Category: Authoritative body language

Body Language of Splayed Feet or Feet Pointed Outward

Body Language of Splayed Feet or Feet Pointed Outward

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Splaying The Body or Taking Up More Space 4Cue: Splayed Feet or Feet Pointed Outward.

Synonym(s): Feet Pointed Outward, Duck Feet.

Description: While standing, the toes are pointed or splayed outward away from each other.

In One Sentence: Splayed feet are a dominance indicator.

How To Use it: When trying to appear dominant rather than submissive, splay the feet outward rather than inward. This helps to create a larger expansive profile. This is effective in business as well as any other position where having a high rank is beneficial or desired.

Context: General

Verbal Translation: “When I point my toes outward or splay them, I’m expanding my profile to appear more dominant and authoritative.”

Variant: See Pigeon toes or Tibial Torsion.

Cue In Action: He positioned his arms behind his back, chin up, chest puffed out, his feet splayed. They knew the principle of the school meant business.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Usually the feet of the military man are splayed outward to take up more space and dominance, which is opposite to tibial torsion when the toes point inward to signal submission. When the feet are turned outward, they indicate that a person is upset, being threatened or is threatening others.

Cue Cluster: Coupled with splayed feet are other dominant cues such as shoulders back, head up and chin out, chest puffed out, and arms crossed or behind the back.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Authoritative body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements.


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Body Language of Rolled Up Sleeves

Body Language of Rolled Up Sleeves

No picCue: Rolled Up Sleeves

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: When someone, usually a man, rolls up his sleeves when preparing for work.

In One Sentence: Rolling up the sleeves signals the desire to get to work.

How To Use it: Presidents and other politicians use this cue to good effect. By rolling up the sleeves you are showing others that you are ready to get your hands busy with work. Since rolling up the sleeves reminds us of moving them out of the way so we won’t dirty them, it caries a, ‘getting down to business’ metaphorical meaning.

In a confrontation, rolling up the sleeves can signal that aggression is immanent and signals to others that they should back off. Regardless of the context, when we role up our sleeves it will be read by others as a willingness to get things done in a proactive sense.

Men can use the cue in a dating context to show off their forearms. It is generally well received by women.

Context: a) General b) Business.

Verbal Translation: “I’m rolling up my sleeves to keep them from getting in the way of my productivity – let’s get down to business.”

Variant: N/A.

Cue In Action: a) The maid rolled up her sleeves before doing a scrub down on the toilet. b) Barack Obama habitually roles up his sleeves when he’s addressing the crowed. He wants them to know that he’s prepared and ready to take action and more importantly, get results.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Rolling up the sleeves gesture symbolizes a desire to get down to business in a less formal manner. Barack Obama can be seen doing this when speaking on change and action. Rolling up the sleeves body language is most powerful when done in a shirt and tie.

Women usually perceive this body language as masculine and sexy since it puts the forearms on display. The suit and tie also indicate alpha male power traits, which adds to the appeal.

When sleeves are rolled up in a general context, such as for cleaning, the cue indicates competence, but not necessarily prestige. It is the cue taken in a clean, authoritative, alpha context, by a perceived leader that provides the cue with its widespread positive appeal.

Cue Cluster: When performed in a general context, the cue simply means the desire to get to work and remove the sleeves from the potential chance of getting sullied. However, in the political or business context watch for additional confident cues such as head high, fluent speech, loose body, arms gesticulating and a good upright posture.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, High confidence body language, Leadership body language.


Pease, Barbara and Allan Pease. 2006. The Definitive Book of Body Language Hardcover. Bantam.

Body Language of Peering Over Glasses or Looking Over Glasses

Body Language of Peering Over Glasses or Looking Over Glasses

No picCue: Peering Over Glasses.

Synonym(s): Looking Over Glasses.

Description: Happens by looking down and overtop of the glasses at another person. Sometimes the head is lowered and the eyes peer over top of the glasses, other times the glasses are pulled down onto the bridge of the nose coupled with a glare.

In One Sentence: Looking over the glasses signals distain, contempt, haughtiness, aggressiveness, and critical judgment.

How To Use it: Peer over the glasses to show others that you disagree with them or their ideas. The cue is reminiscent of the authoritative library trying to scold misbehaving students. Simply tilting the head without glasses can have the same effect. Research has shown that tilting the head down is a way to make the head appear wider and thus more dominant.

Mothers disapproving of children or wives disapproving of husbands can use the cue to show that actions or ideas are not being well received. Thus the cue signals the desire to keep a person ‘in their place’ and that one is morally superior. Therefore, use the cue when most appropriate.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m peering over the top of my eye glasses and tilting my head forward because I’m scrutinizing you.”

Variant: The head might be tiled backwards with relatively the same effect. This is “looking down the nose” at someone. It is particularly powerful. See Head Tilted Back.

