Body Language of Sinking In The Chair

Body Language of Sinking In The Chair

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Sinking In The Chair 1Cue: Sinking In The Chair.

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: The posterior is moved forward toward the front of the chair so a person can slouch and drop down low. The feet are held tightly together, head lowered chin down, eyes averted and downcast, the shoulders hunch up, the arms are kept close to the body.

In One Sentence: Sinking in the chair is a demonstration of relaxation and a casual attitude.

How To Use it: Sink in the chair when you want to show that you are withdrawing from a situation. Teenagers are particularly effective at this posture, especially in an educational setting. When sinking in the chair you are sending a message of indifference so be sure to use it with caution. Additionally, sinking in the chair is a way to reduce your overall profile. This is effective in reducing the changes that one is called upon.

Finally, sinking down in a chair is a way to get closer to a relaxed state as it puts our body in a sleep-like posture. When one has some downtime, slinking forward can help create a sense of relaxation without being totally prone.

Context: a) General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m hiding in plain sight by reducing the size of my body and remaining motionless so that other people don’t notice me.” a) “I have a relaxed attitude. I’m too cool for school.”

Variant: See Crouching, Body Lowering.

Cue In Action: a) The student sunk down really low in his chair and avoided eye contact with the professor. He hadn’t completed his homework and didn’t want to be called on. a) The new employee kept quiet and to herself. She had fudged some of the credentials on her resume and wasn’t familiar with the application.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Sinking in the chair is a closed body postures, as are most submissive postures. Reducing body size is the exact opposite from what one would do to indicate dominance. Dominance is displayed by taking up more space, being loose and free flowing, pushing the chin out, broadening our shoulders and so forth.

Making the body small limits the potential of being hit and covers up vital areas of the body. In today’s age, it is uncommon to be physically attacked, but the mechanism by which we display can have a big impact on how people react physiologically to us. In other words, body language plays a big part in how other’s perceive us even if we don’t know them, and so we can influence them to our advantage even before a word is spoken.

The extremity of submissive language is being curled up in the fetal position, however as we get older, we find that these gestures are not acceptable so we abbreviate them. We might therefore take on a crouched position.

Slouching in the chair can also show others that they are rejecting the situation and slipping away. We see this in people who are bored or those who wish to tell authority figures that they are superior to others and do not need or desire to immerse themselves in the material. This certainly applies to the student who parks himself in the rear of the class, slumps down, whose eyes begin to glaze. By comparison, the student who sits upright near the front of the glass proves that she is fully engaged in the course material (or is pretending to be).

Cue Cluster: Sinking in the chair includes pulling the arms inward, pulling the shoulders down and rounding them, hunching in, pulling the chin in and pulling the legs or knees closer together. Remaining motionless and avoiding eye contact are other key features of a submissive posture. What all these cues have in common is that they give us a better chance of being overlooked as a threat, and help to repel attention from us. Emotional tension created by submission can occur in either sex, such as a pale face, fidgeting, jerky movements, sweating, or displacement behaviours such as playing with the hair or rubbing the palms.

Body Language Category: Body size reduction, Closed body language, Embarrassment (nonverbal), Emotional body language, Escape movements, Low confidence body language, Protective reflexes, Readiness to submit postures.


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