Category: Confused body language

Body Language of Tense Face

Body Language of Tense Face

No picCue: Tense Face.

Synonym(s): Stressed Face, Uneasy Face.

Description: A face that is compressed or contorted by various muscles such as the one between the eyebrows. This muscle will force the eyebrows together creating a wrinkle. The eyes are squinted and the lips are compressed or pursed.

In One Sentence: A tense face indicates stress, worry, and discomfort.

How To Use it: Use a tense face to show that you are not content in the situation. You can signal others that you are in emotional or physical pain by flexing muscles in the face. You may show a tense face when receiving negative news, when presented an unfavourable offer such as in negotiation, when seeing something visually distressing, and so forth. In other words, use a tense face when you want to show others your discomfort and dislike.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m full of stress or worry and am uncomfortable, I hold some degree of negative thoughts which is shown through various muscular contractions in my face.”

Variant: See Eyebrows Knit or Oblique Eyebrows Of Grief, Relaxed Face.

Cue In Action: As the details of the contract became clear, his face began to show signs of disagreement. When the split was offered at 40/60, his eyes squinted. When there was an additional royalty added, his lips compressed. The deal breaker came when he stated the he would be completely bought out of the company at the five year mark. This caused his forehead to furrowed in anger. His body language clearly signaled that had enough with the contract and he wouldn’t sign it.

Meaning and/or Motivation: A tense face is one that shows discomfort and discomfort is a cue that delineates a lack of honesty and that the body is concerned with negative thoughts.

Bodies show additional discomfort through an increased heart rate, breath rate, sweating, a change in normal colour in the face or neck, trembling or shaking in the hands lips, or elsewhere, compressing the lips, fidgeting, drumming the fingers and other repetitive behaviours. Voices often crack when under stress, mouths might dry up producing noticeable swallowing, “hard swallows”, or frequent throat clearing.

Cue Cluster: The eyes are compressed, tense and focused, the arms and legs will cross, the lips purse and licked frequently, people will tighten their bodies up, they might stop speaking, legs and toes may face away from the negative stimuli and toward the door, breathing might be shallow or exaggerated as if ready for action, hands might be rubbed against one other or against the thighs, the face might be touched and the skin pinched, plucked or scratched.

Body Language Category: Confused body language, Closed body language, Closed facial gestures, Dislike (nonverbal), Disapproval cues, Emotional body language, Evaluative body language, Negative body language, Stressful body language, Worry body language.


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Body Language of Shifty Eyes

Body Language of Shifty Eyes

No picCue: Shifty Eyes

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: Happens when the eyes dart all over the room to focus on anything but someone else’s eyes.

In One Sentence: Shifty eyes show lack of certainty and nervousness.

How To Use it: Shifty eyes is a cue that should be avoided unless one wishes to draw attention to ones stress and nervousness. As the cue is generally associated with lying it is looked poorly upon. The cue can be used to show nonverbal sarcasm.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m feeling the pressure and my eyes are traveling all over the place in search of answers to the stress I’m under. If I look in enough places, I’m bound to find what I’m looking for.”

Variant: N/A.

Cue In Action: To get him to cave, she put him in front of the class and asked him if he would confess. He was obviously lying, she though. His eyes darted about the room as she grilled him about the missing raffle money. She assumed he was lying because he wouldn’t hold eye contact.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Shifty eyes are habitually associated with lying but research shows that most practiced liars hold gaze even more strongly than normal.

Paul Ekman’s research into lying says that people often attribute shifty or darting eyes to liars, however, as a predictor of a lie it actually falls short. Looking away from complicated human faces helps us concentrate. Therefore darting eyes doesn’t really tell us anything concretely. Just that thought is taking place.

Additionally, the stress and nervousness of being put on the spot is enough to cause the eyes to exhibit patterns that seem dishonest. Shifty eyes are a more reliable predictor of stress than lying.