Cue In Action: The librarian wasn’t keen on the new group of rowdy students. After verbally berating them and warning of more severe punishment should they get disruptive, she’d occasionally peer over at them with lowered glasses to reinforce her commitment.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Disdain, contempt, haughtiness, aggressiveness, critical, condescending, and judgmental attitudes are all associated with this posture. The bearers of the posture assumes that they have the moral right to be looking down on other people from an elevated position.

Cue Cluster: Peering over the glasses is accompanied by a stern, closed facial expression, hard staring eyes, pursed lips, head forward and challenging, palms down and chin forward.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Aggressive body language, Anger body language, Authoritative body language, Closed body language, Dislike (nonverbal), Dominant body language, Eye Language, Hostile body language, Evaluative body language.


Beall, Alec and Jessica L. Tracy. The Puzzling Attractiveness of Male Shame. Manuscript submitted to Evolutionary Psychology. – 2014. 12(x): 1-39.

Briñol, Pablo; Richard E. Petty and Benjamin Wagner. Body Posture Effects on Self-Evaluation: A Self-Validation Approach. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2009. 39(6): 1099-0992. DOI: 10.1002/ejsp.607.

Costa, M., Menzani, M., and Ricci Bitti, P. E. Head canting in paintings: An historical study. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2001. 25: 63–73.

Costa, M., and Ricci Bitti, P. E. Face-ism effect and head canting in one’s own and others’ photographs. European Psychologist. 2000. 5: 293–301.

Furley, Philip and Geoffrey Schweizer. “I’m Pretty Sure That We Will Win!”: The Influence of Score-Related Nonverbal Behavioral Changes on the Confidence in Winning a Basketball Game Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 2013. 35:316-320.

Hehman, Eric; Jordan B. Leitner and Samuel L. Gaertner. Enhancing Static Facial Features Increases Intimidation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2013; 49: 747-754.

Hwang, Hyisung C. and David Matsumoto. Cultural Differences in Victory Signals of
Triumph Cross-Cultural Research. SAGE Publications 2014. 48(2):177– 191.

Keltner, D. The signs of appeasement: Evidence for the distinct displays of embarrassment, amusement, and shame. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1995. 68: 441–454.

Johnson, Richard R. and Jasmine L. Aaron. Adults’ Beliefs Regarding Nonverbal Cues Predictive of Violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2013. 40 (8): 881-894. DOI: 10.1177/0093854813475347.

Krumhuber, Eva; Antony S. R.; Manstead; and Arvid Kappas. Temporal Aspects of Facial Displays in Person and Expression Perception: The Effects of Smile Dynamics, Head-tilt, and Gender. Journal Nonverbal Behavior. 2007; 31: 39-56.
DOI 10.1007/s10919-006-0019-x

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benefits of displaying and observing the nonverbal expressions of pride and shame, Cognition & Emotion. 2012. 26(3): 390-406. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2011.645281

Martina Mara and Markus Appel. Effects of Lateral Head Tilt on User Perceptions of Humanoid and Android Robots. Computers in Human Behavior. 2015. 44: 326-334.

Martens, Jason P.; Jessica L. Tracy and Azim F. Shariff. Status signals: Adaptive
benefits of displaying and observing the nonverbal expressions of pride and shame, Cognition & Emotion. 2012. 26(3): 390-406. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2011.645281

Mignault, Alain and Chaudhuri, Avi. The Many Faces of a Neutral Face: Head Tilt and Perception of Dominance and Emotion. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2003 27(2): 111-132.

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Nelson, Nicole L and James A. Russell. Children’s Understanding Of Nonverbal Expressions Of Pride. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2012; 111: 379-385.

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Rule, Nicholas, O.; Reginald B. Adams Jr.; Nalini Ambady and Jonathan B. Freeman. Perceptions Of Dominance Following Glimpses Of Faces And Bodies. Perception. 2012; 41: 687-706 doi:10.1068/p7023

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Tracy, Jessica L. and David Matsumoto. The Spontaneous Expression Of Pride And Shame: Evidence For Biologically Innate Nonverbal Displays. 2008; 105 (33) 11655-11660.

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Teixeira Fiquer, Juliana; Paulo Sérgio Boggio and Clarice Gorenstein. Talking Bodies: Nonverbal Behavior in the Assessment of Depression Severity. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2013. 150: 1114-1119.

Welker, Keith M.; Stefan M.M.; Goetz, Shyneth Galicia; Jordan Liphardt and Justin M. Carré. An Examination of the Associations Between Facial Structure, Aggressive Behavior, and Performance in the 2010 World Cup Association Football Players. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology (forthcoming in print, online July).

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Weisbuch, Max ; Slepian, Michael L ; Eccleston, Collette P ; Ambady, Nalini. Nonverbal Expressions of Status and System Legitimacy. Psychological Science. 2013. 24(11): 2315-2321.

