Category: Crotch display

Body Language of Uncrossing and Re-Crossing Legs

Body Language of Uncrossing and Re-Crossing Legs

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Uncrossing and Re-Crossing Legs 2Cue: Uncrossing and Re-Crossing Legs.

Synonym(s): Re-Crossing The Legs, Thigh Exposure.

Description: When the legs are uncrossed and re-crossed in the presence of men.

In One Sentence: Uncrossing and re-crossing the legs is a female sexual signal aimed to arouse or to make the body more comfortable.

How To Use it: Women can use the cue most effectively. In a dating context, slowly uncrossing then re-crossing the legs whilst making eye contact, is a powerful message few men will mistake for general affect. As the cue is normally used to make the body more comfortable, women may wish to repeat the cue and pause slightly with the legs open. To add even more allure add eye contact with a slight lick of the lips to accompany the movement.

The cue is most sexual with a skirt, particularly a short one. However, it can also work with pants as there is more freedom to sitting with legs open when everything is covered. Teasing can be done when in a private location by exposing the underwear either briefly or fully. If you wish to be sexually obvious, the cue without underwear is your answer.

If women wish to avoid appearing sexual, keep the hand on the lap while re-crossing, avoid eye contact, and do the movement quickly and efficiently without any notable pause.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m uncomfortable and need to adjust my sitting position.” b) “I’m sexually available and wish to demonstrate my inner thigh to arouse through a quick flash and tease.”

Variant: See Leg Crossing and Leg Crossing Direction, European Leg Cross, Leg Spreading.

Cue In Action: a) She quickly uncrossed and re-crossed her legs with her hands over her lap. She was trying to maintain her comfort by shifting her body into a new position. b) She made eye contact with an attractive man, dropped her head and lowered her eyes, smirked, uncrossed her legs to reveal the skin of her thigh, wiggled to the music, then re-crossed her legs and took a sip of her drink.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Crossing and uncrossing the legs in the presence of men, especially if done slowly is a demonstration of interest or availability. It becomes particularly salient if the inner thigh is exposed or the legs are momentarily left uncrossed.

Leaving the legs uncrossed altogether, while sitting or standing, or massaging them so as to draw attention to them, can add intensity to the sexual invitation.

Another leg crossing variation happens when the leg is tucked under the body and sat on with the knee pointing toward her interest. This also leaves the inside of the thigh exposed and is particularly alluring when wearing a skirt – especially a short one!

Other times, leg crossing and re-crossing has no meaning at all and simply serves to make the body more comfortable. This is the case when men uncross and re-cross their legs. When done by men, it almost always means that he is shifting to increase his comfort.

Cue Cluster: In order for the cue to have meaning it should be accompanied by other sexual cues such as flirty up-cast eye contact, head lowered, shoulders rounded, wrist exposure and so forth. The more cues in cluster, the more salient the sexual message. When the uncross and re-cross cue is not a sexual message, then eye contact will be avoided, the legs will be held tightly together, the motion will be done subtly so as to avoid detection and hands will be firmly planted over the mid-section to hide the skin from view.

Body Language Category: Adaptors, Amplifier, Courtship display, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI).


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Body Language of Leg Spreading

Body Language of Leg Spreading

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Leg Spreading 5 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Leg Spreading 6Cue: Leg Spreading

Synonym(s): Spreading The Legs, Open Legs, Leg Placed Over The Arm Of The Chair, Uncrossed Legs.

Description: Legs that are spread while seated or standing rather than crossed.

In One Sentence: Leg spreading is a sign of dominance as it puts the genitals on display.

How To Use it: Spread your legs when you want others to see you as dominant and authoritative. The posture serves both women and men in the same fashion, but men are afforded more social liberty when it comes to dominance displays.

Men can benefit most from this posture in business and in dating as dominance is a valued trait in these context. Women should resist the urge to display dominance in this fashion, but if they absolutely feel comfortable displaying this way, they must wear long pants. Opening the legs with feminine attire including skirts and dresses, or even shorts can give the impression of sexual easiness and will have quite the opposite connotation to that desired.


