Body Language of F%$k Me Eyes

Body Language of F%$k Me Eyes

BodyLanguageProjectCom - F Me EyesCue: F%$k Me Eyes

Synonym(s): N/A

Description: A predator sexual eye pattern best accomplished by women who indicate to men that they wish to have sex with them. The eyes are focused on just him and no one else.

In One Sentence: F%$k me eyes are eyes that are sexual in nature and indicate the desire to take action.

How To Use it: Men and especially women can use these overt eye patterns to signal a clear message of sexual intent.

Context: Dating.

Verbal Translation: “I’m submitting to you, you can take me whenever you want.”

Variant: When men employ similar eye patterns they come across as inappropriate.

Cue In Action: She stared at him with inviting eyes and breathed in deeply, you could just tell that she was aroused.

Meaning and/or Motivation: She wants sex.

Cue Cluster: Associated with other courtship signals.

Body Language Category: Dominant body language, Eye Language, Indicators of sexual interest (IOsI).


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