Category: Anger body language

The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Loud

The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Loud

Cue: Becoming Loud

Synonym(s): Loud Voice, Screaming, Shouting, Yelling.

Description: A sudden or sustained increase in the volume of the voice.

In One Sentence: Yelling implies that there is a rise in emotion which signals a heightened state of emotions including joy or anger.

How To Use it: Use a loud voice to boost your dominance over other people. It is most effective if used with a baritone voice. A loud screechy voice can make one noticed and feared, but does nothing to boost credibility. You may also decide to use a loud voice to show your excitement.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m here and I’m talking right now, the more people that notice my booming voice, the better!”, “I am raising my voice to validate my argument, boost my dominance, and really drive my point home through vocal force.”

Variant: See Becoming Quiet or Whispering.

Cue In Action: When she got really angry, her voice turned from meek and pleasant to a deafening shriek.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Becoming loud can be due to a variety of reasons including an attempt to be noticed, to dominate a room, to express anger or frustration, act out aggressively, berate, scorn, celebrate and show excitement, display enjoyment, or due to inebriation.

Cue Cluster: Coupled with a loud voice, the arms might begin to motion erratically. When this occurs it shows that a person has lost control of their emotions and is expressing frustration and anger.

Body Language Category: Anger, Dominant body language, Emotional body language, Frustration or frustrated body language, Threat displays, Power play, Authoritative body language.


Aaron, Sell; Cosmides, Leda and Tooby, John. The Human Anger Face Evolved to Enhance Cues of Strength. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2014. 35(5): 425-429.

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Fraccaro, Paul J.; Jillian J. M. O’Connor; Daniel E. Re; Benedict C. Jones; Lisa M. DeBruine and David R. Feinberg. Faking it: Deliberately Altered Voice Pitch and Vocal Attractiveness. Animal Behaviour. 2013. 85: 127e136.

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Susan Hughes, Justin Mogilski, Marissa Harrison. The Perception and Parameters of Intentional Voice Manipulation. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2014 DOI: 10.1007/s10919-013-0163

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Body Language Reading of Arm Crossed With Thumbs Up

Body Language Reading of Arm Crossed With Thumbs Up

No picCue: Arms Crossed With Thumbs Up

Synonym(s): Thumbs Up Arm Cross.

Description: The arms fold neatly over the chest with the thumbs point upward.

In One Sentence: Arms crossed with thumbs up show others that a person is confident but also reserved and defensive.

How To Use it: Use the thumbs up posture to show that you are confident and couple this with a defensive arm cross to show that you are uncertain. The thumbs can be flexed upward on occasion, as you find points of agreement. Thumbs up is a positive signal and should be shown in unison with positive speech.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I am cool and in control but still feel defensive, so I’m combining thumbs up, which is positive, and arm crossing, showing I still need a barrier for protection.”

Variant: See Arm Crossing, Arms Crossed With Gripped Arm or Reinforced Arm Cross, Arm Cross With Clenched Fists.

Cue In Action: The boss introduced the new associate to the room. He said “hi” to everyone then crossed his arms with his thumbs up. When asked a question he gesticulated with thumbs up showing that he was confident and in control, but when not speaking tucked his arms together indicating that he felt overexposed.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Crossed arms with thumbs up indicate that a person thinks they have a superior thought process. It is usually expressed by the up-and-coming, cool and in control type.

The meaning and motivation of arm crossing is varied, complex and universal (see variants).

Arm crossing simultaneously holds our feelings inside and prevents other peoples’ feelings from entering. The arm cross shield is normally accompanied by head tilted backward, or forward facing head in a competitive orientation and a blank or angry facial expression.

Arms, as they relate to non-verbal meaning, are like shields. They can block and shank ideas from entering just as well as a shield can protect against swords and arrows. Using the arms across the body in a fold is like cutting off access to our core where our heart and lungs are present. The arm crossing usually shows defensiveness and protectiveness, but can also show aggression and anger depending on its variant. Arm crossing simultaneously hold our feelings inside and prevent other people’s feelings from entering. Alternatively, arms crossed indicates that a person is cold. To determine if someone is cold just watch for hands tucked under the armpits, shivering, with legs tightly pressed together.

Cue Cluster: Arm crossing is usually coupled with head up, down or turned away, shoulders oriented away or toward, legs crossed and various negative facial expressions. When arm crossing is combined with a tight-lipped smile or clenched teeth is signifies that a verbal or physical confrontation is immanent.

Body Language Category: Defensive, Hostile body language, Anger, Closed, Dislike (nonverbal), Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Protective reflexes, Stubborn or stubbornness, Body cross, Clenching and gripping.


Andric, Michael ; Solodkin, Ana ; Buccino, Giovanni ; Goldin-Meadow, Susan ; Rizzolatti, Giacomo ; Small, Steven L. Brain function overlaps when people observe emblems, speech, and grasping. Neuropsychologia, 2013, Vol.51(8), pp.1619-1629

Alibali, M.W., Heath, D.C., and Myers,H.J. (2001). Effects of visibility between speaker and listener on gesture production: Some gestures are meant to be seen. Journal of Memory and Language, 44, 169–188.

Beattie, G., & Shovelton,H.(1999). Mapping the range of information contained in the iconich and gestures that accompany spontaneous speech. Journal of Language and social Psychology, 18, 438–462.

