Category: Dislike (nonverbal)

Body Language Meaning of Arm Cross With Clenched Fists

Body Language Meaning of Arm Cross With Clenched Fists

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Arm Crossing With Clenched FistsCue: Arm Cross With Clenched Fists.

Synonym(s): Clenched Fist Arm Cross.

Description: The arms fold over the chest coupled with balled up fists.

In One Sentence: Balled fists display desire for power and when coupled with arms crossed shows that one is steadfast in disagreement.

How To Use it: Use the arm cross with balled fists to show restrained anger. This is useful in a confrontation when words are not permitted to display a high level of frustration and anger. Couple the posture with an angry facial expression to show others that you should be taken seriously and that you are working hard to contain your deeply felt aggression. The posture is useful in situations where you wish to show that aggression is immanent and that people should back off and give you some space and time to relax.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m shielding myself from outside negative stimuli by crossing my arms. My fists are balled due to anger and aggression.”

Variant: See Arm Crossing, Arms Crossed With Gripped Arm or Reinforced Arm Cross, Arms Crossed With Thumbs Up.

Cue In Action: Upon hearing bad news, Mary folder her arms across her chest, but when she found out there was an accident she gripped her arms tightly. The more she listened, the more obvious it was that the culprit had done it on purpose. She released her arms and instead balled up her fists.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Arms crossed with clenched fist shows defensiveness or even hostility nearing anger or aggression. It is a sign of authority and control that is commonly seen in police officers.

The meaning and motivation of arm crossing is varied, complex and universal (see variants).

Arms, as they relate to non-verbal meaning, are like shields. They can block and shank ideas from entering just as well as a shield can protect against swords and arrows. Using the arms across the body in a fold is like cutting off access to our core where our heart and lungs are present. The arm crossing usually shows defensiveness and protectiveness, but can also show aggression and anger depending on its variant. Arm crossing simultaneously holds our feelings inside and prevents other people’s feelings from entering. Alternatively, arms crossed indicate that a person is cold. To determine if someone is cold just watch for hands tucked under the armpits, shivering, with legs tightly pressed together.

Cue Cluster: Arm crossing is usually coupled with head up, down or turned away, shoulders oriented away or toward, legs crossed and various negative facial expressions. When arm crossing is combined with a tight-lipped smile or clenched teeth it signifies that a verbal or physical confrontation is immanent.

Body Language Category: Defensive, Hostility, Anger, Closed, Dislike (nonverbal), Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Protective reflexes, Stubborn or stubbornness, Body cross, Clenching and gripping.


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Body Language Of Accidental Touching

Body Language Of Accidental Touching

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Accidental Touching 3Cue: Accidental Touching

Synonym(s): Touching By Accident, Brushing Up Against Someone Accidentally,Bumping Into Someone.

Description: Touching between two people that seems to happen without meaning.

In One Sentence: Accidental touching can happen between random strangers usually in busy or crowded environments, or alternatively, done out of conscious awareness in order to create bonding and intimacy.

How To Use it: Accidental touching can be used to spark sexual interest or intimacy. This is done simply by lightly brushing up or bumping against another in order to put you on their sexual radar. Likewise, by sharing space that is very tight, friendships can blossom through occasional accidental touches. It may also be used to intimidate by encroaching on the space of others or even colliding directly with them. When used properly, touching, which is seemingly accidental in nature, can be used to create specific outcomes including intimacy, friendship, or to intimidate. The intent of accidental touching and the relative context will define how others interpret accidental touching and how effective it is in achieving your specific goals.

Context: a) General b) Dating c) Business or d) Friendly.

Verbal Translation: a) “Oops, sorry, my mistake”, b) “Hey look at me, I’m right here and looking for attention”, c) “Stay out of my way, I need more space – I exist,” or d) “I’m brushing up against you to bond and share space.”

Variant: See Self Stroking or Auto ContactHead Touch (by others), Touching or Increase In Touching.

Cue In Action: a) Two people brush up against one another accidentally in a crowded elevator with no meaning at all. b) A woman backs into a man she finds interesting on the dance floor in effort to be noticed. c) Bob “accidentally” bumped up against his boss while walking to his office – he has been making a bid for the bosses’ managerial position for many months and wanted to keep him in his place. d) A husband and wife were washing and drying dishes together after dinner and accidentally brushed up against one another.

Meaning and/or Motivation: a) The cue has no specific intent. b) Feigned in a dating context where the cue signals sexual interest c) Feigned as a power play designed to intimidate. d) Usually meaningless, but can be a source of bonding by sharing intimate space.

Touch is a very powerful force and can be used to manipulate and influence others, but oftentimes, touching happens accidentally. We should be careful to properly assess the motivation of touching.

Cue Cluster: a) The head is down with no eye contact and no acknowledgement of contact is made. b) Eye contact is made with the target with a coy smile coupled with a feigned verbal apology. c) Head is down or up coupled with a forced stress smile or smirk. d) Both parties subconsciously acknowledge touching, but do not show any noticeable body language cues – they carry on with the task at hand while sharing space.

Body Language Category: Courtship Display, Indicator Of Sexual Interest (IOsI), Dominant/Aggressive Body Language, Dislike (nonverbal).


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