Category: Emotional body language

Body Language of The Chin Jut and Chin Lift

Body Language of The Chin Jut and Chin Lift

No picCue: Chin Jut

Synonym(s): Chin Lift, Jutting The Chin, Lifting The Chin, Pushing The Chin Out.

Description: Pushing the chin out and up by slightly tilting the head backwards.

In One Sentence: Jutting the chin out and away from the body tells others that one is ready to confront rather than conform.

How To Use it: Use the signal to show your dominance and to intimidate others. In competition you can use the chin to taunt your opponent and tempt them into submission by demonstrating your pride and smugness. The cue can also be done during normal conversation to issue a challenge of another person’s authority. As the cue is subtle, it is often registered under conscious awareness, but the message will be received as an insult against another person and their position.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m sticking my chin out to say hello there, I see and acknowledge you.” b) “I’m sticking my chin out to tempt you into punching me and fighting me. It is a challenge as I’m not going to back down.”

Variant: See Chin Stroking, Chin Tuck, Head Lowered.

Cue In Action: a) When passing each other on their bikes, the two riders tilted their chins upward as an acknowledgement. b) It almost came to blows; he stuck his chin out, balled up his first and made threatening remarks.

Meaning and/or Motivation: When the gesture is not done as a greeting or acknowledgement gesture, jutting the chin out means smugness, confidence, pride and confrontation. It is a challenge display, almost like a dare to attack. Lifting the chin exposes the neck to attack but it also puts the chin on full exposure. During physical conflict, a quick jab to the chin often puts people unconscious because it compresses the nerve that runs behind the jaw. Just ask any professional boxer! Keeping the chin tucked, on the other hand, keeps it protected and reduces it as a target making it a submissive posture.

a) A greeting gesture done by quickly forcing the chin outward and returning it to its origin. It is done to acknowledge someone else without having to directly interact with them and done most often by dominant individuals. It signifies superiority, fearlessness and arrogance. b) This is a signal used to display pride, confidence and smugness because it exposes the vulnerable neck to attack. This can be a gesture done subtly as a slight protrusion of the lower jaw.

Cue Cluster: When the chin jut is used in conflict it is accompanied by other threatening language such as balled up fists, arms either lose at the side of the body taunting, or raised and batoning.

Body Language Category: Greeting gesture, Aggressive body language, Anger, Closed facial gestures, Emotional body language, Hostile body language, Negative body language, Power play, Expansive movements, Threat displays, Up nonverbals.


Beall, Alec and Jessica L. Tracy. The Puzzling Attractiveness of Male Shame. Manuscript submitted to Evolutionary Psychology. – 2014. 12(x): 1-39

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Body Language of The Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion.

Body Language of The Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion.

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion 2Cue: Broadside Display or Chest Protrusion.

Synonym(s): Chest Protrusion, Peacocking, Chest Puffing, Chest Thrust, Chest Arch, Chest Puff, Breast Protrusion, Torso Splay, Puffing Out The Chest, Baring The Torso, Removing A Shirt, Shirt Removal, Protruding The Breast.

Description: A flaring of the torso and chest by bringing air into the lungs to puff out and appear larger. Read more about coding for the expression of pride here:

In One Sentence: Puffing out the chest is a signal that one is dominant and virile and for a part of the universal expression of pride.

How To Use it: Men should use the broadside display to intimidate other men or to express pride. If female, a broadside display can also be used to appear in control and confident, however, the effect will be muddied by the protrusion of breasts which can be seen as sexually inviting. That being the case a confident posture in women can help thwart approaches from lesser quality men whom are not able rise to her level. This can give her the advantage. Overall, this posture should be used with care. It is most useful when one wishes to show that one is proud, healthy, and virile.

Context: a) Dating (male) b) Dating (female) c) Business and General

Verbal Translation: a) and c) “I’m large with a big chest and so I’m dominant and you will submit to me.” “I’m puffing out my chest, see how large I am, you better back down and give me the respect I command.” b) “I am confident, proud of my breasts, youthful with good posture, and therefore I’m a good mate. I want you to notice.”

Variant: See Arms Akimbo, Military Man or Regal Stance, Cowboy Pose Stance.

Cue In Action: a) As he walked by a girl on the beach wearing a skimpy bikini he sucked up his gut, took in a deep breath and arched his shoulders back. b) While waiting for a drink, she leaned back on the bar-top with her elbows, puffed out her chest and looked down submissively as a broadcast signal of her availability. c) The male boxers entered the pre-match weigh-in each with their shoulders held back and chest puffed out. c) A security guard, bouncer or police officer standing guard will perform a broadside display in effort to dissuade an attack. c) We also might see this in business when two conflicting ideas have been presented where each party defends and asserts themselves.

Meaning and/or Motivation: a), b) and c) The intent is to intimidate by appearing larger and therefore more dominant, powerful and also to express pride. It is a high comfort display, opened and bare, inviting challenge and attack that is assumed to never come. a) and b) A sexual or aggressive body language posture depending on the sex.

When done by men, it means dominance regardless of the context as the aim is to impress women and intimidate men. This is meant to appeal to women and repel other aggressive men. In more aggressive contexts, chest puffing is a posture that indicates conflict is nearing and is an advertisement of such. It might seem primitive but chest thumping can find itself during the preamble to a fistfight. Men will sometimes remove a jacket or even a shirt when they prepare for physical confrontation.

When done by women, it is aimed at drawing attention to the breast by making them appear larger and more prominent. Women who puff out their chest are trying to secure the attention of nearby men.

Cue Cluster: Chest protrusion is normally coupled with good upright posture. a) Men will often have a swagger in their step and keep gesturing to a minimum with arms kept around waste level, never much higher. b) Women might subconsciously look down, seemingly at their own breasts as a cue for others to do it as well. In the lowered head position women may gaze upward coyly further strengthening the appeal. c) In a business context, chest puffing will appear with more expansive movements such as greater animation in the arms, encroaching on personal space of others, a loud voice, touching to show ownership, fixed unblinking eye contact and a stern face. Usually the back is also arched and the head is held high.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Courtship display, Confident, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, High confidence body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Emotional body language, Threat displays.


