Body Language of Guiding Body Language

Body Language of Guiding Body Language

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Head Drop or Head Beckoning 2Cue: Guiding Body Language.

Synonym(s): Hand To The Lower Back Of Another, Lightly Pushing Another’s Back, Pulling Someone While Shaking Hands, Shaking Hands Pull In Or Out, Moving People Around.

Description: Using a hand to lightly push on another person’s lower back to move them in a desirable position. Pulling someone in while shaking hands.

In One Sentence: Guiding is a way to create dominance by controlling the actions of others.

How To Use it: Guiding is a very powerful power-play. Men can increase their sex appeal by placing their hands on the small of a woman’s back and lightly moving her in the direction of his choosing. The same effect works while dancing where the man is expected to, and benefits from, leading the woman.

Men can also guide women by holding their hand and steering or pulling them with a slight lead. This is a powerful way to demonstrate leadership to women which they usually find sexually appealing as it is a display of dominance and leadership.

Guiding can also be done without placing the hand directly in contact with another person’s back, but rather holding it just off contact.

Men can also guide other men less intimately, by placing an arm over the shoulder and putting weight against them, thus moving them in their chosen direction. The man who is confident enough to control other men by one-directional contact will be perceived as the most dominant.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m trying to force you into compliance through light force by gently pushing you in the direction I want you to travel.”

Variant: See Head Drop or Head Beckoning.

Cue In Action: a) The host greeted her guest, grabbed their overcoats and gently moved them from the front foyer to the living area for drink and company. b) The man led his dance partner across the room with light pressure to her lower back. c) He guided his date around the room with light pressure to her lower back to meet his family at the cocktail party.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Using a hand to lightly push on another person’s back, pulling someone in when shaking hands, using a finger to beckon someone closer, or using alluring eye contact are all ways to influence people to move in ways desirable.

Guiding is a throwback technique to childhood. Due to its commonplace use during our childhood by our parents, we easily succumb to such tactics throughout our life. A light touch the lower back is conditioned to encourage us to move with, rather than against, the pressure. Guiding is a way other people can control how we move, when and in which direction.

People who use guiding body language are usually dominant. They seek control, are authoritative and seek leadership positions wherever they go.

Cue Cluster: Watch for strong eye contact, head high, good voice patterns and gesturing, strong use of touch in order to flatter and control, strong leadership, and charisma.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Courtship displays, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Guiding body language, Leadership body language, Social touching.


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