Cue Cluster: Darting eyes is connected to other nervous and stress related body language such as touching the face, neck, nose and ears, shrinking and shrugging, ducking the head and crossing the arms and legs.

Body Language Category: Confused body language, Embarrassment (nonverbal), Escape movements, Eye Language, Negative body language, Nervous body language, Stressful body language, Suspicious body language.


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Body Language of Relaxed Face

Body Language of Relaxed Face

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Relaxed Face 1Cue: Relaxed Face.

Synonym(s): Calm Face.

Description: A face that is not compressed, where muscles are not flexed, the eyebrows are not clenched together, the forehead is smooth rather than wrinkled, the eyes are open and not tensed and the lips are full.

In One Sentence: A relaxed face shows high comfort and lack of negative thoughts.

How To Use it: Use a relaxed face when you want to show others that you are in control over your life and the results in it. In business, having a relaxed face should be the default condition. Having a relaxed faces tells others that you can be counted upon for rational decisions in resolving problems. While an angry face can be used to show others that they should take you seriously, a relaxed face shows others that you are in control of your emotions. This is viewed as a positive attribute. When facing high stress, a relaxed face is most potent to onlookers and produces the highest amount of respect and admiration. A relaxed face in these situations signals leadership.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m free of stress, I’m comfortable and hold no negative thoughts. As a result, there is no tension in my face, none of its muscles are flexed.”

Variant: See Tense Face for the opposite cue. Also see Eyebrows Knit or Oblique Eyebrows Of Grief, Compressed Lips.

Cue In Action: Sitting at home reading a book put him at ease. His face was relaxed and the furrow between his eyes finally faded along with the stress of the day.

Meaning and/or Motivation: A relaxed face is one that shows comfort and comfort is a cue that delineates honesty, and that the body is free of concern or negative thoughts.

Comfortable people will hold their bodies loose rather than rigid, and their body will move with fluidity. They will gesture with their speech instead of freezing instantly or awkwardly, called “flash frozen.” Comfortable people mirror others around them instead of avoiding synchrony. Their breath rate will be similar and they will adopt like postures instead of showing differences.

A relaxed face is the normal resting face or the “default face” for people. When no negative stimuli are present, it’s the face, free of wrinkle, or contortion that takes over. Conversely, when bad thoughts, stress, anxiety presents itself, the face tenses up and muscles around the forehead, between the eyes and mouth (lip pursing) begin to flex and pulls the face in all sorts of different directions.

Cue Cluster: The eyes are big, the body may splay open, the arms and legs will uncross, smiling occurs readily, people will loosen clothing or remove them to make themselves more comfortable, they will speak easily and casually, a leg can be tucked under and sat on, the body might sag to one side or lay out flat exposing the ventral side, breathing is steady.

Body Language Category: Confused, Comfort body language, Open facial gestures, Relaxed body language.


Browning, E. ; Huynh, C. ; Peissig, J. Show Me Your Poker Face: Are Poker Players Better at Recognizing Emotional Expressions? Journal of Vision. 2013. 13(9): 599-599.

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Woud, Marcella L. ; Becker, Eni S. ; Lange, Wolf – Gero ; Rinck, Mike. Effects of approach-avoidance training on implicit and explicit evaluations of neutral, angry, and smiling face stimuli.(Relationships & Communications). Psychological Reports. 2013. 113(1): 1211(18).

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Zeinstra, Gertrude G.; M.A. Koelen; D. Colindres ; F.J. Kok; C de Graaf. Facial Expressions in School-Aged Children are a Good Indicator of ‘Dislikes’, but not of ‘Likes.’ Food Quality and Preference. 2009. 20: 620-624.

Body Language of Jaw Drop or Jaw Droop

Body Language of Jaw Drop or Jaw Droop

No picCue: Jaw Drop or Jaw Droop

Synonym(s): Dropping The Jaw.

Description: A facial expression where the mouth or jaw seems to unhinge and drop down.

In One Sentence: The jaw drop indicates shock or awe.

