Category: Gravity defying body language

Body Language of Wide Arms

Body Language of Wide Arms

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Wide Arms 1Cue: Wide Arms

Synonym(s): Arms Apart, Catching The Applause.

Description: The arms are spread wide apart, palms even (neither up nor down) and eye contact is established with the target or targets.

In One Sentence: Wide arms is a long distance embrace-indicator.

How To Use it: Use the wide arms posture to collect adulation from other people at a distance. Presenters, politicians, entertainers, and so forth, should use the wide arm posture to connect and build bonds with many people at the same time.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m opening my arms wide, palms flashed to catch all your applause and adulation – I am your star.”

Variant: See Palm Up Displays or The Rogatory Posture, Arms Up Posture.

Cue In Action: The president approached the audience, flashed his palms out and circled the stage with wide arms held just above his head. He was soaking in the adulation like a rock star.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Wide arms are a long distance embrace-indicator. Entertainers frequently perform this gesture toward their audience after completing a routine in order to catch their applause and adulation. We also see politicians do the wide arms gesture to collect them all in one big long-distance hug.

The posture shows others that they have a positive attitude as it defies gravity, that they are dominant by taking up more space, and that they wish to be noticed.

Other times, the wide arms posture is used to calm an audience. This gesture appears more as a palm moving in an up and down movement.

Cue Cluster: Watch for a big smile, head held high, palm flashing, waving, a swagger, eye contact with the audience, blowing kisses, bowing, pointing to people that are recognized, shaking hands, kiss hello and hugging.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Gravity defying body language, High confidence body language, High confidence hand displays, Leadership body language, Open body language, Palm power, Up nonverbals.


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Body Language of Toes Pointed Upward

Body Language of Toes Pointed Upward

No picCue: Toes Pointed Upward.

Synonym(s): Upward Toe Point, Skyward Facing Toe.

Description: The skyward facing toe is a posture that happens while standing. A person will shift their weight to the back foot while raising the toe of the other foot. The toe is therefore pointed skyward with the heel resting on the ground.

In One Sentence: Pointing the toes upward is a sign of positive thoughts and confidence.

How To Use it: Point the toes upward when you want to show others that good things are happening to you as you participate in the battle of life. Pointing the toes upward, like all “up-nonverbals,” signals that you are in good spirits. This can create a positive impression in those who see your positive signal. Often, these sorts of nonverbal expressions tend to rub off on other people making them feel better and more positive by association.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “My toes are defying gravity by pointing to the sky. I’m experiencing positive feelings. I’m confident.”

Variant: See Arms Up Posture, Head Tilted Back, Thumb Displays or Thumbs Up Posture.

Cue In Action: While speaking on the mobile phone, the client was observed tilting their foot upwards. The posture indicated that she was the beneficiary of positive news.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Pointing the toes up is a gravity defying form of body language indicating positive feelings. When we are in a good mood, we feel like expending extra energy and taking up space. In other words, we want to be noticed by others so they can see just how successful we are. That’s why our body seems to become larger by taking up more space and being more expansive.

While standing, a person might rock back and forth on the balls of the feet or seem to stand taller, more confident and more animated. When people are happy their arms are used more to gesticulate during speech. Gravity defying gestures are rarely faked. That’s because they mostly go under the conscious radar of everyone including the person emitting them. In addition, someone carrying a negative mood is not usually able to hold positive gestures for any significant length of time as it requires conscious mental effort.

Interestingly, those with clinical depression are rarely seen doing positive “up” gestures. Instead their shoulders seem to slump and their arms do no more than hang at their sides. Those that are insecure seem to let the weight of life keep them down and pin their arms to their sides and their toes to the ground.

Cue Cluster: Be careful to watch for rocking back and forth coupled with the toe up, honest smiling, head held high, arms gesticulating or raised and torso erect.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Automatic gesture, Emotional body language, Expansive movements, Gravity defying body language, Up nonverbals.


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Body Language of Strutting

Body Language of Strutting

No picCue: Strutting.

Synonym(s): Swagger.

Description: A careless, slow, deliberate gait with shoulders back, chest out, head up, as if swimming through the air. The upper body moves back and forth confidently.

In One Sentence: Strutting is a type of gait displaying supreme confidence.

How To Use it: Use strutting or swagger to show others that good things happen to you and that you are able to control the results in your life. This works well in any context but if done too conspicuously will appear as smug. When using the cue, be sure that it can be backed up with other confident demeanor including a relaxed and slow speech pattern, proper gesticulation and so forth. President Obama is a great example of walking with swagger and he also backs it up with swagger in his speech and gesture. In dating, swagger is highly regarded as it is in business.

