Author: Chris

Body Language of The Eyebrow Flash

Body Language of The Eyebrow Flash

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eyebrow Flash 1Cue: Eyebrow Flash

Synonym(s): Raising The Eyebrows, Eyebrow Pop, Popping The Eyebrows.

Description: A rapid raising and lowering of the eyebrows in unison usually happening when seeing someone we recognize. The eyebrow flash happens very briefly and lasts only about one-sixth of a second.

In One Sentence: The eyebrow flash is a nonverbal hello indicating that a person has been recognized.

How To Use it: Use the eyebrow flash when greeting close friends. If you notice someone else perform the eyebrow flash, you should assume that they have recognized you and you should try to place them as best possible, but if not, go with it, as it is likely that they are not feigning the expression.

You can use the eyebrow flash during speech as well. It is a way to keep your face expressive as you relay information.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “Hey, I see and recognize you and I’m showing you that I know you by flashing my eyebrows quickly in a nonverbal hello.”

Variant: See Eyebrow Cock, Eyebrow Hold, Eyebrow Lowering, Eyebrow Raise, Eyebrows Knit or Oblique Eyebrows Of Grief.

Cue In Action: At the super market Dave recognized one of his classmates from high school. He flashed his eyebrows as they passed and was about to strike up a conversation, but the flash was not reciprocated. He quickly choked up his words for fear he had mistaken him for someone else.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The eyebrow flash has been studied for decades most notably by Eibl-Eibesfeldt. It has been shown to be a long distance universal social greeting. Even monkeys and apes have been shown to use raised eyebrows. It is a sort of nonverbal “Hello, I see you.” There are times when the eyebrow flash can happen so subtly that it is barely noticed but it is a clear sign of acknowledgment.

In Japan the eyebrow flash is considered rude and inappropriate due to its sexual connotation.

Raised eyebrows can also signal agreement, surprise and fear, but will vary from the quick eyebrow flash and appear in different context and will other cues.

Cue Cluster: The eyebrow flash will occur as people approach one another such that the eyebrows are visible but not so close that conversation is possible. Usually a slight wave is given, head nod or other greeting gesture.

Body Language Category: Automatic gesture, Greeting gesture, Nonthreatening body language, Open facial gestures, Universal gestures, Recognition gestures.


Grammer, Karl ; Schiefenhövel, Wulf ; Schleidt, Margret ; Lorenz, Beatrice ; Eibl eibesfeldt, Irenäus. Patterns on the Face: The Eyebrow Flash in Crosscultural Comparison. Ethology. 1988. 77(4): 279-299.

Hall, Judith ; LeBeau, Lavonia ; Reinoso, Jeannette ; Thayer, Frank. Status, Gender, and Nonverbal Behavior in Candid and Posed Photographs: A Study of Conversations Between University Employees. Sex Roles. 2001 44(11): 677-692.

Martin, David John. 1997. Slaughtering a sacred cow: The eyebrow flash is not a universal social greeting. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering 58(5-B): 2751.

Moore, Monicam. Human Nonverbal Courtship Behavior—A Brief Historical Review. Journal of Sex Research. 2010 47(2-3): 171-180.

Moore, Monica. Courtship Signaling and Adolescents: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Journal of Sex Research. 1995. 32(4): 319-328.

Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Teixeira Fiquer, Juliana; Paulo Sérgio Boggio and Clarice Gorenstein. Talking Bodies: Nonverbal Behavior in the Assessment of Depression Severity. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2013. 150: 1114-1119.

Watt, Roger ; Craven, Ben ; Quinn, Sandra. A role for eyebrows in regulating the visibility of eye gaze direction. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2007. 60(9): 1169-1177.

Wheldall, Kevin ; Mittler, Peter. Eyebrow-raising, eye widening and visual search nursery school children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 1976. 17(1): 57-62.

Body Language of The Eyebrow Cock

Body Language of The Eyebrow Cock

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eyebrow CockCue: Eyebrow Cock

Synonym(s): Raising One Eyebrow, Single Eyebrow Raise.

Description: A mixed eyebrow movement where one eyebrow is raised while the other is lowered.

In One Sentence: The eyebrow cock is a signal that a person is suspicious.

How To Use it: Use the eyebrow cock to tell others that you are in general disbelief with respect to an action performed, or a comment made.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m suspicious of your motives so my eyes will show surprise by raising on one side and anger by lowering on the other.”

Variant: See Eyebrow Flash, Eyebrow Hold, Eyebrow Lowering, Eyebrow Raise, Eyebrows Knit or Oblique Eyebrows Of Grief.

Cue In Action: She stood up and vehemently denied being the one who stole the doughnut despite overwhelming evidence. Her mom looked at her, turned her head to the side, raised one eyebrow and lowered the other, then compressed her lips. She was showing suspicion nonverbally.

Meaning and/or Motivation: It represents both aggression and fear at the same time due to the division of high and low, and when mixed, indicates suspicion or skepticism.

Cue Cluster: The head is often tilted to the side when representing skepticism. The eyes will squint when showing aggression and the lips will purse.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Eye Language, Hostile body language, Negative body language, Suspicious body language or suspicion.