Biau, E., & Soto-Faraco, S.(2013). Beat gestures modulate auditory integration in speech perception. Brain and Language, 124(2), 143–152.

Bartolo, A.,Cubelli,R.,DellaSala,S.,&Drei,S.(2003).Pantomimes are special gestures which rely on working memory. Brain and Cognition, 53, 483–494.

Bernardis, P.,& Gentilucci,M.(2006).Speec hand gestures are the same communication system. Neuropsychologia, 44, 178–190.

Buccino, G.,Vogt,S., Ritzl, A., Fink, G .R., Zilles, K., Freund, H. J., et al.(2004).Neural circuits underlying imitation learning of hand actions: Anevent-related fMRI study. Neuron, 42, 323–334.

Baxter, James C., and Richard M. Rozelle (1975). “Nonverbal Expression as a Function of Crowding During a Simulated Police-Citizen Encounter.” In Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 32, No. 1), pp. 40-54.

Cacioppo, J. T., Priester, J. R., & Berntson, G. G. (1993). Rudimentary determinants of attitudes: II. Arm flexion and extension have differential effects on attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 5–17.

Chandler, Jesse ; Schwarz, Norbert. How extending your middle finger affects your perception of others: Learned movements influence concept accessibility. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2009. 45(1): 123-128.

Dick, A.S., Goldin-Meadow,S., Hasson,U.,Skipper, J.I., & Small, S.L. (2009). Co- speech gestures influence neural activity in brain regions associated with processing semantic information. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 3509–3526.

DeSteno, D.; Breazeal, C.; Frank, R. H.; Pizarro, D.; Baumann, J.; Dickens, L, and Lee, J. Detecting the Trustworthiness of Novel Partners in Economic Exchange. Psychological Science. 2012. 23, 1549-1556.

Fo¨rster, J. (2004). How body feedback influences consumer’s evaluation of products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14, 415–425.

Friedman, R. S., & Fo¨rster, J. (2000). The effects of approach and avoidance motor actions on the elements of creative insight. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 477–492.

Friedman, Ron and Andrew J. Elliot. The Effect Of Arm Crossing On Persistence And Performance. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2008; 38, 449–461 (2008).

Fabbri-Destro, M.,& Rizzolatti,G. (2008). Mirror neurons and mirror systems in monkeys and humans. Physiology, 23, 171–179.

Fogassi, L., Gallese,V., Fadiga,L., & Rizzolatti,G. (1998). Neurons responding to the sight of goal directed hand/armactions in the parietal area PF (7b) of the macaque monkey. Society for Neuroscience, 24, 257.5.

Fusaro, M., Harris, P. L., & Pan, B. A. (2012). Head nodding and head shaking gestures in children’s early communication. First Language, 32, 439–458. doi:10.1177/0142723711419326

Gentilucci, M., Bernardis, P., Crisi,G., & Dalla Volta, R. (2006). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of Broca’s area affects verbal responses to gesture observation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 1059–1074.

Goldin-Meadow, S. (1999).The role of gesture in communication and thinking. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3, 419–429.

Goldin-Meadow, S.(2003). Hearing gesture: How our hands help us think. Cam-bridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Gräfenhain, M., Behne, T., Carpenter, M., & Tomasello, M. (2009). One-year-olds’ understanding of nonverbal gestures directed to a third person. Cognitive Development, 24, 23–33. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2008.10.001

Guidetti, M. (2005). Yes or no? How do young children combine gestures and words to agree and refuse. Journal of Child Language, 32, 911–924. doi:10.1017/S0305000905007038

Gregersen, Tammy S. Nonverbal Cues: Clues to the Detection of Foreign Language Anxiety. Foreign Language Annals. 2005. 38(3): 388-400

Hall, Jeffrey A. and Chong Xing. The Verbal and Nonverbal Correlates of the Five Flirting Styles. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2015. 39:41–68. DOI 10.1007/s10919-014-0199-8

Holle, H., & Gunter,T.C. (2007). The role of iconic gestures in speech disambiguation: ERP evidence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 1175–1192.

Holler, J., Shovelton, H.,& Beattie, G.(2009).Do iconic hand gestures really contribute to the communication of semantic information in a face-to-face context? Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 33, 73–88.

Hubbard, A.L., Wilson, S. M., Callan, D. E., & Dapretto, M.(2009).Giving speech a hand: Gesture modulates activity in auditory cortex during speech perception. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 1028–1037.

Johnson, Richard R. and Jasmine L. Aaron. Adults’ Beliefs Regarding Nonverbal Cues Predictive of Violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2013. 40 (8): 881-894. DOI: 10.1177/0093854813475347.

Laird, J. D., Wagener, J. J., Halal, M., & Szegda, M. (1982). Remembering what you feel: Effects of emotion on memory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 646–657.

Morris, Desmond (1994). Bodytalk: The Meaning of Human Gestures (New York: Crown Publishers).

Neumann, R., & Strack, F. (2000). Approach and avoidance: The influence of proprioceptive and exteroceptive cues on encoding of affective information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 39–48.

Pease, Barbara and Allan Pease. 2006. The Definitive Book of Body Language Hardcover. Bantam.

Riskind, J. H., & Gotay, C. C. (1982). Physical posture: Could it have regulatory or feedback effects upon motivation and emotion? Motivation and Emotion, 6, 273–296.