Context: a) Dating b) Business.

Verbal Translation: “I’m confident and in control. I walk with my head up, shoulders back, chest puffed out so that others take note of my dominance and show me respect and admiration.”

Variant: See Gait or Walking Styles.

Cue In Action: a) He walked by the girls in full strut, his chest puffed out trying to appear larger than he actually was. b) The boss was confident and this was easy to see. His gait was smooth, deliberate, and effortless. He walked with his head held high, back strait and arms moving smoothly with each stride.

Meaning and/or Motivation: High ranking officials such as presidents and high level business men habitually strut. A swagger occurs while walking and is a display of confidence, dominance and usually sex appeal. Men are said to strut when trying to appear masculine in the eye of women. Women can also strut, but it’s not as typical as it is for men.

If someone is going out of their way to strut, he is likely trying to impress others but might not have the gull to back it up. True strutting appears effortlessly and is backed by real life accomplishments.

Cue Cluster: The strut is a collection of cues in cluster. Head high, back straight but fluid, arms in motion and chest puffed out. Watch for additional cues to verify the honesty of the strut. Those with confidence will also carry open postures such as arms uncrossed and out of pockets, make and hold eye contact easily, touch people freely when appropriate, maintain open postures, gesticulate when appropriate and so forth.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Gravity defying body language, High confidence body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Leadership body language, Open body language, Threat displays, Up nonverbals.


Atkinson AP, Dittrich WH, Gemmell AJ, Young AW (2004) Emotion perception
from dynamic and static body expressions in point-light and full-light displays.
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Crane, Elizabeth ; Gross, M. Effort-Shape Characteristics of Emotion-Related Body Movement. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2013. 37(2): 91-105.

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Janssen, Daniel ; Schöllhorn, Wolfgang ; Lubienetzki, Jessica ; Fölling, Karina ; Kokenge, Henrike ; Davids, Keith. Recognition of Emotions in Gait Patterns by Means of Artificial Neural Nets. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2008. 32(2): 79-92.

Jessica L. Tracy and David Matsumoto. The Spontaneous Expression Of Pride And Shame: Evidence For Biologically Innate Nonverbal Displays. 2008; 105 (33) 11655-11660.

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Kito, Tomonori ; Yoneda, Tsugutake. Dominance of gait cycle duration in casual walking. Human Movement Science. 2006. 25(3): 383-392.

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Montepare, J. M., Goldstien, S. B., & Clausen, A. (1987). The identification of emotions from gait information. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 11, 33–42.

Mastow, A. H. The role of dominance in the social and sexual behavior of infra-human primates: I. Observations at Vilas Park Zoo. Pedagogical Seminary and Journal of Genetic” Psychology, 1936, 48, 261-277.

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benefits of displaying and observing the nonverbal expressions of pride and shame, Cognition & Emotion. 2012. 26(3): 390-406. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2011.645281

Montepare, Joann ; Zebrowitz, Leslie. A cross-cultural comparison of impressions created by age-related variations in gait. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1993. 17(1): 55-68.

Montepare, Joann ; Goldstein, Sabra ; Clausen, Annmarie. The identification of emotions from gait information. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1987. 11(1): 33-42.

Montepare, J. M., & Zebrowitz-McArthur, L. (1988). Impressions of people created by age-related qualities of their gaits. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55(4), 547–556. 0022-3514.55.4.547.

Prasad, S., & Shiffrar, M. (2009). Viewpoint and the recognition of people from their movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology – Human Perception and Performance, 35(1), 39–49.

Roether, C. L., Omlor, L., Christensen, A., & Giese, M. A. (2009). Critical features for the perception of emotion from gait. Journal of Vision, 9(6), 1–32.

Schneider, Sabrina ; Christensen, Andrea ; Hau[sz]inger, Florian B. ; Fallgatter, Andreas J. ; Giese, Martin A. ; Ehlis, Ann – Christine. Show me how you walk and I tell you how you feel — A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study on emotion perception based on human gait. Neuroimage. 2014. 85: 380(11).

Van Der Zwan, Rick ; Herbert, Natasha. “I like the way you move”: how hormonal changes across the menstrual cycle affect female perceptions of gait.(Research article)(Report). BMC Research Notes. 2012. 5: 453.

Weisfeld, Glenn E. and Jody M. Beresford. Erectness of Posture as an Indicator of Dominance or Success in Humans. Motivation and Emotion. 1982. 6(2): 113-130.