Grammer, Karl ; Schiefenhövel, Wulf ; Schleidt, Margret ; Lorenz, Beatrice ; Eibl eibesfeldt, Irenäus. Patterns on the Face: The Eyebrow Flash in Crosscultural Comparison. Ethology. 1988. 77(4): 279-299.

Hall, Judith ; LeBeau, Lavonia ; Reinoso, Jeannette ; Thayer, Frank. Status, Gender, and Nonverbal Behavior in Candid and Posed Photographs: A Study of Conversations Between University Employees. Sex Roles. 2001 44(11): 677-692.

Martin, David John. 1997. Slaughtering a sacred cow: The eyebrow flash is not a universal social greeting. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering 58(5-B): 2751.

Moore, Monicam. Human Nonverbal Courtship Behavior—A Brief Historical Review. Journal of Sex Research. 2010 47(2-3): 171-180.

Moore, Monica. Courtship Signaling and Adolescents: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Journal of Sex Research. 1995. 32(4): 319-328.

Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Schmidt, K. L., Bhattacharya, S., & Denlinger, R. (2009). Comparison of deliberate and spontaneous facial movement in smiles and eyebrow raises. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 33, 35–45.

Shichuan Du; Yong Tao and Aleix M. Martinez. Compound facial expressions of emotion. Published online before print on March 31, 2014. DOI10.1073/pnas.1322355111

Teixeira Fiquer, Juliana; Paulo Sérgio Boggio and Clarice Gorenstein. Talking Bodies: Nonverbal Behavior in the Assessment of Depression Severity. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2013. 150: 1114-1119.

Watt, Roger ; Craven, Ben ; Quinn, Sandra. A role for eyebrows in regulating the visibility of eye gaze direction. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2007. 60(9): 1169-1177.

Wheldall, Kevin ; Mittler, Peter. Eyebrow-raising, eye widening and visual search nursery school children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 1976. 17(1): 57-62.

Body Language of Eye Widening

Body Language of Eye Widening

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eye WideningCue: Eye Widening

Synonym(s): Baby Eyes, Wide Eyes.

Description: Making the eyes appear bigger than normal through plucking the eyebrows, raising the eyebrows or lifting the eyelids.

In One Sentence: Eye widening is a signal that says one is enjoying what they are seeing.

How To Use it: Show positive emotions by keeping the eyes open and inviting. Women can effectively and near permanently increase the perception of their eye size by plucking their brows. This creates the illusion of having larger eyes that actual fact.

While men do not benefit in the same way from this cue, open eyes in women signals that they are more childlike and therefore worthy of protection. If women desire special treatment, emphasizing the size of the eyes is highly effective.

Context: General, Dating.

Verbal Translation: “By widening my eyes you can see how big and childlike my eyes are, therefore you need to help and protect me.”

Variant: Related to Eye Flash, Eye Pop and Flashbulb Eyes as well as Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes (for opposite cue).

Cue In Action: It was a cold morning and she didn’t want to go out to the car and warm it. She turned her head to the side, batted her eyes, raised her eyebrows and opened her eyes wide, pleading. Her Dad had no choice but to give her a hand.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Eye widening is a positive nonverbal cue indicating that someone is observing positive stimuli that bring them joy and happiness. It may indicate surprise and shock.

Raising the eyebrows and eyelids can also be used to simulate widened eyes. Plucking the eyebrows has the same effect as eye widening, except it is permanent. The appearance of big bright eyes may be why we have culturally encouraged women to shrink the size of their brow.

Have you ever noticed the size of a newborns eyes in relation to their body and face? What about cartoon characters? Eye widening evokes protective feelings in others and women will use this to gain sympathy from men during courtship. Research has shown that when women widen their eyes, men release hormones that motive them to protect and defend.

Eye widening is a form of gravity defying behaviour that is ubiquitous in showing positive emotions and joy. When true contentment is present the eyes will lack any tension at all and will appear relaxed. The size of the eyes directly indicates how positive someone feels about a topic. While making eyes bigger and flashing them means that good thoughts are held, squinting, where the eyes are compressed, means negative thought are held.

Cue Cluster: Eye widening is clustered with head to the side, batting eyelashes, raised eyebrows, eyelids opened, shoulders turned inward, head up with smiling or pouting to gain sympathy.

Body Language Category: Appease, Approach tell, Courtship display, Eye Language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Open facial gestures, Pseudo-infantile gestures, Power play, Remotivating, Signature gestures, Submissive body language, Tie signals.


Brooks, C. I., Church, M. A., & Fraser, L. 1986. Effects of duration of eye contact on judgments of personality characteristics. Journal of Social Psychology. 126: 71–78.

Daniel H. Lee, Reza Mirza, John G. Flanagan and Adam K. Anderson. Optical Origins of Opposing Facial Expression Actions. Psychological Science published online 24 January 2014 DOI: 10.1177/0956797613514451

Davis 1978. Camera Eye-Contact by the Candidates in the Presidential Debates of 1976 Source: The journalism quarterly. 55 (3): 431 -437.