Richmond, Virginia P., James C. McCroskey and Steven K. Payne (1991). Nonverbal Behavior in Interpersonal Relations (2nd Ed., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall).

Sherzer, Joel The Brazilian Thumbs-Up Gesture. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 1991, Vol.1(2), pp.189-197

Stepper, S., & Strack, F. (1993). Proprioceptive determinants of emotional and nonemotional feelings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 211–220.

Smith-hanen, Sandra S. Osipow, Samuel H. (editor). Effects of nonverbal behaviors on judged levels of counselor warmth and empathy. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 1977. 24(2): 87-91.

Schubert, Thomas W. The Power In Your Hand: Gender Differences In Bodily Feedback
From Making a Fist. Society for Personality and Social Psychology. 2004. 30(6): 757-769. DOI: 10.1177/0146167204263780

Schubert, Thomas W. and Sander L. Koole. The Embodied Self: Making A Fist Enhances Men’s Power-Related Self-Conceptions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2009; 45: 828–834.

Straube,B., Green,A., Bromberger,B., & Kircher, T. (2011).The differentiation of iconic and metaphoric gestures: Common and unique integration processes. Human Brain Mapping, 32, 520–533.

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Tamir, M., Robinson, M. D., Clore, G. L., Martin, L. L., & Whitaker, D. J. (2004). Are we puppets on a string? The contextual meaning of unconscious expressive cues. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 237–249.

Tiziano Furlanetto; Alberto Gallace; Caterina Ansuini and Cristina Becchio. Effects of Arm Crossing on Spatial Perspective-Taking. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95748. 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095748

Vrugt, Anneke, and Ada Kerkstra (1984). “Sex Differences in Nonverbal Communication.” In Semiotica (50-1/2), pp. 1-41.

Wieser, Matthias J.; Tobias Flaisch and Paul Pauli. Raised Middle-Finger: Electrocortical Correlates of Social Conditioning with Nonverbal Affective Gestures. 2014. PLoS ONE 9(7): e102937. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0102937

Wu, Y. C., & Coulson, S.(2005).Meaningful gestures: Electrophysiological indices of iconic gesture comprehension. Psychophysiology, 42, 654–667.

Body Language Reading of Arms Crossed With Gripped Arm or Reinforced Arm Cross

Body Language Reading of Arms Crossed With Gripped Arm or Reinforced Arm Cross

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Arms Crossed With Gripped Arm or Reinforced Arm Cross 7Cue: Arms Crossed With Gripped Arm or Reinforced Arm Cross

Synonym(s): Arm Gripping Arm Cross, Reinforced Arm Crossing, Hand Clenched Arm Cross.

Description: The arms fold over the chest and the hands grip the arms tightly, sometimes so strongly, that the knuckles can turn white.

In One Sentence: The reinforced arm cross signals high disagreement, defensiveness, and protectiveness with a desire to maintain space from the outside world of people and ideas.

How To Use it: Use this signal to end a sales pitch or situation by showing just how resistant you are to the ideas presented.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m preparing myself to hear bad news which is why I’m both shielding my body from the outcome, and gripping myself in a tight hug of self restraint.”

Variant: See Arm Crossing, Arm Cross With Clenched Fists, Arms Crossed With Thumbs Up.

Cue In Action: Upon hearing bad news, Mary folded her arms across her chest in defense, but when she found out there was an accident involving her husband, she gripped her arms tightly.

Meaning and/or Motivation: We see the reinforced arm cross when someone is expecting bad news. The body closes itself off and the arms grip in a tight self-hug for comfort. This is a sign of fortifying the arm cross to really shut things out. This variant of arm crossing is a form of self-hugging combined with restraint.

The meaning and motivation of arm crossing is varied, complex and universal (see the variants).

Arms, as they relate to non-verbal meaning, are like shields. They can block and shank ideas from entering just as well as a shield can protect against swords and arrows. Using the arms across the body in a fold is like cutting off access to our core where our heart and lungs are present. The arm crossing usually shows defensiveness and protectiveness, but can also show aggression and anger depending on its variant. Arm crossing simultaneously holds our feelings inside and prevents other people’s feelings from entering. Alternatively, arms crossed indicate that a person is cold. To determine if someone is cold just watch for hands tucked under the armpits, shivering, with legs tightly pressed together.

Cue Cluster: Arm crossing is usually coupled with head up, down or turned away, shoulders oriented away or toward, legs crossed and various negative facial expressions. When arm crossing is combined with a tight-lipped smile or clenched teeth it signifies that a verbal or physical confrontation is immanent.

Body Language Category: Defensive, Hostile body language, Anger, Closed, Dislike (nonverbal), Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Protective reflexes, Stubborn or stubbornness, Body cross, Clenching and gripping.


Baxter, James C., and Richard M. Rozelle (1975). “Nonverbal Expression as a Function of Crowding During a Simulated Police-Citizen Encounter.” In Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 32, No. 1), pp. 40-54.

Cacioppo, J. T., Priester, J. R., & Berntson, G. G. (1993). Rudimentary determinants of attitudes: II. Arm flexion and extension have differential effects on attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 5–17.