Body Language of the Prance Gait

Body Language of the Prance Gait

No picCue: Prance Gait (the).

Synonym(s): Prancing, Walking On Air, Walking With A Bounce In The Step, Bound In The Gait.

Description: A playful gait which is peppered with unnecessary leaps and bounces.

In One Sentence: The prance gait signals a high degree of femininity due to happiness and health.

How To Use it: Children can use the prance for best effect to show their good spirits. Women are also permitted by our culture to prance and when men prance, they can use it for comedic effect.

A more muted prance can work in both woman and men, however, and is useful in showing others your good health and good spirits. Rather than an exaggerated prance, a mute prance is simply a youthful gait which produces a slight leap in the steps as if floating on air.

Use the prance in any context in which health and virility will be seen as a positive trait. In dating, a bound in the step will show your partner that you have good character and good genetics. This is especially useful to women whom can show off their youth, and hence fertility, with a bound in their step.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m so happy and healthy and want everyone to notice. When I walk, I like to expend more energy than is practical or necessary.”

Variant: A woman may use the parade style of walking which exaggerates the motion of the hips, forcing them to cant from side-to-side. A playful prance intermixed with a parade style of walking shows a person in good spirit who has good childbearing hips. See Gait or Walking Styles.

Cue In Action: a) The girls and boys happily pranced around the playground while the parents ambled after them – barely keeping up. a) He just won the lottery and you could tell. His head was held high, it was as if he was walking on the clouds with a confident stride, buoyant, and youthful. b) Her youth was apparent. When she walked, she had a noticeable bound in her step indicating her health, vigor and good spirit. She advertised her sexuality with her prance.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The prance indicates good spirit and confidence usually associated with youth and thus health.

A bound in the gait indicates a persons ability and desire to fight the effects of gravity. When people win, they celebrate by thrusting their arms up in the air to draw attention to themselves. The same is true about our gait. It is often found in adults who feel that they have control over their lives and those who have enjoyed successes.

Conversely, those who lack confidence or who are depressed will hang their shoulders and saunter about instead. The prance is a type of gait that advertises to the world that a person is happy and content is worthy of our association.

The prancing gait also indicates the virility of a person when carried by those of sexual maturity. Prancing is a sign that they make a good sexual partner partially due to their optimism and good spirit, but also their youthfulness and health. This makes the prance a strong indicator of physical and mental fitness.

Cue Cluster: Watch for head held high with chin up, smiling face and a smooth stride with straight back.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Confident body language, Childlike playfulness, Enthusiasm (nonverbal), Excited body language, Gravity defying body language, Happiness, High confidence body language, Up nonverbals.


Angela Book, Kimberly Costello and Joseph A. Camilleri Psychopathy and Victim Selection: The Use of Gait as a Cue to Vulnerability. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 2013. 28(11): 2368-2383. DOI: 10.1177/

Atkinson AP, Dittrich WH, Gemmell AJ, Young AW (2004) Emotion perception from dynamic and static body expressions in point-light and full-light displays. Perception 33: 717–746. doi: 10.1068/p5096.

Boone RT, Cunningham JG (1998) Children’s decoding of emotion in expressive body movement: the development of cue attunement. Dev Psychol 34: 1007–1016. doi: 10.1037//0012-1649.34.5.1007.

Brownlow S, Dixon AR, Egbert CA, Radcliffe RD (1997) Perception of movement and dancer characteristics from point-light displays of dance. Psychol Rec 47: 411–421.

Camurri A, Lagerlo¨f I, Volpe G (2003) Recognizing emotion from dance movement: Comparison of spectator recognition and automated techniques. Int J Hum Comput Stud 59: 213–225. doi: 10.1016/S1071-5819(03)00050-8.

Crane, Elizabeth ; Gross, M. Effort-Shape Characteristics of Emotion-Related Body Movement. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2013. 37(2): 91-105.

de Meijer M (1989) The contribution of general features of body movement to the attribution of emotions. J Nonverbal Behav 13: 247–268. doi: 10.1007/BF00990296.

Dittrich WH, Troscianko T, Lea SEG, Morgan D (1996) Perception of emotion from dynamic point-light displays represented in dance. Perception 25: 727–738. doi: 10.1068/p250727.

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Janssen, Daniel ; Schöllhorn, Wolfgang ; Lubienetzki, Jessica ; Fölling, Karina ; Kokenge, Henrike ; Davids, Keith. Recognition of Emotions in Gait Patterns by Means of Artificial Neural Nets. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2008. 32(2): 79-92.

