Category: Dominant body language

The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Loud

The Body Language Meaning Of Becoming Loud

Cue: Becoming Loud

Synonym(s): Loud Voice, Screaming, Shouting, Yelling.

Description: A sudden or sustained increase in the volume of the voice.

In One Sentence: Yelling implies that there is a rise in emotion which signals a heightened state of emotions including joy or anger.

How To Use it: Use a loud voice to boost your dominance over other people. It is most effective if used with a baritone voice. A loud screechy voice can make one noticed and feared, but does nothing to boost credibility. You may also decide to use a loud voice to show your excitement.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m here and I’m talking right now, the more people that notice my booming voice, the better!”, “I am raising my voice to validate my argument, boost my dominance, and really drive my point home through vocal force.”

Variant: See Becoming Quiet or Whispering.

Cue In Action: When she got really angry, her voice turned from meek and pleasant to a deafening shriek.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Becoming loud can be due to a variety of reasons including an attempt to be noticed, to dominate a room, to express anger or frustration, act out aggressively, berate, scorn, celebrate and show excitement, display enjoyment, or due to inebriation.

Cue Cluster: Coupled with a loud voice, the arms might begin to motion erratically. When this occurs it shows that a person has lost control of their emotions and is expressing frustration and anger.

Body Language Category: Anger, Dominant body language, Emotional body language, Frustration or frustrated body language, Threat displays, Power play, Authoritative body language.


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Body Language of Bad Posture

Body Language of Bad Posture

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Bad Posture 1Cue: Bad Posture.

Synonym(s): Slouching Posture, Slumped Posture, Poor Posture.

Description: Bad posture happens when the joints are bent, the spine is misaligned and twisted and the person is not able to optimally balance the mass of the body over its framework.

In One Sentence: Bad posture signifies a lack of overall confidence and can indicate a person’s past history of failure.

How To Use it: Bad posture is universally negative and should be avoided generally. However, one might use bad posture to show that ones is apathetic to the situation such as when one is trying to feign fatigue and does not have the energy for a specific task that one wishes to avoid. A bad posture can garner sympathy from others and be useful in dropping or reducing punishment as people assume that one has already suffered enough.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “Because life has treated poorly I hold a defeated, slumped over posture indicating my discomfort, lack of self esteem and misery.”

Variant: See Cocooning, Slouching, Body Raising, Erect Posture or Good Posture.

Cue In Action: Mark carried himself poorly. His shoulders hunched over, his head drooped and hung low. You just knew looking at him that he had experienced grief and depression. He really let life get the best of him and he obviously didn’t know how to take control of his circumstances.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Bad posture means that the bones are not aligned properly throughout the body making the muscles work overtime.

Posture is a term derived from the Latin verb “ponere” meaning “to put in place” and refers to the way the body is held including the arms, legs and spine. Posture refers not only to the erectness of our bodies, but also to our body orientation, direction of lean, and the degree to which our bodies are open and inviting.

Posture tells us a lot about a person and their history and feelings about themselves and how they feel about others. For example, shoulders hunched carries negative sentiments whereas shoulders back mean confidence. Posture can give way to feelings of like or dislike, interest or disinterest as well as many other sentiments.

Postural tonus is a term referring to the relative rigidity and erectness of the body and its overall posture. A “slopper” holds his shoulders rounded and head hanging downward proving to be depressed, drowsy or ill whereas “the scout” carries himself fully erect with shoulders back and head held high depicting confidence and good spirit. Having an erect posture is a sign of high confidence, strength and vigor. People with erect postures are seen as leaders, content and positive. Contrast erect posture with a slouched or limp posture.

Cue Cluster: Other positive cues are associated with a slumped posture such as weak or non-existent eye contact, little or no affect, expressionless faces or grimacing, dropping eyes, and so forth.

Body Language Category: Authoritative body language, Confident body language, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, Gravity defying body language, High confidence body language, Leadership body language, Up nonverbals.


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Body Language of Arms Akimbo

Body Language of Arms Akimbo

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Arms Akimbo 3Cue: Arms Akimbo

Synonym(s): Hands Akimbo, Hands On Hips, Fists On Haunches, Pot With Two Handles, “Captain Morgan stance” (The), Straddle Stance, Super Man Stance, Wonder Women Stance, Amy Cuddy Pose (The).

