Category: Preening body language

Body Language of Hair Play

Body Language of Hair Play

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Hair Play 9Cue: Hair Play

Synonym(s): Playing With The Hair, Twirling The Hair, Hair Tossing, Hair Flick, Sucking On The Hair, Combing The Hair, Brushing The Hair,,Sexual Hair Play, Running Fingers Through The Hair, Wrapping The Hair Around The Neck, Flicking The Hair, Hair Twirl, Hair Sucking.

Description: When hair is playing with, tossed, twirled, flicked, combed, or sucked.

In One Sentence: Playing with the hair is a sign of self grooming, pacifying, or is a way to draw attention to feminine features in a dating context.

How To Use it: Women can play with their hair in order to draw men’s attention to it. When hair is tossed and otherwise displaced, it will draw men’s eyes. Tossing, flicking, and brushing the hair are ways to display youthful qualities of fertility which is mostly unique to women.

Sucking on the hair or stroking the hair is also a way to help sooth nerves although it is not advisable to do so repetitively as it can be read by others as insecurity.

Context: a) Dating, b) General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m drawing attention to my hair by grooming it so that I can show off its luxuriousness and get it ready for other people’s eyes to feast upon its greatness.” “I’m concerned my hair is out of place so I’m fixing it so others don’t think I’m unkempt.” “I’m sucking on my hair to pacify myself as a replacement for a soother.”

Variant: See Head Toss.

Cue In Action: a) When she saw a cute boy she subconsciously twirled her hair around her finger, titled her head to the side and batted her eyes at him. b) During a boring lecture she passed the end of her long blonde hair through her lips to pacify herself. b) His hair was overgrown and it constantly fell into his eyes so he either flicked it away or brush it away with the side of his hand.

Meaning and/or Motivation: a) Hair tossing is done by women to show off their luxurious hair to men. Hair tosses can be done by flicking the hair over the shoulder or away from the face. Hair can be removed from a band and twirled or rolled and placed on top of the head to expose the neck.

Other hair signals include running the fingers through the hair to preen it, wrapping the hair around the neck or curling it around the finger. These types of signals are done by women usually out of their conscious awareness. They may be available and seeking sexual attention, but equally, they can be done to serve an actual function. When they are done to attract attention, they are driven by inner thoughts and desires which manifest as nonverbal cues. It is the desires that prime the motivation to act out sexually. In this case, grooming draws attention to her luscious hair and hence her youth and fertility.

Men will also preen in during courtship and might try to flatten their hair, stroke it, or brush it away from the eyes. In more overt cases, men might remove a comb and fix their hair entirely.

b) Outside of a dating context, the hair might be preened due to either a functional purpose such as when it blocks the vision, or as a means of pacifying. Sucking on the end of the hair is a replacement for a soother as it stimulates the sensitive lips. Running the fingers through the hair can also serve a pacifying purpose as it reminds us of having our hands entwined in someone else’s. Other times the hair is fussed with simply to preen and keep the hair in its place.

Cue Cluster: a) Added sexuality can come with a lip lick or moistening of the lips with lip gloss or adding lip stick to make them appear red and seductive. Having the lips slightly parted as if blowing a small stream of air through them can escalate the cues even more dramatically.

For hair play to be a sexual cue, it will be done in association with eye contact, absent of which might just be a form of soothing auto contact. Eye contact turns a fairly random gesture like touching the hair into one that is directional, meaning the eye contact sends a message to a person of interest.

Other times, women use signals to “fish and lure” where signals happen in a more broad-stroke fashion, absent of eye contact and direction, sent off into the room at large.

When men preen they will often do so secretly and will not use eye contact to draw attention to themselves. In other words, men will preen before an approach rather than during one as women tend to do.

Body Language Category: Adaptors, Amplifier, Auto contact or self touching, Boredom, Courtship display, Stroking body language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Pacifying, Preening, Worry body language.


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Body Language of Grooming and Preening

Body Language of Grooming and Preening

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Grooming and Preening 2Cue: Grooming and Preening.

Synonym(s): Preening.

Description: A gesture that aims to make the self or someone else more presentable. It includes removing lint or pet hair, fixing a tag from a shirt, smoothing clothing, adjusting a shirt collar, fixing the hair, applying makeup, checking a mirror, and so forth.

In One Sentence: Grooming other people is a way to bond and when done on the self, is a way to make yourself presentable.

