. b) Because he was short, he would always be sure to approach women seated rather than standing to appear more dominant.

Meaning and/or Motivation: A technique whereby a person takes a higher position relative to another to show that they wish to dominate. Status and dominance are closely related to the relative height of a person. This is why people are naturally seen as leaders when they are taller rather than when they are shorter.

Height can be artificially raised with high heels or special footwear for men, by using situation specific features such as staircases, using chairs which are taller or elevated platforms. We habitually see judges high on their bench so as to command authority over their court.

Cue Cluster: Body raising is usually associated with other dominant cues such as head held high, an upright posture, expansive movements of the arms and legs such as arms akimbo, genital framing in the cowboy pose, strong eye contact, leaning in so as to intimidate and so forth.

Body Language Category: High confidence body language, Threat displays, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Gravity defying body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Leadership body language, Open body language, Power play, Authoritative body language.


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The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Loud

The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Loud

Cue: Becoming Loud

Synonym(s): Loud Voice, Screaming, Shouting, Yelling.

Description: A sudden or sustained increase in the volume of the voice.

In One Sentence: Yelling implies that there is a rise in emotion which signals a heightened state of emotions including joy or anger.

How To Use it: Use a loud voice to boost your dominance over other people. It is most effective if used with a baritone voice. A loud screechy voice can make one noticed and feared, but does nothing to boost credibility. You may also decide to use a loud voice to show your excitement.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m here and I’m talking right now, the more people that notice my booming voice, the better!”, “I am raising my voice to validate my argument, boost my dominance, and really drive my point home through vocal force.”

Variant: See Becoming Quiet or Whispering.

Cue In Action: When she got really angry, her voice turned from meek and pleasant to a deafening shriek.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Becoming loud can be due to a variety of reasons including an attempt to be noticed, to dominate a room, to express anger or frustration, act out aggressively, berate, scorn, celebrate and show excitement, display enjoyment, or due to inebriation.

Cue Cluster: Coupled with a loud voice, the arms might begin to motion erratically. When this occurs it shows that a person has lost control of their emotions and is expressing frustration and anger.

Body Language Category: Anger, Dominant body language, Emotional body language, Frustration or frustrated body language, Threat displays, Power play, Authoritative body language.


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Body Language of Arms Forward

Body Language of Arms Forward

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Arms Forward 2Cue: Arms Forward

Synonym(s): Jesus Pose.

Description: A body position where the hands come forward in front of the body.

In One Sentence: Arms forward signals that attention is in the front of the body and one wishes to bring or repel that attention toward or away from themselves respectively.

How To Use it: Use the arms forward posture to welcome a crowd like a big embrace (the Jesus Pose). The hands may be used in an up and down motion to help emphasis elements in speech. The hands flipped upward can be used to show that one is offering and idea, turned down, to show that one is authoritative and fixed on a point of view, or turned palm out, to repel ideas or people. Therefore, it is the orientation of the palms coupled with the relative movement that dictates your use of the arms forward posture. The embodiment of the gesture is thought to activate certain emotions in people. Pulling toward or pushing away, for example, even without acting on an object, bring to consciousness relative cognitive perceptions. Thus, use your arms in unison with speech to create congruency between body and mind. People will see this as honesty and integrity.

Context: a) Business b) Courtship c) General

Verbal Translation: “Something at the front of my body requires attention”, “I’m drawing attention to myself.”

Variant: Hands might come forward fists clenched, palms up or down, in a chopping motion. See Baton Gesture, Arms Up Posture.

Cue In Action: a) When presenting at a conference, he raised his arms Jesus-like in front of him like a giant hug to accept the crowd’s adulation. b) She beckoned him to come toward her so she could give him a big hug by raising her arms in front. c) The teacher pushed her palm forward and yelled forcefully, “stop!” The students were getting too rough with one another.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Having the arms forward can mean that a person wishes to hug, to fight if fists are clenched, to repel (a physical attack, or likewise, their opinion) if the palms are facing vertical toward an opponent as if pushing away, begging, if palms are turned upward, and authoritative if palms are turned downward.

Cue Cluster: N/A

Body Language Category: Defensive, Threat displays, Expansive movements, Honest body language, Confident body language, Hostile body language, High confidence hand displays, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Intention movements, Open body language.


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Body Language of Arms Akimbo

Body Language of Arms Akimbo

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Arms Akimbo 3Cue: Arms Akimbo

Synonym(s): Hands Akimbo, Hands On Hips, Fists On Haunches, Pot With Two Handles, “Captain Morgan stance” (The), Straddle Stance, Super Man Stance, Wonder Women Stance, Amy Cuddy Pose (The).

Description: The hands are placed on each hip making the elbows flair out.

In One Sentence: Arms akimbo is an expansive posture used to make the body appear larger and taking up more space thereby creating dominance.