How To Use it: Drop the jaw when you want to show others that you are surprised by what you have heard or seen.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “My jaw is dropping because I can’t believe what I’m seeing – oh my god!”

Variant: See the Surprised Facial Expression.

Cue In Action: The two sisters were calling each other bad names back and forth when out of nowhere one of the girls dropped the f-bomb cuss. Her mom had been passively listening until then, but when the nasty word came out, she dropped her jaw in shock.

Meaning and/or Motivation: It signifies surprise, uncertainty or puzzlement.

To visualize the expression imagine a child lost in a crowd or a person entering an unfamiliar and threatening setting such as a dark alley – their jaws drop and a worried expression comes across their face.

Cue Cluster: The eyes often pop out or flash along with the eyes and the head sometimes drops slack forward.

Body Language Category: Confused, Microexpressions, Surprised body language.

Body Language of The Head Bobble

Body Language of The Head Bobble

No picCue: Head Bobble

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: A side-to-side motion across an arc.

In One Sentence: The head bobble shows indifference and indecisiveness.

How To Use it: Use the head bobble to show others that you haven’t made up your mind.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “My head is swaying back and forth between options on one side and options on the other, I just can’t decide. My head is shaking in an arc between the two ideas.”

Variant: See Head Shake or Head Negation and Head Nod.

Cue In Action: When deciding between the stainless steal and the plain white dishwasher, she bobbled her head in an arc back and forth.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The head bobble implies indecision and thought processing.

The head bobble also means different things to different cultures. For example, in East Slavic it means disapproval and in India it means “okay”. In Bulgaria, India and Pakistan the head bobble means “yes.” In the West head bobble means maybe, or that a person is contemplating between options. Their head is leaning one way for one option and one way for the other.

Cue Cluster: Watch for the index finger coming up the side of the face or touching the chin, chin stroking, rubbing or slapping the head trying to motivate it and eyes moving as if trying to decide.

Body Language Category: Buy signals, Confused body language, Metronomic signals, Microgestures, Evaluative, Pensive displays.


Austin, Keith ; Theakston, Anna ; Lieven, Elena ; Tomasello, Michael Eccles, Jacquelynne S. (editor). Young Children’s Understanding of Denial. Developmental Psychology. 2014. 50(8): 2061-2070.

Akiyama, M. M. (1985). Denials in young children from a cross-linguistic perspective. Child Development, 56, 95–102. doi:10.2307/1130177

Cameron-Faulkner, T., Lieven, E., & Theakston, A. (2007). What part of no do children not understand? A usage-based account of multiword negation. Journal of Child Language, 34, 251–282. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2010.08.017

Fusaro, M., & Harris, P. L. (2013). Dax gets the nod: Toddlers detect and use social cues to evaluate testimony. Developmental Psychology, 49, 514–522. doi:10.1037/a0030580

Fusaro, M., Harris, P. L., & Pan, B. A. (2012). Head nodding and head shaking gestures in children’s early communication. First Language, 32, 439–458. doi:10.1177/0142723711419326

Gräfenhain, M., Behne, T., Carpenter, M., & Tomasello, M. (2009). One-year-olds’ understanding of nonverbal gestures directed to a third person. Cognitive Development, 24, 23–33. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2008.10.001

Guidetti, M. (2005). Yes or no? How do young children combine gestures and words to agree and refuse. Journal of Child Language, 32, 911–924. doi:10.1017/S0305000905007038

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Hummer, P., Wimmer, H., & Antes, G. (1993). On the origins of denial negation. Journal of Child Language, 20, 607– 618. doi:10.1017/S0305000900008503

Kim, K. J. (1985). Development of the concept of truth-functional negation. Developmental Psychology, 21, 462–472. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.21.3.462

Schouwstra SJ, Hoogstraten J (1995) Head position and spinal position as determinants of perceived emotional state. Percept Mot Skills 81: 673–674. doi: 10.2466/pms.1995.81.2.673.