Duan, Xujun ; Dai, Qian ; Gong, Qiyong ; Chen, Huafu. Neural mechanism of unconscious perception of surprised facial expression. NeuroImage. 2010. 52(1): 401-407.

e Charlesworth, W. R. (1964). Instigation and maintenance of curiosity behavior as a function of surprise versus novel and familiar stimuli. Child Development, 35, 1169–1186.

Ekman, P. & O’Sullivan, M. (1991). Who can catch a liar? American Psychologist. 46, 913-920.

Ellsworth, Phoebe; Carlsmith, J Merrill. 1973. Eye contact and gaze aversion in an aggressive encounter. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 28(2): 280-292.

Gordon, A. K. and A. G. Miller. 2000. Perspective differences in the construal of lies: is deception in the eye of the beholder? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26 (1): 46-55.

Gilliam, Harold V. B.; Van Den Berg, Sjef. 1980. Different Levels of Eye Contact: Effects on Black and White College Students. Urban Education. 15 (1): 83-92.

Goldman. 1980. Effect of Eye Contact and Distance on the Verbal Reinforcement of Attitude. The Journal of social psychology 111(1): 73 -78.

Greene 1979. Title: Need-Fulfillment and Consistency Theory: Relationships Between Self-Esteem and Eye Contact. Source: Western journal of speech communication. 43(2): 123 -133.

Galin, D. and Ornstein, R., 1974. Individual Differences in Cognitive Style – Reflective Eye Movements; Neuropsychologia, 12: 376-397.

Hocking. 1985. Eye contact contrast effects in the employment interview. Communication research reports 2(1): 5-10.

Kinsbourne, M., 1972. Eye and Head Turning Indicates Cerebral Lateralization; Science, 179: 539-541.

Kocel, K., et al.,1972. Lateral Eye Movement and Cognitive Mode; Psychon Sci. 27: 223-224.

Knackstedt, G., & Kleinke, C. L. (1991). Eye contact, gender, and personality judgments. Journal of Social Psychology, 131: 303-304.

Konopacki 1987. Eye Movement Betrays a Prospect’s Inner Feelings Source: Marketing news 21(10): 4.

Ludden, G. D. S., Schifferstein, H. N. J., & Hekkert, P. (2009). Visual–tactual incongruities in products as sources of surprise. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 27, 63–89.

Mobbs, N.A. 1968. Eye-contact in Relation to Social Introversion-Extraversion. British Journal of Social Clinical Psychology 7: 305-306.

Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Parzuchowski, Michal ; Szymkow-Sudziarska, Aleksandra. Well, slap my thigh: expression of surprise facilitates memory of surprising material. Emotion. 2008. 8(3): 430-4.

Rutter, D.C; D. C. Pennington, M. E. Dewey and J. Swain. 1984. Eye-contact as a chance product of individual looking: Implications for the intimacy model of Argyle and Dean. Source: Journal of nonverbal behavior. 8(4): 250-258.

Richard Tessler and Lisa Sushelsky. 1978. Effects of eye contact and social status on the perception of a job applicant in an employment interviewing situation. Journal of Vocational Behavior 13(3): 338-347.

Reisenzein, R. (2000). Exploring the strength of association between the components of emotion syndromes: the case of surprise. Cognition and Emotion, 14, 1–38.

Reisenzein, R., Bördgen, S., Holtbernd, T., & Matz, D. (2006). Evidence for strong dissociation between emotion and facial displays: the case of surprise. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 295–315.

Reisenzein, R., & Studtmann, M. (2007). On the expression and experience of surprise: no evidence for facial feedback, but evidence for a reverse self-inference effect. Emotion, 7, 612–627.

Scherer, K. R., Zentner, M. R., & Stern, D. (2004). Beyond surprise: the puzzle of infants’ expressive reactions to expectancy violation. Emotion, 4, 389–402.

Schützwohl, Achim ; Reisenzein, Rainer. Facial expressions in response to a highly surprising event exceeding the field of vision: a test of Darwin’s theory of surprise. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2012. 33(6): 657-664.

Susskind, Joshua M and Adam K Anderson. Facial Expression Form and Function. Communicative Integrative Biology. 2008. 1(2): 148–149. PMCID: PMC2686004

Sitton, Sarah C; Griffin, Susan T. 1981. Detection of deception from clients’ eye contact patterns. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 28(3): 269-271.

Vrticka, Pascal ; Lordier, Lara ; Bediou, Benoît ; Sander, David Desteno, David (editor). Human Amygdala Response to Dynamic Facial Expressions of Positive and Negative Surprise. Emotion. 2014. 14(1): 161-169.

Vanhamme, J. (2000). The link between surprise and satisfaction: an exploratory research on how to best measure surprise. Journal of Marketing Management, 16, 565–582.

Body Language of Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes

Body Language of Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes 2Cue: Eye Squinting or Narrowing Eyes

Synonym(s): Narrowing Eyes, Furrowing Eyes, Compressed Eyelids, Wincing Eyes, Eye Constriction, Eye Blocking, Eye Shield, Shielding The Eyes, Squinting.