DeSteno, D.; Breazeal, C.; Frank, R. H.; Pizarro, D.; Baumann, J.; Dickens, L, and Lee, J. Detecting the Trustworthiness of Novel Partners in Economic Exchange. Psychological Science. 2012. 23, 1549-1556.

Friedman, Ron and Andrew J. Elliot. The Effect Of Arm Crossing On Persistence And Performance. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2008; 38, 449–461 (2008).

Fo¨rster, J. (2004). How body feedback influences consumer’s evaluation of products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14, 415–425.

Friedman, R. S., & Fo¨rster, J. (2000). The effects of approach and avoidance motor actions on the elements of creative insight. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 477–492.

Gregersen, Tammy S. Nonverbal Cues: Clues to the Detection of Foreign Language Anxiety. Foreign Language Annals. 2005. 38(3): 388-400

Hung, Iris W. and Aparna A. Labroo. From Firm Muscles to Firm Willpower: Understanding the Role of Embodied Cognition in Self-Regulation. Journal of Consumer Research. 2011 37(6): 1046-1064.

Johnson, Richard R. and Jasmine L. Aaron. Adults’ Beliefs Regarding Nonverbal Cues Predictive of Violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2013. 40 (8): 881-894. DOI: 10.1177/0093854813475347.

Laird, J. D., Wagener, J. J., Halal, M., & Szegda, M. (1982). Remembering what you feel: Effects of emotion on memory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 646–657.

Morris, Desmond (1994). Bodytalk: The Meaning of Human Gestures (New York: Crown Publishers).

Neumann, R., & Strack, F. (2000). Approach and avoidance: The influence of proprioceptive and exteroceptive cues on encoding of affective information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 39–48.

Pease, Barbara and Allan Pease. 2006. The Definitive Book of Body Language Hardcover. Bantam.

Riskind, J. H., & Gotay, C. C. (1982). Physical posture: Could it have regulatory or feedback effects upon motivation and emotion? Motivation and Emotion, 6, 273–296.

Rule, Nicholas, O.; Reginald B. Adams Jr.; Nalini Ambady and Jonathan B. Freeman. Perceptions Of Dominance Following Glimpses Of Faces And Bodies. Perception. 2012; 41: 687-706 doi:10.1068/p7023

Richmond, Virginia P., James C. McCroskey and Steven K. Payne (1991). Nonverbal Behavior in Interpersonal Relations (2nd Ed., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall).

Stepper, S., & Strack, F. (1993). Proprioceptive determinants of emotional and nonemotional feelings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 211–220.

Schubert, Thomas W. and Sander L. Koole. The Embodied Self: Making A Fist Enhances Men’s Power-Related Self-Conceptions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2009; 45: 828–834.

Smith-hanen, Sandra S. Osipow, Samuel H. (editor). Effects of nonverbal behaviors on judged levels of counselor warmth and empathy. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 1977. 24(2): 87-91.

Tamir, M., Robinson, M. D., Clore, G. L., Martin, L. L., & Whitaker, D. J. (2004). Are we puppets on a string? The contextual meaning of unconscious expressive cues. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 237–249.

Tiziano Furlanetto; Alberto Gallace; Caterina Ansuini and Cristina Becchio. Effects of Arm Crossing on Spatial Perspective-Taking. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95748. 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095748

Vrugt, Anneke, and Ada Kerkstra (1984). “Sex Differences in Nonverbal Communication.” In Semiotica (50-1/2), pp. 1-41.

The Hidden Meaning of The Arm Twister Handshake

The Hidden Meaning of The Arm Twister Handshake

No picCue: Arm Twister Handshake

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: In the arm twister handshake, an otherwise ordinary handshake turns sour by being twisted underneath into the submissive palm up position.

In One Sentence: The arm twister handshake is a resistance to submission and represents the struggle to avoid having the hand turned palm up.

How To Use it: Twist the arm back to level when facing a habitual palm down handshakers to put him in his place. This is a high risk maneuver because it will be obvious to the palm-down shaker that will be no longer permitted unfettered dominance.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “We started the handshake off evenly with palm vertical, but I’m taking charge of this now and I’m going to wrench your hand until I get palm up dominance and authority.”

Variant: Sometimes a dominant handshaker will also offer their palm facing upwards almost vertically making it nearly impossible to gain the upper hand position. See Country Handshake (The), Cold Dead Wet Fish Handshake, Double Gripper Politician Handshake or Double Hander (The), Short Grabber/Finger Grabber Handshake, Oddball Handshake, Palm Up, Palm Down and Palm Even Handshakes, Stiff Arm And Thrust Forward Handshake, Death Grip Handshake, Wrench Forward Handshake, Undershaker Handshake, Wrist Hold Handshake, Wrist Hold Handshake and Upper Arm Grip Handshake, Limp Fish Handshake, Teacup Handshake, Arm Twister Handshake (The), Firm handshake, Fist Bumping.

Cue In Action: The boss has had problems with one of his employees who has continuously undermined his leadership. The time the boss wanted to make it clear that he wasn’t going to put up with the disrespect of his employee so when they shook hands he twisted his arm over and pull him into his personal space to show him he was in charge.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Someone who does this is absolutely committed to being on top and dominating the other person.

Cue Cluster: The arm twister handshake can be combined with other dominant body language such as standing over another person, pulling a person into their personal space, placing a hand on the shoulder and gripping the hand more firmly than ordinary.

