Body Language of Sunglasses Body Language

Body Language of Sunglasses Body Language

No picCue: Sunglasses Body Language.

Synonym(s): Removing Sunglasses, Keeping Sunglasses On, Not Removing Sunglasses.

Description: Wearing and removing sunglasses mean various things depending on the context.

In One Sentence: Wearing sunglasses is a sign that one wishes to protect privacy and reduce intimacy or is simply in need of protecting the eyes from damaging ultraviolet rays.

How To Use it: Wearing sunglasses is a great way to reduce the amount of intimacy shared between you and other people. Sunglasses block the eyes which creates a barrier between you and other people. They are effective in concealing more than just the whites of the eyes, but the eyes in total, which eliminates one of the most important connections between people.

Wear sunglasses whenever you want to be shielded from other people and avoid intimate conversations and when you want to conceal emotions. Poker players habitually use sunglasses, even indoors, to hide telling information about their cards. The same is effective in general life.

See Meaning and/or Motivation to deduce more practical applications of sunglasses.

Context: General.

Verbal Translation: a) “I’m keeping my sunglasses on inside this dark room because I want to protect my privacy.” b) “I’m protecting my eyes from the sun and there is no hidden meaning behind my sunglasses.” c) “I’m removing my sunglasses because I want to show that I’m open and honest and want to establish a connection with you.” d) “I’m keeping my sunglasses on because I want to keep my distance from you and protect my privacy – my sunglasses are a barrier between you and me.”

Variant: See Eye Glasses Language.

Cue In Action: a) The celebrity wore his sunglasses from the moment he stepped out of his car until he was out of shot of the cameras b) It was a bright day at the beach and the parents and kids all wore sunglasses to protect their eyes. c) They hadn’t seen each other in almost five years, but as soon as she recognized the familiar face, she removed her sunglasses, said “hi” and gave her a big hug. d) The neighbours struck up a conversation about the loud tenants next door. It wasn’t a particularly sunny day, but both elected to keep their sunglasses on to maintain their privacy.

Meaning and/or Motivation: The main purpose of sunglasses is to protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation, but when they are worn out of this context, they are laden with hidden meaning.

Sunglasses offer more than protection from the sun, they also protect our eyes from being read. Our eyes hold plenty of potentially hidden information. Those who keep eye glasses on, think celebrities and poker players, while indoors, or in cloudy conditions are telling others that they have a need for secrecy, privacy and to some degree (and in some cases), protection from the bright flashes of the camera.

We habitually see celebrities indoors or in nighttime conditions with sunglasses. This hides the emotion of their face by creating a barrier and also protects their identity. The celebrity is saying, “back off and give me some space and privacy.” When others copy the celebrity-cool-factor by sporting sunglasses indoors it shows that they wish to appear important by feigning celebrity.

Obviously, if we wish to welcome and continue a conversation or increase its effectiveness, we should promptly remove our sunglasses, even in really sunny conditions, so we might benefit from mutual gaze and intimacy. When your counterpart wears glasses, you might both agree to keep them on. However, in so doing, a less intimate encounter will be produced.

Someone that refuses to remove sunglasses is saying that they are a private person and does not want to expose themselves to the judgment and intimacy of others. Wearing sunglasses during a conversation is like hearing the person talk, without really seeing them. It’s like the mythical man behind the curtain where you can never quite get the whole picture.

Conversely, someone that makes a point to remove sunglasses is saying that they want to appear open, honest and create a trusting bond.

Wearing the sunglasses on top of the head can also help to appear cool because it gives the impression of having two sets of eyes. The larger set on top of the head also appear larger with big baby-like pupils. This can work to a person’s advantage.

Alternatively, wearing sunglasses might mean nothing at all. Certain people are particularly sensitive to bright lights and wear sunglasses from the moment they leave the house until they reach their indoor destination.

Cue Cluster: When sunglasses remain on, the face is usually expressionless, the body rigid with body movements controlled and restricted only to that necessary. When sunglasses are removed, expect a person to be full of expression such as smiling, wide eyes (unless the sun is really bright), open gesticulation, and so forth.

Body Language Category: Arrogance or arrogant body language, Barriers, Blocking or Shielding, Closed body language, Disengagement body language, Eye blocking, Eye Language, Indicators of disinterest (IOD), Open body language or openness, Suspicious body language.


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