Description: Eye squinting happens when the eyelids are compressed together serving to constrict the eyes. It can sometimes occur in just a fraction of a second before disappearing.

In One Sentence: Narrowing the eyes is due to physical or emotional pain.

How To Use it: When you do not like what is being said or seen, simply narrow your eyes. This tells others that you do not like what you are seeing or hearing. You may perform this eye language in brief within just fractions of a seconds. While people may not consciously perceive the signal, it will likely still register subconsciously. If the person for whom the cue is intended, notices, they may revisit their proposal and add additional incentives to ease your negative judgment.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “What I’m seeing is causing me emotional or physical pain and to prevent all that negativity from coming into my body I’m going to squint and block to resist.”

Variant: See Anger Facial Expression, Hand To Eye Gesture.

Cue In Action: a) A person will wince when reading objectionable portions of a contract. b) She winced when the student missed the correct note on the piano. It caused her visceral pain.

Meaning and/or Motivation: An eye blocking form of body language designed to prohibit distasteful images or even thoughts from being received at full view. Narrowing eyes indicates contempt, distaste and anger. A person will not only squint from seeing objectionable sights, but also negative thoughts or sounds.

Wincing falls into the category of microexpressions since it can happen in only fractions of a second before disappearing, yet it remains full of meaning.

Wincing can also be due to the sudden approach of projectiles toward the eyes or body as well as the sun’s glare. Eyes can also be squinted in order to help a person see print that is too small. Thus, at times, squinting forms a functional purpose not exclusively driven by emotion.

A delayed opening or prolonged eye closure can be due to negative emotions or displeasure. A full wince with the eyes closed tightly signifies the desire to totally block out information.

Cue Cluster: General tightening of the face will occur such as mouth pursing. We may also see lip biting, hand clenching, shoulders and feet turned away, arms pulled in to protect and arms crossed.

Body Language Category: Attentive, Aggressive body language, Anger, Confused, Closed body language, Closed facial gestures, Dislike (nonverbal), Doubt or disbelief body language, Eye blocking, Eye Language, Microexpressions, Micromessaging, Negative body language, Pensive displays, Protective reflexes, Suppressed facial expression, Suspicious body language.


Aviezer, Hillel; Ran R. Hassin; Jennifer Ryan; Cheryl Grady; Josh Susskind; Adam Anderson; Morris Moscovitch and Shlomo Bentin. Angry, Disgusted, or Afraid? Studies on the Malleability of Emotion Perception. Psychological Science. 2008. 19(7): 724-732.

Aaron, Sell; Cosmides, Leda and Tooby, John. The Human Anger Face Evolved to Enhance Cues of Strength. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2014. 35(5): 425-429.

Biehl, M., Matsumoto, D., Ekman, P., Hearn, V., Heider, K., Kudoh, T., et al. (1997). Matsumoto and Ekman’s Japanese and Caucasian Facial Expressions of Emotion (JACFEE): Reliability Data and Cross-National Differences. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 21, 3-21.

Brooks, C. I., Church, M. A., & Fraser, L. 1986. Effects of duration of eye contact on judgments of personality characteristics. Journal of Social Psychology. 126: 71–78.

Carroll E. 1994. Innate and universal facial expressions: Evidence from developmental and cross-cultural research Izard, Psychological Bulletin. 115(2): 288-299.

Davis 1978. Camera Eye-Contact by the Candidates in the Presidential Debates of 1976 Source: The journalism quarterly. 55 (3): 431 -437.

Ellsworth, Phoebe; Carlsmith, J Merrill. 1973. Eye contact and gaze aversion in an aggressive encounter. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 28(2): 280-292.

Ekman, P. (1994). Strong evidence for universals in facial expressions: A reply to Russell’s mistaken critique. Psychological Bulletin, 115, 268-287.

Gordon, A. K. and A. G. Miller. 2000. Perspective differences in the construal of lies: is deception in the eye of the beholder? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 26 (1): 46-55.

Gilliam, Harold V. B.; Van Den Berg, Sjef. 1980. Different Levels of Eye Contact: Effects on Black and White College Students. Urban Education. 15 (1): 83-92.

Goldman. 1980. Effect of Eye Contact and Distance on the Verbal Reinforcement of Attitude. The Journal of social psychology 111(1): 73 -78.

Greene 1979. Title: Need-Fulfillment and Consistency Theory: Relationships Between Self-Esteem and Eye Contact. Source: Western journal of speech communication. 43(2): 123 -133.

Galin, D. and Ornstein, R., 1974. Individual Differences in Cognitive Style – Reflective Eye Movements; Neuropsychologia, 12: 376-397.

Craig, Kenneth D. ; Patrick, Christopher J. Hogan, Robert (editor). Facial Expression During Induced Pain. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1985 48(4): 1080-109.

Frijda, Nico H.. What is pain facial expression for? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2002. 25(4): 460-460.

Hatz, Jessica L. and Martin J. Bourgeois. Anger as a Cue to Truthfulness. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2010. 46: 680-683.

Hermann, Christiane; Flor, Herta. Facial expression of pain more than a fuzzy expression of distress? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2002. 25(4): 462-463.