Tam, C. W., & Stokes, S. F. (2001). Form and function of negation in early developmental Cantonese. Journal of Child Language, 28, 373–391. doi:10.1017/S0305000901004688

Underwood, M. K.. Glares of Contempt, Eye Rolls of Disgust and Turning Away to Exclude: Non-Verbal Forms of Social Aggression among Girls. Feminism & Psychology. 2004 14(3): 371-375

Vaidyanathan, R. (1991). Development of forms and functions of negation in the early. tages of language acquisition: A study in Tamil. Journal of
Child Language, 18, 51–66. doi:10.1017/S0305000900013295

Wode, H. (1977). Four early stages in the development of L1 negation. Journal of Child Language, 4, 87–102. doi:10.1017/S0305000900000490

Body Language of Head Away

Body Language of Head Away

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Head Away 2 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Head Away 1Cue: Head Away

Synonym(s): Head Pulled Back, Head Turned Away, Tilting Head Away.

Description: When the head is moved away rather than toward a person. This may be away from a person, object or even an idea.

In One Sentence: Moving the head away is a signal that a person is trying to escape an idea or another person.

How To Use it: Use the direction of your head (head language) to show other people that you don’t like their ideas. This is a low risk body language cue because it avoids using potentially volatile words. By moving the head away, it tells others that you do not like what they have to say. This can work in business, dating and amongst friends.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I don’t like what I’m hearing, but my feet can not be moved away, lest I seem rude, so instead my head will be doing the escaping by moving away to create more distance between me and the thing I don’t like.” b) “I think you are too close to me so I’m leaning back to create more space between the two of us.” c) “I hate you, but feel like I shouldn’t just bolt away so I’m creating a space buffer by titling my head away.” d) “You have bad breath.”

Variant: Can happen sharply as if being taken aback or gradually as if being encroached upon. Conversely the head can move toward or be bowed down submissively showing agreement. See Blading Body Language, Body Angling or Ventral Displays, Toe Pointing or Pointed Toe.

Cue In Action: While engaged in conversation Jill shirked and pulled her chin in and turned her head to the side. She disagreed with her friend’s strong political assertion.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The head will be moved away when there is disagreement but also when the person is not able or permitted to escape entirely from a situation. Thus, it shows a desire for more space. A person might move their head back when someone is speaking with them too closely and violating their personal space, they have bad breath, are speaking too loudly, or they don’t like them for personal reasons.

This is a form of body withdrawal similar to ventral denial, or orienting the shoulders away from things people dislike and toward things they like. When someone wants to exit, the head might look toward the door or to another person.

Cue Cluster: The cue might be accompanied by a grimace facial expression, eye and mouth constriction, torso denial, stepping backward if possible and palm up expression as if wanting a better explanation.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Confused, Defensive, Dislike (nonverbal), Distancing or moving away, Escape movements, Intention movements, Rejection body language.


Broth, Mathias and Lorenza Mondada. Walking Away: The Embodied Achievement of Activity Closings in Mobile Interaction. Journal of Pragmatics. 2013. 47: 41-58.

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Hehman, Eric; Jordan B. Leitner and Samuel L. Gaertner. Enhancing Static Facial Features Increases Intimidation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2013; 49: 747-754.

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Body Language of Gaze Omission

Body Language of Gaze Omission

Cue: Gaze Omission

Synonym(s): Ignoring.

Description: Defined as a failure to look at someone without intending to (rather than avoidance).

In One Sentence: Gaze omission is the failure to look at someone due to preoccupation.

How To Use it: Gaze omission is a signal that happens without awareness so does not have any meaning. However, if one wishes to avoid the possible negative fall-out from lack of acknowledging someone, one should be sure to be conscious enough to excuse their inattentiveness. In other words, one should be aware of ones social position and whether another person is expecting you to acknowledge them or not. Often, lower ranking people feel particularly offended when higher ranking people do not notice them. This if often taken as a personal insult despite the intention. Omitting gaze is one such way that may potentially damage a leader’s efficacy. Therefore, authority figures should be sure to always acknowledge the presence of others, no matter how pressing the situation.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m so busy and distracted that I don’t see you and so I don’t mean anything by not acknowledging your presence.”