Body Language Category: Dominant body language, Hostile body language, Anger, Threat displays, Authoritative body language.


Aström, J ; Thorell, L H ; Holmlund, U ; D’Elia, G. Handshaking, personality, and psychopathology in psychiatric patients, a reliability and correlational study. Perceptual and motor skills 1993, Vol.77(3 Pt 2): 1171-86.

Chaplin William F.; Phillips Jeffrey B; Brown Jonathan D.; Clanton Nancy R.; Stein Jennifer L.; 2000. Handshaking, gender, personality, and first impressions Journal of personality and social psychology. 79(1): 110-117.

Dolcos, Sanda ; Sung, Keen ; Argo, Jennifer J ; Flor-Henry, Sophie ; Dolcos, Florin. The power of a handshake: neural correlates of evaluative judgments in observed social interactions. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 2012 24(12): 2292-305.

Frumin, Idan; Ofer Perl; Yaara Endevelt-Shapira; Ami Eisen; Neetai Eshel; Iris Heller; Maya Shemesh; Aharon Ravia; Lee Sela; Anat Arzi and Noam Sobel. A Social Chemosignaling Function for Human Handshaking. eLife 2015. 4:e05154

Fisher, J; Rytting, M and Heslin, R. 1976. Hands touching hands: affective and evaluative effects on interpersonal touch, Sociometry 39: 416–421.

Gueguen, Nicolas. Handshaking and Compliance With a Request – A Door-to-door Setting. Social Behavior and Personality. 2013. 41(10): 1585-1588.

Greenbaum, Paul ; Rosenfeld, Howard. Varieties of touching in greetings: Sequential structure and sex-related differences. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 1980. 5(1): 13-25.

Hiemstra, Kathleen M. Shake My Hand: Making the Right First Impression in Business With Nonverbal Communications.(Brief Article)(Statistical Data Included). Business Communication Quarterly. 1999. 62(4): 71.

Jeffrey D. Fisher; Marvin Rytting; Richard Heslin. 1976. Hands Touching Hands: Affective and Evaluative Effects of an Interpersonal Touch. Sociometry, 39(4): 416-421.

Pease, Barbara and Allan Pease. 2006. The Definitive Book of Body Language Hardcover. Bantam.

Stewart, Greg L. ; Dustin, Susan L. ; Barrick, Murray R. ; Darnold, Todd C. Zedeck, Sheldon (editor). Exploring the Handshake in Employment Interviews. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2008. 93(5): 1139-1146.

Sanda Dolcos; Keen Sung; Jennifer J. Argo; Sophie Flor-Henry and Florin Dolcos. The Power of a Handshake: Neural Correlates of Evaluative Judgments in Observed Social Interactions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 24; 12: 2292–2305.

Spezialetti, Brian D. Do’s and don’ts for winning the job interview. (laboratory technicians). Medical Laboratory Observer. 1995. 27(7): 51-53.

Wesson, David A. The handshake as non-verbal communication in business. (marketing technique). Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 1992. 10(9): 61(6).

Body Language of Arm Crossing

Body Language of Arm Crossing

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Arm Crossing 4Cue: Arm Crossing.

Synonym(s): Arm Barrier, Folding The Arms Over The Chest, Crossed Arms, Torso Sheild.

Description: The arms fold neatly over the chest.

In One Sentence: Arms are like shields which serve to create a barrier separating us from the outside world.

How To Use it: Use the arm cross posture to signal to others that one desires space. You can also use it to show that you are not impressed by someone else or that you are not feeling comfortable with them or their ideas. This can be effective during negotiations or heated arguments showing that you are unwilling to change your mind. Research has shown that crossing the arms helps motivate people to come up with more solutions to problems as it activates a persistence response. This may be due to the cues embodiment of being stubborn. Arm crossing can also work as a nonverbal signal that one is cold and wishes to move to a warmer location. Likewise, it may cue a date to offer a jacket.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m crossing my arms over my chest because I don’t like what I’m seeing or hearing. I am uncomfortable, so I’m cutting myself off from everyone else with my shield.”

Variant: See Arms Crossed With Gripped Arm or Reinforced Arm Cross, Arm Cross With Clenched Fists, Arms Crossed With Thumbs Up.

Cue In Action: a) Upon hearing bad news, Mary folded her arms across her chest. b) She stood her ground when the principle reprimanded her for her overt attire. She grimaced and folded her arms over her chest blocking out his negative view.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The meaning and motivation of arm crossing is varied, complex and universal (see the various variants).

Arms as they relate to non-verbal meaning are like shields. They can block and shank ideas from entering just as well as they can protect against swords and arrows. In childhood, we use solid objects such as chairs, furniture, or hiding behind a parent. As we age, we learn to maintain our stance, but still protect ourselves from threats by using our own body.

Arm crossing usually shows defensiveness and protectiveness, but can also show aggression and anger depending on its variant. We rarely sit like this in our house unless something bothers us.

Arm crossing simultaneously holds our feelings inside and prevents other peoples’ feelings from entering. The arm cross shield is normally accompanied by head tilted backward, or forward facing head in a competitive orientation and a blank or angry facial expression. Alternatively, arms crossed indicates that a person is cold. To determine if someone is cold just watch for hands tucked under the armpits, shivering, with legs tightly pressed together.