How To Use it: Use grooming of yourself to show other people that you are in good health and care about how you are presented. This is important in every facet of one’s life from intimate relationships to job settings.

In dating as well as between friends and relatives, grooming is a welcome form of caring and demonstration of respect. To show people you care, remove lint, smooth clothing, adjusting a tie, notify them of stains on clothing or food on their face and so forth. Some debate exists as to whether we should risk the embarrassment by helping people self-groom, however, it is usually well received. Think of grooming as a way to help people avoid extra embarrassment. At the same time, grooming shows people that you are looking out for them.

The gesture is particularly important in a dating context since it shows the opposite sex that you really care about them. Men and women can both groom each other to show intimacy.

Context: a) General b) Dating.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m fixing my body up so I seem more attractive and presentable because I want others to view me in a positive light.” b) “I’m fixing your body, by grooming you, because I care about you and how you look and how you feel.”

Variant: See Invisible Lint Picker or Lint Picker.

Cue In Action: a) She pardoned herself from the conversation and reapplied make-up as the rain had washed most of it off. b) He straightened his tie and buttoned up his jacket before giving her a hug and kiss. c) Mom went over to her son and brushed him off. He had leaves all over the back of his shirt.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Grooming and preening says that a person is keeping their outward appearance clean and presentable to show the world that they are in good mental health and, or, a good mate. It tells others that they care about how they are viewed by others and that they are social and amicable.

Preening and grooming can also be one on other people. In this case, it means that a person really cares about someone else and that they want to bond by keeping them healthy. This is an evolutionary throwback to removing bugs as monkeys do today. Preening someone else is a way to form a strong bond between two people. A mother might groom her son and a wife might groom her husband. The context will define its meaning.

When grooming is not required or done to excess in front of another person, it signals distain. Such is the case with removing imaginary lint or picking the fingernails. These are all forms of grooming that should be done in private. If they are done in front of people while avoiding eye contact, and opting out of the conversation, it sends a strong message of disrespect.

Cue Cluster: The cue cluster in which preening appears will depend on its intent. When it is designed to improve outward appearance, then eye contact will continue, a person will continue to pay attention or they will excuse themselves in order to preen. When someone wishes to use grooming in a way as to be dismissive, they will break eye contact, while feigning agreement indicators, or conversely, not even pretend to care about what the other person is saying. Other sexual cues will be present in a dating context to indicate that grooming is sexual in nature.

Body Language Category: Courtship displays, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI), Liking, Ownership gestures, Preening.


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Wilkinson, G. S. (1986). Social grooming in the common vampire bat, Desmodus rotundus. Animal Behaviour, 34(6), 1880–1889.

Body Language of The Face Wash

Body Language of The Face Wash

No picCue: Face Wash (The)

Synonym(s): Face Rub, Face Cleans, Rubbing The Face, Washing The Face With The Hands, Hands Rubbing The Face.

Description: The palms cup and rub the face as if washing it.

In One Sentence: The face wash signals the desire for a fresh start.

How To Use it: Use the face wash when you are tired and need to self-sooth or refresh your perspective. Research has shown that we often perform various ritualized gestures in order to purify ourselves and our minds. “Washing the face” with bare hands is likely rooted in our psyche as a way to refresh the body and mind. When the face is massaged it can help release positive hormones helping to reduce stress and discomfort.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m feeling a little bit off so it’s time to scrub my face and clean up for a fresh start.” b) “Ahhhhh, so much frustration, time for a refresh.” c) “I’m tired and rubbing my face produces self soothing.”

Variant: See Face Palm and Double Face Palm.

Cue In Action: After writing many nonverbal dictionary cues, he rubbed his face with his palms as a way to build the strength to continue.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The face wash is a way to reenergize the body and prepare for action or conversely as the body nears giving up due to low energy. It is a pacifying and self-touching and self-grooming gesture – a sort of self-massage to release positive hormones. The gesture is a throwback to washing the face in the morning or reinvigorating it with cold water from a flowing stream.

Cue Cluster: The Face wash is usually accompanied by a vocal grunt, an “oh-boy,” or “ugh” showing its primitive roots. Commonly, a person will have drooping tired eyes, might be yawning, drifting off and glazing over.

Body Language Category: Adaptors, Auto contact or self touching, Stroking body language, Preening, Self-motivating gestures.


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