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For this reason, leg spreading has two very different implications for men and women. For women, opening the legs permits sexual access, whereas men’s sexuality, while it can be displayed via legs open, is not required to complete the act of sex. Given the aforementioned sexual differences between men and women, legs open is more in line with taking up space in men than it is for women. Recall that taking up space is inherent in all dominance displays. In women, leg spreading, whilst it does indeed function to take up more space, it is confounded with it as an overt sexual access display thereby rending it as less dominant and more sexual.

However, in dating, if women wish to tease men, they might permit men to see the inside of their thigh or even flash men outright by un-crossing a re-crossing the legs.

An exaggerated leg spread amplifies the meaning. So to appear highly dominant, spread the legs as wide as possible. To appear overly sexual, also spread the legs out further.

It is ill advised to for men to spread the legs in full view of more dominant people than themselves including bosses, father-in-law’s, and so forth. Leg spreading may be seen by other highly dominant men as a challenge which may invite confrontation.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m dominant and open at the same time so I’m spreading my legs open to put my genitals on open display for others to see and judge. I’m not ashamed.” a) “I’m careless and improper and do not hold gentleman or feminine body postures – or just don’t care how I am perceived.” a) “I’m more comfortable with my legs uncrossed than with them crossed and do not intend to send any particular signal.” b) “I’m a sexually open or liberated (or dominant) woman so I’m keeping my legs open as a sexual invitation.” b) “I’m a sexually dominant man and keep my legs open so you can admire my masculinity.”

Variant: The leg over the chair is as a particularly overt and offensive way of spreading the legs.

Cue In Action: a) He sat at the corner of the couch with his legs spread as wide as he could. Being particularly cowardly, he followed this up by holding his drink between his legs serving as a shield. b) Sharon Stone in the movie Basic Instinct sent a clear message as she slowly uncrossed and re-crossed her legs while being interrogated.

Meaning and/or Motivation: When done by men it is a dominant crotch display, and when done by women usually construed as a sexual invitation or that they have a crass attitude or are “easy.”

Other times, women spread their legs when they are either unaware that it is not socially acceptable or that they have an easy-going personality. In modern times, women have been encouraged to carry more male-like characteristics and are not scorned when they do not close their legs. This has been a recent cultural shift. Generally, as women graduate into adulthood in their late teens, they will adopt more “lady-like” postures on their own, motivated by their own instincts and tend to cross their legs or at the least keep them tightly pressed together unless relaxing in their own domain.

Legs uncrossed is a signal of openness, acceptance and signal of being easy going. This is of particular importance as it pertains to women, as it can taken as a sexual signal or invitation, making women appear easy, “loose” or at best crass or improper. Women wishing to appear dominant will find this posture comfortable, but it will be accompanied by other male typical gestures such as throwing an arm over the back of the chair to take up more space and loud boisterous behaviour.

Men, on the other hand, have the benefit of using the uncrossed legs signal for more than one reason. Men can have their legs uncrossed to display dominance and authority. This is often culturally permitted in men. In men, the meaning of the leg spread is determined by its context and the manner in which it occurs. Men in seated positions spread their legs as a dominance display as it puts the genitals out for everyone to see.

The leg spreading posture is one which is best analyzed by picturing people fully nude as it helps us visualize the image they wish to portray. While we may wish for equality between the sexes, leg spreading is one such posture that illustrates a key difference between men and women’s sexuality and dominance. While spreading the legs shows assertiveness in men, it often comes across negatively when done by sexually mature woman.

The degree to which leg spreading happens is important in both sexes. Spreading is positively correlated with dominance display. That is, the greater the leg spread, the greater is the dominance display. The legs cocked at shoulder width while seated, is comfortable and natural, even for both sexes (while wearing pants), but once the legs break that distance, the signal becomes much more overt. In other words, once the legs meet their maximum angle, it is as if the genitals are yelling at the top of their lungs through a loudspeaker begging to be noticed!

In a standing position, legs spread at or slightly beyond shoulder width signals dominance in a more acceptable way. In fact, having the legs uncrossed while standing is the most appropriate way to stand since it appears open, accepting and confident.

Cue Cluster: The leg spread is accompanied by other dominant body language such as spreading the arms out, such as on the arm of the next chair, leaning back, hands on the hips if standing and hands away from the face and not fidgeting.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Authoritative body language, Courtship displays, Confident body language, Crotch display, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, High confidence body language.