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Montepare, Joann ; Goldstein, Sabra ; Clausen, Annmarie. The identification of emotions from gait information. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1987. 11(1): 33-42.

Montepare, J. M., & Zebrowitz-McArthur, L. (1988). Impressions of people created by age-related qualities of their gaits. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55(4), 547–556. 0022-3514.55.4.547.

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Roether, C. L., Omlor, L., Christensen, A., & Giese, M. A. (2009). Critical features for the perception of emotion from gait. Journal of Vision, 9(6), 1–32.

Risner D (2009) What we know about boys who dance: The limitations of contemporary masculinity & dance education. In: Shay A, Fisher J, editors. When men dance: Choreographing masculinities across borders. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

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Sakaguchi, Kikue and Toshikazu Hasegawa. Person Perception Through Gait Information And Target Choice For Sexual Advances: Comparison Of Likely Targets In Experiments And Real Life. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2006; 30:63-85. DOI 10.1007/s10919-006-0006-2

Schneider, Sabrina ; Christensen, Andrea ; Hau[sz]inger, Florian B. ; Fallgatter, Andreas J. ; Giese, Martin A. ; Ehlis, Ann – Christine. Show me how you walk and I tell you how you feel — A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study on emotion perception based on human gait. Neuroimage. 2014. 85: 380(11).

Thoresen, John C.; Quoc C. Vuong and Anthony P. Atkinson. First Impressions: Gait Cues Drive Reliable Trait Judgements. Cognition. 2012. 261–271 Thoresen, John C.; Quoc C. Vuong and Anthony P. Atkinson. First Impressions: Gait Cues Drive Reliable Trait Judgements. Cognition. 2012. 261–271

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Body Language of Jerky Movements

Body Language of Jerky Movements

No picCue: Jerky Movements

Synonym(s): Twitchy, Spastic Movements, Sporadic Movements, Erratic Movements, Failing Arms.

Description: Unpredictable, twitching, erratic, flailing wildly, theatrical, impulsive or random motions by the head, arms, hands, feet, legs, torso and so forth.

In One Sentence: Jerky movements signal emotional uneasiness.

How To Use it: Use jerky movements to show others that you are emotionally unstable!

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I have lost complete control of my body which is why it moves around so sporadically and twitches and this makes you think I’m not emotionally well.”

Variant: Jerky movements can also spread to the voice as it becomes high pitched and increases in volume.

Cue In Action: When Dave was presenting his research on butterflies, his gestures were erratic and out of tune with what he was saying. He seemed scatterbrained, moving back and forth across the stage, his arms pointing quickly to his whiteboard and then scratching his face and neck. He was difficult, even annoying to follow.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Jerky movements comes across as hysteric, frustrated, and breeds a lack of respect in others and is generally unflattering. It says nonverbally that a person lacks precise control over their bodies which people assume transfers to erratic thoughts and a scattered mind. People with jerky movements are seen as untrustworthy and often as having hyperactivity disorder.

Usually sporadic behaviour is not due to any actual negative traits and is mostly due to a high affect, meaning people simply have lots of excess energy and don’t like being in one place for extended periods of time. Other times, jerky movements are linked to excitement and enthusiasm for a topic.

Cue Cluster: Watch for erratic movements of the eyes, touching the face, neck, nose, ears, rubbing the eyes, pacing back and forth, pointing, smoothing clothing, patting, rubbing the hands, hands in pockets and so forth.

Body Language Category: Displacement behaviour, Enthusiasm (nonverbal), Gravity defying body language, Low confidence body language, Nervous body language, Stressful body language, Suspicious body language.


Atkinson AP, Dittrich WH, Gemmell AJ, Young AW (2004) Emotion perception from dynamic and static body expressions in point-light and full-light displays. Perception 33: 717–746. doi: 10.1068/p5096.

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Wilder, Vicky. Effects of antipsychotic medication on the movement pathologies of chronic schizophrenics. American Journal of Dance Therapy. 1987. 10(1): 77-94.