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Body Language of The Bow and Body Bend

Body Language of The Bow and Body Bend

No picCue Bow and Body Bend

Synonym(s): Kowtow (Chinese), b) Standing Fetal Position (when due to pain), Prostration.

Description: a) The bow is a gesture done by bending at the waist toward the ground. b) A standing fetal position where the body bends at the waist.

In One Sentence: Bowing is a form of appeasement and also submission which is used to show respect.

How To Use it: Use the bow to show others respect or admiration. This can be done by titling the head down slightly which comes across as shame, or by lowering the eyes. When both cues are done simultaneously, this signals a desire to placate a higher authority. Lowering the body by bending at the waist can also be used to show that one is not in full spirits. This is read as cowering. When done in the face of authority, this may produce feelings of sympathy rather than aggression. In turn, they may offer care and assistance to try to ‘lift your spirits.’

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I respect you enough to trust you won’t hit me on the top of my head while I lower my eyes toward the ground.” b) “I’ve been emotionally hurt (in the guts) and feel like I need to crouch over in pain.”

Variant: See Crouching.

Cue In Action: a) When addressing the King, Sir Charles bent at the waist and bowed to show his admiration. b) After missing a crucial putt, Tiger bend over in emotional agony.

Meaning and/or Motivation: a) It is a form of supplication as it lowers the body. It is usually done in front of an audience or high ranking official as a way to accept their gratitude or adulation. The body bend shows others that they respect the authority figure and that they are ready to submit to them and their will.

b) A standing fetal position meant is meant to protect or comfort during emotional stress. The body takes on a smaller position and hunches up in exasperation. When the body bends in this way, it’s trying to appear submissive and create a smaller target preventing a more dominant individual from attacking. We see this type of posture when people are hurt emotionally and it is especially prominent while in a seated position. The body will lean to the side and the arms will fold over the stomach as if the guts were cramped up in pain.

Cue Cluster: b) Normally accompanied by hands coming up to the head and clasping or sometimes cut short as if swatting the air away in disgust.

Body Language Category: Body size reduction, Defensive, Escape movements, Frustration or frustrated body language, Protective reflexes, Emotional body language, Submissive body language.


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The Body Language Of Blushing

The Body Language Of Blushing

No picCue: Blushing

Synonym(s): Turning Red, Red Face.

Description: A reddening of the cheeks.

In One Sentence: Blushing is a signal that the body is experiencing emotional distress or is overheating due to exercise.

How To Use it: Blushing is an autonomic process that can not be consciously controlled. However, the use of artificial blush by women can make them appear flush and so more sexually appealing as it signifies that one is excited and youthful. Colouring the cheeks also produces a more healthy appearance. If one is overly flush, make-up can help dull the colouring to appear more normal. A healthy red hew is a sign of youthfulness and can be used to create positive impressions.

Context: General, Stress.

Verbal Translation: “I’m stressed and blood is being pumped all over my body to get ready to do something.” “I’m exercising and blood is rushing to the surface of my face in order to help my body cool off.”

Variant: See Ear Blushing, Blanching.

Cue In Action: It was Stacey’s turn to present next, her heart began to race and her face turned a bright shade of red. She was nervous.”

Meaning and/or Motivation: Blushing is linked to the release of adrenaline and cortisol which courses through the body when people get excited, feel pressure, are nervous, embarrassed or stressed. The hormone also diverts blood flow from the digestive system and shunts it to major muscle groups giving them a burst of energy.

As a side effect, our blood vessels that deliver blood to our faces dilate, meaning they relax or open, allowing more blood to reach the surface causing them to turn red. Blushing usually appears in the cheeks and often the upper chest.

Some people are prone to blushing with relatively low stress levels as a physiological condition. Blushing can also be the result of high activity levels where blood is pumped all over the body including the outer skin as a method for our body to cool itself by dissipating excess heat.

Cue Cluster: We usually see other nervous body language with blushing such as trembling hands, head lowering, shoulder shrugging, body turned away, eye contact avoidance, shaking the head, overall freezing, and lowered voice volume.

Body Language Category: Arousal, Autonomic signal, Embarrassment (nonverbal), Emotional body language, Nervous body language, Shy nonverbal, Stressful body language.


Bögels, Susan M. ; Alberts, Maurice ; de Jong, Peter J.. Self-consciousness, self-focused attention, blushing propensity and fear of blushing. Personality and Individual Differences. 1996. 21(4): 573-581.

Beidel, D. C., Turner, S. M., & Dancu, C. V. (1985). Physiological, cognitive and behavioral aspects of social anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 23, 109–117.

Chaker, S., Hofmann, S. G., & Hoyer, J. (2010). Can a one-weekend group therapy reduce fear of blushing? Results of an open trial. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 23(3),

Dijk, C., Voncken, M. J., & de Jong, P. J. (2009). I blush, therefore I will be judged
negatively: influence of false blush feedback on anticipated others’ judgments
and facial coloration in high and low blushing-fearfuls. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(7), 541–547.

Drummond, Peter D and Tahnee Bailey. Eye Contact Evokes Blushing Independently of Negative Affect. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2013. 37:207-216. DOI 10.1007/s10919-013-0155-z

Drummond, P. D. (1994). The effect of anger and pleasure on facial blood flow. Australian Journal of Psychology, 46, 95–99.

Drummond, P. D. (1999). Facial flushing during provocation in women. Psychophysiology, 36(3), 325–332.

Drummond, P. D. (2001). The effect of true and false feedback on blushing in women. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(8), 1329–1343.

Drummond, P. D., & Lance, J. W. (1987). Facial flushing and sweating mediated by the sympathetic nervous system. Brain, 110(Pt. 3), 793–803.