Variant: See Gaze Avoidance.

Cue In Action: Bill had a big presentation and really needed to get the chairs in place before everyone arrived. When Mary tried to get his attention to discuss her role in the company, he seemed to brush right past her. She felt that he snubbed her and was feeling angry, but later in the evening he asked her a few questions in passing that lead her to rethink her negative evaluation of him.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Eye gaze includes “mutual gaze” when two people look each other’s faces or eye-to-eye, “gaze avoidance” in which a person purposely prevents eye contact and what we discuss here “gaze omission” where people don’t look at or notice other people, but not due to any reason specifically.

While mutual gaze and gaze avoidance have meaning, gaze omission has no meaning.

It is typical for people who are busy or distracted to easily go without seeing people around them. This is especially so with men who have been shown to have more tunnel vision and when focused, will exclude all other information around them. Women can see around their periphery better than men and can also handle more information at the same time, so it’s not as usual for women to omit their gaze. It is up to the body language reader to collect enough cues to decide if gaze is omitted or gaze is being avoided which is a big distinction.

Cue Cluster: Someone that omits their gaze will be distracted, harried, will be shuttling around with their bodies, or eyes, will be grimacing or seem worried, tensed, with tight lips. Other times the mind will seem adrift, the eyes glazed over, the face may be blank as if contemplating something internally.

Body Language Category: Confused body language, Disengagement, Eye Language.


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Williams. 1993. Effects of Mutual Gaze and Touch on Attraction, Mood, and Cardiovascular Reactivity Source: Journal of Research in Personality. 27(2): 170-183.

Body Language of Furrowed Forehead

Body Language of Furrowed Forehead

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Furrowed Forehead 3Cue: Furrowed Forehead

Synonym(s): Forehead Creasing, Wrinkled Forehead, Forehead Furrow.

Description: Frowning done by creasing the forehead and brow.

In One Sentence: A furrowed forehead is a sign of negative thoughts.

How To Use it: Furrow the forehead when you want others to visually see that you are not in a positive mood. This can be effective in showing your disapproval of others which may cause them to change their behaviour in order to better please you. Furrowing the forehead works well on children as it does with any submissive audience. The honest portrayal of disapproval through furrowed forehead works to influence others as people are strongly social and do not cope well with the anger of others. Showing disapproval nonverbally avoids a deeper potentially aggressive verbal confrontation, but at the same time, is obvious to onlookers.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “Muscles in my forehead are scrunching up to show how badly I feel on the inside.”

Variant: Various other forms of contraction can occur in the face such as the lips, nose and eyes to show negative thoughts. See Compressed Lips, Nose Crinkle, Sneering, Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes.

Cue In Action: She was worried that he was going to be upset for being so late for their date that her forehead began to wrinkle and her skin flushed red. She was harried and quickly left her house in a panic.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Wrinkled forehead is one of the quickest ways to detect when a person carries negative thoughts. It can signify anything from anxiousness, sadness, concentration, concern, worry, bewilderment or anger. The cluster of cues which accompany the forehead furrow will give clues to its underlying meaning.

Anger is shown through furrowed forehead coupled with finger pointing, overall tensing of the body or tightening of the jaw and lips (called “lip occlusion”), quivering in the lips, frowning, dilated pupils, squinting of the eyes, crotch displays such as legs open, sneering or flared nostrils, or extreme body loosening to ready for fighting.

Surprise is coupled with a straight upward lift of the forehead whereas fear engages the muscles between the brows folding them. Fear is sometimes confused with surprise as in much of the world only subtle differences exist.