According to Wikepdia, there are at least 25 movement disorders of which nonverbal eratic movement may signal:

Akathisia (inability to sit still)
Akinesia (lack of movement)
Associated Movements (Mirror Movements or Homolateral Synkinesis)
Athetosis (contorted torsion or twisting)
Ataxia (gross lack of coordination of muscle movements)
Ballismus (violent involuntary rapid and irregular movements)
Hemiballismus (affecting only one side of the body)
Bradykinesia (slow movement)
Cerebral palsy
Chorea (rapid, involuntary movement)
Sydenham’s chorea
Rheumatic chorea
Huntington’s disease
Dyskinesia (abnormal, involuntary movement)
Tardive dyskinesia
Dystonia (sustained torsion)
Dystonia muscularum
Writer’s cramp
Spasmodic torticollis (twisting of head and neck)
Dopamine-responsive dystonia (hereditary progressive dystonia with diurnal fluctuation or Segawa’s disease)
Essential tremor
Geniospasm (episodic involuntary up and down movements of the chin and lower lip)
Myoclonus (brief, involuntary twitching of a muscle or a group of muscles)
Metabolic General Unwellness Movement Syndrome (MGUMS)
Mirror movement disorder (involuntary movements on one side of the body mirroring voluntary movements of the other side)
Parkinson’s disease
Paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia
Restless Legs Syndrome RLS (WittMaack-Ekboms disease)
Spasms (contractions)
Stereotypic movement disorder
Stereotypy (repetition)
Tic disorders (involuntary, compulsive, repetitive, stereotyped)
Tourette’s syndrome
Tremor (oscillations)
Rest tremor
Postural tremor
Kinetic tremor
Essential tremor
Cerebellar tremor
Parkinsonian tremors
Physiological tremor
Wilson’s disease

Body Language of Hooding or The Catapult

Body Language of Hooding or The Catapult

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Hooding 4Cue: Hooding or The Catapult.

Synonym(s): Full Body Steeple, Catapult (The), Interlaced Hands Behind The Head.

Description: Hooding is a body posture that occurs by placing both hands up and clasped behind the head, elbows back, and chest puffed out while in a seated position. Think of making a hood with your arms and hands.

In One Sentence: Hooding is a posture signaling high dominance.

How To Use it: Use hooding to expand the body and make it appear larger than it is in reality. This will be viewed by others as dominance and confidence therefore it should be reserved for higher ranking individuals who will not be challenged by others.

Bosses, should feel free to assert their dominance with the hooding posture, whereas lower ranking employees should not.

Women should generally not carry the posture due to its high perceived dominance. When done by women it can appear overbearing. If women do choose to do it, they should be expecting to be viewed as capable of backing their dominance with not only verbal counterarguments, but also supportive action. When dominance lacks substance it is viewed in a negative light rather than a positive one.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m so dominant and confident that I’m placing my hands on my head where they can’t be used for defense, splaying wide open and taking up a bunch of space and leaning back to be comfortable.”

Variant: See Military Man or Regal Stance and Cowboy Pose Stance for two similarly dominant postures.

Cue In Action: The boss was cocky and confident. When meeting with employees he always placed his hands up behind his head and leaned back in his chair. When the owner of the company showed up and surprised him, he quickly shot forward, took his hands off the back of his head and made a point of shaking hands with him. He didn’t get back to his hooding posture until the owner was safely out of the office.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Hooding or interlaced hands behind the head is an extremely dominant and possibly arrogant, self-satisfied, even threatening display.

The arms behind the head posture shows arrogance because it openly exposes the body to attack through its expansiveness. Dominant people don’t worry about being attacked and often show this confidence by overexposing themselves and their vulnerable areas to challengers.

The full body steeple is common to professionals such as lawyers, accountants, managers, bosses, and others that feel more superior then their counterparts.

Hooding can be used to intimidate others, or convey a relaxed, cocky disposition, but as always, body language needs to be taken in context. The accompanying dialogue will help tell us what is really going on.

Professionals, such as lawyers, accountants, managers, bosses, and others that tend to take their superiority to higher levels than the rest of us, will be seen using the full body steeple. This is the hooding posture coupled with a figure four leg cross and leaning back in the chair.

Cue Cluster: When seated hooding is coupled with body leaning backward with the legs spread wide open we have a very dominant crotch display. The postures is completed by combining it with the figure-four-leg cross which happens by placing the ankle of the opposite foot across the knee.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Gravity defying body language, High confidence body language, Open body language.


Allen, Jill; Sarah J. Gervais and Jessi L. Smith. Sit Big to Eat Big: The Interaction of Body Posture and Body Concern on Restrained Eating. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2013. 37(3): 325-336. DOI: 10.1177/

Arnette, S. L., & Pettijohn, T. F., II. (2012). The effects of posture on self-perceived leadership. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3, 8–13.

Bohns, Vanessa K. and Scott S. Wiltermuth. It Hurts When I Do This (Or You Do That): Posture And Pain tolerance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2012. 48: 341-345.

