Did we forget a nonverbal term? Suggest it in the comment box or e-mail it direct, and we’ll be ecstatic to add it! With well over 1,000 terms the BLP dictionary is growing to be the largest free nonverbal dictionary in the world!
A: Ankle-cross-or-scissor-cross, Arm-gripping, Anger, etc.
- B: Baselining, Business-gaze, Beta-males-and-females, etc.
- C: Congruence, Closed-body-language, Clenching, etc.
- D: Disgust, Downtime, Duchenne-smile, etc.
- E: Eyebrow-flash, Eye-flash, Energy-displacement, etc.
- F: Fashion,Figure Four,Fig Leaf position, Full Body Steeple, etc.
- G: Gaze avoidance, Gazing, Gaze omission, etc.
- H: Halo effect, Handshaking, Hammer fist, Haptics, etc.
- I: Illustrators, Intensity, Interlacing fingers, Intimate gaze, etc.
- J: No entries, be the first to suggest a term.
- K: King Arthur, Kino, Kino escalation, Kino test, etc.
- L: Laughter, Laughing cycle, Leg crossing, Leg spreading, etc.
- M: Masking, Measurer (the), Mehrabian, Albert, etc.
- N: Natural smilers, Nasal wing dilation, Neck exposure, etc.
- O: Observation, Oddball handshake, Ok personality, etc.
- P: Pat (the), Pacifier, Pace, Pacing, Palm flash, etc.
- Q: No entries, be the first to suggest a term.
- R: Rapport, Regulators, Rejection, Readiness, etc.
- S: Scorn, Seated body pointing, Seated readiness, etc.
- T: Tap (the), teacup handshake, Teeth grinding, Tells, etc.
- U: Unblinking eye, Uncommitted liars, Undershaker, etc.
- V: Ventral displays, Ventral denial, Visual learners, etc.
- W: Wink, Whispering, Wrench forward handshake, etc.
- X: No entries, be the first to suggest a term.
- Y: Yawning.
- Z: Zygomatic major muscles.
If you are only picking up on what is being said, you are missing more than half of the message!
The Body Language Project
For more information on BodyLanguage be sure to check out: BodyLanguageProject.com and the Ebook – Body Language Project: Dating, Attraction and Sexual Body Language.