Body Language of Scorn

Body Language of Scorn

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Scorn 1Cue: Scorn

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: Scorn is a combination of anger and disgust that happens by wrinkling of the nose, raising and tightening of the upper lip. To visualize this expression think of a bad smell. Scorn sometimes flashes as a microexpression.

In One Sentence: The scorn facial expression shows disdain and contempt.

How To Use it: Use scorn to show nonverbal disapproval in connection with a person or their idea. Scorn can also be used in a microexpression and flash very briefly, often only slightly visible to the naked eye. Sent this way, scorn is a semi-concealed signal perceived only semi-consciously. It still retains the same amount of power and signaling strength, only that it is not readily attributed back to the sender.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m both angry and disgusted. I show this by wrinkling my nose and raising my upper lip. It is as if I have experienced a bad odor.”

Variant: See Fearful Facial Expression, Anger Facial Expression, Disgust Facial Expression, Happiness Facial Expression.

Cue In Action: It was as if there was a bad odor hanging in the air, but Dave had just offered a really poor suggestion. Debbie wrinkled her nose and raiser her upper lip in disgust and anger. Watch for scorn to appear as a microexpression that can flash over the face in a matter of seconds and quickly disappear.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The cue indicates disdain or contempt. Scorn is reflected through a visceral reaction. The facial expression is not unlike taking in a bad odor and plays on a similar visceral emotional reaction.

Scorn can be the result of a person, event, object or idea.

Cue Cluster: Scorn is a stand-alone cue and because it usually happens quickly as a microexpression it doesn’t rely on additional cues in a cluster. However, if scorn turns to anger, we should be watchful for violent outbursts such as loud voices and erratic arm or leg movements. In mild scorn, the body will angle away, the head will turn or shoot back, the nose my rise with the eyes downcast.

Body Language Category: Aggressive body language, Anger body language, Automatic gesture, Closed facial gestures, Dislike (nonverbal), Emotional body language, Hostile body language, Leaked or involuntary body language, Microexpressions, Negative body language.


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