Briñol, P., Petty, R. E., & Wagner, B. (2009). Body posture effects on self-evaluation: A self-validation approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 1053–1064.

Bartholomewn, Morgan E.; Sheri L. Johnson. Nonverbal Dominance Behavior Among Individuals at Risk for Mania. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2014. 159: 133-138.

Carney, Dana R.; Amy J.C. Cuddy; Andy J. Yap. Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance. Psychological Science, 2010; 21 (10): 1363-1368.

Cuddy, Amy J.C., Caroline A. Wilmuth, and Dana R. Carney. The Benefit of Power Posing Before a High-Stakes Social Evaluation. Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-027, September 2012.

Cashdan, Elizabeth. Smiles, Speech, and Body Posture: How Women and Men Display Sociometric Status and Power. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1998. 22(4): 209-228.

Cesario, J., & McDonald, M. M. (2013). Bodies in context: Power poses as a computation of action possibility. Social Cognition, 31, 260–274.

de Lemus, Soledad; Russell Spears and and Miguel Moya. The Power of a Smile to Move You: Complementary Submissiveness in Women’s Posture as a Function of Gender Salience and Facial Expression. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2012. 38(11): 1480-1494.

Fischer, Julia; Peter Fischer; Birte Englich; Nilüfer Aydin and Dieter Frey. Empower My Decisions: The Effects of Power Gestures on Confirmatory Information Processing. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2011. 47: 1146-1154.

Gorkan Ahmetoglu, Viren Swami. Do Women Prefer “Nice Guys?” The Effect Of Male Dominance Behavior On Women’s Ratings. Social Behavior And Personality, 2012; 40(4), 667-672.

Huang, L., Galinsky, A. D., Gruenfeld, D. H., & Guillory, L. E. (2011). Powerful postures versus powerful roles: Which is the proximate correlate of thought and behavior? Psychological Science, 22, 95–102.

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Body Language of High Heels

Body Language of High Heels

BodyLanguageProjectCom - High Heels Body Language 1Cue: High Heels Body Language.

Synonym(s): Stilettos Body Language.

Description: A type of footwear worn by women where the heel is raise higher than the toe.

In One Sentence: High heels are a super normal nonverbal cue signaling the desire for sexual power and appeal.

How To Use it: High heels are advantageous to women. High heels should be used to attract taller more desirable men. While men are not overly concerned with taller women, research shows that men and women tend to pair relatively. That is, in most relationships, men are normally about 2” taller than women and overall. This may be because, given the choice, men, like women, prefer their counterpart to be tall. Therefore, like short men, short women find it difficult to compete with taller counterparts in dating.

High heels work to make women more attractive because they seem to elongate the legs and at the same time make them appear more toned. Women can use high heels to create the illusion of fitness as they work to thrust the hips forward and protrude the breast.

Sexualizing the body is double edged, however, as it will create a desire in men to take part in benevolent sexism, but will also reduce women’s perceived competence. Thus, high heels should be coupled with conservative dress to preserve the image of professionalism.

The height advantage can also work to a woman’s benefit in a business context by stepping them up to the average height of men and therefore eliminating the dominance advantage that height brings. Further, aiming the heel toward men while sitting, legs cross, toward that whom a woman feels discontent, is akin to striking with a dagger – a power-play.

Context: a) Business b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m trying to make my legs appear sexy and alluring to gain an advantage over men and women by hyper sexualizing my female features as well as to gain a height advantage over others.”

Variant: Women sometimes use their high heels as daggers especially while sitting where they can be aimed squarely at potential “prey.” See Adornments and Bodifications, Dressing Sexy.

Cue In Action: a) The female boss always made a point of wearing high spikes so she could stand over her employees. None of the female employees dared best her with anything taller. b) Whilst still out of sight, men on the quiet walkway waited with eager anticipation as they heard the unmistakable sound of stilettos. Each step produced a click-and-clock. It was only a matter of time before the object of their attention would reveal itself – an alluring woman.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The high heel is a type of shoe worn by women in effort to draw attention to their sexuality. The high heel lifts the butt by contracting it, tilts the pelvis forward, arches the back thus protruding the chest and breast, makes the legs appear longer, toned and produces a tight flexed calf muscle.

The high heel emphasizes women’s already long legs and hyper-sexualizes them and also gives women the illusion of slimness, virility, youth and hence fertility, by imitating the leg proportions of girls in their upper teens and early twenties. The stiletto also creates the illusion of smaller feet which is universally deemed submissive and ladylike.