Description: The hands are placed on each hip making the elbows flair out.

In One Sentence: Arms akimbo is an expansive posture used to make the body appear larger and taking up more space thereby creating dominance.

How To Use it: Use this posture to boost your confidence before an important presentation. Research has found that expansive postures such as this one helps boost testosterone and simultaneously lowers the stress hormone cortisol. Likewise, the posture makes the body appear larger and therefore, increases the perception of dominance. Arms akimbo also shows an eagerness to get down to business as it is classified as a “ready posture.” Dominant postures are important when you want to take a leadership role and are prepared to accept the responsibility which comes with authority.

Context: a) Social b) Dating

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m much bigger than I appear, so you must respect me when I puff out like this.” “There are issues here”, “Things are not right”, “I’m standing my ground” or b) “I’m a virile male so check me out!”

Variant: The “Captain Morgan stance” was made popular by a widespread media advertising campaign depicting regular people in the posture. It includes one leg propped up, opening the legs and “exposing the genitals,” with one hand place on the thigh, and the other hand left lose or placed on the hips. This is a dominant, full peacock gesture, as it exposes the genital area for all to view and puffs out the chest, head held high. The aim of the posture is to claim the right to space and soak in the admiration of others.

Alternatively, one hand might be placed on the hips with the other hand gesturing. The thumbs might also be tucked into the belt or into belt loops serving to “frame the genitals.” Women usually aim their fingers backwards to point to their backside rather than their crotch.

Another variant, the straddle stance, is a stable standing position where the legs are straight, and set at, or slightly wider than shoulder width. The weight is bore by both feet evenly. It is normal for men rather than women to hold this stance. It is a display of dominance and confidence, and that a person is “standing their ground.”

Cue In Action: a) Mom is in a good mood until her 6 year old is caught eating sweets from the cupboard. Mom strides to her child, puts her hands on her hips, then begins ecturing him about the harms of junk food. Mom went over to junior, put her hands on her hips, then began lecturing him with a lesson about junk food. b) To make Dave stand out on a dating show, he put his arms on his hips when he stood next to the other contestants.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Having the hands on the hips has roots in evolution. It makes the body take up more space, just like a peacock, and hence appear larger which can be attractive to other men who seek leadership or to women seeking a healthy mate. While in the stance, all the fingers also curl inward so that they point toward the crotch. This draws attention toward the genitals, which punctuates the point even further.

Women will also hold the arms akimbo posture, although more rarely, as it can be seen as assertive (as it draws attention to the genital area by pointing). When women do hold the posture, they usually hold their hands on their hips and point their fingers to their buttocks. Pointing therefore, puts emphasis on our best assets as we state our case! Having the fingers pointed backwards, as women do, is also a more inquisitive, rather than authoritarian, posture. It says, “We have issues.”

The hands-on-hips is also a ready posture when it does not accompany more dominant cues in the cluster. In this case, it appears like a runner at the gate prepared to jump at an opportunity.

Cue Cluster: The cue cluster accompanying the hands-on-hips also includes an upright posture, chin up, chest out and the legs at slightly wider than shoulder width. We may see other dominant gesture such as “batoning” (see Batoning) and finger pointing.

Body Language Category: Ready posture, Confident, Dominant body language, Expansive movements, High confidence body language, Threat displays, Hostile body language.


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The Hidden Meaning of The Arm Twister Handshake

The Hidden Meaning of The Arm Twister Handshake

No picCue: Arm Twister Handshake

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: In the arm twister handshake, an otherwise ordinary handshake turns sour by being twisted underneath into the submissive palm up position.

In One Sentence: The arm twister handshake is a resistance to submission and represents the struggle to avoid having the hand turned palm up.

How To Use it: Twist the arm back to level when facing a habitual palm down handshakers to put him in his place. This is a high risk maneuver because it will be obvious to the palm-down shaker that will be no longer permitted unfettered dominance.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “We started the handshake off evenly with palm vertical, but I’m taking charge of this now and I’m going to wrench your hand until I get palm up dominance and authority.”