Kunz, Miriam ; Mylius, Veit ; Schepelmann, Karsten ; Lautenbacher, Stefan. Impact of age on the facial expression of pain. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2008. 64(3): 311-318.

Keogh, Edmund; Holdcroft, Anita. Sex differences in pain: Evolutionary links to facial pain expression. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2002. 25(4): 465-465.

Kunz, Miriam ; Peter, Jessica ; Huster, Sonja ; Lautenbacher, Stefan Gray, Marcus (Editor). Pain and Disgust: The Facial Signaling of Two Aversive Bodily Experiences (Comparing Facial Expressions of Pain and Disgust). 2013. 8(12): p.e83277

Konopacki 1987. Eye Movement Betrays a Prospect’s Inner Feelings Source: Marketing news 21(10): 4.

Langer, Julia and Rodebaugh, Thomas. Social Anxiety and Gaze Avoidance: Averting Gaze but not Anxiety. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2013, Vol.37(6): 1110-1120.

LeResche, Linda ; Dworkin, Samuel F. Facial expression accompanying pain
Social Science & Medicine. 1984. 19(12): 1325-1330.

Mobbs, N.A. 1968. Eye-contact in Relation to Social Introversion-Extraversion. British Journal of Social Clinical Psychology 7: 305-306.

Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Pantic, Maja; Rothkrantz, Leon J. M. Machine understanding of facial expression of pain. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2002. 25(4): 469-470.

Rutter, D.C; D. C. Pennington, M. E. Dewey and J. Swain. 1984. Eye-contact as a chance product of individual looking: Implications for the intimacy model of Argyle and Dean. Source: Journal of nonverbal behavior. 8(4): 250-258.

Richard Tessler and Lisa Sushelsky. 1978. Effects of eye contact and social status on the perception of a job applicant in an employment interviewing situation. Journal of Vocational Behavior 13(3): 338-347.

Sitton, Sarah C; Griffin, Susan T. 1981. Detection of deception from clients’ eye contact patterns. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 28(3): 269-271.

Sell, A., Cosmides, L. and Tooby, J., The Human Anger Face Evolved to Enhance Cues of Strength. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2014, doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2014.05.008

Underwood, M. K.. Glares of Contempt, Eye Rolls of Disgust and Turning Away to Exclude: Non-Verbal Forms of Social Aggression among Girls. Feminism & Psychology. 2004 14(3): 371-375.

Vlaeyen, Johan W.S. ; Hanssen, Marjolein ; Goubert, Liesbet ; Vervoort, Tine ; Peters, Madelon ; van Breukelen, Gerard ; Sullivan, Michael J.L. ; Morley, Stephen. Threat of pain influences social context effects on verbal pain report and facial expression. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2009 47(9): 774-782.

Zhao, Ke; Wen-Jing Yan; Yu-Hsin Chen; Xi-Nian Zuo and Xiaolan Fu. Amygdala Volume Predicts Inter-Individual Differences in Fearful Face Recognition. PLOS one. August 2013. (8): 8: e74096. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074096.g001

Body Language of The Eye Shuttle

Body Language of The Eye Shuttle

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eye Shuttle (The) 1Cue: Eye Shuttle (The)

Synonym(s): Eyes Flicked Left And Right, Eye Darting, Flicking The Eyes.

Description: A left and right flick of the eyes back and forth while the head remains still.

In One Sentence: Shuttling the eyes back and forth signals uneasiness or a desire to escape.

How To Use it: Use the eye shuttle to tell others that you want to leave by shifting your eyes from them to doorway and back. This can help them speed up the conversation by applying nonverbal pressure. Rather than appearing rude outright, the eye shuttle can tell others the same thing with fewer risks.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “If I can find a door, I think I can make an escape so I’m going to flick my eyes around the room until I find a sure thing. I’m going to do it discreetly so I’m not noticed – I’ll keep my head steady and will continue talking and smiling.

Variant: Related to Eye Aversion, Gaze Avoidance and Wandering Eyes, Looking Askance, Shifty Eyes.

Cue In Action: When Dave joined the discussion, Mark began to shift his gaze around the room left and right yet he remained in place, smiling and entertaining the group with his usual jokes. It was obvious that Mark didn’t like Dave all that much and wanted to get out of there.

Meaning and/or Motivation: This is a cue that someone is subconsciously seeking an escape route without trying to be noticed.

Cue Cluster: The eye shuttle will be connected to feigned cues of interest such as smiling, open body language, palm displays and so forth since the motivation behind the cue is to exit the situation covertly (rather than honestly).

Body Language Category: Disengagement, Dislike (nonverbal), Escape movements, Eye Language, Indicators of disinterest (IOD).


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Body Language of Eye Rolling or Eye Shrug

Body Language of Eye Rolling or Eye Shrug

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eye Rolling or Eye Shrug 1Cue: Eye Rolling or Eye Shrug

Synonym(s): Eye Shrug, Shrugging The Eyes, Rolling The Eyes.

Description: This cue is done by rolling the eyes around in a semi-circle from bottom to top, or looking straight up.

In One Sentence: Rolling the eyes says disbelief, contempt, sarcasm and lack of respect.