Body Language of The Head Toss

Body Language of The Head Toss

No picCue: Head Toss

Synonym(s): Flicking The Head.

Description: The head is tossed forward or backward.

In One Sentence: Tossing the head shows distain, or conversely, is a way to show off luscious hair (in a dating context).

How To Use it: Toss the head back and shake it to show that you disagree. You can use this in any context to send a strong nonverbal message of disapproval. Simply toss the head backward or from side-to-side to show that you do not approve. When you do so, imagine being “hit in the head” with a bad idea.

In dating, tossing the head is a way women (mostly) can show off their hair. This is especially so if it is long and free-flowing. Putting the hair in motion is a way to draw attention to it and its qualities. Television commercials use the hair toss effectively to show off their shampoo products. You can also produce a like effect. The hair toss is boosted in effectiveness when it is coupled with direct eye contact with whom you wish would notice. When the hair toss is done without eye contact, it is not anchored and therefore is a broadcast signal to anyone to which is visible.

Context: a) General, b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m not happy with you so I’m tossing my head back and shaking it from side to side showing my disdain and haughtiness.” b) “I’m sexually aroused and showing off my luscious hair by flicking and tossing it and hopefully you find that appealing.”

Variant: Sometimes the head is held high and tossed back showing extra verbal charge. See Hair Play.

Cue In Action: a) Eighteen year old Maggie wasn’t happy with her mom and made it known that she had no intension of serving her full punishment. She tossed her head back and shook it at the mere suggestion of being grounded. b) Eighteen year old Maggie tossed her head back while flicking her hair, batted her eyelashes and smiled coyly at the cute boy in her class.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Depending on context can be sexually suggestive or show disdain or haughtiness.

a) Disdain is usually done by women through a combination of a head backward with a small headshake. Sometimes the head is held high and shot forward to deliver a potent message. This shows no interest and no intention of complying, engaging further and certainly no interest in what is being said. b) When the head is meant to remove long hair from the face and coy eye contact is delivered to punctuate it, can mean a sexual invitation. c) Other times, the head is tossed back to remove hair from the eyes and has no other meaning.

Cue Cluster: See Meaning and Motivation for cue cluster.

Body Language Category: Adaptors, Arrogance or arrogant body language, Approach tell, Courtship display, Disengagement body language, Dislike (nonverbal), Frustration or frustrated body language, Hostile body language, Stubborn body language.


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Body Language of The Figure Four Leg Clamp or Figure Four Leg Lock

Body Language of The Figure Four Leg Clamp or Figure Four Leg Lock

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Figure Four Leg Clamp or Figure Four Leg Lock 2Cue: Figure Four Leg Clamp or Figure Four Leg Lock

Synonym(s): Leg Clamp

Description: The figure four leg clamp is similar to the regular figure four leg cross where the ankle is pulled over the knee of the opposite leg forming the figure four position, except in this case, the arm grabs the ankle to lock it in place.

In One Sentence: The figure four leg clamp is a dominance display coupled with a locked leg indicating a rigid attitude.

How To Use it: Use the figure four to demonstrate dominance and lock your posture in place with your hand to show that you are a fortress that protects your own unique ideals. This posture is generally ill-advised, but can find its place when there is a struggle for power and you feel that your judgment is superior.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m dominant so I’m crossing my legs to expose my genitals, but I’m also stubborn so I’m making a barrier with my forearm and locking this in place to show you just how serious I am about my opinions.”

Variant: See Figure Four Seating Position (The) or The Ankle-Knee Cross.

Cue In Action: The salesman knew he wasn’t getting anywhere with the client as soon as his client’s body language changed from the European leg cross to the figure four leg cross with his arm locking the cross in place. When he began the pitch, his posture as open, he was leaning in and asking questions, but when the final bill came due, he leaned back and crossed his ankle over his knee. When the taxes where added, he grabbed his ankle and scowled. It was clear that major roadblocks would have to be overcome if they were to sign a deal.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The figure four seating position can be closed off entirely by placing each hand on the shin so as to lock the leg in place. This posture indicates that someone is extremely stubborn and most likely apt to reject opinions of others.

The leg locker is also highly opinionated in most every way and may lead you into disagreement at every turn. If selling an idea or product, it might be best to drop the pitch altogether and seek more agreeable company unless you are comfortable using extreme tact, or are skilled at building relationships quickly.