Drummond, P. D., & Quah, S. H. (2001). The effect of expressing anger on cardiovascular reactivity and facial blood flow in Chinese and Caucasians. Psychophysiology, 38, 190–196.

Drummond, Peterd. ; Su, Daphne. The relationship between blushing propensity, social anxiety and facial blood flow during embarrassment. Cognition & Emotion. 2012. 26(3): 561-567.

Drummond, Peter D. and Lazaroo, Daniel. The effect of facial blood flow on ratings of blushing and negative affect during an embarrassing task: Preliminary findings. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2012. 26(2): 305-310.

Drummond, Peter D. ; Back, Kate ; Harrison, Jennifer ; Dogg Helgadottir, Fjola ; Lange, Brooke ; Lee, Chris ; Leavy, Kate ; Novatscou, Caroline ; Orner, Azalia ; Pham, Han ; Prance, Jacquie ; Radford, Danielle ; Wheatley, Lauren. Blushing during social interactions in people with a fear of blushing. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2007. 45(7): 1601-1608.

de Jong, Peter J. ; Peters, Madelon L. Do blushing phobics overestimate the undesirable communicative effects of their blushing? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2005. 43(6): 747-758.

Dijk, Corine ; De Jong, Peter J. Blushing-fearful individuals overestimate the costs and probability of their blushing. Behaviour research and therapy. 2012. 50(2): 158-62.

Licht, Peter B. ; Pilegaard, Hans K. ; Ladegaard, Lars. Sympathicotomy for Isolated Facial Blushing: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2012. 94(2): 401-405.

Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Pelissolo, Antoine ; Moukheiber, Albert ; Lobjoie, Corine ; Valla, Jean ; Lambrey, Simon. Is there a place for fear of blushing in social anxiety spectrum? Depression and Anxiety. 2012. 29(1): 62-70.

Smidfelt, K. ; Drott, C.. Late results of endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy for hyperhidrosis and facial blushing. British Journal of Surgery. 2011. 98(12): 1719-1724

Shearn, D., Bergman, E., Hill, K., Abel, A., & Hinds, L. (1990). Facial coloration and temperature responses in blushing. Psychophysiology, 27(6), 687–693.

The Body Language of Blowing off Steam or Exhaling

The Body Language of Blowing off Steam or Exhaling

No picCue: Blowing Off Steam

Synonym(s): Exhaling, Blowing Out Air Through The Lips, Sighs, Deflating.

Description: Deflating is done by forcefully exhaling air through a compressed mouth or lips. It is a rapid expulsion of air accompanied with a low huff or tone. Sighs can be so low as to be barely distinguishable from ordinary exhalation. Sometimes air comes out of a gapped mouth as an “Ugh.”

In One Sentence: Exhaling air suddenly indicates that one is suffering from a particular stressor or has recently overcome a stressor successfully.

How To Use it: One might use the huff of air to show that one is suffering and wish for that to be known nonverbally by others. This may work in poker or bluffing while negotiating a contract or to show anxiety over a matter in a relationship. This “honest signal” will show others that you are suffering. The hope is that someone else can resolve the issue for you or offer you a sympathetic ear. You can also forcibly exhale a breath to show others that you disagree with them and that they are causing you frustration. The hope of course, is that your nonverbal signal will be understood and the issue will be resolved without having to use more obvious or costly methods (such as using words).

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I really can’t believe this is happening again!” b) “Finally I can take a load off.” c) “I’m stressed and need to slow down my breath, control my breathing and concentrate on what comes next.”

Variant: N/A.

Cue In Action: a) When her husband was called into a late meeting at work, Jill huffed in displeasure. b) Jill got all the kids organized for school and tucked them in bed. She let out an audible sigh, “ahhh,” as she plopped down on the couch. c) Before taking stage, she forcefully blew air out of her mouth to get in the right frame of mind.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Blowing air out indicates frustration, disapproval, uncertainty and an attempt at pacifying. It signifies that pressure is being released from our bodies usually due to frustration and stress. To imagine this cue, think of the pressure being released from a balloon. We call this “deflating” and it’s similar to the emotional deflating of a person – the person feels deflated. A person might blow out air forcefully to prepare the body to concentrate on a difficult task or in preparation for a stressful event.

Sighs signify frustration, being overwhelmed or weighted down, burdened and thoughts of powerlessness. People often sigh many times throughout a regular day as their level of stress increases and decreases.

At other times, sighs are done at the completion of a difficult task spelling relief and relaxation.

Cue Cluster: Cues that accompany blowing off steam include slumped shoulders, slack arms that seem to hang off the body, and eyes rolling back and pacing. A general relaxation will come over the body at task completion. It might be plopped down on a chair or sofa, allowing the face to relax and relieving tension. Shortly thereafter, joy might appear.

Body Language Category: Emotional body language, Frustration or frustrated body language, Nervous body language, Stressful body language, Pacifying.


Allen, Ben ; Friedman, Bruce H. Positive emotion reduces dyspnea during slow paced breathing. Psychophysiology. 2012 49(5): 690-696.

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Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

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Tainsky, Al. Calm, cool, collected: a meditation primer. Inside MS, Wntr. 2002. 20(1): 24(4).

Body Language of Blank Face or Deadpan Face

Body Language of Blank Face or Deadpan Face

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Blank Face or Deadpan FaceCue: Blank Face or Deadpan Face

Synonym(s): Poker Face (the), Pan Face, Stone Face, Block Face.

Description: A neutral, relaxed face, showing no expression. The face and jaw is relaxed and the eyes are generally vacant.

In One Sentence: A blank face is a signal that a person is vacant and is internalizing emotions or thoughts.

How To Use it: Use the deadpan face in poker when bluffing (or otherwise) such that people can not read your emotions. The blank face is also helpful when trying to appear in control of a situation. Emotional outbursts have been shown to be counterproductive in business settings. A face that lacks expression, especially when under high stress, shows others that you can keep things under control.

Context: High Stress.