Body Language of Palm Out or Talk To The Hand.

Body Language of Palm Out or Talk To The Hand.

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Palm Out or Talk To The Hand 1Cue: Palm Out or Talk To The Hand

Synonym(s): Talk To The Hand, Hand To Others, Palm Stop, Palm In Your Face.

Description: The hand comes up abruptly like a stop signal toward another person as the head and eyes turn away.

In One Sentence: Placing the palm out toward another person is a nonverbal way to tell them to stop talking.

How To Use it: Use the palm out gesture to nonverbally tell someone to ‘shut up.’ Many nonverbal signals are safer than actual words and this is no exception. A palm out can quiet a person without being forced to be overt and actually tell them to do so. Often this saves us from more dramatic confrontation.

The same gesture works on a large crowd when it would be impractical to yell over them. A flash of the palms, or persistently held palm out, tells others to heed to your dominance, as you are prepared to take over.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m using my hand and palm to tell you to stop talking immediately, I don’t want to hear it.” b) “Talk to the hand, because I’m not listening, that’s enough already.”

Variant: See Palm Down Displays or Palm Power, Palm Up Displays or The Rogatory Posture.

Cue In Action: She had enough, the conversation had gone on long enough. The personal insults were going too far. She put her hand up in her face and turned her head away. It was clear she didn’t want to hear another word from her.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Palms carry important power. This palm out, or palm-in-your-face-gesture, is a conversation ender. It is a way for people to say that they do not wish to entertain any more thoughts and have a strong unwillingness to speak. The combination of palms as power and insisting that someone speak to them implies that we wish to offer our disrespect.

Palms carry very significant power and whereas palms up are accepting or offering, palms out or down, signify power and dominance. The intent of palms in someone else’s face is one of high authority and to send message of disagreement and that they are disgraceful and deserve no respect.

Cue Cluster: Watch for the head to quickly turn away and down, eyes averted.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Authoritative body language, Barriers, Blocking or Shielding, Closed body language, Dislike (nonverbal), Disapproval cues, Dominant body language, Hostile body language, Palm power, Regulators, Rejection body language, Speech-independent gestures.


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Givens, David B. 2014b. Nonverbal neurology: How the brain encodes and decodes wordless signs, signals, and cues. In Kostic, Aleksandra & Derek Chadee (eds.). Social psychology of nonverbal communication. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan Press, pp. 9-30.

Givens, David B. 2014c. Measuring gestures. In Kostic, Aleksandra & Derek Chadee (eds.). Social psychology of nonverbal communication. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan Press, pp. 66-91.

Givens, David B. (forthcoming). “Reading Palm-up Signs: Neurosemiotic Overview of a Common Hand Gesture” (Accepted for publication [March 4, 2015] in Semiotica).

Givens, David B. (1982). “From Here to Eternity: Communicating With the Distant Future.” In Et Cetera (Vol. 39, No. 2), pp. 159-79.

Givens, David B. (forthcoming). “Reading Palm-up Signs: Neurosemiotic Overview of a Common Hand Gesture” (Accepted for publication [March 4, 2015] in Semiotica).

Goffman, Erving. 1956. The nature of deference and demeanor. American Anthropologist. Vol. 58, No, 3, June, pp. 473-502.

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Hubbard, Amy, McNealy, K., Zeeland, A., Callan, D. & M. Dapretto. 2012. Altered integration of speech and gesture in children with autism spectrum disorders. Brain and Behavior. Vol. 2, No. 5, Sept. 2012, pp. 606-619.

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Koppensteiner, Markus ; Stephan, Pia ; Jäschke, Johannes Paul Michael. From body motion to cheers: Speakers’ body movements as predictors of applause. Personality and Individual Differences. 2015. 74: 182-185.

Leigh, Thomas W. ; Summers, John O. An initial evaluation of industrial buyers’ impressions of salespersons’ nonverbal cues. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. 2002. 22(1): 41(13).

Mehrabian, Albert ; Williams, Martin Mcguire, William J. (editor). Nonverbal concomitants of perceived and intended persuasiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1969. 13(1): 37-58.

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Marler, Peter. 1965. Communication in monkeys and apes. In DeVore, I. (ed.), Primate behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, pp. 544-584.

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McNeill, David. 2005. Gesture and thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Mittelberg, Irene. 2008. Peircean semiotics meets conceptual metaphor: Iconic modes in gestural representations of grammar. In Cienki, A. & C. Müller (eds.). Metaphor and gesture. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 115-154.

Montgomery, Kimberly J., Isenberg, Nancy & James V. Haxby. 2007. Communicative hand gestures and object-directed hand movements activated the mirror neuron system. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Vol. 2, No. 2, June, pp. 114-122.