How To Use it: Use eye rolling when you want to show others that you think that they are fools. When someone says something ridiculous, you can tell them your think their idea is weak or unconstructive or not very funny simply by rolling your eyes. When done between friends, eye rolling can be a shared joke, but when done when someone is trying to make a serious point, can be used to show contempt.

Often, eye rolling is directional, meaning that you can use it to offend someone in particular. When done out of their sight, others can pick up on the insult and you can build a case against them without using words. As such, use eye rolling to ridicule and make fun of others.

As a micro-expression, the gesture can be used to signal to others that you simply do not agree with what is being said and therefore, nonverbally express your disapproval.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I can’t believe you just said that, you are a fool.”

Variant: See other Eye Language (category) for ways the eyes convey meaning.

Cue In Action: Dave suggested that instead of taking a romantic vacation in the sun, they hire a lodge and take a 5-day fishing expedition. Mary rolled her eyes.

Meaning and/or Motivation: It says disbelief, contempt, sarcasm, and a lack of respect. Sometimes eye rolls appear as micromessages and are barely visible. They exist, however, and are cues to underlying contempt, especially in a business or dating context.

Cue Cluster: Can be coupled with an audible sigh, followed by a look of contempt or eye avoidance. Eyes might also wander to the eyes of others seeking approval and verifying their views on what was suggested.

Body Language Category: Closed facial gestures, Dislike (nonverbal), Disinterest, Doubt or disbelief body language, Escape movements, Eye Language, Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Micromessaging, Negative body language, Rejection body language, Stubborn or stubbornness.


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Hines, N.J. and Fry, D.P. (1994) ‘Indirect Modes of Aggression among Women of Buenos Aires, Argentina’, Sex Roles 30: 213–24.

LaFrance, M. (2002) ‘Smile Boycotts and other Body Politics’, Feminism & Psychology
12: 319–23.

Latvala, Charlotte. Stopping the back talk: if your child is dishing out the eye rolling and “what-evers,” here’s how to respond–for both your sakes.(good family: FROM KIDS TO MONEY, WHAT TO KNOW NOW). Good Housekeeping. 2009. 248(4): 99(3).

Lagerspetz, K.M.J., Bjorkqvist, K. and Peltonen, T. (1988) ‘Is Indirect Aggression Typical of Females? Gender Differences in Aggressiveness in 11- to 12-year-old Children’, Aggressive Behavior 14: 403–14.

Merten, D. E. (1997) ‘The Meaning of Meanness: Popularity, Competition, and Conflict
among Junior High School Girls’, Sociology of Education 40: 175–91.

Underwood, M. K.. Glares of Contempt, Eye Rolls of Disgust and Turning Away to Exclude: Non-Verbal Forms of Social Aggression among Girls. Feminism & Psychology. 2004 14(3): 371-375.

Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Underwood, M. K.. Glares of Contempt, Eye Rolls of Disgust and Turning Away to Exclude: Non-Verbal Forms of Social Aggression among Girls. Feminism & Psychology. 2004 14(3): 371-375.

Eye Glasses Body Language

Eye Glasses Body Language

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eye Glasses Language 1Cue: Eye Glasses Language

Synonym(s): Glasses Body Language.

Description: When eye glasses are worn people perceive them based on pre-conceived notions.

In One Sentence: Wearing eye glasses signals intelligence generally, however, depending on eye glass style can signal other traits including high fashion, nerdiness, sex appeal and so forth.

How To Use it: Use eye glasses when it’s important to be taken seriously. Teachers, students trying to impress teachers, and any other person trying to appear smart, can benefit by the stereotype that eyeglass wearing entails.

Eye glasses make welcome additions on job interviews for desk jobs, but might be seen as a hindrance where free thinking is less valuable. In the wrong circles, for example, nerdiness can result in shame and embarrassment.

One might therefore choose eye glasses on occasions when they are most appropriate based on the context.

Research has shown that thicker eye frames tend to boost intelligence perceptions the most. Thinner and fashionable glasses can, however, boost attractiveness.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m wearing glasses because I need them (or don’t) and you think they make me look intelligent.”

Variant: See Peering Over Glasses and Sunglasses Body Language.

Cue In Action: a) To appear more studious, he put on his glasses as he presented to the audience. b) To appear more intelligent and studious and less of a seductress, Jodi Arias wore glasses during her murder trial.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Eyeglasses carry many stereotypic nonverbal messages, most of which are positive. Researchers have found that subject’s rate wearers of glasses are more intelligent, knowledgeable and studious. In fact, glasses are attributed with an increase in IQ.

Interestingly, however, is that eyeglasses can also decrease ratings of social quotients. This is especially the case when people’s other nonverbal communication doesn’t back up their perceived intelligence. Thus, glasses alone, with nothing to back them up, results in a negative image and impression – “nerdiness.”

The heavier the frame, the more people reported intelligent descriptors to the wearer. Thin frames make people appear less authoritative but more accessible. Frames that are decorative are associated with artistic or creative types.

