Body Language of Bottom Slapping or Bottom Pinching

Body Language of Bottom Slapping or Bottom Pinching

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Bottom Slapping or Bottom Pinching 1 flattenCue: Bottom Pinching

Synonym(s): Ass Slap, Bum Slap, Bum Pinch, Buttock Clasping

Description: A quick tap on the rear end of another person.

In One Sentence: The bottom slap is a cheeky way to show sexual intimacy or camaraderie.

How To Use it: Use the bottom slap to show your wife that you find her attractive. Women can also use the bottom slap on men they find sexually interesting. The bottom slap is also effective to build trust and companionship between men and women. Therefore, it is useful in a sporting context to build team spirit and create bonds.

Slapping someone on the bum when it is unwelcome can serve to make them uncomfortable and is therefore a power play and an assertion of dominance. This is ill advised as it can result in charges of sexual harassment.

Context: a) Dating b) General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I find you sexually attractive and am paying you an overt compliment.” a) “I own that ass and I’m touching it because I can and you are subordinate to me so you can’t object.” b) “Nice goal you scored there, now we can bond over it with an ass slap in celebration, way to go.”

Variant: Buttock clasping is a sexual display of affection usually done during copulation or while dancing. It is a firm grasping of the rear end. The rear end can be pinched rather than slapped which is universally sexual in nature.

The pinch takes on three forms and has been an Italian “pastime:” the pizzicato which is a quick tweak with the thumb and middle finger, the vivace which is more vigorous and uses several fingers and done more than once and the sostenuto which is prolonged and heavy handed with a rotation.

Cue In Action: a) A man slapped the waitress on the bum as she walked by – it was unwelcomed and was met with an ice cold glare. a) As her husband walked by without a towel after his shower his wife slapped him on the cheeks. b) After scoring a point in volleyball, the two female athletes slapped each other on the butts during a quick embrace.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Usually done by a man on a woman between husband and wife (or vice versa) or dating partners in sexually permissive cultures. At times done to strangers or between people not in a romantic relationship and therefore unwanted and considered sexual assault. It is often done between members of a sports team for bonding.

In a dating context, the bottom slap indicates ownership through touching and sends a sexual signal of interest. At times an ass slap can be seen as a threat display, aggressive in nature and even predatory if unwelcome such as between coworkers in a business setting.

In a sporting context, the bottom slap is to build team spirit and show solidarity and camaraderie. The intent of the bottom pinch or slap is not nearly as important as the feelings attached to it by the recipient and if unwelcome, is a signal of aggression and a threat display, but if welcomed, is a sign of affection and solidarity.

Cue Cluster: a) Usually combined with a cheeky or coy grin and lustful eye contact. When it is unwanted the smile might be more of a smirk with eyes cast toward the person in an objectifying fashion. b) During bonding in sports it is accompanied by other celebration such as arms up postures, excited facial expressions, and loud voices of celebration.

Body Language Category: Courtship display, Enthusiasm (nonverbal), Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Liking, Ownership gestures, Power play, Space invasion, Threat displays.


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