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Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

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St J. Neill, S.R. The Effects of Facial Expression and Posture on Children’s Reported Responses to Teacher Nonverbal Communication. British Educational Research Journal. 1989. 15(2): 195-204.

Schubert, T. W. (2005). Your highness: Vertical positions as perceptual symbols of power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 89. 1–21.

Trout, Deborah ; Rosenfeld, Howard. The effect of postural lean and body congruence on the judgment of psychotherapeutic rapport. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1980. 4(3): 176-190.

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Body Language of Palm Down Displays or Palm Power

Body Language of Palm Down Displays or Palm Power

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Palm Down Displays or Palm Power 4 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Palm Down Displays or Palm Power 1Cue: Palm Down Displays

Synonym(s): Palm Power, Palm Down On Desk, Fingertips Spread Palm Down On A Desk, Hands On Desk Or Table, Downward Facing Palm, Planted Fingertips.

Description: Hands are palm down, sometimes on a table, while speaking on a topic or issue.

In One Sentence: Palm down is a signal of authority.

How To Use it: Palms have very powerful powers. To wield them, simply display them palm down rather than palm up. Use the palms down on a desk while leaning the body forward. This shows other people that you are to be taken seriously. Use the palm-on-desk-lean-forward posture in negotiations or when trying to intimate such as in an interrogation. Placing the palms up and then down as a gesticulation against the top of the table is a way to showcase authority and the certainty of your held opinions.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “My palms are down with authority, there is no room for discussion here – just do as I say.” b) “What I say goes. I’m putting my palms down on the issue.”

Variant: See Palm Up Displays or The Rogatory Posture.

Cue In Action: a) The boss stood up, put his hands palm down on the boardroom desk, leaned in, and spoke slowly and deliberately. It was a message no one misunderstood for weakness, but rather high authority and dominance. b) To quiet the room, the speaker waved his hands at chest height, fingers slightly separated. He moved up and down to calm the audience as he prepared to speak.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Palms-up, palms-down and palms even all represent different things, from authority to submission.

The rule of thumb is that palms down “tell”, while palms up, “offer.”

Palm down shows dominance or superiority, palm up shows submissiveness and palm even equality. Palm down displays show emphatically that a position is held confidently.

When used with fingers closed, a palm down display is high authority – think of the Nazi salute.

Cue Cluster: Dominant cues are linked to palm down displays. Watch for palm down with fingertips spread to be accompanied by the body leaning in, head on, loud voice and slow dominant speech. Palm down is coupled with a loud, deep voice, arms spread apart, legs open or in the figure four, leaning back and showing confidence or leaning in with passion.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Aggressive body language, Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Closed body language, Dominant body language, High confidence body language, Palm power, Power play.


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Givens, David B. 2014A. Nonverbal neurology: How the brain encodes and decodes wordless signs, signals, and cues. In Kostic, Aleksandra & Derek Chadee (eds.). Social psychology of nonverbal communication. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan Press, pp. 9-30.

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Koppensteiner, Markus ; Stephan, Pia ; Jäschke, Johannes Paul Michael. From body motion to cheers: Speakers’ body movements as predictors of applause. Personality and Individual Differences. 2015. 74: 182-185.

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Mittelberg, Irene. 2008. Peircean semiotics meets conceptual metaphor: Iconic modes in gestural representations of grammar. In Cienki, A. & C. Müller (eds.). Metaphor and gesture. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 115-154.

Montgomery, Kimberly J., Isenberg, Nancy & James V. Haxby. 2007. Communicative hand gestures and object-directed hand movements activated the mirror neuron system. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Vol. 2, No. 2, June, pp. 114-122.

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Body Language of Military Man or Regal Stance

Body Language of Military Man or Regal Stance

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Military Man or Regal Stance 4Cue: Military Man or Regal Stance

Synonym(s): Arms Behind The Back Posture, Regal Stance.

Description: It is a standing posture that occurs by placing the hands, palm in palm behind the back.

In One Sentence: The military man stance is a way to demonstrate high authority and confidence.

How To Use it: The military man stance is reserved for high ranking individuals so needs to be used with care. High school principles, those actually in the military, royalty, bosses, presidents, and so forth can show that they lack fear of confrontation. Use the posture to demonstrate, not that you wish to gain power, but that you have already achieved it.

The cue is risky in lower ranking people as it may be viewed as a bluff and backfire inviting attack.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m exposing my chest and chin to attack by putting my hands behind my body where they can not serve me. However, in so doing, I warn you – don’t come near me, I’m important and I shouldn’t be touched!”

Variant: The hand gripping the wrist or upper arm in behind the back sends an emotional message of frustration and an attempt at self control, but forms no part of what is said by the military man. See Hand Gripping Upper Arm or Wrist Behind Back.