Cue Cluster: Arm crossing is usually coupled with head up, down or turned away, shoulders oriented away or toward, legs crossed and various negative facial expressions. When arm crossing is combined with a tight-lipped smile or clenched teeth it signifies that a verbal or physical confrontation is immanent.

Body Language Category: Defensive, Hostility, Anger, Closed, Dislike (nonverbal), Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Protective reflexes, Stubborn or stubbornness, Body cross, Clenching and gripping.


Baxter, James C., and Richard M. Rozelle (1975). “Nonverbal Expression as a Function of Crowding During a Simulated Police-Citizen Encounter.” In Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 32, No. 1), pp. 40-54.

Cacioppo, J. T., Priester, J. R., & Berntson, G. G. (1993). Rudimentary determinants of attitudes: II. Arm flexion and extension have differential effects on attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 5–17.

Doody, John ; Bull, Peter. Asperger’s Syndrome and the Decoding of Boredom, Interest, and Disagreement from Body Posture. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2011. 35(2): 87-100.

DeSteno, D.; Breazeal, C.; Frank, R. H.; Pizarro, D.; Baumann, J.; Dickens, L, and Lee, J. Detecting the Trustworthiness of Novel Partners in Economic Exchange. Psychological Science. 2012. 23, 1549-1556.

Fo¨rster, J. (2004). How body feedback influences consumer’s evaluation of products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14, 415–425.

Friedman, R. S., & Fo¨rster, J. (2000). The effects of approach and avoidance motor actions on the elements of creative insight. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 477–492.

Friedman, Ron and Andrew J. Elliot. The Effect Of Arm Crossing On Persistence And Performance. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2008; 38, 449–461 (2008).

Gregersen, Tammy S. Nonverbal Cues: Clues to the Detection of Foreign Language Anxiety. Foreign Language Annals. 2005. 38(3): 388-400

Gorkan Ahmetoglu, Viren Swami. Do Women Prefer “Nice Guys?” The Effect Of Male Dominance Behavior On Women’s Ratings. Social Behavior And Personality, 2012; 40(4), 667-672.

Hall, Jeffrey A. and Chong Xing. The Verbal and Nonverbal Correlates of the Five Flirting Styles. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2015. 39:41–68. DOI 10.1007/s10919-014-0199-8

Hung, Iris W. and Aparna A. Labroo. From Firm Muscles to Firm Willpower: Understanding the Role of Embodied Cognition in Self-Regulation. Journal of Consumer Research. 2011 37(6): 1046-1064.

Johnson, Richard R. and Jasmine L. Aaron. Adults’ Beliefs Regarding Nonverbal Cues Predictive of Violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2013. 40 (8): 881-894. DOI: 10.1177/0093854813475347.

Laird, J. D., Wagener, J. J., Halal, M., & Szegda, M. (1982). Remembering what you feel: Effects of emotion on memory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 646–657.

Lee Ann Renninger, T. Joel Wade, Karl Grammer. Getting that female glance: Patterns and consequences of male nonverbal behavior in courtship contexts. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2004; 25: 416–431.

Marsh, Abigail A; Henry H. Yu; Julia C. Schechter and R. J. R. Blair. Larger than Life: Humans’ Nonverbal Status Cues Alter Perceived Size. PLoS ONE. 2009. 4(5): e5707. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005707.

Morris, Desmond (1994). Bodytalk: The Meaning of Human Gestures (New York: Crown Publishers).

Neumann, R., & Strack, F. (2000). Approach and avoidance: The influence of proprioceptive and exteroceptive cues on encoding of affective information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 39–48.

Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Pease, Barbara and Allan Pease. 2006. The Definitive Book of Body Language Hardcover. Bantam.

Rule, Nicholas, O.; Reginald B. Adams Jr.; Nalini Ambady and Jonathan B. Freeman. Perceptions Of Dominance Following Glimpses Of Faces And Bodies. Perception. 2012; 41: 687-706 doi:10.1068/p7023

Riskind, J. H., & Gotay, C. C. (1982). Physical posture: Could it have regulatory or feedback effects upon motivation and emotion? Motivation and Emotion, 6, 273–296.

Richmond, Virginia P., James C. McCroskey and Steven K. Payne (1991). Nonverbal Behavior in Interpersonal Relations (2nd Ed., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall).

Stepper, S., & Strack, F. (1993). Proprioceptive determinants of emotional and nonemotional feelings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 211–220.

Smith-hanen, Sandra S. Osipow, Samuel H. (editor). Effects of nonverbal behaviors on judged levels of counselor warmth and empathy. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 1977. 24(2): 87-91.

Tamir, M., Robinson, M. D., Clore, G. L., Martin, L. L., & Whitaker, D. J. (2004). Are we puppets on a string? The contextual meaning of unconscious expressive cues. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 237–249.

Teixeira Fiquer, Juliana; Paulo Sérgio Boggio and Clarice Gorenstein. Talking Bodies: Nonverbal Behavior in the Assessment of Depression Severity. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2013. 150: 1114-1119.

Tiziano Furlanetto; Alberto Gallace; Caterina Ansuini and Cristina Becchio. Effects of Arm Crossing on Spatial Perspective-Taking. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95748. 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095748

Vrugt, Anneke, and Ada Kerkstra (1984). “Sex Differences in Nonverbal Communication.” In Semiotica (50-1/2), pp. 1-41.

