Body Language of Foot Kicking

Body Language of Foot Kicking

BodyLanguageProjectCom - Foot Fidgeting 1Cue: Foot Kicking

Synonym(s): Leg Kick Response, Kicking The Foot.

Description: Foot kicking is directed, forceful and more of a single motion, but it too can be repeated as in foot jiggling.

In One Sentence: Foot kicking is a signal that one is experiencing negative emotions.

How To Use it: Use a foot kicking motion to show others that you are in disagreement with them and their ideas. You can also jiggle feet to blow off extra energy.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: “I’m experiencing negative thoughts and emotions and I’m showing what I’d like to do with those ideas – kick the crap out of them, that’s what.”

Variant: See Foot Fidgeting.

Cue In Action: Julie wasn’t happy when her friend Debbie received the award for best student. Her foot began an up and down kicking motion each time her name was mentioned in the speech. Her foot motion showed her negative thoughts.

Meaning and/or Motivation: Anytime foot jiggling suddenly turns to foot kicking while seated shows that a person has heard something negative and responding to the discomfort.

Jiggling usually depicts nervousness or boredom, but kicking on the other hand, is used to fight off unpleasant thoughts. This gesture is subconscious and visceral so is a reliable predictor because under most circumstances people don’t realize that they do it. Foot kicking can therefore tell you what people really think about what sort of questions you are asking them because once posed, they will readily begin to kick if it makes them uncomfortable. Foot kicking while seated shows that a person has heard something negative. It is a response to discomfort and is a direct consequence of the fight or flight response.

Cue Cluster: Foot kicking is associated with hand wringing, pinching of the skin, scratching the neck, hand clenching and gripping, balling of the fists, sucking or chewing on a pen and other aggressive body language.

Body Language Category: Aggressive body language, Anger, Dislike (nonverbal), Displacement behaviour, Energy Displacement, Frustration or frustrated body language, Hostile body language, Leaked or involuntary body language, Microgestures.


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