Cue In Action: The Queen of England and Prince Philip were noted to carry this body language due to their high rank and importance as they greeted large crowds.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Arms behind the back posture signifies a desire not to be touched and a haughty attitude. It is a posture normally held by dominant individuals and leaders who expect no challenge to their authority whatsoever. Royalty, those in the military, high school principals, lawyers, doctors, policemen, and those of high rank will be seen performing this stance.

Power is the main meaning delivered by the military man posture, as it exposes the full front of the body to possible attack and also says that a person is so powerful they aren’t to be touched or approached. Evolutionarily speaking, the military man is a strutting posture. By design, it preemptively avoids potentially harmful physical show-downs between rival men.

Other possible root origins stem from its concealment properties. In other words, a spear, knife or other makeshift sharp object might be cocked, ready to be sprung on unsuspecting challengers – you’d never know, so why risk it!

Cue Cluster: The military man posture is accompanied by holding the chin up and head held back. Usually the feet of the military man are splayed outward so as to take up more space and produce an aura of dominance. The opposite of which is “tibial torsion” when the toes point inward to signal submission.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, High confidence body language, Open body language, Ventral displays.


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Body Language of Loud Voice

Body Language of Loud Voice

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Loud Voice 1Cue: Loud Voice

Synonym(s): Shrill Voice, Screaming, Yelling, Booming Voice.

Description: A voice that is forceful and overtakes a room or conversation. It can be booming and baritone or a high pitched soprano shrill.

In One Sentence: A loud voice is a sign of dominance and signals a passion to be heard.

How To Use it: Men benefit best by using a booming voice as it comes across as more dominant. Men can use their loud and deep voice to command respect and be heard. A loud voice is best used to show passion, but it can also be used to demand respect and authority. However, while the loudest voice is most likely to be heard, it is not always the one that is most likely to be listened to. Thus, one should use a loud voice with care so as not to appear belligerent. A loud voice, in the right context shows others that you are passionate, but used incorrectly is taken negatively.

Women should use a loud voice to encourage, but when angry should lower their voices to mirror that of men’s voices. A high pitched shrill voice is rarely seen as positive – though will often command temporary obedience.

How a loud voice is used depends largely on the context. One can use a loud voice to be silly and show amusement but also to scold and dish out punishment. In either case, one should use a loud voice with care so that it does not result in a poor result.

Context: a) General b) Business.

Verbal Translation: “I’m in charge, passionate, and want to be heard or the center of everyone’s attention. I use a loud booming, or shrill voice, so people pay me attention.”

Variant: See Becoming Quiet or Whispering for the opposite cue.

Cue In Action: a) She was the life of the party, laughing, talking loudly, carrying on and telling jokes that every enjoyed. b) When he spoke everyone listened. His voice boomed and controlled a room, he was passionate and dominant and he really loved his work. His enthusiasm was overwhelming. c) They both raised their volume to try to drown the other out with all the noise. Neither person made any valid argument – at least ones that could be properly understood.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The aim of the speaker is to avoid being overlooked. The loud voice stems from a person who wishes to gain attention and control others through authority and intimidation.

The overall meaning of a loud voice is highly context specific. Sometimes people misread loud voices as confidence which is rarely the case as usually it comes from people who fear not being heard. Often, loud voices are aimed at speaking over others and show egotism and impatience. Loud voices can also be used to persuade others, but by trying to create submission in them rather than use constructive reasoning. Loud voices can be used to drown out counterpoints.

A loud voice may be used to compensate for a perceived personal flaw, a reaction to hearing loss or inebriation.

When men use a loud voice in business, it often, though not exclusively, implies passion but is often misinterpreted, especially by women, to be negative in nature. However, the cues of a passionate speaker will be directed at the objective – the desired results rather than aimed at a specific person. A loud voice sometimes means confrontation but will be coupled with adjoining cues such as physical encroachment and finger pointing.

Cue Cluster: A loud voice is associated with passionate gesticulation, batoning, fish chopping and the person will usually be standing to gain a height advantage. When passion meets aggression the loud speaker will encroach on another’s personal space, will use piercing eye contact and finger pointing.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Aggressive body language, Anger body language, Authoritative body language, Dominant body language, Emotional body language, Frustration or frustrated body language, Hostile body language, Threat displays.


Apicella, Coren L. and David R. Feinberg. Voice Pitch Alters Mate-Choice-Relevant Perception in Hunter–Gatherers. Proc. R. Soc. B. 2009. 276: 1077–1082

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Abitbol, J., Abitbol, P., & Abitbol, B. (1999). Sex hormones and the female voice. Journal of Voice, 13, 424–446.

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Brück, Carolin ; Kreifelts, Benjamin ; Wildgruber, Dirk. Emotional voices in context: A neurobiological model of multimodal affective information processing. Physics of Life Reviews. 2011 8(4): 383-403.

