The Hidden Meaning Baton Gestures Or Hand Chop Gesture Body Language

The Hidden Meaning Baton Gestures Or Hand Chop Gesture Body Language

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Baton GesturesCue: Baton Gestures

Synonym(s): Hand Chop Gesture, Power Grip, Thumb In Hand Gesture.

Description: A motion done with the hands to emphasize points in speech sometimes in rhythm with each word. It is made by balling up the fist and repeatedly and rhythmically batoning it against the palm of the other hand, or the table, as an axe would fall against a log.

In One Sentence: Batoning is a gesture done by moving the hand up and down in conjunction with speech – usually important points in speech.

How To Use it: Batoning is effectively used when addressing a crowd as it can provide emphasis to certain key words or ideas. By moving the hand up and down with each important point it serves to ‘drive the point home.’ Imagine the hand like the head of a hammer coming down as ideas are expressed. Use batoning when you want to show passion, be it in business, or in debate amongst friends.

Context: Business or General

Verbal Translation: “I’m going to hammer my point home by beating it into your brain… one, word, at, a, time!”

Variant: The hand might be palm down, or palm vertical, or balled into a fist.

Cue In Action: Bill Clinton made the batoning motion famous as he emphasized nearly each word in his denial speech against his involvement with Monica Lewinsky “I did not, have, sexual, relations, with, that, women.” as his arm pumped up and down.

Other examples include Adolf Hitler as he gestured his followers into submission and television evangelists who forcefully hammer their words onto others.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The thumb in hand or baton gesture is the “politicians gesture” since it is frequently used by various presidents and world leaders and is a less offensive way to accomplish what would otherwise be left to finger pointing.

It is designed to be a conversation ender – to be the last word spoken. It is highly authoritative in effort to add emphasis to a thought or idea. A baton or chop adds emotion to the words it is attached to. It is habitually done by powerful people who have the floor and are in charge. A person using a power grip wants to appear strong, serious, and forceful.

The type of illustrators used vary by culture and also vary in frequency. Latin cultures for example, will use more illustrators than Anglo-Saxon cultures, and they in turn, use more than Asian cultures. In business, the differences between cultures are especially important since Asian cultures might see the use of illustrators as a lack of intelligence if used too frequently and in Latin cultures it might be construed as a lack of interest or involvement to use too few.

Cue Cluster: The baton gesture is usually coupled with other authoritative and leadership body language such as a booming voice to further emphasize words, sprawled and expansive movements and other open and dominant body language.

Body Language Category: Illustrator, Palm power, Leadership body language, Enthusiasm (nonverbal), Authoritative body language, Gesticulation.


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