Verbal Translation: “I really don’t want to be read or give any emotions away so I’m just going to wipe any hint of life from my face.”

Variant: During emotional downtime a person can also support a vacant expression as they relax inside their own mind for some time – even while in public.

Cue In Action: His opponent was searching and studying his face, he wasn’t sure if he had a good hand or was just bluffing. All he saw staring back at him was a Deadpan face.

Meaning and/or Motivation: This expression is used to either conceal emotion (on purpose) or be an actual reflection of a lack of emotion such as watching television, during deep thought or boredom.

Cue Cluster: When someone doesn’t want to be read, they will usually freeze solid and reduce arm and hand movements, their head will be still and unchanging. They don’t want to give others any clues at to their inner thoughts.

Body Language Category: Boredom, Closed body language, Defensive, Emotional body language, Masked emotions, Stressful body language.


Burgress R. and C. Baldassarre. 2006. Ultimate guide to poker tells: devastate opponents by reading body language, table talk, chip moves, and much more. Chicago, Triumph Books.

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Carvajal, Fernando ; Rubio, Sandra ; Serrano, Juan ; Ríos-Lago, Marcos ; Alvarez-Linera, Juan ; Pacheco, Lara ; Martín, Pilar. Is a neutral expression also a neutral stimulus? A study with functional magnetic resonance. Experimental Brain Research, 2013. 228(4): 467-479.

Channell, Marie Moore ; Barth, Joan M. Individual differences in preschoolers’ emotion content memory: the role of emotion knowledge. Journal of experimental child psychology. 2013. 115(3): 552-61.

Ekas, Naomi V. ; Haltigan, John D. ; Messinger, Daniel S. The Dynamic Still-Face Effect: Do Infants Decrease Bidding over Time when Parents Are Not Responsive?
Developmental Psychology. 2013. 49(6): 1027-1035.

Giuseppe Blasi; Ahmad R. Hariri; Guilna Alce; Paolo Taurisano; Fabio Sambataro; Saumitra Das; Alessandro Bertolino; Daniel R. Weinberger and Venkata S. Mattay. Preferential Amygdala Reactivity to the Negative Assessment of Neutral Faces. 2009. 6(9): 847-853.

Heisel, Marnin ; Mongrain, Myriam. Facial Expressions and Ambivalence: Looking for Conflict in All the Right Faces. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2004. 28(1): 35-52.

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King, Laura A. Ambivalence over emotional expression and reading emotions in situations and faces. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1998 74(3): 753(10)

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Mignault, Alain and Chaudhuri, Avi. The Many Faces of a Neutral Face: Head Tilt and Perception of Dominance and Emotion. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2003 27(2): 111-132.

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Pinkham, Amy E. ; Brensinger, Colleen ; Kohler, Christian ; Gur, Raquel E. ; Gur, Ruben C. Actively paranoid patients with schizophrenia over attribute anger to neutral faces. Schizophrenia Research. 2011 125(2): 174-178.

Rothman, Naomi B. Steering Sheep: How Expressed Emotional Ambivalence Elicits Dominance in Interdependent Decision Making Contexts. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 2011. 116: 66-82.

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and Submissive Behavior. Psychological Assessment. 2011. 23(1): 262-276 DOI: 10.1037/a0021499

Schlicht, Erik J.; Shinsuke Shimojo; Colin F. Camerer; Peter Battaglia and Ken Nakayama. Human Wagering Behavior Depends on Opponents’ Faces. PLOS one. July 2010. 5(7): e11663. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011663.g001

Shah, Rebecca ; Lewis, Michael. Locating the neutral expression in the facial-emotion space. Visual Cognition. 2003. 10(5): 549-566.

Trevarthen, Colwyn (1977). “Descriptive Analysis of Infant Communicative Behaviour.” In H. R. Schaffer, ed., Studies in Mother-Infant Interaction (London: Academic Press), pp. 227-70.

Woud, Marcella L. ; Becker, Eni S. ; Lange, Wolf – Gero ; Rinck, Mike. Effects of approach-avoidance training on implicit and explicit evaluations of neutral, angry, and smiling face stimuli.(Relationships & Communications). Psychological Reports. 2013. 113(1): 1211(18).

Wolf K, Mass R, Ingenbleek T, Kiefer F, Naber D et al. (2005) The facial pattern of disgust, appetence, excited joy and relaxed joy: an improved facial EMG study. Scand J Psychol 46: 403-409. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2005.00471.x. PubMed: 16179022.

Vanderhasselt, Marie – Anne ; Kühn, Simone ; De Raedt, Rudi. Put on your poker face’: neural systems supporting the anticipation for expressive suppression and cognitive reappraisal. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 2013 8(8): 903-910.

The Body Language Of Blanching

The Body Language Of Blanching

No picCue: Blanching

Synonym(s): Pale Face, Pale Skin, Pale Complexion, Turning White, Blood Rushing Out Of The Face.

Description: The surface of the skin appears to lose its colour and appears gray.

In One Sentence: When the surface of the skin turns white, it indicates that one is experiencing negative emotions.

How To Use it: As turning white is an autonomic process, it can not be feigned. However, one might use various concealers to add colour to the skin to hide the negative effects if one is experiencing emotional turmoil in one’s life. Chemotherapy treatment often turns skin whitish, so make-up can help hide the illness. Using bronzers and getting sunlight on the face can produce a more healthy looking appearance. However, others find the youthfulness of pale, clear faces to be particularly appealing as it indicates purity.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m scared and all the blood is rushing out of my face and into my core body and legs. I am ready to run.” “I’m sick and my body is not circulating blood well throughout my body.” “There’s nothing wrong with me, my skin is naturally fair-skinned.”

Variant: See Blushing for opposite cue.

Cue In Action: a) When the bad news was delivered, her complexion faded and she appeared faint. b) Due to fighting cancer, she lost most of her colour and appeared white as a ghost. c) Just a natural complexion or lack of sun exposure.