Cue Cluster: The figure four hand lock is often coupled with negative facial expressions, scowls, or frowns.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Barriers, Body cross, Blocking or Shielding, Clenching and gripping, Closed body language, Crotch display, Defensive, Dislike (nonverbal), Doubt or disbelief body language, Negative body language.


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Body Language of Figure Four Seating Position (The) or The Ankle-Knee Cross

Body Language of Figure Four Seating Position (The) or The Ankle-Knee Cross

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Figure Four Seating Position (The) or The Ankle-Knee Cross 1Cue: Figure Four Seating Position (The) or The Ankle-Knee Cross

Synonym(s): Ankle-Knee Cross (The)

Description: This body position occurs as one leg is bent, oriented horizontally and pulled over the opposite knee, to form the number four. The leg produces a figure four when viewed from above.

In One Sentence: The figure four leg cross is a dominant and authoritative posture meant to showcase the groin area.

How To Use it: Use the figure four leg cross to show that you are not afraid of being exposed to others but not crass enough for a full uncrossed leg posture. It is generally ill-advised for women to hold this posture as it is masculine in nature, however, in some circles, it can be seen as acceptable but only if pants are worn. It is most certainly is not advisable for women to hold the posture with skirts or dresses of any kind.

The posture finds a welcome place in business and dating where men are working to assert their dominance over others. The figure four is even acceptable amongst friends and is a more tolerated dominance display than is legs uncrossed.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m feeling good about myself. I’m dominant, authoritative, and not afraid to put my genitals on display – but not totally be spreading my legs apart – I still need a bit of a shield.”

Variant: See Figure Four Leg Clamp or Figure Four Leg Lock.

Cue In Action: People knew the guy was arrogant and smug. He’d sit there with his arms up against the back of his head ‘hooding’, with his legs cross ankle over knee leaning backward in his chair. Even when the boss was around, he wouldn’t drop the posture.

Meaning and/or Motivation: It is more or less an open posture and should be taken as a mild version of the crotch display since the legs are open. This posture is milder because it doesn’t fully expose the crotch since one leg partially blocks the genitals from view.

Women aren’t normally seen in this posture, but since wearing pants have become more popular recently, it does tend to happen more often than it has in the recent past. When performed by women, it is as an attempt to be one of the boys. The figure four tells us that a person is relaxed and youthful, (mature gentlemen are seen with a full leg cross, or European Leg Cross where the legs end up parallel to one another) and dominant.

Cue Cluster: The figure four leg cross can be accompanied by the hooding posture or the leg clamp by placing the hand on the ankle or shin to show even more stubbornness.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Authoritative body language, Body cross, Blocking or Shielding, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Open body language, Crotch display.


Allen, Jill; Sarah J. Gervais and Jessi L. Smith. Sit Big to Eat Big: The Interaction of Body Posture and Body Concern on Restrained Eating. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2013. 37(3): 325-336. DOI: 10.1177/

Arnette, S. L., & Pettijohn, T. F., II. (2012). The effects of posture on self-perceived leadership. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3, 8–13.

Bohns, Vanessa K. and Scott S. Wiltermuth. It Hurts When I Do This (Or You Do That): Posture And Pain tolerance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2012. 48: 341-345.

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Park, Lora E.; Lindsey Streamer; Li Huang and Adam D. Galinsky. Stand Tall, But Don’t Put Your Feet Up: Universal and Culturally-Specific Effects of Expansive Postures On Power. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2013; 49: 965–971.

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Ranehill, Eva; Anna Dreber; Magnus Johannesson; Susanne Leiberg; Sunhae Sul and Roberto A. Weber. Assessing the Robustness of Power Posing: No Effect on Hormones and Risk Tolerance in a Large Sample of Men and Women. Psychological Science, March, 2015. doi: 10.1177/0956797614553946

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Body Language of The Dominant Stance

Body Language of The Dominant Stance

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Dominant Male Stance (The) 1Cue: Dominant Stance (The)

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: A stance where the feet lie flat on the ground, weight is across both feet, the arms are placed to the side rather than in pockets and hands do not prop up against a wall or table. The hips are forced forward slight, with the legs just wider than shoulder width.