During fear, eyebrows rise and are pulled together, and curve although less than in surprise. Wrinkles appear in the forehead, but do not cross the entire forehead like in the surprised expression. The upper eyelids rise, as in the surprise expression, to expose the white of the eyes and the lower eyelids also rise. The lips may be stretched back and the mouth opened.

Sadness is controlled mainly by the mouth where it drops at the corners. The inner eyebrows rise producing a triangular shape between the root of the nose and the eyes. The forehead might show wrinkles and the eyes may appear moist with tears.

Cue Cluster: See Meaning and/or Motivation.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Aggressive body language, Anger, Confused body language, Closed facial gestures, Emotional body language, Fearful body language, Hostile body language, Microexpression, Stressful body language, Universal gestures, Universal facial expressions, Worry body language.


Bard, K. A. (2003). Development of emotional expressions in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). In P. Ekman, J. Campos, R. J. Davidson & F. B. M. De Waal (Eds.), Emotions inside out: 130 years after Darwin’s The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (Vol. 1000, pp. 88-90). New York: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

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Body Language of Eyebrow Hold

Body Language of Eyebrow Hold

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eyebrow Hold 1Cue: Eyebrow Hold

Synonym(s): Eyebrow Shrug.

Description: Happens when the eyebrows raise and pause for a second before being lowered.

In One Sentence: The eyebrow hold is a signal that a person is dumbfounded and is questioning what they are hearing or seeing.

How To Use it: Hold the eyebrows up when you want to make a nonverbal inquiry. Holding the eyebrows up momentarily, is a way to ask people to complete their thought. In other words, you are holding your eyebrows up awkwardly in hopes they will resolve the problem so you can drop them back down.

Mothers can use this effectively with misbehaving children. Simply raise the eyebrows, cock the head to the side, make your request, and wait for a correct response before lowering them.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m raising my eyebrows and I’m willing to hold them here until someone steps in and fixed my problem.” B) “So, what do you think, have I don’t a good job?”

Variant: See Eyebrow Raise, Eyebrow Cock, Eyebrow Hold, Eyebrow Lowering, Eyebrow Flash, Eyebrows Knit or Oblique Eyebrows Of Grief.

Cue In Action: The speaker would often raise his eyebrows as he told a joke and held them up. He wanted and expected applause.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Eyebrow hold indicates a lack of knowledge or even helplessness. It is a mild form of unpleasant surprise. Eyebrows are held up when someone seeks approval from others. This approval may come nonverbally as a head nod or smile or a verbal agreement.

Politicians and children often raise their eyebrows and hold them up waiting for approval from others.

Cue Cluster: The eyebrow hold is sometimes accompanied by palms up, as if “offering.”

Body Language Category: Confused, Eye Language, Microexpressions, Nonthreatening body language, Open facial gestures, Submissive body language.


Duan, Xujun ; Dai, Qian ; Gong, Qiyong ; Chen, Huafu. Neural mechanism of unconscious perception of surprised facial expression. NeuroImage. 2010. 52(1): 401-407.

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Grammer, Karl ; Schiefenhövel, Wulf ; Schleidt, Margret ; Lorenz, Beatrice ; Eibl eibesfeldt, Irenäus. Patterns on the Face: The Eyebrow Flash in Crosscultural Comparison. Ethology. 1988. 77(4): 279-299.

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Parzuchowski, Michal ; Szymkow-Sudziarska, Aleksandra. Well, slap my thigh: expression of surprise facilitates memory of surprising material. Emotion. 2008. 8(3): 430-4.

Reisenzein, R. (2000). Exploring the strength of association between the components of emotion syndromes: the case of surprise. Cognition and Emotion, 14, 1–38.

Reisenzein, R., Bördgen, S., Holtbernd, T., & Matz, D. (2006). Evidence for strong dissociation between emotion and facial displays: the case of surprise. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 295–315.