Body Language Meaning of Arm Cross With Clenched Fists

Body Language Meaning of Arm Cross With Clenched Fists

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Arm Crossing With Clenched FistsCue: Arm Cross With Clenched Fists.

Synonym(s): Clenched Fist Arm Cross.

Description: The arms fold over the chest coupled with balled up fists.

In One Sentence: Balled fists display desire for power and when coupled with arms crossed shows that one is steadfast in disagreement.

How To Use it: Use the arm cross with balled fists to show restrained anger. This is useful in a confrontation when words are not permitted to display a high level of frustration and anger. Couple the posture with an angry facial expression to show others that you should be taken seriously and that you are working hard to contain your deeply felt aggression. The posture is useful in situations where you wish to show that aggression is immanent and that people should back off and give you some space and time to relax.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m shielding myself from outside negative stimuli by crossing my arms. My fists are balled due to anger and aggression.”

Variant: See Arm Crossing, Arms Crossed With Gripped Arm or Reinforced Arm Cross, Arms Crossed With Thumbs Up.

Cue In Action: Upon hearing bad news, Mary folder her arms across her chest, but when she found out there was an accident she gripped her arms tightly. The more she listened, the more obvious it was that the culprit had done it on purpose. She released her arms and instead balled up her fists.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Arms crossed with clenched fist shows defensiveness or even hostility nearing anger or aggression. It is a sign of authority and control that is commonly seen in police officers.

The meaning and motivation of arm crossing is varied, complex and universal (see variants).

Arms, as they relate to non-verbal meaning, are like shields. They can block and shank ideas from entering just as well as a shield can protect against swords and arrows. Using the arms across the body in a fold is like cutting off access to our core where our heart and lungs are present. The arm crossing usually shows defensiveness and protectiveness, but can also show aggression and anger depending on its variant. Arm crossing simultaneously holds our feelings inside and prevents other people’s feelings from entering. Alternatively, arms crossed indicate that a person is cold. To determine if someone is cold just watch for hands tucked under the armpits, shivering, with legs tightly pressed together.

Cue Cluster: Arm crossing is usually coupled with head up, down or turned away, shoulders oriented away or toward, legs crossed and various negative facial expressions. When arm crossing is combined with a tight-lipped smile or clenched teeth it signifies that a verbal or physical confrontation is immanent.

Body Language Category: Defensive, Hostility, Anger, Closed, Dislike (nonverbal), Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Protective reflexes, Stubborn or stubbornness, Body cross, Clenching and gripping.


Aguinis, Herman ; Simonsen, Melissam. ; Pierce, Charlesa. Effects of Nonverbal Behavior on Perceptions of Power Bases. The Journal of Social Psychology. 1998. 138(4): 455-469.

Berkowitz, L., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2004). Toward an understanding of the determinants of anger. Emotion, 4, 107-130.

Baxter, James C., and Richard M. Rozelle (1975). “Nonverbal Expression as a Function of Crowding During a Simulated Police-Citizen Encounter.” In Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 32, No. 1), pp. 40-54.

Craig, A. D. (2002). How do you feel? Interoception: The sense of the physiological condition of the body. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 3, 655-666.

Cacioppo, J. T., Priester, J. R., & Berntson, G. G. (1993). Rudimentary determinants of attitudes: II. Arm flexion and extension have differential effects on attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 5–17.

Doody, John ; Bull, Peter. Asperger’s Syndrome and the Decoding of Boredom, Interest, and Disagreement from Body Posture. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2011. 35(2): 87-100.

Da Gloria, Jorge ; Duda, Danièle ; Pahlavan, Farzaneh ; Bonnet, Philippe. “Weapons effect” revisited: Motor effects of the reception of aversive stimulation and exposure to pictures of firearms. Aggressive Behavior. 1989 15(4): 265-271.

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Enquist, M. (1985). Communication during aggressive interactions with particular
reference to variation in choice of behaviors. Anim. Behav. 33, 1152-1161.

Fo¨rster, J. (2004). How body feedback influences consumer’s evaluation of products. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14, 415–425.

Friedman, R. S., & Fo¨rster, J. (2000). The effects of approach and avoidance motor actions on the elements of creative insight. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 477–492.

Friedman, Ron and Andrew J. Elliot. The Effect Of Arm Crossing On Persistence And Performance. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2008; 38, 449–461 (2008).

Gregersen, Tammy S. Nonverbal Cues: Clues to the Detection of Foreign Language Anxiety. Foreign Language Annals. 2005. 38(3): 388-400

Gorkan Ahmetoglu, Viren Swami. Do Women Prefer “Nice Guys?” The Effect Of Male Dominance Behavior On Women’s Ratings. Social Behavior And Personality, 2012; 40(4), 667-672.

Hall, Jeffrey A. and Chong Xing. The Verbal and Nonverbal Correlates of the Five Flirting Styles. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2015. 39:41–68. DOI 10.1007/s10919-014-0199-8

Hung, Iris W. and Aparna A. Labroo. From Firm Muscles to Firm Willpower: Understanding the Role of Embodied Cognition in Self-Regulation. Journal of Consumer Research. 2011 37(6): 1046-1064.

Hohmann, G. and Fruth, B. (2003). Intra- and intersexual aggression by bonobos in
the context of mating. Behavior 140, 1389-1413.