In One Sentence: Standing with the feet even and stable shows others that one is in control of one’s body and prepared to stand one’s ground.

How To Use it: Use the dominant stance to show other that you are ready for action and also ready to stand your ground. A wide base shows others that you are confident. The cue is useful in many situations so as when pitching ideas in business, or for men, in dating, when trying to seduce. Those in charge of groups of people including various leaders should use a dominant stance nearly all of the time. This will help them gain and hold authority.

Context: General

Verbal Translation: “I’m right here, proud and confident. I don’t need to lean against anything and I can stand alone. I’ve got my feet firmly planted on the ground and my legs are wide enough to ‘show off my junk’ (genitals) and form a wide base.”

Variant: Related to Arms Akimbo, Cowboy Pose Stance, Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion.

Cue In Action: While presenting to the audience, Dave commanded respect by taking up lots of room and using his arms freely. When he wasn’t on the stage, he often stood at ease with his legs apart, flat and even across his feet. He appeared to be confident and in control.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The dominant stance is one that depicts confidence and authority.

Cue Cluster: The dominant stance can be coupled with expansive movements such as arms gesticulating, arms over the back of a chair, or out and relaxed, shoulders up and back, head held high, arms out and relaxed, legs apart. The greater the area the body takes up, the more dominant the body language.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Crotch display, Dominant body language, Leadership body language, Relaxed body language.


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Welker, Keith M. ; Oberleitner, David E. ; Cain, Samantha ; Carré, Justin M. Upright and left out: Posture moderates the effects of social exclusion on mood and threats to basic needs. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2013 43(5): 355-361.

Walsh, Joseph ; Eccleston, Christopher ; Keogh, Edmund. Pain communication through body posture: The development and validation of a stimulus set. Pain. 2014. 155(11): 2282-2290.

Yap, Andy J. Abbie S. Wazlawek, Brian J. Lucas, Amy J. C. Cuddy, Dana R. Carney. The Ergonomics of Dishonesty: The Effect of Incidental Posture on Stealing, Cheating, and Traffic Violations, 24(11); 2281-2289.

Body Language Of The Cowboy Pose Stance

Body Language Of The Cowboy Pose Stance

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Cowboy Pose Stance 2Cue: The Cowboy Pose Stance

Synonym(s): Male Crotch Display (The), The Standing Crotch Display, Thumbs In Belt Loops, Framing The Genitals.

Description: This posture happens by placing the thumbs in the waistband/belt/belt loops with the remaining fingers pointed downwards towards the crotch.

In One Sentence: Placing the hands in the loops of the belt is a dominance display serving to draw attention to the groin area.

How To Use it: Use this posture to show that you are in control and are self-assured. While the cue is generally permissible for men, it should be used cautiously by women. While men derive much of their power from their genitals, it can appear overly crass when done by women. However, in recent times, the gesture has been more acceptable for women of the West.

If women should wish to adopt a ‘near-posture’ they should consider aiming their fingers backwards such that they point to their buttocks, thus drawing attention backwards. When done facing children, it will have the affect of appearing dominant, but inquisitive.

Men can boost their dominance further by propping up their leg on the cross-brace of a chair. This puts their genitals on full display.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m dominant and in charge and to prove that I’m going to lock my thumbs in my belt loops with the rest of my fingers pointed toward my genitals – notice them!” “There are issues here”, “Things are not right”, “I’m standing my ground” or “I’m a virile male so check me out!”

Variant: See Arms Akimbo, Leg Spreading.

Cue In Action: While standing at the bar he put his fingers into his belt loops and faced away from the bar. He was sending a broadcast signal to the room hoping to attract some sexual attention.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The cowboy pose was popularized by old western movies. Cowboys would use a combination of this posture and the hands on hips (or arms akimbo) to show how macho they were. Because it draws attention to the crotch, it is infrequently used by women.

When women are seen holding the posture they will hold their hands on their hips and point their fingers to their buttocks rather than to their genitals. Pointing therefore, puts emphasis on our best assets while we state our case. Fingers pointed backwards as women do, is perceived as more of an inquisitive posture than an authoritarian one. It also draws less attention to the genital area which is not normally associated with a source of power and dominance.

