Body Language of Head Clasping or Head Cradling

Body Language of Head Clasping or Head Cradling

No picCue: Head Clasping or Head Cradling

Synonym(s): Hands Clasping The Head, Head Cradling, Cradling The Head.

Description: Occurs as the hands come up and cup the back of the neck or head. The hand can lightly brush the back of the head. The hands may also come to the back of the neck as if being cradled.

In One Sentence: Clasping the head signals deep despair and high stress.

How To Use it: Clasping the back of the head is a way to manage bad feelings as it reminds us of being cradled by our parents. Use the gesture when you are experiencing high stress and discomfort. Others may see your emotional pain and come to your rescue and help you overcome hardship. While displaying weakness is generally not advised, it can serve a useful purpose in gaining sympathy from others which may come in handy if grief should become overwhelming.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m feeling pain and discomfort either emotional or due to physical pain and so I’m using my hands as a helmet to protect my head from harm.”

Variant: See Hooding or The Catapult, Hand Behind Head or Head Pacifying.

Cue In Action: a) Imagine a sports athlete with his hands clasped behind his head in deep despair after missing an important penalty kick. We see the opposite in people who are happy – they are upright with a bounce in their step. b) His hands came up to the back of his head and stroked his hair due to high stress.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The head cradle provides comfort and security while the head clasp provides a shielding sensation like wearing a metaphorical helmet that protects us from emotional injury. We see head clasping when we have made a big mistake or are contemplating a serious decision.

This is also childhood throwback to where our Mom’s would have cradled or pet the back of our heads during times of distress, discomfort or pain during high stakes moments. The hands on the head in adulthood remind us of the protective feelings we would have received.

Cue Cluster: The chin usually comes down and the body becomes loose, limp and slouches, a sports athlete might drop to his knees clasp his head and look to the heavens praying.

Body Language Category: Auto contact or self touching, Barriers, Blocking or Shielding, Closed body language, Defensive, Escape movements, Low confidence body language, Pacifying, Protective reflexes, Stressful body language.


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