How To Use it: Use this posture to boost your confidence before an important presentation. Research has found that expansive postures such as this one helps boost testosterone and simultaneously lowers the stress hormone cortisol. Likewise, the posture makes the body appear larger and therefore, increases the perception of dominance. Arms akimbo also shows an eagerness to get down to business as it is classified as a “ready posture.” Dominant postures are important when you want to take a leadership role and are prepared to accept the responsibility which comes with authority.

Context: a) Social b) Dating

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m much bigger than I appear, so you must respect me when I puff out like this.” “There are issues here”, “Things are not right”, “I’m standing my ground” or b) “I’m a virile male so check me out!”

Variant: The “Captain Morgan stance” was made popular by a widespread media advertising campaign depicting regular people in the posture. It includes one leg propped up, opening the legs and “exposing the genitals,” with one hand place on the thigh, and the other hand left lose or placed on the hips. This is a dominant, full peacock gesture, as it exposes the genital area for all to view and puffs out the chest, head held high. The aim of the posture is to claim the right to space and soak in the admiration of others.

Alternatively, one hand might be placed on the hips with the other hand gesturing. The thumbs might also be tucked into the belt or into belt loops serving to “frame the genitals.” Women usually aim their fingers backwards to point to their backside rather than their crotch.

Another variant, the straddle stance, is a stable standing position where the legs are straight, and set at, or slightly wider than shoulder width. The weight is bore by both feet evenly. It is normal for men rather than women to hold this stance. It is a display of dominance and confidence, and that a person is “standing their ground.”

Cue In Action: a) Mom is in a good mood until her 6 year old is caught eating sweets from the cupboard. Mom strides to her child, puts her hands on her hips, then begins ecturing him about the harms of junk food. Mom went over to junior, put her hands on her hips, then began lecturing him with a lesson about junk food. b) To make Dave stand out on a dating show, he put his arms on his hips when he stood next to the other contestants.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Having the hands on the hips has roots in evolution. It makes the body take up more space, just like a peacock, and hence appear larger which can be attractive to other men who seek leadership or to women seeking a healthy mate. While in the stance, all the fingers also curl inward so that they point toward the crotch. This draws attention toward the genitals, which punctuates the point even further.

Women will also hold the arms akimbo posture, although more rarely, as it can be seen as assertive (as it draws attention to the genital area by pointing). When women do hold the posture, they usually hold their hands on their hips and point their fingers to their buttocks. Pointing therefore, puts emphasis on our best assets as we state our case! Having the fingers pointed backwards, as women do, is also a more inquisitive, rather than authoritarian, posture. It says, “We have issues.”

The hands-on-hips is also a ready posture when it does not accompany more dominant cues in the cluster. In this case, it appears like a runner at the gate prepared to jump at an opportunity.

Cue Cluster: The cue cluster accompanying the hands-on-hips also includes an upright posture, chin up, chest out and the legs at slightly wider than shoulder width. We may see other dominant gesture such as “batoning” (see Batoning) and finger pointing.

Body Language Category: Ready posture, Confident, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, High confidence body language, Threat displays, Hostile body language.


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The Hidden Meaning of The Arm Twister Handshake

The Hidden Meaning of The Arm Twister Handshake

No picCue: Arm Twister Handshake

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: In the arm twister handshake, an otherwise ordinary handshake turns sour by being twisted underneath into the submissive palm up position.

In One Sentence: The arm twister handshake is a resistance to submission and represents the struggle to avoid having the hand turned palm up.

How To Use it: Twist the arm back to level when facing a habitual palm down handshakers to put him in his place. This is a high risk maneuver because it will be obvious to the palm-down shaker that will be no longer permitted unfettered dominance.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “We started the handshake off evenly with palm vertical, but I’m taking charge of this now and I’m going to wrench your hand until I get palm up dominance and authority.”

Variant: Sometimes a dominant handshaker will also offer their palm facing upwards almost vertically making it nearly impossible to gain the upper hand position. See Country Handshake (The), Cold Dead Wet Fish Handshake, Double Gripper Politician Handshake or Double Hander (The), Short Grabber/Finger Grabber Handshake, Oddball Handshake, Palm Up, Palm Down and Palm Even Handshakes, Stiff Arm And Thrust Forward Handshake, Death Grip Handshake, Wrench Forward Handshake, Undershaker Handshake, Wrist Hold Handshake, Wrist Hold Handshake and Upper Arm Grip Handshake, Limp Fish Handshake, Teacup Handshake, Arm Twister Handshake (The), Firm handshake, Fist Bumping.

Cue In Action: The boss has had problems with one of his employees who has continuously undermined his leadership. The time the boss wanted to make it clear that he wasn’t going to put up with the disrespect of his employee so when they shook hands he twisted his arm over and pull him into his personal space to show him he was in charge.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Someone who does this is absolutely committed to being on top and dominating the other person.

Cue Cluster: The arm twister handshake can be combined with other dominant body language such as standing over another person, pulling a person into their personal space, placing a hand on the shoulder and gripping the hand more firmly than ordinary.

Body Language Category: Dominant body language, Hostile body language, Anger, Threat displays, Authoritative body language.


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