A second version of the crotch display is to keep the legs spread open where the hand may be found on the inside of the thigh in a “ready position” or propped up on a knee (The Captain Morgan). These signals are less of a sexual invitation than they are signal of their dominance over others in the room, which in and of itself, makes them appear more attractive to women.

Cue Cluster: The cowboy pose is accompanied by head held high, rigid posture, a stern or confident face, reduced gesticulation, legs spread at or wider than shoulder width and other confident indicators.

Body Language Category: Courtship displays, Confident, Crotch display, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, High confidence body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Open body language.


Allen, Jill; Sarah J. Gervais and Jessi L. Smith. Sit Big to Eat Big: The Interaction of Body Posture and Body Concern on Restrained Eating. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2013. 37(3): 325-336. DOI: 10.1177/

Arnette, S. L., & Pettijohn, T. F., II. (2012). The effects of posture on self-perceived leadership. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3, 8–13.

Bohns, Vanessa K. and Scott S. Wiltermuth. It Hurts When I Do This (Or You Do That): Posture And Pain tolerance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2012. 48: 341-345.

Briñol, P., Petty, R. E., & Wagner, B. (2009). Body posture effects on self-evaluation: A self-validation approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 1053–1064.

Bartholomewn, Morgan E.; Sheri L. Johnson. Nonverbal Dominance Behavior Among Individuals at Risk for Mania. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2014. 159: 133-138.

Cashdan, Elizabeth. Smiles, Speech, and Body Posture: How Women and Men Display Sociometric Status and Power. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1998. 22(4): 209-228.

Carney, Dana R.; Amy J.C. Cuddy; Andy J. Yap. Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance. Psychological Science, 2010; 21 (10): 1363-1368.

Cuddy, Amy J.C., Caroline A. Wilmuth, and Dana R. Carney. The Benefit of Power Posing Before a High-Stakes Social Evaluation. Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-027, September 2012.

Cesario, J., & McDonald, M. M. (2013). Bodies in context: Power poses as a computation of action possibility. Social Cognition, 31, 260–274.

Cuddy, A. J. C., Wilmuth, C., Yap, A. J., & Carney, D. R. (in press). Preparatory power posing affects nonverbal presence and job interview performance. Journal of Applied Psychology.

de Lemus, Soledad; Russell Spears and and Miguel Moya. The Power of a Smile to Move You: Complementary Submissiveness in Women’s Posture as a Function of Gender Salience and Facial Expression. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2012. 38(11): 1480-1494.

Fischer, Julia; Peter Fischer; Birte Englich; Nilüfer Aydin and Dieter Frey. Empower My Decisions: The Effects of Power Gestures on Confirmatory Information Processing. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2011. 47: 1146-1154.

Gorkan Ahmetoglu, Viren Swami. Do Women Prefer “Nice Guys?” The Effect Of Male Dominance Behavior On Women’s Ratings. Social Behavior And Personality, 2012; 40(4), 667-672.

Huang, L., Galinsky, A. D., Gruenfeld, D. H., & Guillory, L. E. (2011). Powerful postures versus powerful roles: Which is the proximate correlate of thought and behavior? Psychological Science, 22, 95–102.

Lee Ann Renninger, T. Joel Wade, Karl Grammer. Getting that female glance: Patterns and consequences of male nonverbal behavior in courtship contexts. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2004; 25: 416–431.

Laird, J. D., & Lacasse, K. (2014). Bodily influences on emotional feelings: Accumulating evidence and extensions of William James’s theory of emotion. Emotion Review, 6, 27–34.

Lee, E. H., & Schnall, S. (2014). The influence of social power on weight perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143, 1719–1725.

Michalak, J., Mischnat, J., & Teismann, T. (2014). Sitting posture makes a difference: Embodiment effects on depressive memory bias. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 21, 519–524.

Minvaleev, R. S., Nozdrachev, A. D., Kir’yanova, V. V., & Ivanov, A. I. (2004). Postural influences on the hormone level in healthy subjects: I. The cobra posture and steroid hormones. Human Physiology, 30, 452–456.