Reisenzein, R., & Studtmann, M. (2007). On the expression and experience of surprise: no evidence for facial feedback, but evidence for a reverse self-inference effect. Emotion, 7, 612–627.

Scherer, K. R., Zentner, M. R., & Stern, D. (2004). Beyond surprise: the puzzle of infants’ expressive reactions to expectancy violation. Emotion, 4, 389–402.

Schützwohl, Achim ; Reisenzein, Rainer. Facial expressions in response to a highly surprising event exceeding the field of vision: a test of Darwin’s theory of surprise. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2012. 33(6): 657-664.

Teixeira Fiquer, Juliana; Paulo Sérgio Boggio and Clarice Gorenstein. Talking Bodies: Nonverbal Behavior in the Assessment of Depression Severity. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2013. 150: 1114-1119.

Vrticka, Pascal ; Lordier, Lara ; Bediou, Benoît ; Sander, David Desteno, David (editor). Human Amygdala Response to Dynamic Facial Expressions of Positive and Negative Surprise. Emotion. 2014. 14(1): 161-169.

Vanhamme, J. (2000). The link between surprise and satisfaction: an exploratory research on how to best measure surprise. Journal of Marketing Management, 16, 565–582.

Watt, Roger ; Craven, Ben ; Quinn, Sandra. A role for eyebrows in regulating the visibility of eye gaze direction. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2007. 60(9): 1169-1177.

Wheldall, Kevin ; Mittler, Peter. Eyebrow-raising, eye widening and visual search nursery school children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 1976. 17(1): 57-62.

Body Language of Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes

Body Language of Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes 2Cue: Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes

Synonym(s): Narrowing Eyes, Furrowing Eyes, Compressed Eyelids, Wincing Eyes, Eye Constriction, Eye Blocking, Eye Shield, Shielding The Eyes, Squinting.

Description: Eye squinting happens when the eyelids are compressed together serving to constrict the eyes. It can sometimes occur in just a fraction of a second before disappearing.

In One Sentence: Narrowing the eyes is due to physical or emotional pain.

How To Use it: When you do not like what is being said or seen, simply narrow your eyes. This tells others that you do not like what you are seeing or hearing. You may perform this eye language in brief within just fractions of a seconds. While people may not consciously perceive the signal, it will likely still register subconsciously. If the person for whom the cue is intended, notices, they may revisit their proposal and add additional incentives to ease your negative judgment.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “What I’m seeing is causing me emotional or physical pain and to prevent all that negativity from coming into my body I’m going to squint and block to resist.”

Variant: See Anger Facial Expression, Hand To Eye Gesture.

Cue In Action: a) A person will wince when reading objectionable portions of a contract. b) She winced when the student missed the correct note on the piano. It caused her visceral pain.

Meaning and/or Motivation: An eye blocking form of body language designed to prohibit distasteful images or even thoughts from being received at full view. Narrowing eyes indicates contempt, distaste and anger. A person will not only squint from seeing objectionable sights, but also negative thoughts or sounds.

Wincing falls into the category of microexpressions since it can happen in only fractions of a second before disappearing, yet it remains full of meaning.

Wincing can also be due to the sudden approach of projectiles toward the eyes or body as well as the sun’s glare. Eyes can also be squinted in order to help a person see print that is too small. Thus, at times, squinting forms a functional purpose not exclusively driven by emotion.

A delayed opening or prolonged eye closure can be due to negative emotions or displeasure. A full wince with the eyes closed tightly signifies the desire to totally block out information.

Cue Cluster: General tightening of the face will occur such as mouth pursing. We may also see lip biting, hand clenching, shoulders and feet turned away, arms pulled in to protect and arms crossed.

Body Language Category: Attentive, Aggressive body language, Anger, Confused, Closed body language, Closed facial gestures, Dislike (nonverbal), Doubt or disbelief body language, Eye blocking, Eye Language, Microexpressions, Micromessaging, Negative body language, Pensive displays, Protective reflexes, Suppressed facial expression, Suspicious body language.


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