In contrast, when women wear glasses with provocative attire they conjure images of naughty librarians. Thus, glasses can carry multiple meanings. However when such external cues are absent, women also benefit from the intelligence stereotype as well as being perceived as self-assured and outgoing.

Cue Cluster: Eye glass language can be accompanied by many cues and they will help define its meaning.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Elective nonverbal traits, Eye Language.


Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., & Jolliffe, T. (1997). Is there a ‘‘language of the eyes’’? Evidence from normal adults, and adults with autism or Asperger syndrome. Visual Cognition, 4, 311–331.

Botz-bornstein, Thorsten.. Veils and sunglasses. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture. 2013. Vol.5(0).

Borkenau, P. (1991). Evidence of a correlation between wearing glasses and personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 12, 1125-1128. doi:10.1016/0191-8869(91)90074-L

Cheng-Hung Lo; Chao-Yang Yang; Po-Tsang Lin; Kuo-Jung Hsieh: Ying-Chieh Liu and Wen-Ko Chiou. Are Human Faces More Attractive With Glasses?, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers. 2012. 29(2): 125-135, DOI:10.1080/10170669.2012.662917

Edwards, K. (1987). Effects of sex and glasses on attitudes toward intelligence and attractiveness. Psychological Reports, 60, 590.

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Harris, M.B. (1991). Sex differences in stereotypes of spectacles. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 21, 1659–1680. doi 10.1111/j.1559-1816.1991.tb00497.x

Hasart, J. K.,&Hutchinson, K. L. (1993). The effects of eyeglasses on perceptions of interpersonal-attraction. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 8, 521–528.

Hellström, A., & Tekle, J. (1994). Person perception through facial photographs: Effects of glasses, hair, and beard on judgments of occupation and personal qualities. European Journal of Social Psychology, 24, 693–705. doi 10.1002/ejsp.2420240606

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Hockley, William ; Hemsworth, David ; Consoli, Angela. Shades of the mirror effect: Recognition of faces with and without sunglasses. Memory & Cognition. 1999. 27(1): 128-138.

Keiierman, Joan M. and James D. Laird. The Effect of Appearance on Self Perception. Journal of Personality. 1982; 50: 3.

Lundberg, J. K., & Sheehan, E. P. (1994). The effects of glasses and weight on perceptions of attractiveness and intelligence. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 9, 753–760.

Leder, Helmut ; Forster, Michael ; Gerger, Gernot. The Glasses Stereotype Revisited: Effects of Eyeglasses on Perception, Recognition, and Impression of Faces. Swiss Journal of Psychology. 2011. 70(4): 211-222.

McKelvie, S. J. (1995). Emotional expression in upside-down faces: Evidence for configurational and componential processing. The British Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 325–334.

Marzoli, Daniele ; Custodero, Mariagrazia ; Pagliara, Alessandra ; Tommasi, Luca. Sun-induced frowning fosters aggressive feelings. Cognition & Emotion. 2013. 27(8): 1513-1521.

Rhodes, G., Brake, S., & Atkinson, A. P. (1993). What’s lost in inverted faces? Cognition, 47, 25–57.

Roberson, Debi ; Kikutani, Mariko ; Doge, Paula ; Whitaker, Lydia ; Majid, Asifa. Shades of Emotion: What the Addition of Sunglasses or Masks to Faces Reveals about the Development of Facial Expression Processing. Cognition. 2012. 125(2): 195-206.

Senju, A., & Johnson, M. H. (2009). The eye contact effect: Mechanisms and development. Trends in Cognitive Science, 13, 127–134.

Schwarzer, G. (2000). Development of face processing: The effect of face inversion. Child Development, 71, 391–401.

Terry, R. L. (1993). How wearing eyeglasses affects facial recognition. Current Psychology, 12, 151–162. doi 10.1007/ BF02686820

Tanaka, J. W., & Farah, M. J. (1993). Parts and wholes in face. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 46, 969–993.

Tanaka, J. W., Kay, J. B., Grinnell, E., Stansfield, B., & Szechter, L. (1998). Face recognition in young children: When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Visual Cognition, 5, 479–496.

Terry,R. L.,&Hall, C. A. (1989). Affective responses to eyeglasses: Evidence of a sex difference. Journal of American Optometrist Association, 60, 609–611.

Terry, R. L., & Kroger, D.L. (1976). Effects of eye correctives on ratings of attractiveness. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 42, 562. doi 10.2466/PMS.42.2.562

Body Language of Eye Flutter or Batting Eyes

Body Language of Eye Flutter or Batting Eyes

No picCue: Eye Flutter or Batting Eyes

Synonym(s): Eyelash Flickering, Eyelash Batting, Batting Eyelashes.

Description: When the eyelids are opened and closed in rapid succession.

In One Sentence: Eyes that flutter signal sexual arousal, or heightened emotion.

How To Use it: In a dating context, women should bat their eyes in order to draw emphasis to them. Likewise the use of eye liner and mascara can add extra sex appeal by showcasing the “windows to the soul.” Fluttering eyes is linked to emotional arousal, thus, the signal should be paired with other signal such as brief eye contact followed by looking down and smiling. The context will define the eye flutter. For example, girls may flutter their eyes to convince Dad to buy them a treat, whereas Mom might flutter her eyes to her husband to signal sexual intent.