Women will use heels during dating and courtship as well as in business in order to fix the height gap between them, and the men in their association, which points to their function as a power play.

Cue Cluster: The high heel is usually accompanied with confident postures as the high heel commands attention. Expect to see an upright posture, head held high, confident and relaxed facial expression, business or club attire, usually skirts, or business pants. Tall boots with high heels over jeans have recently become fashionable.

Body Language Category: Adornments, Courtship displays, Confident body language, Gravity defying body language, High confidence body language, Masked emotions, Power play.


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Body Language of The Head Tilted Back

Body Language of The Head Tilted Back

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Head Tilted Back 2Cue: Head Tilted Back

Synonym(s): Looking Down The Nose, Nose up gesture, Tilting The Head Back.

Description: A posture done by tilting the head back and looking down and across the bridge of the nose upon other people as if glaring. Sometimes the head is cocked to the side or the eyes peer over glasses.

In One Sentence: Tiling the head back indicates smugness and pride.

How To Use it: Tilt the head back to demonstrate pride after winning a dominance competition. The stance is appropriate after victory in sports as it is in any other situation where one must overcome great obstacles. Holding the head high will show others that you are winning in the battle of life and that you are worthy of special attention and to be followed. Holding the head high in business will show others that you have leadership qualities.

When one tilts the head back when pride is not earned, it can backfire and be read as smugness, so be prepared for challenges to your stance should you choose to apply them.

When you want to belittle another, simply title the head back and stare down your nose at them. This shows condescension. Think of the stern librarian as she lowers her eye glasses and glares down upon you.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m superior to you in many ways so I tilt my head back and appear haughty and special, demonstrating that you are not worthy of my gaze.”

Variant: See Peering Over Glasses, Chin Jut and Chin Lift.

Cue In Action: Upon entering a coffee shop, she turned the heads of men. When she noticed that she was being watched, she averted her gaze and instead of making eye contact she would “look down her nose at them” by tilting her head backward showing disapproval. It is read by onlookers correctly as an “I’m better than you” glare. They don’t even bother to approach her.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Looking down one’s nose at someone is a dominant, judgment posture and is viewed negatively by others. The opposite cue is the forehead bow, where the head is tilted back and they eyes cast upward. This shows submission.

Looking down the nose at someone can be done without glasses, but their addition makes the posture even more salient. The head back is a domineering teacher or librarian look when a student has done something she does not approve of, so she stares him down. The posture elicits a prey response in others because it puts them in an aggressive relationship with the predator peering down on them.

Tilting the head back is a way to adjust the height levels between people because by doing so it raises the level of the eyes by a few inches. Looking down the nose is indicative of someone that is condescending or pushy, authoritarian, arrogant, but is also a gravity defying body language so shows confidence often bordering on overconfidence.

The phrase “keep your chin up” stems from the power that chin’s held high carries. Holding a high head helps people frame their own views in a more constructive light.

Cue Cluster: Crossing the legs by bringing one foot over the opposite leg (the Figure-Four Leg Cross), hand steepling, or interlocked fingers, leaning back in the chair, and tilting the head back and looking down through the nose at others. This cluster shows arrogance and superiority.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dislike (nonverbal), Doubt or disbelief body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Eye Language, Gravity defying body language, Hostile body language, Evaluative body language.


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Body Language of Happy Feet

Body Language of Happy Feet

No picCue: Happy Feet

Synonym(s): Bouncing Feet.

Description: Happy feet are those that bounce up and down with joy, point upwards when standing, or seem to have a spring in their step when walking. Other times happy feet are feet that point or move in the direction of something they like.

In One Sentence: Feet that bounce up and down signal happiness, confidence, and good health.

How To Use it: Use happy feet to show others that you are healthy, confident and that good things are happening to you. Happy feet will be viewed by others as a symptom of your good fortune. Positive attitudes are transferred through body language and keeping the feet in motion shows others that you are prepared for action.

Bluff in poker by bouncing your feet. If people are attuned, they will read your bouncing feet as a true indicator of a great hand (even if you don’t have one).

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m happy with joy so my honest feet defy gravity by bouncing, toes rising and pointing.”

Variant: See Cooperative Feet, Toe Pointing or Pointed Toe, Toes Pointed Upward.

Cue In Action: We always knew it was time to fold. When Kevin had a great poker hand, his feet started bouncing. They were nearly vibrating the entire table.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Throughout our evolution, the feet carried out more traditional tasks like escaping predators, avoiding hot sand or coals from fire, leaping from slithering snakes or poisonous spiders, or navigating rough rocky river bottoms. The feet were therefore connected more to the reptilian brain which reacts to stimuli directly instead of contemplating higher order tasks that require planning. This makes the feet “honest” and reliable as clues to fear as well as happiness.

