Tag Archive for Alliances

The Truth Bias

A review of the literature on lying and truth telling shows us that an average sixty-seven percent accuracy is found when detecting the truth, whereas forty-four percent is found while detecting deception. In other words, people’s accuracy at detecting truths is usually higher than their accuracy at detecting lies! This is what is called the truth bias. Some possible explanations for the truth bias stem from the fact that in everyday encounters we usually deal with honest people. While lying is pervasive, it doesn’t happen nearly as often as does lying. Thus, we expect people to be telling the truth and are therefore better at detecting it.

Another possible reason for our inherent truth bias is because it would be detrimental to act suspiciously while speaking with others just in case they were telling the truth. If our default was to label other people as deceptive, we’d be constantly interrupting others to clarify statements, or our suspicion would have our minds busy fact checking at a later time. Our conversations would be littered with statements such as ‘That can’t be true’ or ‘Really, I can’t see that’ or ‘I’ll believe that when I see it’ which sometimes it is, but usually not. This would be time consuming and counterproductive given the nature of real to life situations, that is that people normally tell the truth. Our social rules also do not permit us to act suspiciously and if we did so would alienate others and prevent us from formulating alliances or friendships. In fact, ignoring the faults of others is the primary reason we allow ourselves to associate with anyone at all. Those with a memory for detail find it hard to ‘let things go’ or ‘ignore subtle unimportant flaws’ which can be detrimental for relationships. The truth bias tells us that letting little ‘white lies’ go, is an integral part of human nature, perhaps even necessary.

Circular Seating Positions

At a circular table each person shares power making collaboration easier.

At a circular table each person shares power making collaboration easier.

When no leader is

When a known leader is seated at a circular table, power trickles down as the relative distance increases.  In this case #1 has the most power followed by #2, #3, #4 and finally the person who sits opposite.  The person opposite finds himself in a unique situation of having to face the leader head-on!

When a known leader is seated at a circular table, power trickles down as the relative distance increases. In this case #1 has the most power followed by #2, #3, #4 and finally the person who sits opposite. The person opposite finds himself in a unique situation of having to face the leader head-on!

present, round tables can be used to create informal settings unlike rectangular tables that are used to conduct work or to reprimand employees. In offices, round tables are usually a place to relax and converse or to drink coffee. Smart offices will use these areas to build alliances with potential clients, especially timid ones, break down barriers, and create rapport. Round tables can reduce pressure and build trust. Round tables also offers neat divisions or ‘pie shapes’ where each person receives the same amount of space or “territory” that collect into a common center. Square tables on the other hand, have territories that lack clear boundaries which can present their own power struggle.

King Arthur attempted to equalize authority and status amongst his knights with the “round table.” He felt that without creating a head of table, his peers would see themselves as more equal preventing quarrels. Previous to the round table, a medieval king usually sat at one end of the table, with the court jester facing him at the other end. The knights were seated at the two sides with the most important among them seated closer to the king. What King Arthur failed to realize with his round table, however, was the trickle down effect where those sitting to his immediate left and right held the next level of power due to their proximity to him. As one was more removed from the King, their level of status diminished likewise until finally reaching the furthest party. Unfortunate for this person, he faced the King directly putting him in a competitive arrangement! Ironically, and counter to his initial assumption, the round table can still present difficulties in creating positive outcomes especially where a definitive leader is present.