In some context, eye fluttering shows an internal struggle or disbelief, therefore, they should be used carefully.

Context: a) Dating, b) General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m aroused sexually and I’m drawing attention to one of my best assets, my sexy eyes and lashes to evoke protective feelings.” b) “I’m having an internal struggle and stress with what you have said and it’s causing me to stutter with my eyes and eyelashes.”

Variant: Eye Blink Rate (Rapid).

Cue In Action: a) When a hot guy passed by, she batted her eyes and look up coyly at him from her desk. b) When asked to the prom, she batted her eyes quickly and persistently with a blank look on her face – she didn’t want to tell him she already had a date.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Used to invoke feelings of protectiveness in others by appearing more childlike. It serves to draw interest to the eyes via long luscious lashes.
Batting the eyes is a cue of sexual interest when done by women in a dating context.

Other times eyelash fluttering is due to an internal struggle as in a high blink rate.

Cue Cluster: The cues will depend on the intension and context. When stress related, we see a blank, caught in the headlights, type expression. While in dating context we see smiling eyes and a doe-like expression.

Body Language Category: Courtship displays, Confused, Doubt or disbelief body language, Eye Language, Fearful body language, Frustration or frustrated body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Pensive displays, Stressful body language, Worry body language.


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Body Language of Eye Flash, Eye Pop and Flashbulb Eyes

Body Language of Eye Flash, Eye Pop and Flashbulb Eyes

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eye Flash, Eye Pop and Flashbulb Eyes 1Cue: Eye Flash, Eye Pop and Flashbulb Eyes

Synonym(s): Flashbulb Eyes, Eye Pop.

Description: The eye flash lasts on average for only 0.75 seconds and is a momentary widening of the eyelids during a conversation. The widening is usually wide enough to reveal the sclera. Sclera is the white area surrounding the iris. The eyebrows usually arch in unison as well to make the eyes appear even larger.

In One Sentence: The eye flash is a signal used to display emotional excitement during expressive conversation.

How To Use it: Pop the eyes whenever you want to add a nonverbal exclamation to spoken words. For example, force your eyes to pop when delivering positive or exciting news to friends or relatives. Women can generally use this expression best as it usually fits in better with women’s overall expressivity. However, men can also add the occasional eye pop to signal sarcasm. When you pop your eyes, think “Oh my God!”

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m so excited that my eyes are popping open with emotion and excitement.”

Variant: N/A

Cue In Action: a) It had been a while since they had seen each other. When they turned the corner, their eyes popped open with excitement as they took each other into full view. b) He opened his first holiday bonus to see a big fat cheque. His eyes popped open with excitement. c) On the first date, she showed her excitement. She told stories while popping her eyes open.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The eyeflash when given by a speaker, emphasizes specific words being spoken and can serve to change the meaning of a given word or phrase. It normally accompanies adjectives rather than any other parts of speech. Women use it more often them men. The eye pop makes the eyes burst with emotion and is usually done to indicate surprise and positive emotions.

Cue Cluster: Open body language such as palms up, smiling, arms animated and excited while moving with speech.

Body Language Category: Amplifier, Eye Language, Excited body language, Happiness, Open body language.


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Body Language of Eye Direction, NLP and Eye Access Cues

Body Language of Eye Direction, NLP and Eye Access Cues

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Eye Direction, NLP and Eye Access Cues 1Cue: Eye Direction, NLP, and Eye Access Cues.

Synonym(s): NLP, Eye Access Cues.

Description: Eye movements are a key component Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP in this contest defines the process by which eye direction, that is, where the eyes look, can predict underlying thought process.

In One Sentence: The direction in which the eyes are cast is thought to provide clues to a person’s underlying thought process.

How To Use it: This cue is not something one can actively use to influence others as most people are not attuned to it’s meaning. Therefore, it is something we read in others rather than use ourselves. Although, if someone else is actively trying to read your body language (such as a police interrogator), and you know it, you might feign eye direction in order to confuse them.

Otherwise, eye direction is a cue best read in other people. See Meaning and/or Motivation.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “The direction I look outlines my thought process, so if you watch carefully you can figure out what kind of thoughts I’m accessing.”

Variant: N/A

Cue In Action: She was trying to figure out if her husband was telling the truth so she watched carefully when she asked him what the casino looked like. His eyes moved up and to the right. This told her that he was trying to construct a visual image. She was onto him.

Meaning and/or Motivation: For most right-handed people, eye movement up and to the left is a signal of accessing a visual memory.

Movement up and right means that a person is trying to construct a visual image.

Eyes either right or left, but still level, indicate an auditory process such as remembering sounds and words.

Down and left indicate internal dialogue or self-talk.

Down and right indicate a tactile or visceral feeling. When the eyes are straight ahead, unfocused or dilated they signal visual or any sensory information.

When reading someone’s eye access cues, be sure to formulate a baseline under normal conditions beforehand. Not all people respond to this rule in the same manner.

Cue Cluster: N/A

Body Language Category: Autonomic signal, Eye Language.


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