Body Language Of The Body Cutoff

Body Language Of The Body Cutoff

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Body CutoffCue: Body Cutoff

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: A body cutoff happens when someone turns their shoulders and torso away from someone in order to end a conversation.

In One Sentence: See Description.

How To Use it: Use the body cutoff by turning the shoulders away from your speaking partner to show that you are about to leave. This tells them to hurry up and finish what they have to say or conversely, work harder to maintain your attention. When used like this, the body cutoff is a power play because it shows that you are busy and have other things to do – even when you don’t. If you do this, it shows that you are in control and that you are more important. Men can use this effectively in a dating scenario to trick women into thinking that they are about to leave and that they value their time. This may make her think or feel that she needs to work harder to maintain his attention. The main aim is to threaten to leave at any moment. This signals a high social value. The signal can be used in other context such as in business or amongst friends with similar perceptions likely.

Context: General, Business.

Verbal Translation: “I’m going to go now, so I’m turning my shoulders away from you and toward the door, you should really be wrapping things up now.”

Variant: See Blading Body Language, Body Angling or Ventral Displays.

Cue In Action: Mark and Ben had been talking for a long time when Ben suddenly realized he needed to be someplace. Ben quickly checked his watch, seemed to glaze over and turn his shoulders and feet toward the door. He needed to go, and used his body language to show his intent.

Meaning and/or Motivation: When people wish to exit a situation they will cut their centerline off from the conversation as if getting ready to leave.

In the body cutoff, the body orients toward and away from stimuli it agrees with, and disagrees with, respectively. Also the greater the angle, the less interest or more dislike is present (See Blading Body Language, Body Angling or Ventral Displays).

A body cut off is an orienting reflex designed to end conversations and express an interest in leaving a situation.

Cue Cluster: The body cutoff cue is accompanied by feet pointed away, increased separation by taking a step back, reduced eye contact, eyes glazing over, fewer agreement indicators such as head nods and other cues indicating a desire to leave.

Body Language Category: Barriers, Body pointing, Blading, Escape movements, Intention movements, Orienting reflex or orienting response, Disengagement, Ventral displays.


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