Bouncing feet are called “happy feet” and is a high confidence ‘tell’, indicating that a person is about to gain something important. It is very reliable and happens as a direct result of having heard or seen something significant that is positive to the person displaying the signal. While high affect happy feet make the entire body bounce, happy feet can be display in a more subdued way by just wiggling the feet. Watching for these cues in poker can be a very important tell and save a pile of money, so be careful to watch for it.

Legs and feet can also become jittery and fidget when a person is bored and wants to leave. Jittery feet, though, can also be due to nervous energy or even the result of happiness such as “happy feet.” It is the context that will help decide what feet and legs are telling in this type of body language.

Happy feet are feet that “defy gravity” are an honest indication of joy. When feet are happy they will bounce up and down and move the body in various playful ways. The feet are often extended toward things they like and point to them. Often the toes will point upward demonstrating confidence. This is done by bearing the weight on one foot and putting the heel down and lifting the toes up.

Cue Cluster: Watch for more open cues such as smiling, head tilted to the side in interest, palm up displays, open and lose body, torso flowing, touching other people, bouncing up and down and excited eye flashes and eye pops.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Buy signals, Childlike playfulness, Gravity defying body language, Honest body language, Up nonverbals.


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Park, Lora E.; Lindsey Streamer; Li Huang and Adam D. Galinsky. Stand Tall, But Don’t Put Your Feet Up: Universal and Culturally-Specific Effects of Expansive Postures On Power. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2013; 49: 965–971.

Ricard, Nathalie C. ; Beaudry, Simon G. ; Pelletier, Luc G. Lovers With Happy Feet: The Interdependence of Relationship and Activity Factors for Individuals Dancing With a Romantic Partner.(Report). Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 2012. 42(4): 939(25).

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Sawada, M., Suda, K., & Ishii, M. (2003b). Relationship between leg movement quality and emotional expression in dance. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science, London, England.

Schneider, Sabrina; Andrea Christensen; Florian B. Häußinger; Andreas J. Fallgatter; Martin A. Giese and Ann-Christine Ehlis. Show Me How You Walk and I Tell You How You Feel – A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study on Emotion Perception Based on Human Gait. NeuroImage. 2014, 85: 380-390

Van Dyck, Edith ; Vansteenkiste, Pieter ; Lenoir, Matthieu ; Lesaffre, Micheline ; Leman, Marc Canal-bruland, Rouwen. Recognizing Induced Emotions of Happiness and Sadness from Dance Movement. PLoS ONE. 2014 9(2): e89773.

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Whittock, Trevor. The role of metaphor in dance. The British Journal of Aesthetics. 1992. 32(3): 242(8).

Body Language of Gait or Walking Styles

Body Language of Gait or Walking Styles

No picCue: Gait or Walking Styles

Synonym(s): Walking Styles.

Description: Refers to the style or mechanics of locomotion in humans and its hidden meaning.

In One Sentence: Gait is highly unique to each person much like a fingerprint and it’s style is connected to various personality traits.

How To Use it: Use your gait to signal desired qualities to others. A bouncy gait signals joy and happiness, a swagger shows sexual energy, hobble shows age, darting shows impatience, prancing shows femininity. Use the type of gait that suits your personality best.

Context: General

Verbal Translation: “How I walk gives clues to my health, emotions, character and accomplishments.”

Variant: N/A

Cue In Action: He just won the lottery. Not only did he carry a huge grin on his face, but he also walked with an exaggerated bounce in his step. It was as if he had been transported back to his youth.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Scientists have identified thirty six different types of gait in the human species. They include the hobble, the mince, the glide, the bounce, the stride, the wiggle, the dart, the prance and the run. People can shuffle along or drag their feet, bounce up and down, or seem to float on air.

How one walks gives clues to the internal workings of people, their emotions and rhythm, character and even their accomplishments not to mention their health and age.

Those who are positive will tend to walk energetically while those who are down and depressed or elderly will saunter or hobble about. The effect is particularly pronounced between the old and young, but it can easily be seen between those who expect good things to happen and those who do not.

Cue Cluster: Watch for additional cues coupled with gait types to decide the overall mental attitude and disposition people carry.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Confident body language, Depressive body language, Emotional body language, Enthusiasm (nonverbal), Excited body language, Gravity defying body language, Happiness, High confidence body language, Low confidence body language.


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