Meaning and/or Motivation: a) It is due to the presence of extremely fearful situations or high anxiety, which create a flight or fight response. The fear draws blood from the periphery and diverts it to the major muscles including the legs and core. It is the body’s way to prepare to escape or mount an aggressive challenge. b) Other times blanching is due to illness, as the body loses its ability to keep proper blood flow. c) Caused by genetics and thus simply a natural complexion in the absence of UV light exposure. This may reflect having few outdoor activities or lacking the superficial drive to use artificial tanning machines like tanning beds. Other reasons include: a health conscious attitude leading a person to protect their skin against harmful rays, a cold climate keeping a person indoors or when sun exposure is limited due to their geographic location.

Cue Cluster: When blanching is due to fear, watch for other stress cues such as an expressionless face, confusion, or bewilderment.

Body Language Category: Stressful body language, Fearful body language, Arousal, Autonomic signal, Emotional body language, Negative body language.


Bögels, Susan M. ; Alberts, Maurice ; de Jong, Peter J.. Self-consciousness, self-focused attention, blushing propensity and fear of blushing. Personality and Individual Differences. 1996. 21(4): 573-581.

Beidel, D. C., Turner, S. M., & Dancu, C. V. (1985). Physiological, cognitive and behavioral aspects of social anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 23, 109–117.

Chaker, S., Hofmann, S. G., & Hoyer, J. (2010). Can a one-weekend group therapy reduce fear of blushing? Results of an open trial. Anxiety, Stress & Coping, 23(3),

Dijk, C., Voncken, M. J., & de Jong, P. J. (2009). I blush, therefore I will be judged negatively: influence of false blush feedback on anticipated others’ judgments and facial coloration in high and low blushing-fearfuls. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(7), 541–547.

Drummond, Peter D and Tahnee Bailey. Eye Contact Evokes Blushing Independently of Negative Affect. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2013. 37:207-216. DOI 10.1007/s10919-013-0155-z

Drummond, P. D. (1994). The effect of anger and pleasure on facial blood flow. Australian Journal of Psychology, 46, 95–99.

Drummond, P. D. (1999). Facial flushing during provocation in women. Psychophysiology, 36(3), 325–332.

Drummond, P. D. (2001). The effect of true and false feedback on blushing in women. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(8), 1329–1343.

Drummond, P. D., & Lance, J. W. (1987). Facial flushing and sweating mediated by the sympathetic nervous system. Brain, 110(Pt. 3), 793–803.

Drummond, P. D., & Quah, S. H. (2001). The effect of expressing anger on cardiovascular reactivity and facial blood flow in Chinese and Caucasians. Psychophysiology, 38, 190–196.

Drummond, Peterd. ; Su, Daphne. The relationship between blushing propensity, social anxiety and facial blood flow during embarrassment. Cognition & Emotion. 2012. 26(3): 561-567.

Drummond, Peter D. and Lazaroo, Daniel. The effect of facial blood flow on ratings of blushing and negative affect during an embarrassing task: Preliminary findings. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2012. 26(2): 305-310.

Drummond, Peter D. ; Back, Kate ; Harrison, Jennifer ; Dogg Helgadottir, Fjola ; Lange, Brooke ; Lee, Chris ; Leavy, Kate ; Novatscou, Caroline ; Orner, Azalia ; Pham, Han ; Prance, Jacquie ; Radford, Danielle ; Wheatley, Lauren. Blushing during social interactions in people with a fear of blushing. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2007. 45(7): 1601-1608.

de Jong, Peter J. ; Peters, Madelon L. Do blushing phobics overestimate the undesirable communicative effects of their blushing? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2005. 43(6): 747-758.

Dijk, Corine ; De Jong, Peter J. Blushing-fearful individuals overestimate the costs and probability of their blushing. Behaviour research and therapy. 2012. 50(2): 158-62.

Licht, Peter B. ; Pilegaard, Hans K. ; Ladegaard, Lars. Sympathicotomy for Isolated Facial Blushing: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2012. 94(2): 401-405.

Pelissolo, Antoine ; Moukheiber, Albert ; Lobjoie, Corine ; Valla, Jean ; Lambrey, Simon. Is there a place for fear of blushing in social anxiety spectrum? Depression and Anxiety. 2012. 29(1): 62-70.

Smidfelt, K. ; Drott, C.. Late results of endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy for hyperhidrosis and facial blushing. British Journal of Surgery. 2011. 98(12): 1719-1724

Shearn, D., Bergman, E., Hill, K., Abel, A., & Hinds, L. (1990). Facial coloration and temperature responses in blushing. Psychophysiology, 27(6), 687–693.

The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Quiet or Whispering

The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Quiet or Whispering

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Becoming Quiet or Whispering 2Cue: Becoming Quiet or Whispering.

Synonym(s): Soft Voice, Quiet Voice, Whispering, Hushed Voice.

Description: A sudden or sustained decrease in the volume of the voice making the voice barely audible or audible only to selected individuals rather than to a wider audience.

In One Sentence: A soft voice is a voice that is timid and does not want to be noticed or wants to bring people closer together and isolate them with secrete shared information.

How To Use it: Use a soft voice in dating to draw your date in closer to create an intimate interaction. A soft voice can also be used to demonstrate a caring and gentle personality. You may also use a soft voice to bring the level of intensity down in an interaction. This is particularly effective when the conversation volume has intensified to the point where screaming is in order just to be heard. When interacting with a scream toddler, for example, a soft voice forces them to struggle to listen, and as they do so, will tend to mirror your voice volume in return. This has the effect of creating a more peaceful dialogue. Finally, a soft voice can also force other people to struggle to listen to you. When done on purpose, a soft voice is a power play and can be used to control a situation. In this case, power is achieved by the omission of volume.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m talking below the normal range of voice volume so people don’t pay attention to me or notice me.” a) “I’m speaking quietly because I’m embarrassed.” b) “I’m using a quiet voice to draw you in to my intimate space.”