Johnson, Richard R. and Jasmine L. Aaron. Adults’ Beliefs Regarding Nonverbal Cues Predictive of Violence. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2013. 40 (8): 881-894. DOI: 10.1177/0093854813475347.

Laird, J. D., Wagener, J. J., Halal, M., & Szegda, M. (1982). Remembering what you feel: Effects of emotion on memory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 646–657.

Lee Ann Renninger, T. Joel Wade, Karl Grammer. Getting that female glance: Patterns and consequences of male nonverbal behavior in courtship contexts. Evolution and Human Behavior. 2004; 25: 416–431.

Morgan, M. H. and Carrier, D. R. (2013). Protective buttressing of the human fist and the evolution of hominin hands. J. Exp. Biol. 216, 236-244.

Marsh, Abigail A; Henry H. Yu; Julia C. Schechter and R. J. R. Blair. Larger than Life: Humans’ Nonverbal Status Cues Alter Perceived Size. PLoS ONE. 2009. 4(5): e5707. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005707.

Morris, Desmond (1994). Bodytalk: The Meaning of Human Gestures (New York: Crown Publishers).

Nickle, David C. and Leda M. Goncharoff. Human Fist Evolution: A Critique. J Exp Biology. 2013. 216: 2359-2360. doi: 10.1242/jeb.084871.

Navarro, Joe. 2008. What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People. William Morrow Paperbacks.

Pease, Barbara and Allan Pease. 2006. The Definitive Book of Body Language Hardcover. Bantam.

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Rule, Nicholas, O.; Reginald B. Adams Jr.; Nalini Ambady and Jonathan B. Freeman. Perceptions Of Dominance Following Glimpses Of Faces And Bodies. Perception. 2012; 41: 687-706 doi:10.1068/p7023

Rizzolatti, G., Fadiga, L., Matelli, M., Bettinardi, V., Paulesu, E., Perani, D., & Fazio, F. (1996). Localization of cortical areas responsive to the observation of grasp presentations in humans by PET: 1. Observation versus execution. Experimental Brain Research, 111, 246-252.

Riskind, J. H., & Gotay, C. C. (1982). Physical posture: Could it have regulatory or feedback effects upon motivation and emotion? Motivation and Emotion, 6, 273–296.

Richmond, Virginia P., James C. McCroskey and Steven K. Payne (1991). Nonverbal Behavior in Interpersonal Relations (2nd Ed., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall).

Smith-hanen, Sandra S. Osipow, Samuel H. (editor). Effects of nonverbal behaviors on judged levels of counselor warmth and empathy. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 1977. 24(2): 87-91.

Stepper, S., & Strack, F. (1993). Proprioceptive determinants of emotional and nonemotional feelings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64, 211–220.

Schubert, Thomas W. and Koole, Sander L. The embodied self: Effects of making a fist on the implicit and explicit self-concept of men and women. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 2009. 45: 828-834.

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Teixeira Fiquer, Juliana; Paulo Sérgio Boggio and Clarice Gorenstein. Talking Bodies: Nonverbal Behavior in the Assessment of Depression Severity. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2013. 150: 1114-1119.

Tiziano Furlanetto; Alberto Gallace; Caterina Ansuini and Cristina Becchio. Effects of Arm Crossing on Spatial Perspective-Taking. PLoS ONE 9(4): e95748. 2014. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0095748

Tamir, M., Robinson, M. D., Clore, G. L., Martin, L. L., & Whitaker, D. J. (2004). Are we puppets on a string? The contextual meaning of unconscious expressive cues. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 237–249.

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Body Language of The Anger Facial Expression

Body Language of The Anger Facial Expression

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Anger 2Cue: Anger Facial Expression

Synonym(s): Facial Expression Of Anger.

Description: The anger face is done by lowering the browridge, lowering the brow, raising the cheekbones, widening (flaring) the nose, raising the mouth, thinning the lips, raising the chin bun, and raising the chin raised. The anger face involves Action Units 4, 5, 7 10, 17, 22, 23, and 24.

In One Sentence
: The anger face is a signal of strength and used as a bargaining tool to advance the position of the signaler.

How To Use it: Use the angry facial expression to demonstrate the seriousness of your conviction. Research shows that angry faces are more likely to be taken seriously as they are seen as more dominant. Using an angry face is physical proof that one is actually emotionally invested.

Context: General

Verbal Translation: “I’m angry forcing the muscles in my face to contort my eyes and nose.”

Variant: At times the anger facial expression flashes over the face and quickly disappears. Thus, it is a microexpression that wishes to go unnoticed. If this is noticed, it can be trusted as an honest emotion.

See Contempt Facial Expression, Disgust Facial Expression, Fearful Facial Expression, Sadness Facial Expression, Happiness And Joy, Surprised Facial Expression, Eyebrows Knit or Oblique Eyebrows Of Grief.

Cue In Action: A baseball player looked angrily at the pitcher after being beaned in the leg with a pitch.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The intent of the anger facial expression is obvious and universal.

Cue Cluster: The arms go limp to the sides of the body, the chin juts out taunting, the feet point toward the target, fingers may point, chests might be pounded the voice might be raised. We may also see encroaching or distancing and erratic behaviour.

Body Language Category: Anger, Microexpression.


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