Bachorowski, J., & Owren, M. J. (1995). Vocal expression of emotion: Acoustic properties of speech are associated with emotional intensity and context. Psychological Science, 6, 219–224.

David A. Puts, Coren L. Apicella and Rodrigo A. Cárdenas. Masculine Voices Signal Men’s Threat Potential in Forager and Industrial Societies. Proceedings of the Royal Society. 2011. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0829

Fraccaro, Paul J.; Jillian J. M. O’Connor; Daniel E. Re; Benedict C. Jones; Lisa M. DeBruine and David R. Feinberg. Faking it: Deliberately Altered Voice Pitch and Vocal Attractiveness. Animal Behaviour. 2013. 85: 127e136.

Fraccaro, Paul J.; Benedict C. Jones; Jovana Vukovic; Finlay G. Smith; Christopher D. Watkins; David R. Feinberg; Anthony C. Little and Lisa M. Debruine. Experimental Evidence That Women Speak in a Higher Voice Pitch to Men They Find Attractive. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 2011. 9(1): 57-67.

Gobl C, Nı´ Chasaide A (2003) The role of voice quality in communicating emotion, mood and attitude. Speech Commun 40: 189–212. doi: 10.1016/ S0167-6393(02)000821.

Hughes, Susan M.; Franco Dispenza and Gordon G. Gallup Jr.. Ratings of voice attractiveness predict sexual behavior and body configuration. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2004; 25: 295–304.

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Herold, Debora S. ; Nygaard, Lynne C. ; Namy, Laura L. Say It like You Mean It: Mothers’ Use of Prosody to Convey Word Meaning. Language and Speech. 2012. 55(3): 423-436.

Johnson, Richard R. and Jasmine L. Aaron. Adults’ Beliefs Regarding Nonverbal Cues Predictive of Violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2013. 40 (8): 881-894. DOI: 10.1177/0093854813475347.

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Sei Jin Ko; Melody S. Sadler and Adam D. Galinsky. The Sound of Power Conveying and Detecting Hierarchical Rank Through Voice. Psychological Science. 2014. DOI: 956797614553009

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Body Language of Leg Spreading

Body Language of Leg Spreading

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Leg Spreading 5 BodyLanguageProjectCom - Leg Spreading 6Cue: Leg Spreading

Synonym(s): Spreading The Legs, Open Legs, Leg Placed Over The Arm Of The Chair, Uncrossed Legs.

Description: Legs that are spread while seated or standing rather than crossed.

In One Sentence: Leg spreading is a sign of dominance as it puts the genitals on display.

How To Use it: Spread your legs when you want others to see you as dominant and authoritative. The posture serves both women and men in the same fashion, but men are afforded more social liberty when it comes to dominance displays.

Men can benefit most from this posture in business and in dating as dominance is a valued trait in these context. Women should resist the urge to display dominance in this fashion, but if they absolutely feel comfortable displaying this way, they must wear long pants. Opening the legs with feminine attire including skirts and dresses, or even shorts can give the impression of sexual easiness and will have quite the opposite connotation to that desired.


Allen, Jill; Sarah J. Gervais and Jessi L. Smith. Sit Big to Eat Big: The Interaction of Body Posture and Body Concern on Restrained Eating. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2013. 37(3): 325-336. DOI: 10.1177/

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Fischer, Julia; Peter Fischer; Birte Englich; Nilüfer Aydin and Dieter Frey. Empower My Decisions: The Effects of Power Gestures on Confirmatory Information Processing. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2011. 47: 1146-1154.

Gorkan Ahmetoglu, Viren Swami. Do Women Prefer “Nice Guys?” The Effect Of Male Dominance Behavior On Women’s Ratings. Social Behavior And Personality, 2012; 40(4), 667-672.

Gregersen, Tammy S. Nonverbal Cues: Clues to the Detection of Foreign Language Anxiety. Foreign Language Annals. 2005. 38(3): 388-400

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Lee Ann Renninger, T. Joel Wade, Karl Grammer. Getting that female glance: Patterns and consequences of male nonverbal behavior in courtship contexts. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2004; 25: 416–431.

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Park, Lora E.; Lindsey Streamer; Li Huang and Adam D. Galinsky. Stand Tall, But Don’t Put Your Feet Up: Universal and Culturally-Specific Effects of Expansive Postures On Power. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2013; 49: 965–971.

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Welker, K. M., Oberleitner, D. E., Cain, S., & Carré, J. M. (2013). Upright and left out: Posture moderates the effects of social exclusion on mood and threats to basic needs. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 355–361.

For this reason, leg spreading has two very different implications for men and women. For women, opening the legs permits sexual access, whereas men’s sexuality, while it can be displayed via legs open, is not required to complete the act of sex. Given the aforementioned sexual differences between men and women, legs open is more in line with taking up space in men than it is for women. Recall that taking up space is inherent in all dominance displays. In women, leg spreading, whilst it does indeed function to take up more space, it is confounded with it as an overt sexual access display thereby rending it as less dominant and more sexual.