Variant: Becoming Loud.

Cue In Action: a) When the spotlight turned to Linda, she became quiet and was barely audible – she didn’t want people to know she hadn’t done her research. b) The bar was really loud, but rather than try to speak over the music, he leaned in and whispered into her ear.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Becoming quiet is an attempt to go unnoticed due to shyness, timidity, embarrassment, or uncertainty. Becoming quiet can be due to a variety of reasons including trying to keep secrets and remain private, to create intimacy, to inhibit drawing attention to the self, to power play people into drawing them into personal space and forcing them to listen hard. Whispering can create intimacy also as it requires that a person move into the personal space zone of another. It can therefore be a tactic used in dating and attraction.

Other times a soft voice implies a quiet confidence from a person who lacks a desire to control a conversation. Other meanings of soft voice includes a withdrawal from a conversation due to confrontation, discomfort or nervousness, grief or sorrow, that a person is lying. It may also forcing a person to move closer (power play), to limit what is being heard, tiredness or illness.

Using a soft voice is sometimes used to manipulate others who strain to hear what is being said or mean that the speaker lacks confidence and assertiveness. This is considered a nonverbal power play as it uses tactics that are barely noticeable by others to influence their behaviours and perceptions.

Cue Cluster: Becoming quiet is usually accompanied with other meek body language such as eye aversion, chin tucked in, slumped shoulders and arm freezing.

Body Language Category: Shy nonverbal, Nervous Body Language, Submissive body language, Emotional body language, Power play.


Apicella, Coren L. and David R. Feinberg. Voice Pitch Alters Mate-Choice-Relevant Perception in Hunter–Gatherers. Proc. R. Soc. B. 2009. 276: 1077–1082

Apicella C. L.; D. R. Feinberg and F. W. Marlowe. Voice Pitch Predicts Reproductive Success in Male Hunter-Gatherers. Biology Letters. 2007. 3:682–684. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2007.0410

Abitbol, J., Abitbol, P., & Abitbol, B. (1999). Sex hormones and the female voice. Journal of Voice, 13, 424–446.

Burriss. Intrasexual Competition Among Women: Vocal Femininity Affects Perceptions of Attractiveness And Flirtatiousness. Personality and Individual Differences. 2011; 50: 111-115.

Bachorowski, J., & Owren, M. J. (1995). Vocal expression of emotion: Acoustic properties of speech are associated with emotional intensity and context. Psychological Science, 6, 219–224.

David A. Puts, Coren L. Apicella and Rodrigo A. Cárdenas. Masculine Voices Signal Men’s Threat Potential in Forager and Industrial Societies. Proceedings of the Royal Society. 2011. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0829

Fraccaro, Paul J.; Jillian J. M. O’Connor; Daniel E. Re; Benedict C. Jones; Lisa M. DeBruine and David R. Feinberg. Faking it: Deliberately Altered Voice Pitch and Vocal Attractiveness. Animal Behaviour. 2013. 85: 127e136.

Fraccaro, Paul J.; Benedict C. Jones; Jovana Vukovic; Finlay G. Smith; Christopher D. Watkins; David R. Feinberg; Anthony C. Little and Lisa M. Debruine. Experimental Evidence That Women Speak in a Higher Voice Pitch to Men They Find Attractive. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 2011. 9(1): 57-67.

Gobl C, Nı´ Chasaide A (2003) The role of voice quality in communicating emotion, mood and attitude. Speech Commun 40: 189–212. doi: 10.1016/ S0167-6393(02)00082-1.

Herold, Debora S. ; Nygaard, Lynne C. ; Namy, Laura L. Say It like You Mean It: Mothers’ Use of Prosody to Convey Word Meaning. Language and Speech. 2012. 55(3): 423-436.

Hughes, Susan M.; Franco Dispenza and Gordon G. Gallup Jr.. Ratings of voice attractiveness predict sexual behavior and body configuration. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2004; 25: 295–304.

Hughes, S. M., & Gallup Jr., G. G. (2003). Sex differences in morphological predictors of sexual behavior: shoulder to hip and waist to hip ratios. Evolution and Human Behavior, 24, 173–178.

Hughes, S. M., Harrison, M. A., & Gallup Jr., G. G. (2002). The sound of symmetry: voice as a marker of developmental instability. Evolution and Human Behavior, 23, 173–180.

Hughes, Susan M.; Franco Dispenza and Gordon G. Gallup Jr.. Ratings of voice attractiveness predict sexual behavior and body configuration. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2004; 25: 295–304.

Hughes, S. M., & Gallup Jr., G. G. (2003). Sex differences in morphological predictors of sexual behavior: shoulder to hip and waist to hip ratios. Evolution and Human Behavior, 24, 173–178.

Hughes, S. M., Harrison, M. A., & Gallup Jr., G. G. (2002). The sound of symmetry: voice as a marker of developmental instability. Evolution and Human Behavior, 23, 173–180.

Herold, Debora S.; Nygaard, Lynne C.; Chicos, Kelly A. and Namy, Laura L. The Developing Role of Prosody in Novel Word Interpretation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2011. 108(2): 229-241.

Krauss, R. M., Freyberg, R., & Morsella, E. (2002). Inferring speakers’ physical attributes from their voices. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 38, 618–625.

Lass, N. J., & Davis, M. (1976). An investigation of speaker height and weight identification. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 60, 700–704.

Lass, N. J., & Colt, E. G. (1980). A comparative study of the effect of visual and auditory cues on speaker height and weight identification. Journal of Phonetics, 8, 277–285.

Laukkanen A-M, Vilkman E, Alku P, Oksanen H (1997) On the perception of emotions in speech: The role of voice quality. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol 22: 157– 168. doi: 10.3109/14015439709075330.

Leongómez, Juan David; Jakub Binter; Lydie Kubicová; Petra Stolarová; Katerina Klapilová and Jan Havlícek, S. Craig Roberts. Vocal Modulation During Courtship Increases Proceptivity Even in Naive Listeners. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2014.06.008.