Variant: Sometimes a dominant handshaker will also offer their palm facing upwards almost vertically making it nearly impossible to gain the upper hand position. See Country Handshake (The), Cold Dead Wet Fish Handshake, Double Gripper Politician Handshake or Double Hander (The), Short Grabber/Finger Grabber Handshake, Oddball Handshake, Palm Up, Palm Down and Palm Even Handshakes, Stiff Arm And Thrust Forward Handshake, Death Grip Handshake, Wrench Forward Handshake, Undershaker Handshake, Wrist Hold Handshake, Wrist Hold Handshake and Upper Arm Grip Handshake, Limp Fish Handshake, Teacup Handshake, Arm Twister Handshake (The), Firm handshake, Fist Bumping.

Cue In Action: The boss has had problems with one of his employees who has continuously undermined his leadership. The time the boss wanted to make it clear that he wasn’t going to put up with the disrespect of his employee so when they shook hands he twisted his arm over and pull him into his personal space to show him he was in charge.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Someone who does this is absolutely committed to being on top and dominating the other person.

Cue Cluster: The arm twister handshake can be combined with other dominant body language such as standing over another person, pulling a person into their personal space, placing a hand on the shoulder and gripping the hand more firmly than ordinary.

Body Language Category: Dominant body language, Hostile body language, Anger, Threat displays, Authoritative body language.


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Body Language Of Accidental Touching

Body Language Of Accidental Touching

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Accidental Touching 3Cue: Accidental Touching

Synonym(s): Touching By Accident, Brushing Up Against Someone Accidentally,Bumping Into Someone.

Description: Touching between two people that seems to happen without meaning.

In One Sentence: Accidental touching can happen between random strangers usually in busy or crowded environments, or alternatively, done out of conscious awareness in order to create bonding and intimacy.

How To Use it: Accidental touching can be used to spark sexual interest or intimacy. This is done simply by lightly brushing up or bumping against another in order to put you on their sexual radar. Likewise, by sharing space that is very tight, friendships can blossom through occasional accidental touches. It may also be used to intimidate by encroaching on the space of others or even colliding directly with them. When used properly, touching, which is seemingly accidental in nature, can be used to create specific outcomes including intimacy, friendship, or to intimidate. The intent of accidental touching and the relative context will define how others interpret accidental touching and how effective it is in achieving your specific goals.

Context: a) General b) Dating c) Business or d) Friendly.

Verbal Translation: a) “Oops, sorry, my mistake”, b) “Hey look at me, I’m right here and looking for attention”, c) “Stay out of my way, I need more space – I exist,” or d) “I’m brushing up against you to bond and share space.”

Variant: See Self Stroking or Auto ContactHead Touch (by others), Touching or Increase In Touching.

Cue In Action: a) Two people brush up against one another accidentally in a crowded elevator with no meaning at all. b) A woman backs into a man she finds interesting on the dance floor in effort to be noticed. c) Bob “accidentally” bumped up against his boss while walking to his office – he has been making a bid for the bosses’ managerial position for many months and wanted to keep him in his place. d) A husband and wife were washing and drying dishes together after dinner and accidentally brushed up against one another.

Meaning and/or Motivation: a) The cue has no specific intent. b) Feigned in a dating context where the cue signals sexual interest c) Feigned as a power play designed to intimidate. d) Usually meaningless, but can be a source of bonding by sharing intimate space.

Touch is a very powerful force and can be used to manipulate and influence others, but oftentimes, touching happens accidentally. We should be careful to properly assess the motivation of touching.

Cue Cluster: a) The head is down with no eye contact and no acknowledgement of contact is made. b) Eye contact is made with the target with a coy smile coupled with a feigned verbal apology. c) Head is down or up coupled with a forced stress smile or smirk. d) Both parties subconsciously acknowledge touching, but do not show any noticeable body language cues – they carry on with the task at hand while sharing space.

Body Language Category: Courtship Display, Indicator Of Sexual Interest (IOsI), Dominant/Aggressive Body Language, Dislike (nonverbal).


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