Body Language of The Contempt Facial Expression and Contempt Smile

Body Language of The Contempt Facial Expression and Contempt Smile

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Contempt Facial Expression 1Cue: Contempt Facial Expression and Contempt Smile

Synonym(s): Contempt Smile.

Description: In the contempt facial expression, wrinkles appear on the nose with one lip often raised to form a sneer. The eyes narrow. Lips are frequently pushed forward with a tight mouth raised slightly at the corners. The chin usually drops, or lifts and the head turns to the side.

The contempt smile happens when the corners of the lips are tightened unevenly and one side is lifted slightly higher than the other. In this case, the eyebrows are slightly raised. The smile might also push the lower lip up by the chin muscle and pull the corners of the mouth down. This is often coupled with lowered brows.

In One Sentence: The contempt facial expression is a tensing around the nose with one lip raised and serves to demonstrate disagreement.

How To Use it: Use the expression to show others that you are not in agreement but do not wish to do so overtly in a verbal fashion. A micro-sneer can be sent when you want to give a subtle hint of disapproval. The cue works in any context as it permits one to tow the line of confrontation with a subtle nonverbal expression. In this capacity, people will understand that you are not in agreement, but will not be able to hold you to it as the cue is fleeting and barely noticeable. Therefore, the cue is useful for expressing disapproval and disagreement without being overt.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I really don’t like what you’re saying or doing and so my face is scrunching up as if there is a malodor.”

Variant: Variants exist of high and low contempt smiles. These are demonstrated through degrees of stress across the face.

As high contempt is reached, the cues become more obvious. Disgust is close to Contempt and usually causes people to look downward on other people. Lint picking, avoiding eye contact, turning the body away can all show various degrees of contempt. Contempt can also be a microexpression and flash so quickly that it is barely noticed. Watch for the microexpression of the nose sneer or the eyes narrowing quickly.

Cue In Action: The conversation turned from bad to worse as it shifted onto politics. When they couldn’t see eye-to-eye on the matter, he wrinkled his nose, narrowed his eyes and tightened his lips while shaking his head in disgust. The message was clear.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Contempt is an emotion designed to show disagreement and an inability to see eye-to-eye on matters. Some contempt runs deeper than others and can be amplified with additional cues that come across as attacks. Contempt can be high or low, delivered by the relative strength of the associated cues.

Cue Cluster: Contempt is accompanied by looking downward, palms up in a “what are you doing posture,” sneering, pulled up nose, pursed lips, and head turned away.

Body Language Category: Dislike (nonverbal), Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Microexpressions, Negative body language, Rejection body language, Suspicious body language or suspicion, Universal facial expressions.


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