Lass, N. J., & Davis, M. (1976). An investigation of speaker height and weight identification. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 60, 700–704.

Mikach, S. M., & Bailey, M. (1999). What distinguishes women with unusually high numbers of sex partners? Evolution and Human Behavior, 20, 141–150.

Mikach, S. M., & Bailey, M. (1999). What distinguishes women with unusually high numbers of sex partners? Evolution and Human Behavior, 20, 141–150.

Nygaard, L. C., & Queen, J. S. (2008). Communicating emotion: Linking affective prosody and word meaning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34, 1017–1030.

Puts, David A.; Julia L. Barnd; Lisa L.M.; Welling, Khytam Dawood; and Robert P.

Puts, D.A. 2007. Men’s voices as dominance signals: Vocal fundamental and formant frequencies influence dominance attributions among men. Source: Evolution and human behavior 28(5): 340-344.

Puts, D.A. 2005. Mating context and menstrual phase affect women’s preference for male voice pitch. Evolution and Human Behavior 26: 388-397.

Sally D. Farley, Susan M. Hughes, Jack N. LaFayette. People Will Know We Are in Love: Evidence of Differences Between Vocal Samples Directed Toward Lovers and Friends. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2013; 37 (3): 123.

Susan Hughes, Justin Mogilski, Marissa Harrison. The Perception and Parameters of Intentional Voice Manipulation. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2014 DOI: 10.1007/s10919-013-0163

Sturman, Edward D. Invluntary Subordination and Its Relation to Personality, Mood,
and Submissive Behavior. Psychological Assessment. 2011. 23(1): 262-276 DOI: 10.1037/a0021499

Sei Jin Ko; Melody S. Sadler and Adam D. Galinsky. The Sound of Power Conveying and Detecting Hierarchical Rank Through Voice. Psychological Science. 2014. DOI: 956797614553009

Scherer, K., Banse, R., Wallbott, H., & Goldbeck, T. (1991). Vocal cues in emotion encoding and decoding. Motivation and Emotion, 15, 123–148.

Scherer, Klaus R. Personality inference from voice quality: The loud voice of extroversion. European Journal of Social Psychology. 1978 8(4): 467-487.

Scherer KR (2003) Vocal communication of emotion: A review of research paradigms. Speech Commun 40: 227–256. doi: 10.1016/S0167-6393(02)00084-5.

Singh, L., Morgan, J. L., & Best, C. T. (2002). Infants’ listening preferences: Baby talk or happy talk? Infancy, 3, 365–394.

Scherer, Klaus R. Personality inference from voice quality: The loud voice of extroversion. European Journal of Social Psychology. 1978 8(4): 467-487.

Siegman, Aron Wolfe ; Boyle and Stephen Mineka. Voices of Fear and Anxiety and Sadness and Depression: The Effects of Speech Rate and Loudness on Fear and Anxiety and Sadness and Depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 1993. 102(3): 430-437.

Trainor, L. J., Austin, C. M., & Desjardins, R. N. (2000). Is infant-directed speech prosody a result of the vocal expression of
emotion? Psychological Science, 11, 188–195.

Walker-Andrews, A., & Grolnick, W. (1983). Discrimination of vocal expressions by young infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 6, 491–498.

Zuckerman, M., & Driver, R. (1989). What sounds beautiful is good: the vocal attractiveness stereotype. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 13, 67–82.

The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Loud

The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Loud

Cue: Becoming Loud

Synonym(s): Loud Voice, Screaming, Shouting, Yelling.

Description: A sudden or sustained increase in the volume of the voice.

In One Sentence: Yelling implies that there is a rise in emotion which signals a heightened state of emotions including joy or anger.

How To Use it: Use a loud voice to boost your dominance over other people. It is most effective if used with a baritone voice. A loud screechy voice can make one noticed and feared, but does nothing to boost credibility. You may also decide to use a loud voice to show your excitement.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m here and I’m talking right now, the more people that notice my booming voice, the better!”, “I am raising my voice to validate my argument, boost my dominance, and really drive my point home through vocal force.”

Variant: See Becoming Quiet or Whispering.

Cue In Action: When she got really angry, her voice turned from meek and pleasant to a deafening shriek.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Becoming loud can be due to a variety of reasons including an attempt to be noticed, to dominate a room, to express anger or frustration, act out aggressively, berate, scorn, celebrate and show excitement, display enjoyment, or due to inebriation.

Cue Cluster: Coupled with a loud voice, the arms might begin to motion erratically. When this occurs it shows that a person has lost control of their emotions and is expressing frustration and anger.

Body Language Category: Anger, Dominant body language, Emotional body language, Frustration or frustrated body language, Threat displays, Power play, Authoritative body language.


Aaron, Sell; Cosmides, Leda and Tooby, John. The Human Anger Face Evolved to Enhance Cues of Strength. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2014. 35(5): 425-429.

Abitbol, J., Abitbol, P., & Abitbol, B. (1999). Sex hormones and the female voice. Journal of Voice, 13, 424–446.

Apicella, Coren L. and David R. Feinberg. Voice Pitch Alters Mate-Choice-Relevant Perception in Hunter–Gatherers. Proc. R. Soc. B. 2009. 276: 1077–1082 doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.1542

Bachorowski, J., & Owren, M. J. (1995). Vocal expression of emotion: Acoustic properties of speech are associated with emotional intensity and context. Psychological Science, 6, 219–224.

Brown, L.M. (1998) Raising their Voices: The Politics of Girls’ Anger. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Fraccaro, Paul J.; Benedict C. Jones; Jovana Vukovic; Finlay G. Smith; Christopher D. Watkins; David R. Feinberg; Anthony C. Little and Lisa M. Debruine. Experimental Evidence That Women Speak in a Higher Voice Pitch to Men They Find Attractive. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 2011. 9(1): 57-67.