However, in dating, if women wish to tease men, they might permit men to see the inside of their thigh or even flash men outright by un-crossing a re-crossing the legs.

An exaggerated leg spread amplifies the meaning. So to appear highly dominant, spread the legs as wide as possible. To appear overly sexual, also spread the legs out further.

It is ill advised to for men to spread the legs in full view of more dominant people than themselves including bosses, father-in-law’s, and so forth. Leg spreading may be seen by other highly dominant men as a challenge which may invite confrontation.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m dominant and open at the same time so I’m spreading my legs open to put my genitals on open display for others to see and judge. I’m not ashamed.” a) “I’m careless and improper and do not hold gentleman or feminine body postures – or just don’t care how I am perceived.” a) “I’m more comfortable with my legs uncrossed than with them crossed and do not intend to send any particular signal.” b) “I’m a sexually open or liberated (or dominant) woman so I’m keeping my legs open as a sexual invitation.” b) “I’m a sexually dominant man and keep my legs open so you can admire my masculinity.”

Variant: The leg over the chair is as a particularly overt and offensive way of spreading the legs.

Cue In Action: a) He sat at the corner of the couch with his legs spread as wide as he could. Being particularly cowardly, he followed this up by holding his drink between his legs serving as a shield. b) Sharon Stone in the movie Basic Instinct sent a clear message as she slowly uncrossed and re-crossed her legs while being interrogated.

Meaning and/or Motivation: When done by men it is a dominant crotch display, and when done by women usually construed as a sexual invitation or that they have a crass attitude or are “easy.”

Other times, women spread their legs when they are either unaware that it is not socially acceptable or that they have an easy-going personality. In modern times, women have been encouraged to carry more male-like characteristics and are not scorned when they do not close their legs. This has been a recent cultural shift. Generally, as women graduate into adulthood in their late teens, they will adopt more “lady-like” postures on their own, motivated by their own instincts and tend to cross their legs or at the least keep them tightly pressed together unless relaxing in their own domain.

Legs uncrossed is a signal of openness, acceptance and signal of being easy going. This is of particular importance as it pertains to women, as it can taken as a sexual signal or invitation, making women appear easy, “loose” or at best crass or improper. Women wishing to appear dominant will find this posture comfortable, but it will be accompanied by other male typical gestures such as throwing an arm over the back of the chair to take up more space and loud boisterous behaviour.

Men, on the other hand, have the benefit of using the uncrossed legs signal for more than one reason. Men can have their legs uncrossed to display dominance and authority. This is often culturally permitted in men. In men, the meaning of the leg spread is determined by its context and the manner in which it occurs. Men in seated positions spread their legs as a dominance display as it puts the genitals out for everyone to see.

The leg spreading posture is one which is best analyzed by picturing people fully nude as it helps us visualize the image they wish to portray. While we may wish for equality between the sexes, leg spreading is one such posture that illustrates a key difference between men and women’s sexuality and dominance. While spreading the legs shows assertiveness in men, it often comes across negatively when done by sexually mature woman.

The degree to which leg spreading happens is important in both sexes. Spreading is positively correlated with dominance display. That is, the greater the leg spread, the greater is the dominance display. The legs cocked at shoulder width while seated, is comfortable and natural, even for both sexes (while wearing pants), but once the legs break that distance, the signal becomes much more overt. In other words, once the legs meet their maximum angle, it is as if the genitals are yelling at the top of their lungs through a loudspeaker begging to be noticed!

In a standing position, legs spread at or slightly beyond shoulder width signals dominance in a more acceptable way. In fact, having the legs uncrossed while standing is the most appropriate way to stand since it appears open, accepting and confident.

Cue Cluster: The leg spread is accompanied by other dominant body language such as spreading the arms out, such as on the arm of the next chair, leaning back, hands on the hips if standing and hands away from the face and not fidgeting.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Authoritative body language, Courtship displays, Confident body language, Crotch display, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, High confidence body language.

Body Language of Hooding or The Catapult

Body Language of Hooding or The Catapult

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Hooding 4Cue: Hooding or The Catapult.

Synonym(s): Full Body Steeple, Catapult (The), Interlaced Hands Behind The Head.

Description: Hooding is a body posture that occurs by placing both hands up and clasped behind the head, elbows back, and chest puffed out while in a seated position. Think of making a hood with your arms and hands.

In One Sentence: Hooding is a posture signaling high dominance.

How To Use it: Use hooding to expand the body and make it appear larger than it is in reality. This will be viewed by others as dominance and confidence therefore it should be reserved for higher ranking individuals who will not be challenged by others.

Bosses, should feel free to assert their dominance with the hooding posture, whereas lower ranking employees should not.