Nair, S., Sagar, M., Sollers, J., III, Consedine, N., & Broadbent, E. (2014). Do slumped and upright postures affect stress responses? A randomized trial. Health Psychology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/hea0000146

Park, Lora E.; Lindsey Streamer; Li Huang and Adam D. Galinsky. Stand Tall, But Don’t Put Your Feet Up: Universal and Culturally-Specific Effects of Expansive Postures On Power. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2013; 49: 965–971.

Pease, Barbara and Allan Pease. 2006. The Definitive Book of Body Language Hardcover. Bantam.

Rule, Nicholas, O.; Reginald B. Adams Jr.; Nalini Ambady and Jonathan B. Freeman. Perceptions Of Dominance Following Glimpses Of Faces And Bodies. Perception. 2012; 41: 687-706 doi:10.1068/p7023

Ranehill, Eva; Anna Dreber; Magnus Johannesson; Susanne Leiberg; Sunhae Sul and Roberto A. Weber. Assessing the Robustness of Power Posing: No Effect on Hormones and Risk Tolerance in a Large Sample of Men and Women. Psychological Science, March, 2015. doi: 10.1177/0956797614553946

Riskind, J. H. (1984). They stoop to conquer: Guiding and selfregulatory functions of physical posture after success and failure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 479–493.

Riskind, J. H., & Gotay, C. C. (1982). Physical posture: Could it have regulatory or feedback effects on motivation and emotion? Motivation and Emotion, 6, 273–298.

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Tiedens, Larissa Z. and Alison R. Fragale. Power Moves: Complementarity in Dominant and Submissive Nonverbal Behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2003, 84(3): 558–568.

Locke, Connson C. and Cameron Anderson. The Downside of Looking Like a Leader: Leader’s Powerful Demeanor Stifles Follower Voice in Participative Decision-Making.. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. 2010. 8(1): 1-6.

Welker, K. M., Oberleitner, D. E., Cain, S., & Carré, J. M. (2013). Upright and left out: Posture moderates the effects of social exclusion on mood and threats to basic needs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 355–361.

Yap, Andy J. Abbie S. Wazlawek, Brian J. Lucas, Amy J. C. Cuddy, Dana R. Carney. The Ergonomics of Dishonesty: The Effect of Incidental Posture on Stealing, Cheating, and Traffic Violations, 24(11); 2281-2289.

Body Language of The Chair Straddler or Seat Straddling

Body Language of The Chair Straddler or Seat Straddling

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Chair StraddlingCue: Chair Straddling

Synonym(s): Seat Straddling

Description: A sitting posture where a person sits on a chair backwards with their legs spread wide open and the forearms rested on the back of the chair.

In One Sentence: The chair straddler is perceived as cowardly as his genitals are on display, but he hides behind the shield of the chair.

How To Use it: Use this posture to appear timid and cowardly, but also dominant and aggressive. In other words, its use is limited to appearing socially awkward. Perhaps its use is best left to television characters trying to appear socially challenged.

Context: General

Verbal Translation: “I’m going to spread my legs behind this protective barrier showing myself to be dominant, authoritative and yes cowardly at the same time.”

Variant: See Leg Spreading.

Cue In Action: Charles made himself comfortable by pulling up a chair from another table, turning it around and sitting in it. His folded arms were placed on the back of the chair and his legs spread wide open facing everyone else.

Meaning and/or Motivation: A dominant body position where the back of the chair is utilized as a barrier or shield to separate the individual from others. So while leg spreading appears dominant since the genitals are fully exposed, the back of the chair acts like a shield making the chair straddler appear cowardly. Chair straddlers are people who wish to remain protected while interacting with others.

If the straddler is the type who habitually tosses figurative spears or flings arrows from behind his barrier, then he may be read as insecure and lacking in confidence. The chair straddler might defend his seating style by saying “it’s comfortable,” but the body language reader should ask himself “what it is about the posture, that makes the straddler feel so comfortable?”

Cue Cluster: The arms are usually folded across the back of the chair coupled with a crooked smile, leaning in to invade space, and a boisterous attitude.

Body Language Category: Dominant body language, Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Barriers, Defensive, Low confidence body language, Expansive movements, Threat displays, Crotch Display.


Allen, Jill; Sarah J. Gervais and Jessi L. Smith. Sit Big to Eat Big: The Interaction of Body Posture and Body Concern on Restrained Eating. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2013. 37(3): 325-336. DOI: 10.1177/

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