Fraccaro, Paul J.; Jillian J. M. O’Connor; Daniel E. Re; Benedict C. Jones; Lisa M. DeBruine and David R. Feinberg. Faking it: Deliberately Altered Voice Pitch and Vocal Attractiveness. Animal Behaviour. 2013. 85: 127e136.

Gobl C, Nı´ Chasaide A (2003) The role of voice quality in communicating emotion, mood and attitude. Speech Commun 40: 189–212. doi: 10.1016/ S0167-6393(02)00082-1.

Herold, Debora S.; Nygaard, Lynne C.; Chicos, Kelly A. and Namy, Laura L. The Developing Role of Prosody in Novel Word Interpretation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 2011. 108(2): 229-241.

Hughes, Susan M.; Franco Dispenza and Gordon G. Gallup Jr.. Ratings of voice attractiveness predict sexual behavior and body configuration. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2004; 25: 295–304.

Hughes, S. M., and Gallup Jr., G. G. (2003). Sex differences in morphological predictors of sexual behavior: shoulder to hip and waist to hip ratios. Evolution and Human Behavior, 24, 173–178.

Hughes, S. M., Harrison, M. A., & Gallup Jr., G. G. (2002). The sound of symmetry: voice as a marker of developmental instability. Evolution and Human Behavior, 23, 173–180.

Hughes, Susan M.; Franco Dispenza and Gordon G. Gallup Jr.. Ratings of voice attractiveness predict sexual behavior and body configuration. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2004; 25: 295–304.

Hughes, S. M., & Gallup Jr., G. G. (2003). Sex differences in morphological predictors of sexual behavior: shoulder to hip and waist to hip ratios. Evolution and Human Behavior, 24, 173–178.

Herold, Debora S. ; Nygaard, Lynne C. ; Namy, Laura L. Say It like You Mean It: Mothers’ Use of Prosody to Convey Word Meaning. Language and Speech. 2012. 55(3): 423-436.

Krauss, R. M., Freyberg, R., & Morsella, E. (2002). Inferring speakers’ physical attributes from their voices. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 38, 618–625.

Lass, N. J., & Colt, E. G. (1980). A comparative study of the effect of visual and auditory cues on speaker height and weight identification. Journal of Phonetics, 8, 277–285.

Laukkanen A-M, Vilkman E, Alku P, Oksanen H (1997) On the perception of emotions in speech: The role of voice quality. Logoped Phoniatr Vocol 22: 157– 168. doi: 10.3109/14015439709075330.

Lass, N. J., & Davis, M. (1976). An investigation of speaker height and weight identification. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 60, 700–704.

Leongómez, Juan David; Jakub Binter; Lydie Kubicová; Petra Stolarová; Katerina Klapilová and Jan Havlícek, S. Craig Roberts. Vocal Modulation During Courtship Increases Proceptivity Even in Naive Listeners. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2014.06.008.

Mikach, S. M., and Bailey, M. (1999). What distinguishes women with unusually high numbers of sex partners? Evolution and Human Behavior, 20, 141–150.

Nygaard, L. C., & Queen, J. S. (2008). Communicating emotion: Linking affective prosody and word meaning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34, 1017–1030.

Puts, David A.; Julia L. Barnd; Lisa L.M.; Welling, Khytam Dawood; and Robert P. Burriss. Intrasexual Competition Among Women: Vocal Femininity Affects Perceptions of Attractiveness And Flirtatiousness. Personality and Individual Differences. 2011; 50: 111-115.

Puts, David A; Coren L. Apicella and Rodrigo A. Cárdenas. Masculine Voices Signal Men’s Threat Potential in Forager and Industrial Societies. Proceedings of the Royal Society. 2011. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0829

Sturman, Edward D. Invluntary Subordination and Its Relation to Personality, Mood,
and Submissive Behavior. Psychological Assessment. 2011. 23(1): 262-276 DOI: 10.1037/a0021499

Sei Jin Ko; Melody S. Sadler and Adam D. Galinsky. The Sound of Power Conveying and Detecting Hierarchical Rank Through Voice. Psychological Science. 2014. DOI: 956797614553009

Sally D. Farley, Susan M. Hughes, Jack N. LaFayette. People Will Know We Are in Love: Evidence of Differences Between Vocal Samples Directed Toward Lovers and Friends. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2013; 37 (3): 123.

Susan Hughes, Justin Mogilski, Marissa Harrison. The Perception and Parameters of Intentional Voice Manipulation. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2014 DOI: 10.1007/s10919-013-0163

Scherer, K., Banse, R., Wallbott, H., & Goldbeck, T. (1991). Vocal cues in emotion encoding and decoding. Motivation and Emotion, 15, 123–148.

Scherer, Klaus R. Personality inference from voice quality: The loud voice of extroversion. European Journal of Social Psychology. 1978 8(4): 467-487.

Scherer KR (2003) Vocal communication of emotion: A review of research paradigms. Speech Commun 40: 227–256. doi: 10.1016/S0167-6393(02)00084-5.

Singh, L., Morgan, J. L., & Best, C. T. (2002). Infants’ listening preferences: Baby talk or happy talk? Infancy, 3, 365–394.

Scherer, Klaus R. Personality inference from voice quality: The loud voice of extroversion. European Journal of Social Psychology. 1978 8(4): 467-487.

Siegman, Aron Wolfe ; Boyle and Stephen Mineka. Voices of Fear and Anxiety and Sadness and Depression: The Effects of Speech Rate and Loudness on Fear and Anxiety and Sadness and Depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 1993. 102(3): 430-437.

Trainor, L. J., Austin, C. M., & Desjardins, R. N. (2000). Is infant-directed speech prosody a result of the vocal expression of emotion? Psychological Science, 11, 188–195.

Walker-Andrews, A., & Grolnick, W. (1983). Discrimination of vocal expressions by young infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 6, 491–498.

Zuckerman, M., & Driver, R. (1989). What sounds beautiful is good: the vocal attractiveness stereotype. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 13, 67–82.