Women should generally not carry the posture due to its high perceived dominance. When done by women it can appear overbearing. If women do choose to do it, they should be expecting to be viewed as capable of backing their dominance with not only verbal counterarguments, but also supportive action. When dominance lacks substance it is viewed in a negative light rather than a positive one.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m so dominant and confident that I’m placing my hands on my head where they can’t be used for defense, splaying wide open and taking up a bunch of space and leaning back to be comfortable.”

Variant: See Military Man or Regal Stance and Cowboy Pose Stance for two similarly dominant postures.

Cue In Action: The boss was cocky and confident. When meeting with employees he always placed his hands up behind his head and leaned back in his chair. When the owner of the company showed up and surprised him, he quickly shot forward, took his hands off the back of his head and made a point of shaking hands with him. He didn’t get back to his hooding posture until the owner was safely out of the office.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Hooding or interlaced hands behind the head is an extremely dominant and possibly arrogant, self-satisfied, even threatening display.

The arms behind the head posture shows arrogance because it openly exposes the body to attack through its expansiveness. Dominant people don’t worry about being attacked and often show this confidence by overexposing themselves and their vulnerable areas to challengers.

The full body steeple is common to professionals such as lawyers, accountants, managers, bosses, and others that feel more superior then their counterparts.

Hooding can be used to intimidate others, or convey a relaxed, cocky disposition, but as always, body language needs to be taken in context. The accompanying dialogue will help tell us what is really going on.

Professionals, such as lawyers, accountants, managers, bosses, and others that tend to take their superiority to higher levels than the rest of us, will be seen using the full body steeple. This is the hooding posture coupled with a figure four leg cross and leaning back in the chair.

Cue Cluster: When seated hooding is coupled with body leaning backward with the legs spread wide open we have a very dominant crotch display. The postures is completed by combining it with the figure-four-leg cross which happens by placing the ankle of the opposite foot across the knee.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Gravity defying body language, High confidence body language, Open body language.


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Body Language of The Head Tilted Back

Body Language of The Head Tilted Back

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Head Tilted Back 2Cue: Head Tilted Back

Synonym(s): Looking Down The Nose, Nose up gesture, Tilting The Head Back.

Description: A posture done by tilting the head back and looking down and across the bridge of the nose upon other people as if glaring. Sometimes the head is cocked to the side or the eyes peer over glasses.

In One Sentence: Tiling the head back indicates smugness and pride.

How To Use it: Tilt the head back to demonstrate pride after winning a dominance competition. The stance is appropriate after victory in sports as it is in any other situation where one must overcome great obstacles. Holding the head high will show others that you are winning in the battle of life and that you are worthy of special attention and to be followed. Holding the head high in business will show others that you have leadership qualities.

When one tilts the head back when pride is not earned, it can backfire and be read as smugness, so be prepared for challenges to your stance should you choose to apply them.

When you want to belittle another, simply title the head back and stare down your nose at them. This shows condescension. Think of the stern librarian as she lowers her eye glasses and glares down upon you.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m superior to you in many ways so I tilt my head back and appear haughty and special, demonstrating that you are not worthy of my gaze.”

Variant: See Peering Over Glasses, Chin Jut and Chin Lift.

Cue In Action: Upon entering a coffee shop, she turned the heads of men. When she noticed that she was being watched, she averted her gaze and instead of making eye contact she would “look down her nose at them” by tilting her head backward showing disapproval. It is read by onlookers correctly as an “I’m better than you” glare. They don’t even bother to approach her.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Looking down one’s nose at someone is a dominant, judgment posture and is viewed negatively by others. The opposite cue is the forehead bow, where the head is tilted back and they eyes cast upward. This shows submission.

Looking down the nose at someone can be done without glasses, but their addition makes the posture even more salient. The head back is a domineering teacher or librarian look when a student has done something she does not approve of, so she stares him down. The posture elicits a prey response in others because it puts them in an aggressive relationship with the predator peering down on them.

Tilting the head back is a way to adjust the height levels between people because by doing so it raises the level of the eyes by a few inches. Looking down the nose is indicative of someone that is condescending or pushy, authoritarian, arrogant, but is also a gravity defying body language so shows confidence often bordering on overconfidence.

The phrase “keep your chin up” stems from the power that chin’s held high carries. Holding a high head helps people frame their own views in a more constructive light.

Cue Cluster: Crossing the legs by bringing one foot over the opposite leg (the Figure-Four Leg Cross), hand steepling, or interlocked fingers, leaning back in the chair, and tilting the head back and looking down through the nose at others. This cluster shows arrogance and superiority.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Arrogance or arrogant body language, Aggressive body language, Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dislike (nonverbal), Doubt or disbelief body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Eye Language, Gravity defying body language, Hostile body language, Evaluative body language.


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