The Hidden Meaning Behind Beady Little Eyes

The Hidden Meaning Behind Beady Little Eyes

No picCue: Beady Little Eyes.

Synonym(s): Snake Eyes, Undialated Pupils, Narrow Pupils, Pupil Constriction, Constricted Pupils.

Description: When the eyes see something they don’t like, they pupils constrict.

In One Sentence: Eyes in which the pupil is small indicates that one is not stimulated emotionally by what is being seen, and/or one is in an environment with bright lights.

How To Use it: Beady eyes are universally seen as lacking allure so should generally be avoided. Beady eyes can, however, show that one is aggressive and focused rather than dreamy. An effective use of this concept includes beady eyes of a predator in a horror flick movie poster. When you want to demonstrate aggression and desire to be feared, use bright lights to shrink the pupil. A pronounced effect occurs when lights are bright, but pupils are constricted – a scene of horror.

Context: a) Dating b) General.

Verbal Translation: “I am disgusted by what I’m seeing therefore my pupils are constricting to prevent light from penetrating my eye so I don’t see it as well.”

Variant: See Bedroom Eyes or Dilated Pupils, Eye Aversion, Gaze Avoidance and Wandering Eyes.

Cue In Action: a) When she saw her ex-husband, her pupils contracted showing her distain. b) She hated horror films, but her boyfriend talked her into sitting through one anyway. Her eyes pupils where the size of grains of rice by the end.

Meaning and/or Motivation: In body language, pupils react to arousal, be it from fear or attraction of any kind. When the eyes view something stimulating, they dilate or open to allow more light to penetrate making seeing easier and contract when we see stimuli that we find unpleasant. In heterosexuals, for example, pupils constrict when viewing nude images of the same sex which are not particularly exciting but dilate when viewing nude images of the opposite sex.

Viewing unpleasant images such as war scenes or torture leads to the constriction of the pupils. Increased pupil size can be an indication of any positive stimuli such as food when hungry, or when seeking the companionship of other potential suitors in a room.

Cue Cluster: Various other cues might arise in accompaniment with Beady Little Eyes which include head leaning away, covering of the eyes with the hands, wincing, leaning back in the chair, moving feet toward the door or other escape routes, frowns or grimacing, cowering, and other closed body language.

Body Language Category: Arousal, Autonomic signal.


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